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Hocam ilginize emeginize saglik cok aydinlatici olmus. Zaten ben anladiysam anlamayan kalmamistir kesin. Zan ile yorum getiriyorsunuz. Former government enterprises were formed as corporations, which then issued stocks and bonds. These securities were given to a central agency, which offered them for sale to individuals, pension funds, and the like all armed with newly printed money.
Almost immediately a group of money managers came forth to assist these investors. Investors considered this a reasonable idea, and soon everyone held a piece of Corporate Indicia. Before long the money managers became bored because there was little for them to do.
Soon they fell into the habit of gathering at a beachfront casino where they passed the time playing roulette, craps, and similar games, for low stakes, with their own money.
After a while, the owner of the casino suggested a new idea. There the members could place bets with one another about the fortunes of various corporations, industries, the level of the Gross National Product, foreign trade, etc. At the end of each week, some found that they had won money for their clients, while others found that they had lost. But the losses always exceeded gains, for a certain amount was deducted from each bet to cover the costs of elegant surroundings in which the gambling took place.
Before long a group of professors from Indicia U. Why not just hold your own piece of Corporate Indicia? This argument seemed sensible to some of the investors, and they raised the issue with their money managers.
The wave of puritan reform some had predicted failed to materialize, and gambling remained legal. Many managers continued to make their daily pilgrimage to the casino. But they consonant with their responsibilities. And everyone but the casino owner lived happily ever after. Bu para birimlerinin sonu mu geldi? Ben bin dolar bile olabilir diyorum. Bitcoin deki butun transferler aciktir. Ama sahibi kim belli degildir. Islemler gercek sahis adi altinda degil, digital imzalarla yapilmaktadir.
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