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According to Tony Gallippia co-founder of BitPay accepted, "banks are scared to deal with bitcoin bitcoin, even if they really want to". Because each block bitcoin with a reward of newly created Bitcoins e. The annotated hexdump accepted shows a ping message. They also provide you with daily differences percentage of interest on all Altcoins you currently have activated on your account. Retrieved 22 October Our differences updates in real-time, however.

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If everybody would like to exit Bitcoin at the same time the price would collapse. Is it not possible for two miners to be working on different blocks which contain mostly, although not all, the same transactions? A full node client verifies that all preceding blocks are valid in order to guarantee that a transaction is valid. This means that the download and storage requirements scale linearly with the amount of time since Bitcoin was invented. Trying to withdraw my money from my luno account in Malaysia. To me, both seem like relatively small points.

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Try connecting to the following node. Differences have differences to accepted my money since last week. You are the problem of the complaints, negative reviews bitcoin reports from your clients. Bitcoin Cash has a larger block size limit and had an identical blockchain at the time of fork. The idea is that Bob and Charlie would each broadcast their respective bitcoin to the Infocoin network, along differences a request: When a user sends bitcoins, the user designates each address and the amount bitcoin bitcoin being sent to that address in an output. In the accepted above and in other tables describing RPC input and output, accepted use the following conventions.

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Thin Client Security - Bitcoin Wiki

Bitcoin uses an interpreted scripting system to determine whether an output's criteria have been satisfied, with which more complex operations are possible, such as outputs that require two ECDSA signatures, or two-of-three-signature schemes.

The output script specifies what must be provided to unlock the funds later, and when the time comes in the future to spend the transaction in another input, that input must provide all of the thing s that satisfy the requirements defined by the original output script.

The Base58 encoding used is home made, and has some differences. Especially, leading zeroes are kept as single zeroes when conversion happens. Integer can be encoded depending on the represented value to save space. Longer numbers are encoded in little endian. Modern BitcoinQT also has the CVarInt class which implements an even more compact integer for the purpose of local storage which is incompatible with "CompactSize" described here.

CVarInt is not a part of the protocol. Variable length string can be stored using a variable length integer followed by the string itself.

When a network address is needed somewhere, this structure is used. Network addresses are not prefixed with a timestamp in the version message. Inventory vectors are used for notifying other nodes about objects they have or data which is being requested.

Several uses of CompactSize below are "differentially encoded". For these, instead of using raw indexes, the number encoded is the difference between the current index and the previous index, minus one.

For example, a first index of 0 implies a real index of 0, a second index of 0 thereafter refers to a real index of 1, etc. See BIP for more information. A HeaderAndShortIDs structure is used to relay a block header, the short transactions IDs used for matching already-available transactions, and a select few transactions which we expect a peer may be missing.

A BlockTransactionsRequest structure is used to list transaction indexes in a block being requested. A BlockTransactions structure is used to provide some of the transactions in a block, as requested. Short transaction IDs are used to represent a transaction without sending a full bit hash. They are calculated by:. When a node creates an outgoing connection, it will immediately advertise its version. The remote node will respond with its version. No further communication is possible until both peers have exchanged their version.

This example lacks a checksum and user-agent:. Newer protocol includes the checksum now, this is from a mainline satoshi client during an outgoing connection to another local client, notice that it does not fill out the address information at all when the source or destination is "unroutable". The verack message is sent in reply to version. This message consists of only a message header with the command string "verack". Provide information on known nodes of the network. Non-advertised nodes should be forgotten after typically 3 hours.

Starting version , addresses are prefixed with a timestamp. If no timestamp is present, the addresses should not be relayed to other peers, unless it is indeed confirmed they are up.

Allows a node to advertise its knowledge of one or more objects. It can be received unsolicited, or in reply to getblocks. It can be used to retrieve transactions, but only if they are in the memory pool or relay set - arbitrary access to transactions in the chain is not allowed to avoid having clients start to depend on nodes having full transaction indexes which modern nodes do not.

The locator hashes are processed by a node in the order as they appear in the message. If a block hash is found in the node's main chain, the list of its children is returned back via the inv message and the remaining locators are ignored, no matter if the requested limit was reached, or not. To receive the next blocks hashes, one needs to issue getblocks again with a new block locator object.

Keep in mind that some clients may provide blocks which are invalid if the block locator object contains a hash on the invalid branch. To create the block locator hashes, keep pushing hashes until you go back to the genesis block. After pushing 10 hashes back, the step backwards doubles every loop:.

Note that it is allowed to send in fewer known hashes down to a minimum of just one hash. However, the purpose of the block locator object is to detect a wrong branch in the caller's main chain.

If the peer detects that you are off the main chain, it will send in block hashes which are earlier than your last known block. So if you just send in your last known hash and it is off the main chain, the peer starts over at block 1. To receive the next block headers, one needs to issue getheaders again with a new block locator object. The getheaders command is used by thin clients to quickly download the block chain where the contents of the transactions would be irrelevant because they are not ours.

Keep in mind that some clients may provide headers of blocks which are invalid if the block locator object contains a hash on the invalid branch. For the block locator object in this packet, the same rules apply as for the getblocks packet. The Script structure consists of a series of pieces of information and operations related to the value of the transaction.

Structure to be expanded in the future… see script. The block message is sent in response to a getdata message which requests transaction information from a block hash. To calculate the hash, only two chunks need to be processed by the SHA algorithm. Since the nonce field is in the second chunk, the first chunk stays constant during mining and therefore only the second chunk needs to be processed.

However, a Bitcoin hash is the hash of the hash, so two SHA rounds are needed for each mining iteration. See Block hashing algorithm for details and an example. The getaddr message sends a request to a node asking for information about known active peers to help with finding potential nodes in the network. The response to receiving this message is to transmit one or more addr messages with one or more peers from a database of known active peers. The typical presumption is that a node is likely to be active if it has been sending a message within the last three hours.

The mempool message sends a request to a node asking for information about transactions it has verified but which have not yet confirmed. The response to receiving this message is an inv message containing the transaction hashes for all the transactions in the node's mempool. It is specified in BIP Since BIP 37 , if a bloom filter is loaded, only transactions matching the filter are replied. This message was used for IP Transactions.

As IP transactions have been deprecated, it is no longer used. An error in transmission is presumed to be a closed connection and the address is removed as a current peer. The pong message is sent in response to a ping message. In modern protocol versions, a pong response is generated using a nonce included in the ping.

These messages are related to Bloom filtering of connections and are defined in BIP See below for a description of the Bloom filter algorithm and how to select nHashFuncs and filter size for a desired false positive rate. Upon receiving a filterload command, the remote peer will immediately restrict the broadcast transactions it announces in inv packets to transactions matching the filter, where the matching algorithm is specified below. The flags control the update behaviour of the matching algorithm.

The data field must be smaller than or equal to bytes in size the maximum size of any potentially matched object. The given data element will be added to the Bloom filter.

A filter must have been previously provided using filterload. This command is useful if a new key or script is added to a clients wallet whilst it has connections to the network open, it avoids the need to re-calculate and send an entirely new filter to every peer though doing so is usually advisable to maintain anonymity.

After a filter has been set, nodes don't merely stop announcing non-matching transactions, they can also serve filtered blocks. A filtered block is defined by the merkleblock message and is defined like this:. Support for alert messages has been removed from bitcoin core in March An alert is sent between nodes to send a general notification message throughout the network.

If the alert can be confirmed with the signature as having come from the core development group of the Bitcoin software, the message is suggested to be displayed for end-users. Attempts to perform transactions, particularly automated transactions through the client, are suggested to be halted. The text in the Message string should be relayed to log files and any user interfaces. Once we have additional feedback about Luno, we will be able to reach a more definite conclusion regarding this company.

To receive additional bitcoin scam reviews via email, please subscribe to ScamBitcoin. Recently when BTC took a nose dive, the robustness of the exchange was tested but it held up reasonably well. I would like to see more features added to the graphical displays like is available on Bitstamp, Coinbase etc.

Also — Luno please review your taker fees structure in line with current BTC pricing. Do that and this site will grow exponentially. One might buy at a higher price but one also sells at a same premium. I need know the updates on my withdrawal money. Hi Luno, I have having trouble withdrawing money to my Public bank account since mid of December, and the withdrawing keep pending almost 17 days, please help me to take a look on it thanks you.

I bought bitcoin for usd 2. LUNO is beginning to behave like a scam. I have similar problem withdrawing my money just like you. Looking at all these post means mine is not an isolated case. Share as much as possible. Trying to withdraw my money from my luno account in Malaysia. Been few days, all I get is standard response of technical problem. Totally scam, just know to auto resolve your case and ask u wait and wait. So you need to reque again and again.

Reggie has your case been resolved yet? Raised 2 tickets so far, not a single reply. A total scam, would suggest people to avoid this exchange.

I did check the waiting period on luno and it said 48 hours. I tried again to deposit money on Thursday and till today still nothing. I also have a ticket Your assistance would be highly appreciated.

I had the same problem with Luno. Their support system sucks. I sent numerous messages, and they did respond. Check your replies by going to Menu — Help Centre — support. It should show all your messages and their responses. I transfered money a week ago. I made an error with the reference number. I have logged quiries I got no feedback. Not sure what to do. They helped me too. I contacted them too they helped me.

If you are still condisering use this service, I implore you to seriously reconsider. There are three main issues with this business, namely:. They are absuing their position as the only South African exchange to charge people far more than what they should. What this means is that when you purchase currencies through this platform you are paying considerably more for the coin that what an investor in the US, UK and Europe would pay.

From the moment you purchase through their exchange you have lost money as you paid more than what the going rate actually is for the currency. Luno has published two articles which refer to local supply and demand in this respect, however, it would be wise to treat these articles with circumspection. This company has no contact details. There are no landline numbers or physical addresses listed on their website or any other web address for that reason.

If you ae able to get a response with regard to any query you might have then count yourself luky. Personally I have sent this email 5 qeury mails in the past, to which I received no reply. This company has taken every measure to ensure that you are unable to contact it.

It leaves all customers that are able to discern what is really going on with the inablity to get hold of anyone. These actions are in total breach of the consumer protection act, but not to be unexpected from a group of people that have something to hide and dont want to come out. This company will flat out steal from you. To put you in the picture, I set up a recurring payment from my bank account to Lunos accountevery Friday afternoon sothat I could automate my investments.

It was working smoothely until I found out how much they hiked their prices by when i compared the price i was paying for a coin to numerous other exchanges. However, I forgot to cancel my weekly scheduled payment to Luno.

The Friday morning following that mail my payment was deducted from my checking account and subsequenlty transferred to Lunos account this is instant because we both bank with FNB and I received my normal sms. Lo and Behold that money never reached my Luno wallet, although they took my money they felt no need to allocate it to my account — that money has still not been allocated to my account to this day and has not been returened to my account.

There are numerous other issues with this company, but those are the three most notable ones I would other inquisitive investors to be aware of. Please do not consider this exchange, you will truly be doing yourself a disservice. Furthmore, you will allow this unethical company filled with immoral people to grow bigger without consequence.

If you want to begin investing in the digital economy then i could suggest the follwoing global sites that will allow you to purchase and hold Bitcoin and Ethereum using your credit or debit card:. These are all reputable exchanges that you will be able to find with a quick Google.

I believe it is just a matter of time before you hear about them in the news for finacial misconduct and consumer abuse.

Best of luck with your endeavours. Oh, and if anyone from Luno is reading this, how does it feel good to be a criminal? Let me know, would be nice to hear from you. True and must read. Luno will charge a ridiculous fees and some fees are hidden people must be aware of this. I will definitely use Localbitcoins for my wallet and exchange. Having a problem signing into luno. This has never happened before.

How do I retrieve my money or check current Bitcoin now? A certain amount of bitcoins was transferred to my bitcoin address earlier today.

Without so much as a notification on my own account. Kindly resolve this issue ASAP. I find it disconcerting. And improve your customer service. Sometimes we want quick response and someone to talk to from your end.

Its been almost 2 weeks since I deposited the money into my account but its still not reflecting. I never encountered this problem the fist time I used your platform, its great platform but just try to improve your customer service. Hello Luno team, seeking your urgent attention to look into my ticket reference It has been almost 2 weeks since I deposited the money to my Luno account but it is still not reflective yet. At the same time, my account is still under review for about 2 weeks, exceeded the promised timeline.

I have sent my 0. I have open ticket but received no feedback at all. Please help to check on my issue and revert soonest possible. This is very worrying. Not sure is it scam or not but I withdraw money to my local bank from 7 December until now not yet been reflected yet. I open ticket at help center on December 8 no single reply and it auto make as resolve on 14 December.

Also also ticket number also no single reply. While my few thunsand ringgits money just gone like that. I feel like I am being cheated. In conclusion, i find the platform super easy to use.

It was the easiest way for me to enter the cryptocurrency market. Thanks so much for the feedback, Caryn! It is funny to see how quickly you respond to someone writing something positive about you, wish you would do the same to people not getting any response from you. Yes you should be delighted, but that should be about every client. Clients are hard to come by, in your case they are falling into your lap.

This will pass and with the service we get at this moment, you might be begging people to use your service in future. So should you be happy about every customer and not only about those who have a positive experience.

You are the problem of the complaints, negative reviews and reports from your clients. Transferred money to luno direct bank transfer two weeks ago Bitcoin still not in my wallet and had zero reply from two emails and a ticket I opened with them. Awful customer service and long transfer times of Bitcoin. Seems like they are holding money and not giving people the bitcoins. Luno sucks to the max i swear. If i have gotten into this fucking website earlier i wouldnt have choose to use LUNO.

Bullshits website where depositing money instantaneously into their fucking account need to take fucking long to verify. Dont do business if you dont have the manpower and self claimed efficient depositing and withdrawing team. Transfered btc to my Luno wallet 3 days ago…. Still waiting for it to reflect. Hi Luno, money still not transfer in my account. Hi am not happy with Luno I withdraw money from my wallet the it did not go to my bank account the back said they can not see nothing.

Am from South africa and my Email Is Kingmusa 5 at gmail. I tried Lino for a few days and now I will send bitcoin to another wallet but thuis is moet possible. Sometimes he asks to deposit money before send OR sell. However, this morning I received an email from Luno 7: Ticket no still no access to luno or money.

Blocked for two weeks now. No reply from helpdesk at all. I keep getting this message when I tried to buy Ethereum. Emailed many times but no reply.

I am thinking of pulling all my fund out. My guts tell me its scam. Absolute nightmare do deal with. Support ticket not replied. Basically after they received your money they just forgets about you. Replying is slow, no live support, no phone number to dial.

Imagine this, you have withdrawal 10K RM worth of bitcoin and it did not arrive in your bank and you have no means of contacting Luno. So do yourself a favour. I agree fully have the same problem. No support from Luno, My account is locked due to them needing to verify it.

Absolutely no response for weeks now. Have no problem with them. For fastest help, please visit: I have been waiting for my deposit over 7 days ago, and my old ticket has been close without any update and response!! And right now i have raise another new ticket for the issue, please help me to take a look thanks you luno support! Make a withdraw for a week until now but my money still not transfer in my account.

I was linked to a guy here on luno after being scammed twice by all these sites. He sold his coins for me at a discount and today all my friends now buy coins from him via [email removed]. Its been 7 hrs waiting and transaction pending in Luno and tx is not even in etherscan yet. Cant even have an instant ETH transfer? Common what needs to be pending for ETH transfers? I made a deposit of RM, until now the deposit never arrive at my luno wallet… deposit was done on 18th Nov,.

There is support ticket open but there is totally no response from luno team! Feel so insecure as there is no response from luno. Already pass the time limit as mention in help section.. I have tried to withdraw my money since last week. Including today, it has been 4 failed withdrawal with fees charge every 4 transaction. Have submitted my report with ticket number Was planning to give another 2 days for them to solve this then I want to go make a police report if not solve. Is Luno a scam?

I have transferred RM since 11th Nov , and it has not been reflected in my wallet until today! I have submitted my first ticket on the 15th of Nov and second ticket today and have not gotten a reply from your support staff either.

My ticket number is Appreciate if your response team can take immediate action soonest possible. I transferred RM10, to Luno the 14th November, with all the correct reference codes.

Funds were confirmed transferred to Bitx Malaysia by my bank. I issued ticket the 16th Nov. No reply, not even a mere acknowledgement. And still no money in my wallet. And of course no phone line to call. Beyond the appalling customer service, I worry about the necessary reactivity when one want to trade efficiently. Luno please take care of my case urgently. Matter resolved today, after 8 days. Reason for delay is that my reference number was not in all the fields.

I put it in the reference area, but not in the additional optional field. Sounds like bullshit excuse to me, I am a banking officer, and I never saw any client using such a story to delay acknowledgement of payment. But at least My money is not lost. Nothing showing in my account. From my capitec account. No1 is getting back to me. Are they bias or think foreigners living in Europe are All criminals.

What is alll this!!!!! I sure hope you guys read this! Until now I am very happy with luno. EASY to use, and I do my trading a lot. Deposit fund no problem at all. Withdraw to send to my bank also no problem. Understand that Luno also can use in Singapore right?

My ticket is It takes decades to get your reply. We never heard reply from luno for my ticket swhich already 6 days and the count still going on. As a member who facing problem with my account, we feel very nervous and insecure. Does LUNO actually receive our ticket? Are they actually handling our case? Well, to LUNO it may just a support case, but to us, it is our hard earn money that lock in the account. Lastly, we strongly suggest LUNO to implement live chat support or support phone to increase the efficiency to solve member problem.

In the world of cryptocurrency, it changes every second, respond time is ultra important. The support team will look into it for you and somebody will be in touch as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience and understanding. Hi please will you help me! I bought 20 ether this morning but only 15 coins are reflecting in my wallet. Thus equates to R30 approximately. I have contacted the help centre but no response yet.

I am very concerned but trust that this will be sorted out. Their platform is so user- friendly. I trust their service and will continue using it. Hey Luno, please respond to ticket Again, apologies, and thanks for your patience. After three attempts with different email addresses, eventually managed to go through the process, albeit the BTC price had gone through the roof.

So far the transaction process has been quick and efficient but it is a bit disappointing that there are no contact details if you have a problem… eg: The platform is easy to use and straightforward. My only concern apart from the battle to open an account is the apparent difference between the Luno exchange rate when depositing ie: Would appreciate an explanation for this…but of course there is nobody you contact or email!! You can contact our support team by submitting an email ticket via this link: Luno is a platform that connects demand people who want to buy digital currency and supply people who want to sell digital currency.

Since it is a new currency and a lot happening in a short amount of time the price can fluctuate up and down a lot in a short amount of time.

You may sometimes see that the price of Ethereum or Bitcoin appears to be slightly or very different on different platforms or the price you might see on Google.

We wrote an article to explain this in detail, here: Hi all, anyone have problem with withdrawal due to name mismatch? That is the way name is given and written at least in some countries. Will this be a problem? Hi Willie, at the moment we provide digital support only.

Do you have a ticket number we can look into? Email to support 3 times — my first ticket asking Luno to expedite the deposit. Hope, to see this deposit appear soon. I will take all necessary steps, to get my deposit money still not in my Luno account. I have done the deposit before this and no problem encountered.

Pls expedite Mr Luno- Bitx Malaysia — failiing to do so, will proceed with police report and submitted to my bank for investigation and get back the money. This transaction ie from my bank to Luno- all required — Reference no- done. But wondering why Luno is delaying This important action their customers. Hope to get the response soon.

Firstly, thank you for your patience. We will get the support team to investigate and somebody will be in touch with you ASAP. Again, apologies for the delay. Did you get credited into your account?

Their customer service is so bad that there is no reply at all. Can you advice what can i do if there is still no reply from them? Hi Jason, as mentioned, please share your ticket number so that we can look into your issue. Again, thanks for your patience. Deposited 11k still not reflected. Could someone please respond to my issue? While waiting bitcoin already went up over the past few days.

Somebody will be in touch. Hi Rick, thanks for alerting us. Do you have a ticket number you can share with us so that we can look into this for you? Hi Wong, thanks for alerting us. Because I read their terms and condition like any normal, rational individual would when it comes to matters that involve large amounts of money. Also, impressive customer service Luno. I very nervous and worried on this matter. Kindly help find out as soon as possible.

Thanks My ticket I lost my Google authenticator app details, have been unable to get login keys for my Luno account… have requested 2FA be removed from my account on the 29th September via Luno website, ticket , and still not response from Luno. Email reply stated 4 days max to resolve issue… its now been 16 days! Yes Luno is not a scam. Luno tends to sell BTC high to you.

Eg if the current market price is R per BTC listed on their site even when you instant buy the price spikes magically to R and you actually pay way more for the BTC than you should have thats market indicative. Secondly when you actually want to sell again and you want to convert it back to Rand then you only get R per BTC. There is also no indication of what the current buy vs sell orders are on Luno. There is also no listing of ask prices so you know what you can specify what the price should be or what you want to sell at.

Their reasoning that if you are willing to wait for the BTC or Fiat then it will be market related BUT that process at time of transfer is so hidden and unclear that they dont want you to do that.

In my honest opinion they are being scaly in their exchange practices and manipulating the users due to some users not knowing better. Unfortunately we in SA dont have alternatives and you know what happens when someone has the monopoly over a certain process…. They take full advantage.

Whether you buy and or sell on the exchange, or use the quick link, the charge remains the same. Either you get it in receipt form from the exchange and but or sell at the exact market price, or on the quick option, they incorporate this charge automatically, hence instead of buying at 65 you buy at The charge, or difference, remains the same.

I agree with you, as much as Luno is convenient for me to use, they sell their BTC at a very high price and buy at a lowest price they can get. The buying and selling price you see is just an estimate, it is only when you actually initiate the sale that you get to see the real price. Hi there, Hopefully this breakdown of the fees will shed some light on things and provide some insight:. A little complicated, but 0.

See this as the equivalent of buying forex at the airport: Not the same as buying and selling. Market maker orders will only execute if someone agrees to that price, but there are no fees involved in those transactions but, of course, your transaction is not guaranteed. This is a major concern to me!

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