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May 29, at 7: Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. June 2, at 4: Innovations introduced by Muslim economists, traders and merchants include the earliest uses of credit , [5] cheques , promissory notes , [6] savings accounts , transactional accounts , loaning , trusts , exchange rates , the transfer of credit and debt , [7] and banking institutions for loans and deposits. Hey Alex, What do you believe is the best cryptocurrency for a young person to invest in?

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These notes were valid for temporary use in a small regional territory. In the 10th century, the Song dynasty government began to circulate these notes amongst the traders in its monopolized salt industry.

The Song government granted several shops the right to issue banknotes, and in the early 12th century the government finally took over these shops to produce state-issued currency. Yet the banknotes issued were still only locally and temporarily valid: The already widespread methods of woodblock printing and then Pi Sheng 's movable type printing by the 11th century were the impetus for the mass production of paper money in premodern China.

At around the same time in the medieval Islamic world , a vigorous monetary economy was created during the 7th—12th centuries on the basis of the expanding levels of circulation of a stable high-value currency the dinar.

Innovations introduced by Muslim economists, traders and merchants include the earliest uses of credit , [5] cheques , promissory notes , [6] savings accounts , transactional accounts , loaning , trusts , exchange rates , the transfer of credit and debt , [7] and banking institutions for loans and deposits. In Europe, paper money was first introduced on a regular basis in Sweden in although Washington Irving records an earlier emergency use of it, by the Spanish in a siege during the Conquest of Granada.

As Sweden was rich in copper, its low value necessitated extraordinarily big coins, often weighing several kilograms. The advantages of paper currency were numerous: It enabled the sale of stock in joint-stock companies , and the redemption of those shares in paper.

But there were also disadvantages. First, since a note has no intrinsic value, there was nothing to stop issuing authorities from printing more notes than they had specie to back them with. Second, because it increased the money supply, it increased inflationary pressures, a fact observed by David Hume in the 18th century.

Thus paper money would often lead to an inflationary bubble, which could collapse if people began demanding hard money, causing the demand for paper notes to fall to zero.

The printing of paper money was also associated with wars, and financing of wars, and therefore regarded as part of maintaining a standing army. For these reasons, paper currency was held in suspicion and hostility in Europe and America. It was also addictive, since the speculative profits of trade and capital creation were quite large. Major nations established mints to print money and mint coins, and branches of their treasury to collect taxes and hold gold and silver stock. At that time, both silver and gold were considered legal tender , and accepted by governments for taxes.

However, the instability in the ratio between the two grew over the course of the 19th century, with the increases both in supply of these metals, particularly silver, and in trade. The parallel use of both metals is called bimetallism , and the attempt to create a bimetallic standard where both gold and silver backed currency remained in circulation occupied the efforts of inflationists.

Governments at this point could use currency as an instrument of policy, printing paper currency such as the United States Greenback , to pay for military expenditures. They could also set the terms at which they would redeem notes for specie, by limiting the amount of purchase, or the minimum amount that could be redeemed. By , most of the industrializing nations were on some form of gold standard , with paper notes and silver coins constituting the circulating medium.

Private banks and governments across the world followed Gresham's law: This did not happen all around the world at the same time, but occurred sporadically, generally in times of war or financial crisis, beginning in the early part of the 20th century and continuing across the world until the late 20th century, when the regime of floating fiat currencies came into force.

One of the last countries to break away from the gold standard was the United States in , an action known as the Nixon shock. No country has an enforceable gold standard or silver standard currency system. A banknote more commonly known as a bill in the United States and Canada is a type of currency, and commonly used as legal tender in many jurisdictions.

With coins , banknotes make up the cash form of all money. Banknotes are mostly paper, but Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation developed the world's first polymer currency in the s that went into circulation on the nation's bicentenary in Now used in some 22 countries over 40 if counting commemorative issues , polymer currency dramatically improves the life span of banknotes and prevents counterfeiting.

Currency use is based on the concept of lex monetae ; that a sovereign state decides which currency it shall use. Currently, the International Organization for Standardization has introduced a three-letter system of codes ISO to define currency as opposed to simple names or currency signs , in order to remove the confusion that there are dozens of currencies called the dollar and many called the franc.

Even the pound is used in nearly a dozen different countries; most of these are tied to the Pound Sterling , while the remainder have varying values.

In general, the three-letter code uses the ISO country code for the first two letters and the first letter of the name of the currency D for dollar, for instance as the third letter. United States currency, for instance is globally referred to as USD. The International Monetary Fund uses a variant system when referring to national currencies. Distinct from centrally controlled government-issued currencies, private decentralized trust networks support alternative currencies such as Bitcoin , Litecoin , Monero , Peercoin or Dogecoin , as well as branded currencies, for example 'obligation' based stores of value, such as quasi-regulated BarterCard, Loyalty Points Credit Cards, Airlines or Game-Credits MMO games that are based on reputation of commercial products, or highly regulated 'asset backed' 'alternative currencies' such as mobile-money schemes like MPESA called E-Money Issuance.

Currency may be Internet-based and digital, for instance, Bitcoin [11] is not tied to any specific country, or the IMF's SDR that is based on a basket of currencies and assets held. In most cases, a central bank has a monopoly right to issue of coins and banknotes fiat money for its own area of circulation a country or group of countries ; it regulates the production of currency by banks credit through monetary policy. An exchange rate is the price at which two currencies can be exchanged against each other.

This is used for trade between the two currency zones. Exchange rates can be classified as either floating or fixed. In the former, day-to-day movements in exchange rates are determined by the market; in the latter, governments intervene in the market to buy or sell their currency to balance supply and demand at a fixed exchange rate.

In cases where a country has control of its own currency, that control is exercised either by a central bank or by a Ministry of Finance. The institution that has control of monetary policy is referred to as the monetary authority.

Monetary authorities have varying degrees of autonomy from the governments that create them. In the United States , the Federal Reserve System operates without direct oversight by the legislative or executive branches.

A monetary authority is created and supported by its sponsoring government, so independence can be reduced by the legislative or executive authority that creates it. Several countries can use the same name for their own separate currencies for example, dollar in Australia , Canada and the United States. By contrast, several countries can also use the same currency for example, the euro or the CFA franc , or one country can declare the currency of another country to be legal tender.

For example, Panama and El Salvador have declared US currency to be legal tender, and from to , Spanish silver coins were legal tender in the United States.

At various times countries have either re-stamped foreign coins, or used currency board issuing one note of currency for each note of a foreign government held, as Ecuador currently does. Mauritania and Madagascar are the only remaining countries that do not use the decimal system; instead, the Mauritanian ouguiya is in theory divided into 5 khoums , while the Malagasy ariary is theoretically divided into 5 iraimbilanja. In these countries, words like dollar or pound "were simply names for given weights of gold.

See non-decimal currencies for other historic currencies with non-decimal divisions. Based on the above restrictions or free and readily conversion features, currencies are classified as:. In economics, a local currency is a currency not backed by a national government, and intended to trade only in a small area. Advocates such as Jane Jacobs argue that this enables an economically depressed region to pull itself up, by giving the people living there a medium of exchange that they can use to exchange services and locally produced goods in a broader sense, this is the original purpose of all money.

Opponents of this concept argue that local currency creates a barrier which can interfere with economies of scale and comparative advantage, and that in some cases they can serve as a means of tax evasion. Local currencies can also come into being when there is economic turmoil involving the national currency. An example of this is the Argentinian economic crisis of in which IOUs issued by local governments quickly took on some of the characteristics of local currencies.

One of the best examples of a local currency is the original LETS currency, founded on Vancouver Island in the early s. The resulting currency and credit scarcity left island residents with few options other than to create a local currency. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For other uses, see Currency disambiguation. This article does not cite any sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.

To be fair though, perhaps it does not have KPIs like other tech companies. On the flipside, some entrepreneurs have explained that their preference for total secrecy is not necessary because they are afraid of competition that is a typical rationale of regular startups , but because they are afraid of regulators via banks.

While we would all love to see more data, this is a somewhat believable argument. In the meantime, business journalists should drill down into the specifics about how raised money has been spent, is compliance being skirted, customer acquisition costs, customer retention rate, etc. If you were to draw a Venn diagram, where one circle represented neo Luddism and another circle represented Goldbugism, the areas they overlap would be cryptocurrency Maximalism geocentrism and all.

For instance, on the one hand they want and believe their Chosen One typically BTC or ETC should and will consume the purchasing power of all fiat currencies, yet they dislike any competing cryptocurrency: The rules of free entry do not apply to their coin as somehow a government-free monopoly will form around their coin and only their coin.

Also, you should buy a lot of their coin, like liquidate your life savings asap and buy it now. Whereas, three years ago, most active venture capitalists and entrepreneurs involved in this space were antagonistic towards anything but bitcoin, more and more have become less hostile with respect to new and different platforms. For instance, Brian Armstrong above , the CEO of Coinbase, two and a half years ago, was publicly opposed to supporting development activities towards anything unrelated to Bitcoin.

But as the adoption winds shifted and Ethereum and other platforms began to see growth in their development communities and coin values , Coinbase and other early bastions of maximalism began to support them as well. There is very little publicly available analysis of what is happening with Bitcoin transactions or nearly all cryptocurrencies for that matter: Suddenly Bitcoin is now approaching the market cap of Goldman Sachs!

These shares are registered assets, not bearer assets. Someone identifiable owns them today and even if there is a system crash at the DTCC or some other CSD, shareholders have a system of recourse i. It is, therefore, unlikely that large trading positions could simultaneously move into and out of billion USD positions each day without significantly moving the market.

A better metric to look at is one that involves real legwork to find: That number probably exists, but no one quotes it. We finally have some big-name media beginning to dig into the shenanigans in the space.

But organizations like CoinDesk , Coin Telegraph , and others regularly practice a brand of biased reporting which primarily focus on the upside potential of coins and do not provide equal focus on the potential risks. What are the normal rules around a media company and its staff retweeting and promoting cryptocurrencies or ICOs the parent company or its principals has a stake in?

If coin media wants to be taken seriously it will have to take on the best practices and not appear to be a portfolio newsletter: Markets that transmit timely, accurate, and transparent information are better markets and are more likely to grow, see, and support longer-term capital inflows. There are currently 16 stories in the CoinDesk archive which mention Filecoin, including three that specifically discuss its ICO.

Is this soliciting to the public? At cryptocurrency events and fintech events in general , we frequently hear buzz word bingo including: This was the core point of a popular SaveOnSend article on remittances from several years ago. I recommend revisiting that piece as a model for similar in-depth assessments done by people who understand B2B payments, correspondent banking and other part of global transfers. Obviously this trickles into the other half of this space, the enterprise world which is being designed around specific functional and non-functional requirements, the SLAs, compliance with data privacy laws, etc.

What about Coin Telegraph? It is only good for its cartoon images. There are some notable outliers that serve as good role models and exceptions to the existing pattern and who often write good copy. Examples of which can be found in long end note. Obviously the end note below is non-exhaustive nor an endorsement, but someone should try to invite some or all these people above to an event, emceed by Taariq Lewis.

That could be a good one. There are just a handful of startups that have been funded to create and use analytics to identify usage and user activity on cryptocurrency networks including: Another is that the analytic entrepreneurs are routinely demonized by the same community that directly benefits from the optics they provide to exchanges in order to maintain their banking partnerships and account access.

Such startups are shunned today, unpopular and viewed as counter to the roots of pseudo anonymous cryptocurrencies, however, as regulation seeps into the industry an area that will gain greater attention is identification of usage and user activities.

For instance, four years ago, one article effectively killed a startup called Coin Validation because the community rallied and still rallies behind the white flag of anarchy, surrendering to a Luddite ideology instead of supporting commercial businesses that could help Bitcoin and related ideas and technologies comply with legal requirements and earn adoption by mainstream commercial businesses.

For this reason, cryptocurrency fans should be very thankful these analytics companies exist. Wanna Cry ransomware money laundering with Bitcoins in action. More of these analytics providers could provide even better optics into the flow of funds giving regulated institutions better handling of the risks such as the money laundering taking place throughout the entire chain of custody. Without them, several large cryptocurrency exchanges would likely lose their banking partners entirely; this would reduce liquidity of many trading pairs around the world, leading to prices dropping substantially, and the community relying once again on fewer sources of liquidity run out of the brown bags on shady street corners.

And perhaps there is no better illustration of how these analytic tools can help us understand the fusion of improper or non-existent financial controls plus cryptocurrencies: Journalists, it can be hard to find but the full order book information for many exchanges can be found with enough leg work.

If anyone had the inclination to really want to understand what was going on at the exchange, there are 3 rd parties which have a complete record of the order book and trades executed.

Remember, as Kim Nilsson and others have independently discovered, WillyBot turned out to be true. The empirical data and stories above do not mean that investors should stop trading all cryptocurrencies or pass on investing in blockchain-related products and services. To the contrary, the goal of this article is to elevate awareness that this industry lacks even the most basic safeguards and independent voices that would typically act as a counterbalance against bad actors.

In this FOMO atmosphere investors need to be on full alert of the inherent risks of a less than transparent market with less than accurate information from companies and even news specialists. In a single block, they can be used as a means to reward an entity for securing transactions and also a payment for holding data hostage.

The cryptocurrency world is basically rediscovering a vast framework of securities and consumer protection laws that already exist; and now they know why they exist.

The cryptocurrency community has created an environment where there are a lot of small users suffering diffuse negative outcomes e. Generally speaking, most participants such as traders with an active heartbeat are making money as the cryptocurrency market goes through its current bull run, so no one has much motive to complain or dig deeper into usage and adoption statistics. We are still at the eff-you-money stage, in which everyone thinks they are Warren Buffett. Like any industry, there are good and bad people at all of these companies.

While everyone waits for Harry Markopolos to come in and uncover more details of the messes in the sections above, other ripe areas worth digging into are the dime-a-dozen cryptocurrency-focused funds.

Future posts may look at the uncritical hype in other segments, including the enterprise blockchain world. What happened after the Great Pivot?

To protect the privacy of those who provided feedback, I have only included initials: It also points out some very serious challenges that face the crypto industry from a fundraising POV as much as an innovation standpoint. John Gotts and I have been working on this very matter and believe that what we have proposed and are building is the answer tot he very concerns detailed in this article.

Pretty long, but reading this one piece just saved loads of time trying to scour the net for so many interesting aspects in this turmoilful industry. In response to the BitFinex claims; They will release proof that will satisfy all tether doubts within a few days.

Watch their site for updates. MMM used multi layer marketing to target the poorest and most ingnorant in South African with it peer to peer play. It was difficult to close down due the disaggregated nature of the platform with no one clearing account. Eventually FSB closed it. WizSec is part of the crypto currency community and they appear to have been instrumental in taking down btc-e by implicating them in the MtGox and other Bitcoin thefts.

Big thanks to you! Great information before start relationship with bitcoin and other altcoins. This is a well-researched, critical article on the evolving landscape of the cryptocurrency world today. Agree we do need more independent crypto media reporting. Thank you for the Epicenter TV link and the extensive citation list!

Bitcoin, blockchain and ICOs: We explain - Journalist's Resource. Thanks for sharing this well-researched article with the community.

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Obligatory South Park reference Credit: Artist rendering of proto-Bitcoin Maximalism, circa 14th century. Inform yourself and make your choices accordingly. Above and beyond first class research and even above that, reporting. Can serve as a good reference. I will be sharing this with all my crypto-chums. You are the I. Stone of the cryptocurrency world. Thanks for this great article with in-depth analysis and well-document article. Thanks a lot for writing such a detailed explanation.

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