п»ї Convert Bitcoins (BTC) and Philippine Pesos (PHP): Currency Exchange Rate Conversion Calculator

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Find out more about Sept 29th - Oct 8th. Ideas for further development Blockchain. Hero Member Offline Posts: One of the endpoints provides historical data for the price of Bitcoin in U.

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The programs kind of work. February 01, , It would be awsome if you can make a similar guide about how to create a script to get info from an exchange via API's. Find out more about Financial , Application Development , Bitcoin.

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I know it seems to be difficult but when php understand it properly, it becomes a small piece of work for you. May 07, The second endpoint provides real-time currency conversion information, such as bitcoin current buy and sell prices and minute average price. Thank you for your comment. Th0ur on May 07, Add new comment Comments 5. Skip to converter content.

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Very nice guide for me and it help to to put it in my site.. Also i want to use this for reference to make a converter for other altcoin.. I am looking for other codes to increase my knowledge for making a new site which exchange site.. Th0ur on May 07, , That is a very easy one. You can simply get in down with lot of other API's. Problem here is what is the refresh rate in seconds? How often the page reloads to display the latest values? I don't see any code for that. Sept 29th - Oct 8th.

KenR on May 07, , Thank you for your comment. It was just a simple script to use API to convert price. I appreciate the guide and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one.

I bookmarked it and copy-pasted the content to a document just in case because I just don't think this is in the right section. A pretty simple and clear guide, thanks for sharing this! It would be awsome if you can make a similar guide about how to create a script to get info from an exchange via API's. In the root web directory of your hosting account, create two empty PHP files, index. Our index page, index. In the empty index. To perform the currency conversion, our index page will post data submitted through its form to converter.

In the empty converter. The code above calls two endpoints associated with Blockchain. The first endpoint allows us perform the actual currency conversion for the currency and amount supplied by the user. The second endpoint provides real-time currency conversion information, such as the current buy and sell prices and minute average price.

We can use this to display more information to the user about the state of the market in their chosen currency:. One of the endpoints provides historical data for the price of Bitcoin in U. To make Bitcoin-to-USD conversions more useful, we can add on to our converter. With our charting code in place, users performing currency conversions in U. By integrating these into our application, we can allow users to make payments to others after performing a currency conversion.

Had lots of formatting that had to be adjusted jue to how we have to copy and paste. Once errors fixed and it ran, no prices from blockinfo. I am glad you were able to get this working. If you see any error messages from your WAMP server that you want to share I would be happy to see if we can figure out what the issue was.

Hi, I'm on OSX The programs kind of work.

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