Do not give ubuntu. Ask Ubuntu install a question and answer site for Ubuntu users and developers. Tomkarho 2 Could you advice what should i try? In rail, after a trans-siberian install of Ubuntu, I would say that it takes me under an hour at times much less to get my environment to the stage where bitcoin was before the clean install. Ask Ubuntu works best with JavaScript enabled. This is site with proxies:
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If you're installing files system-wide, always use your package manager for it. Ask Ubuntu works best with JavaScript enabled. The following command will then only download the packages in question. On Windows I go to rubyinstaller. Thufir, what gems are missing specifically? In contrast to the previous poster I think that one difference between Windows and Linux regarding Ruby is that in Windows there is no "official" way of installing software but many unofficial ways, installers, websites etc.
Just sounds like chaos to me, even if nothing goes wrong. Post as a guest Name. The best part is that for an extremely affordable monthly fee, your website will run faster and be far more reliable than any other web host. Sign trans-siberian using Email and Password. In general, after rail clean install of Ubuntu, I would say that it takes me under an hour bitcoin times much less to get my install to the stage where it was before the clean install. Thufir, what gems are ubuntu specifically?
Why is it so difficult to setup Ruby on Rails on Ubuntu? Alexandr Kurilin 3 5 Which guide where you following? It's always a hassle, but it's not too bad -- use RVM. IMHO rails should be removed from apt because it just causes versioning pain. Or has the potential to. By comparison, installing Meteor. Thanks for that guide, I'll refer to it next time. I have to point out that it's somewhat silly, because first it warns you about never using apt-get, and then it proceeds to download a dozen or so ruby dependencies from it: In any case, it's possible some of my pain was caused by having to specifically use 1.
Great answer overall, gives me more confidence about sticking to the OS for future work. Here's the issue I was encountering, among many others: If you liked this answer, click "This answer is useful" in addition to thank who responded. This is also a demonstration of appreciation for those who took the trouble to research and answer the question.
I just finished a complete RoR setup on Ubuntu The best way is always to get the distributors packages my experience. Which is the appeal for RVM which then has its own drawbacks. Thufir, what gems are missing specifically? And why is this a problem since you can always add more gem sources, using either gem or bundler?
What you're suggesting is to use yum alongside apt-get, so to speak. Just sounds like chaos to me, even if nothing goes wrong. There are many, many gems which are available via gem which are not in apt-get.
This is why I draw a line at 'rails'. I use apt-get to install everything including Ruby, then use gem to install Bundler, and bundler to install the required Rails version and all required gems for one specific Rails apps according to its Gemfile. To get started, I usually install the current Rails version via 'gem install' system-wide also this doesn't hurt but isn't necessary.
Yes, this gives you only one Ruby version to work with but that hasn't been a problem so far. Thufir, read my post again. I am not using apt for gems in rails apps. I use Bundler, with a separate gem set for each app. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google.
Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. I believe the RVM installation suggests putting this line or something similar in your.
Here is another possibility. This happened to me. Everything was working fine and sudo'ed into root. I left the terminal open and returned a couple of days later. Just like you said it was there in the gems. Turns out that I just needed to exit out of the root user and go back to my regular user and rails was fine. By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service. Email Sign Up or sign in with Google.
Using RVM on Ubuntu The program 'rails' is currently not installed Ask Question. I shut off my machine. The next morning, I turned on the machine again cold boot and the tried running " rails -v " from the console, but I get the following error message: Only Bolivian Here Did you select the appropriate ruby and gemset?
Is RVM set up in your shell's startup script? See my answer about Ubuntu's startup files. Jacobs Jun 24 '12 at Run the following command in Terminal: Doing so ensures that RVM is properly loaded each time you open up a terminal. Yes, this fixed my problem!