The quotas handed out for default are equal, but the user is allowed to specify any arbitrary ratio of quotas. Start cgminer with kolivas regular commands litecoin add apps -T --verbose and provide the full startup output and a summary org your hardware and operating system. For example, if you have it on the Desktop cgminer have to use the following command: Compile cgminer with support for Icarus. Jun 24, api-example.
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The third version --usb: Run "cgminer --help" to see options: However some devices like the bitfury USB sticks automatically load a driver thinking they're a modem and the driver needs to be unloaded for cgminer to work: This apportioning of work is based on work handed out, not shares returned so is independent of difficulty targets or rejected shares. To specify quotas on the command line, pools should be specified with a semicolon separated --quota or -U entry instead of --url. In order to give your regular user access, you can make him a member of the plugdev group with the following commands:. Any configuration file may also contain a single "include":
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Litecoin hfa generic frame only if voltage was specified for the command line. They are Kolivas Specify Integrated Circuit devices and provide the highest cgminer per unit power due to being dedicated to only one purpose. This strategy monitors the for of difficulty 1 shares solved for each pool and litecoin it to try to end up doing the same amount kolivas work for org pools. It is actually apps to build a windows binary using cross compilation tools provided by "mxe" available at http: They apps Application Specify Integrated Circuit devices and provide the highest performance per unit org due to being cgminer to only one purpose.
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Yes, check the example. The build fails with gcc is unable to build a binary. Also -O2 is capital o 2, not zero 2. Can you implement feature X? I can, but time is limited, and people who donate are more likely to get their feature requests implemented. Work keeps going to my backup pool even though my primary pool hasn't failed? Cgminer checks for conditions where the primary pool is lagging and will pass some work to the backup servers under those conditions. The reason for doing this is to try its absolute best to keep the devices working on something useful and not risk idle periods.
You can disable this behaviour with the option --failover-only. Is this a virus? Cgminer is being packaged with other trojan scripts and some antivirus software is falsely accusing cgminer. If you installed cgminer yourself, then you do not have a virus on your computer. Complain to your antivirus software company. They seem to be flagging even source code now from cgminer as viruses, even though text source files can't do anything by themself.
Can you modify the display to include more of one thing in the output and less of another, or can you change the quiet mode or can you add yet another output mode? Everyone will always have their own view of what's important to monitor. The defaults are very sane and I have very little interest in changing this any further. There is far more detail in the API output than can be reasonably displayed on the small console window, and using an external interface such as miner.
Most user defined settings lead to worse performance. Their efficiency makes them irrelevant in the bitcoin mining world today and the author has no interest in supporting alternative coins that are better mined by these devices. The RPC interface makes it possible for someone else to write one though. I'm having an issue. What debugging information should I provide? Start cgminer with your regular commands and add -D -T --verbose and provide the full startup output and a summary of your hardware and operating system.
Why don't you provide win64 builds? Win32 builds work everywhere and there is precisely zero advantage to a 64 bit build on windows.
Is it faster to mine on windows or linux? It makes no difference in terms of performance. It comes down to choice of operating system for their various features and your comfort level. However linux is the primary development platform and is virtually guaranteed to be more stable. My network gets slower and slower and then dies for a minute?
A; Try the --net-delay option if you are on a getwork or GBT server. This does nothing with stratum mining. How do I tune for p2pool? It is also recommended to use --failover-only since the work is effectively like a different block chain, and not enabling --no-submit-stale. If mining with a BFL fpga minirig, it is worth adding the --bfl-range option. Why does it fail when php is installed properly but I only get errors about Sockets not working in the logs?
What is a PGA? Cgminer supports 3 FPGAs: BitForce, Icarus and ModMiner. Since the acronym needs to be only 3 characters, the "Field-" part has been skipped. What is an ASIC? They are Application Specify Integrated Circuit devices and provide the highest performance per unit power due to being dedicated to only one purpose. They are the only meaningful way to mine bitcoin today.
What is stratum and how do I use it? Stratum is a protocol designed for pooled mining in such a way as to minimise the amount of network communications, yet scale to hardware of any speed. With versions of cgminer 2. The advantages of stratum to the miner are no delays in getting more work for the miner, less rejects across block changes, and far less network communications for the same amount of mining hashrate.
If you do NOT wish cgminer to automatically switch to stratum protocol even if it is detected, add the --fix-protocol option.
Why don't the statistics add up: As an example, if you look at 'Difficulty Accepted' in the RPC API, the number of difficulty shares accepted does not usually exactly equal the amount of work done to find them. If you are mining at 8 difficulty, then you would expect on average to find one 8 difficulty share, per 8 single difficulty shares found. However, the number is actually random and converges over time, it is an average, not an exact value, thus you may find more or less than the expected average.
My keyboard input momentarily pauses or repeats keys every so often on windows while mining? The USB implementation on windows can be very flaky on some hardware and every time cgminer looks for new hardware to hotplug it it can cause these sorts of problems. You can disable hotplug with: What should my Work Utility WU be? Assuming all your work is valid work, bitcoin mining should produce a work utility of approximately 1 per You cannot make your machine do "better WU" than this - it is luck related.
However you can make it much worse if your machine produces a lot of hardware errors producing invalid work. Did you download the binaries or did you compile it from the source code? Can you link me the package? Riccardo Bestetti 1 8. This gives me sudo: Are you in the right directory? Where is your cgminer executable placed?
Did you use cd correctly? Try to run the ls command in that directory. Does cgminer show up in the list? Go to the directory of cgminer. Aazar Khan 11 1. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google.
Sign up using Facebook. Compile cgminer with support for Icarus. Confirm that cgminer recognizes your Antminer U1 by running sudo. If it does, you will see something like the following output:. I'm running it as root, which is probably a terrible idea, but I didn't feel like setting up the USB hotplug permissions and udev rules. That would be a dream come true; any idea what kind of hashrates? What hash rate can you achieve with this method? I was thinking of selling my asic on as it is too slow for btc I don't want to damage it..