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Solar furnace to calicine heat meganet high temperature the bitcoin to make cement. Is this a new. Bitcoin don't consider Kim a nice person but if bitcoin venture he is starting is profitable meganet will provide reward adequate to risks, then why not? Drawings and payment sent electronically. I am a strong believer of meganet intellectual property.

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Plus, how are you going to do computation on all your data? You can also explore the Bitcoin Wiki:. If you have a fairly powerful computer that is almost always online, you can help the network by running Bitcoin Core. If few people use it, it's less secure but there's also less reason for somebody to attack it. It's anyone's choice to send money to who they chose if they feel they want to support the site regardless of what they do with it even pocket it. He can only prevent new records from registering.

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There are no "clean" technologies. Various meganet of this apparatus were built in the s and s. And I do mean print with graphene. Is it using the blockchain? You can find individual open-source bitcoin by bitcoin for them ie "open source lathe". Because if it was revealed it was a "for meganet project of his company nobody or very few would mine meganet. If they could connect entire continents, access points could potentially be required only to transmit bitcoin changes across the oceans.

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Meganet bitcoin

Meganet bitcoin

With Kim's experience and abilities to raise capital he'd have the advantage. Another thing worth point out is the author of the open-source project is from Hungary. Where a fascist party Fidesz won in , immediately tore up the constitution to rebalance power sharing in favor of the ruling party and limit the role of courts, and most recently they proposed an Internet tax that has been shelved for the time being after protest. Which effectively means they no longer have job security so long as they remain in Budapest and moreover the country.

This project could very easily be their ticket out, and on their way to doubling or tripling their current salary. If that happened they'd likely have to very little time to spare for ZeroNet. The situation is not that bad here in Hungary. I love the city, have a pretty good job with nice salary, living in my own apartment, so i'm not intend leave the country.

I really appreciate if someone donate to my project, but in fact i'm not really interested in money, i can buy everything i want to own. He created KGW which is now basically used by every single coin. No other developer has accomplished such a feat. I don't know if I'd go that far. Was used by a fair amount of coins at one point or another, but has now been phased out for the most part now that Dark Gravity Wave, DigiShield, etc have been brought about.

The OP's point stands as no altcoin has had an innovation as heavily adopted. If megacoin was purely a scam, it sure did it right. I remember scrypt mining and seeing that on Multipool and wondering wtf that was.

I've still got about a billion Mooncoin, a few hundred thousand Emerald, Flappy, some Digital and about k Dogecoin. Then I returned 4 and continued playing with the rest.

Thanks, but you spelled "really fucking lucky" wrong. I hate gambling, and at the time I thought I was so smart, wondered why hadn't the Wall Street called me yet.

Then I realized there is no way in hell I would repeat that success, so I bailed. Did something similar myself. Luke, man, you gotta stop exposing your reasoning and logic in public like that.

Think of the children! Oh my god not the children captaindoge sarcastically says , think about drugs, weapons and let forget, illegal pornos. Torrents are the same and don't require a blockchain.

Some sort of DHT tech sounds more applicable if I were to guess based on the fact that people in our community have already developed what he's hinting at there. Torrents die seedless if they aren't popular enough, on the other hand everything in the blockchain stays there.

More interestingly, there's no requirement for nodes to be seeders, or even have a copy of the blockchain. Nor any incentive for them to do so Is there any other completely distributed database, with timestamp capabilities, impossible to alter, resilient, free, decentralized, always available, available from anywhere.

Where I can for example, upload the hash of a contract for undeniable proof of existence? If there is, please, point me to it. Otherwise here you have some reasons while blockchains are useful even if you don't need consensus. The blockchain is not a database. You can get the timestamping just fine with proof-of-work alone, no blockchain needed. Creation and curation of quality dvd-rips are obviously a trust issue. Signed hashes can easily be verified by known-but-anonymous authors and reviewers.

What does that have to do with a blockchain though? Can't they just release the proper hash so that people can compare it? Just as we do now when we download open source software and such? How often do you get prosecuted for releasing open spurce material? Providing trustworthy hashes are a centralized point of failure, and having a functional block chain would be a nice way to provide signed hashes and timestamps semi-anonymously.

I can imagine a few internet services that could benefit from P2P blockchain-powered internet services:. Then once that is set up, you could probably route network communications in a tor-like style, having the peer list validated by miners using a blockchain. In order to join the network, peers would need to come up with a hashcash that meets a certain timing criteria. Hopefully the protocol will have nodes randomly communicate random false data to other nodes in order to prevent traffic analysis.

Namecoin is the DNS piece of the puzzle, integrating it with Tor is another. Tor is vulnerable to sybil attacks iirc, and I think the Tor folks manually maintain a blacklist. An idea I've been thinking about is reducing network spam via the hashcash requirement.

In order to join the Tor network as a node, you need to generate a hashcash that meets the network requirements which could be something like the SHA of your private key, similar to a bitcoin address. If you request a huge data packet from server X, and need it to route from A to B to C to X, then the client needs to generate a hashcash from the challenge sent by server X that meets network requirements.

Nodes A, B, and C are then rewarded when they "unwrap" the data packet and send it to the next node down the line. In order to prevent traffic analysis though, data must be sent in all directions to statistically mask the true recipient. I thought there already is a Megacoin: Why would this guy of all people decline credit if it was his doing? Surely he must love attention. But given the current issues surrounding Kim Dotcom's legal position and the questionable legal status of crypto currencies currently - it might not be wise, if it is him, to come forward at this point in time.

Because if it was revealed it was a "for profit" project of his company nobody or very few would mine it. He claimed that Megaupload was not a project of his and tried to pay off websites to not mention him in connection with it before, but then, if it was him trying to be quiet about a new scam or whatever, he'd probably not call it anything with "mega" in the name.

Kim Dotcom is clearly referring to Blockchain technology.. Where does it say using the bitcoin blockchain. He could be referring to the blockchain technology, not the BTC currency's blockchain. Its a ledger, not a storage space ffs. I was wondering why kim dotcom has been so quiet regarding Bitcoin I hope this is based on Bitcoin blockchain. But bitcoin is ideally suited to crooks as in not reversible. Once it's gone from your wallet or an exchanges wallet, or a stores , it is gone.

As a New Zealander, what's right up his alley is power and money. The man is about as egotistical and self-centered as you could imagine. Thanks for the downvotes. I can see there are some ignorant dotcom lovers here. Why don't you do some reading about his character?

If Karpeles started a business related to bitcoin, would you give him your money? Kim Dotcom is a fraudster, plain and simple. I don't consider Kim a nice person but if the venture he is starting is profitable and will provide reward adequate to risks, then why not? He lives in New Zealand and has been all over our news for years. We know what kind of fraud he is. That's not to justify the state's actions here or the US's involvement, but the man is not interested in forwarding a tech unless there is huge personal gain involved.

Funny how the english internet has so little mention of how he, well, got out of the whole running a caling card fraud scam and piracy bbs thing by selling out everybody he worked with and all his users, data and all, to the police, and then worked for one of germanys most notorious antipiracy lawyers for a while. The real WTF here is that you went to http: I see that antique website supports Bitcoin, and Litecoin, and Dogecoin, and even Paycoin wut?

I think maybe that's a totally unrelated "meganet" company. Maybe magnet links are hosted in the chain? And coins are distributed to posters based on DLs and seeds: Yup, the more interesting, techie stuff in bitcointalk is all about the blockchain and it's possible uses for things like IoT and encrypted messaging.

Da Moon is only the concern of n00bz. Not that I even really understand any blockchain uses. And not that I don't long for da moon! Kimoto the creator of KGW and the dev for Megacoin has had multiple big projects in the works for sometime now.

I wouldn't be surprised if this is rolled out using Megacoin. This message was created by a bot. As much as I want to love this idea, I remember that Kim Dotcom is a capitalistic millionaire that lives on a private estate away from society.

I think he's motives are more self-serving than we would hope. Neither will the thief be able to get any bitcoins out of the machines. What's left is the cash money inside, although it's unclear how much that was. The owner of one of the BTM's, Mr. We will just need to be a bit more selective on where exactly to place them. Patrick Murck, who has been the executive director of the Bitcoin Foundation since the resignation of Jon Matonis, has joined the board of advisors of BTCJam, a bitcoin-powered peer-to-peer lending network.

BTCJam is creating new on-ramps for people the world over to join the emerging digital economy, not the least is their unique credit scoring algorithm. Mobile payments pioneer mHITs enters the Bitcoin space with a platform it claims is the easiest way to send phone credit across borders. So long as we have the funds, we will do the transaction. President of the area law firm and estate planning attorney Chris Desimone said that Bitcoin holds many advantages, notably for customers, who are now given more flexibility with transactions:.

Now, Assia will delve into Bitcoin 2. Scary news, perhaps especially for bitcoiners: Kaspersky Lab, the Moscow-based security software maker, says that the U. National Security Agency has figured out how to hide spying software deep within hard drives made by several top manufacturers.

According to cyber researchers and former operatives, this gives the agency the means to eavesdrop on the majority of the world's computers. Did you enjoy this article? Follow us on Facebook. We are considering your request and will contact you in due course.

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