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Bitcoin is the currency of the Internet: This means that 5. 2010 aware that Twitter, etc. You are suffering from hindsight bias. I wasn't saying it in the mocking way in which you probably read it. Promotion of client software which attempts to alter the Dodge protocol without overwhelming consensus is not permitted. Are you accumulating sooooo bitcoin coins waarde too?

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Take your pick as to what market share you think bitcoin can have and divide by 21,, Now, I'm still forward thinking, but I can't justify putting my life savings into such a poorly run software project. News articles that do not contain the word "Bitcoin" are usually off-topic. A previously undiscovered protocol rule results in a hard fork of the 0. Related communities Sorted roughly by decreasing popularity.

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Gox and PayPal dodge Bitcointalk. A single service, Satoshi Dice becomes responsible for over half the transaction waarde on the Bitcoin 2010. Go to Redemption Center Know about Dodge. If you think the bitcoin project looks poorly run now, you've probably forgotten what it was like in the early days In If col would have believed they 2010 to a million then, and believed bitcoin now, he would be putting everything he had into it and amassing as many coins as possible. Block waarde generated.

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Waarde bitcoin 2010 dodge

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Bitcoind was compiled for the Nokia N mobile computer by doublec. The following day, ribuck sent him 0. First bitcoin call option contract sold, from nanotube to sgornick , via the bitcoin-otc market.

Bitcoin Pooled Mining , operated by slush, found its first block. History of Bitcoin page this page created after replicating from original Bitcoin History page on Bitcoin. Largest numeric value ever traded for bitcoins thus far occurred on this date. Block was generated. This means that 5. A vehicle was, for the first time, offered in exchange for a certain number of bitcoins [8]. Some speculate that this was due to some supercomputer or bot-net that joined the network mystery miner.

BTC price had been declining since the February 9 high. The first market for exchanging bitcoins to and from Brazilian Reals, Bitcoin Brazil , opens.

First bitcoin put option contract sold via the bitcoin-otc market. TIME does an article on Bitcoin. The MtGox exchange rate peaked at The MtGox exchange rate briefly dropped to near 10 USD four days after the peak, in its largest percentage price retreat to date. Forum user allinvain claimed to have had 25, BTC stolen from his Bitcoin wallet approx. The MtGox database was compromised and the user table was leaked, containing details of 60, usernames, email addresses and password hashes, some of which were overly simple to brute force passwords.

MtGox announced that these trades would be reversed. Trading was halted at MtGox for 7 days and also briefly at TradeHill and Britcoin while their security was reviewed. Some of the users on the leaked MtGox database had used the same username at MyBitcoin and had their passwords hacked. About of them had their balance stolen from their MyBitcoin accounts. One user lost over BTC. The EFF announced that it was no longer accepting Bitcoin donations due to legal uncertainties.

The generation difficulty passed 1,, with Block Room77 becomes the first brick-and-mortar business bar to accept Bitcoin as a means of payment. Tribute to Len Sassaman included in the blockchain [9]. Difficulty adjustment at block , marks the first back-to-back drop.

Largest amount of fees, to-date, in a single transaction, and most fees in a single block. A transaction paid BTC in fees in block [12]. A single service, Satoshi Dice becomes responsible for over half the transaction volume on the Bitcoin blockchain. Gonna await for another day for hindsight to kick in again. Now, I'm still forward thinking, but I can't justify putting my life savings into such a poorly run software project. If you think the software project looks poorly run now, you've probably forgotten what it was like in the early days I wasn't saying it in the mocking way in which you probably read it.

I was trying to figure out if he was being logically consistent or not. Why didn't you buy any Paycoin? You can't get much more longshot than that. I became extremely interested in bitcoin in late I knew about them since , and I thought it was a great idea.

I still didn't buy any until Lots of good ideas out there never get any traction. Who could have known. I told a buddy who was a gamer and had a nice rig about it in Now he kicks himself realizing if he would have held on to them a bit longer he would have been rich I remember visiting free faucets and couldn't be arsed to start Bitcoin to get an address to paste into the web form.

Because my time was worth more than the fraction of a cent I'd get in return. Years earlier I had mined hundreds of coins got about 7 blocks and then formatted my hard drive when Windows was getting sluggish, losing them.

They were worth nothing back then. There are tons of us that were merely happy to buy graphics cards that paid for themselves. Buying BTC directly would have been far more profitable. Man I think we are lucky, those of us who only found out about it recently. Because there are SO many stories of early adopters losing their coins either in a hard drive wipe, they were goxed, or they just sold them. We are late enough to take our coins seriously and hodl them offline, but still early enough to get a decent price.

I'm pissed because I downloaded that POS wallet and it just overheated my computer. That was 4 years ago. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Bitcoin comments other discussions 1. Log in or sign up in seconds. Submit link NOT about price. Submit text NOT about price. Bitcoin subscribe unsubscribe , readers 11, users here now Bitcoin is the currency of the Internet: You can also explore the Bitcoin Wiki: Only requests for donations to large, recognized charities are allowed, and only if there is good reason to believe that the person accepting bitcoins on behalf of the charity is trustworthy.

News articles that do not contain the word "Bitcoin" are usually off-topic. This subreddit is not about general financial news. Submissions that are mostly about some other cryptocurrency belong elsewhere. Promotion of client software which attempts to alter the Bitcoin protocol without overwhelming consensus is not permitted.

No referral links in submissions. No compilations of free Bitcoin sites. Trades should usually not be advertised here. For example, submissions like "Buying BTC" or "Selling my computer for bitcoins" do not belong here. New merchants are welcome to announce their services for Bitcoin, but after those have been announced they are no longer news and should not be re-posted. Aside from new merchant announcements, those interested in advertising to our audience should consider Reddit's self-serve advertising system.

Do not post your Bitcoin address unless someone explicitly asks you to. Be aware that Twitter, etc. Related communities Sorted roughly by decreasing popularity. Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. Become a Redditor and subscribe to one of thousands of communities.

This is an archived post. You won't be able to vote or comment. Bitcoin submitted 2 years ago by BitcoinCollege. Want to add to the discussion?

So another Up, Up, down pattern eh? Right now, we're on track for late July of It'll be interesting, that's for sure. Ds will be written about this stuff. Ds write about a lot of stuff. In this case, he's trying to dismiss the importance of PhDs being written about Bitcoin.

Now you would get 4. Maybe I should have put a [serious] tag. But hindsight is what it is.

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