Typical is the guidance offered by the CEO of the U. For example, dogecoin is a variant finlayson litecoin so you should select litetcoin on the radio address and specify the url for your dogecoin pool if you are new to mining bitcoins then see the help section from menu. On the 6th of Junethe policy reached its 20th year anniversary. Always crashes Green crashes to home screen, sometimes works but only when Bitcoin use the dev account. Bitcoin Miner Android Miner Coin.
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Oliver Perkinso 21 August Julieta Olloves 26 July Nice I'm getting 1. Earn Free Bitcoin Marwaha Labs. Is bitcoin some get-rich-quick Ponzi scheme cloaked in technological mumbo-jumbo? Didn't work for me, and it's too late for a refund. John Marston 13 January
Finlayson gets the blocks and everything though and I'm at around 1. Arie Kurnia 5 October It managed address get me bitcoin eac with a note 3 Full Review. The processing was done in less than minutes. Your email address will not be published. Quick and easy, I green
As you can see from my policy, the 20th year mark sees a massive jump in terms of net surrender value. Once you have crunched the numbers and made the decision to surrender your policy, the actual surrender process is pretty efficient and hassle-free. If that happens, you would end up filling up another copy at the AIA customer service counter. I went over to the concierge counter and got a queue number. It was a Thursday around There is a coffee machine inside!
Once my number was called barely drank my latte as it was still hot , I went over to the service counter and told the lady that I was there to surrender my AIA Prime Life Special policy, handling over my pre-filled surrender form.
She re-printed the Policy Value for me, just so that I know the exact amount I would be getting before I proceed to surrender it. The processing was done in less than minutes. Same day cheque collection! The same concierge counter where I got my queue number called out my name once the cheque is ready for collection.
This took another 5-minutes or so. I wanted to get rid of the cheque ASAP to eliminate any risk of losing it etc. Seems like my robo-advisors are going to have some funds to play with!
Addicted to beach resorts. It was that fast at AIA service centre! Your email address will not be published. This is a follow up post on that. But it refuses to recognize any shares on the pool website. It gets the blocks and everything though and I'm at around 1. So any help would be excellent.
So far it crashes Would love to use it to stay persistently connected to a p2pool in order to disconnect other miner without re-starting the multi-hour wait. Not working I tried to get this app to mine some Dogecoin for me on my HTC One m8, the console looks like it's actually doing something but none of my hashes are getting accepted so I end up with 0 shares of anything.
I had it running for about 4 hours and not a single hash was accepted. Tried a second pool, same thing. It's good, but not the most efficient This app does what it says it does But Miner Pro squeezes out a higher hash rate. Still this one is decent and doesn't overheat my HTC One as much. User reviews Orlando Nunez 21 January YCdroid 21 January Kangaroo green 14 February Eric Kmetz 23 February Would love to use it to stay persistently connected to a p2pool in order to disconnect other miner without re-starting the multi-hour wait Full Review.
Mick 24 June Taylor Olson 22 February Marc Bourgoin 26 February Daniel Nutter 17 January Didnt work Had it running for 12 hours not a single thing was accepted Kenuik nono 26 January Typical a high efficient no brainer app Love it. So simple to operate that take advantage the unused hardware resources turn it into productive mini mining machine.
I wish there will be one like this in Window 8 Thank You. RazorTheMann 9 March It won't work I'm on my Nexus 5 which the app worked great, but I accidentally uninstalled it and it doesn't work anymore. It gives me the error "". Ryan Conard 25 January Seems to work I'm using my own Ozcoin pool account for Bitcoin and it seems to be doing nothing. Speed seems reasonable but after a long wait nothing updates for my ozcoin account. Luis Rodriguez 11 January D Thank you again for letting me use the application, while having market issues.
My market issues have been solved and I can finally purchase the application. Thank you for everything! Greatly appreciate the help and keep up the great job on the application!!
Daniel Huang 12 February Always crashes Frequently crashes to home screen, sometimes works but only when I use the dev account. Jaeson Finlayson 24 January Mining Doge on Nexus 7 I'm impressed, getting. Rory Spurling 26 January Not bad but Its such a shame this can not cpu mine quark coins! Hash rate too slow for bitcoin or litecoin but cpu mined coins like quark would actually make a few cents a day.
Please add cpu mining Full Review. Jonathon Parker 10 July Alexander Lege 19 April Great proof of concept However immediately after using this I started getting random "phone is docked" notifications.
And my charger needs to go in a certain way. It managed to get me 50 eac with a note 3 Full Review. Franco Neil Glovasa 25 June Didn't appear on pooling site It did mine however workers didn't appear on the site and didn't increase any coin. I guess it did mine on another's account. Hope you can fix this since time for refund lapse Full Review. Bill Bukowski 18 January Decided what they hey, add it to the pool.
IT worked where droidminer did not. He said it would work, not turn my old device in the fastest miner of the planet. Using it for DOGE.
Ross Poulter 1 February Outstanding app really works The app is fantastic as is the customer service from the apps developer maybe the best app I have ever dowloaded time will tell. Mara Allen 16 January Stinks Keeps force closing can not use ripoff app!!!!!!!! Eric Hebel 24 January Nice I'm getting 1. It will pay for the app in a day.
Bastien Vilboux 4 February Doesn't work It's working but it does not affect the dashboard on my pool Full Review. YCdroid 4 February I will have all the Doge with this app! Patrick Kenehan 20 June Didn't work for me, and it's too late for a refund. Christie Davis 11 June I want my money back Full Review. Thomas Wiler 5 March