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This will result in a clean stacking of either guiminer or rejected shares. Right on the main page, we can see the settings here. I experimented last night with installing catalyst I litecoin some of these rigs and settings are running 5 gpus and maxing them out. Posted August 7, at 4: Just create that worker. Intensity, this you can set anywhere from 0 to 18 where at 18 your computer becomes guiminer and litecoin even freeze.

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Could you please take a look at my screen shot and tell me if it looks ok. The first thing that we want to do is click on receive. The difficulty is adjusted every blocks, which is about 3. What do you think? December 16, at Control C to terminate and this is working as well.

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It used to be around when I was running one. Thought Settings had updated this. So the first thing that we need settings do is guiminer need to find a host. Originally, 50 litecoins were issued in each new block. Everything was running fine for months. Now the user name is going to be our worker that we just created. Unless litecoin are sending money overseas or doing black guiminer stuff, what litecoin is this?

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What is Litecoin mining? Learn all you need to get started.

Guiminer settings litecoin

Just close the window and there would be no blue screen. I have same issue. It used to be around when I was running one. It takes about minutes for pool to calculate your shares and it starts showing your real hashrate based on accepted shares.

Also, you might see less accepted shares on miner bacause of too high share difficulty. Try to mine with 13 intensity. I thound that this is the best for my r9 like i mine more litecoins. Some people are using 34k tc with same card as I do, and my card crashes at that tc.

You just have to spend couple of days to get your own configuration for your card. In my experience, its best to let cgminer figure out the thread concurrecy. If you delete all the.

You can set it in your config after that but I dont think it would change unless you got a new version of cgminer or something. Hello everybody, I have a problem: Another Problem is that my keyboard is not working, too.

Thanks for your help. I had this same problem with monitor. After that I added riser cable on that video card and tried the monitor, after that added second gpu with risers etc. Unfortunatly, it does not work. We always have 00 and do not know what it means. Another question is what type of monitor do you use? My mobo shows several error messages but its all because im using riser cables. Are you sure that your keyboard isnt plugged in USB 3. It might now work if you havnt istalled drivers for mobo.

I could not install the video accelerator on the That made my cgminer crash. I spent days on this issue. The only thing that helped was installing Anyone have a sample cgminer bat file that shows the text of how you get it to mine a second or 3rd card that is different? How do you use the -d syntax?

Its a term we use in the tech field. Then run cgminer two times. You dont want a BAT file, you want a config file. Use the bat file to call the config file. I guess I should have mentioned that you do not need the devcon lines in the bat file. The 2 cards I have is a x First numbers in each line and a 2nd numbers in each line. By using a conf and putting a comma between number sets you can configure the cards differently to maximize both.

I ran two instances. I can only get up to —I 13 on one of the gpus and have to lower the thread-concurrency. My question is this. Is there anything such as the motherboard, memory, or cpu that can help run multiple gpus. I see some of these rigs and they are running 5 gpus and maxing them out.

How do they do that? Is it software or hardware. How much system memory do you have? System RAM requirements sometimes pops up as a concern. Using GPU-Z, trim back your thread concurrency until the total amount of VRAM used for 3 identical cards, use the value listed for any of the cards and multiply by three is well within the amount of free system RAM available.

Seems to me Wow, this is a great tutorial. I sure am glad I waited!!! I think this horse has sailed. Who wants to use BTC when you have dollars? Unless you are sending money overseas or doing black market stuff, what good is this? Salutations Frank, I think your confidence in dollars is much too naive. Who wants to have a store of value like Bitcoin rather than dollars? Soon, everyone that sees the value of the dollar in a flaming nosedive resulting from the profligate abuse of fatal debt accumulation and money printing out of thin air by the Federal Reserve not a US government entity and the bureaucracy of the USA indeed our government.

After fifty years of escalating irresponsibility by them, the quiet before the storm is now on us, and events will move like a flash flood when the dam finally breaks. As for Visa, how will it stand against the competition of a world wide system of payment that has a. This horse is actually still in the gate! Then I started to get a message OpenCL. This all started around the time a windows update occurred.

And, to get the most out of your mining, you might want to try a strategy I hit on recently. It makes sense to me to put the crypto currency I mine immediately to work this way. I encourage you to investigate. I experimented last night with installing catalyst CGMiner now starts but there are two lines on the data window that flicker while running. Then GPU1 fan starts around 80C. When this fan starts GPU2 hash rate falls off to half or less of the other two cards.

Then after a minute the following comes up on the data window following an accepted share line:. GPU2 idle for more than 60 secs, declaring sick! GPU2 attempting to restart thread 2 still exists, killing it off. I experimented with disconnecting GPU2. They went through the same issues as above then after the black screen and fan start on GPU0 the GPU1 hash falls off and eventually it is declared sick and then eventual shutdown of CGMiner.

Everything mentioned above also was happening with the original install of Catalist It ran fine for a day and a half then this whole mess started to occur. And my speed is a hundred and seventy-nine kilohertz per second. And you might find that by selecting something in the GPU default, it helps you out and it works for some reason. And the only number that really changed was this number here and my intensity.

So if we increase our threat concurrency, and this is in kilobytes, we can increase our speed. It could potentially burn them out, overheat them. All in all, these are good numbers to go with, to start off and to see what your speed is for mining.

And then you can increase the intensity or increase the thread concurrency a little bit as you see fit, to see if you get better results. So if I click on stats, I can get to my stats here and my dashboard here on the left-hand side. I hope you enjoy part one of the Litecoin For Beginners video series.

Please rate, comment and subscribe. The first thing you need to do is join a Litecoin pool using CoinHunter. You can find tons online. When you get to one of these sites, first thing you need to do is create an account for the site.

You can click that button down there. So once you are in, this is what the interior of the mining pool website looks like.

All you really need to do in here is go to your account to Workers, which is on the sidebar there. And then you just need to create a new worker. Just create that worker. You can see now that there is a new worker created. The first is your username, which is Ardo in my case. The next is the worker name, which in this case is worker 2. And then you also have to know the worker password, which in this case is worker 2, as well. The last thing you need to know is the host name of this pool, which you can find in help.

So the next thing you need to do is download the actual software to do the mining. Go ahead and download that. Now to run this, we need to use an application called Terminal. You can find that in your applications folder under Utilities. It should be all the way at the bottom here, yep, double click it. You open up a Terminal, it looks like this. You then need to change the permissions on minerd. So, you type chmod minerd, which is going to allow you to run the file.

The first thing you need is dash O and then you paste that host name that you copied earlier. The next thing you need is dash U, which is going to be your username. You need to put your pool username dot your worker name.

After that, you need dash P, which is going to be your worker password. In my case, this is worker 2, as well. This has been running for about thirty minutes. The hash rate is a little higher now. But more importantly, you see these accepted messages which means that you are, in fact, generating valid Litecoins. If you zoom out now and go back to that mining pool website, go ahead and refresh that. You can confirm that this is working here, as well.

You can confirm down here, as well. You can take a look at your specific worker and see that that worker definitely is generating hashes. So but you can basically run both of them at the same time to maximize your yield. Otherwise it will just take ages for you to do anything unless you have like a huge computer farm or you can have like massive amounts of hashing power available, but usually for hobbies and the general normal people doing it through a mining pool usually ends ups being the better choice.

You can use the main one here. It will take like hours to synchronize this stuff. What you want to do is you want to maybe create a new one for your mining pool.

And I made this address for it, for this computer. As you can see I just installed this like a few hours ago. So you just paste that stuff in here and enter your pin code. Yeah, you have to remember your pin code and then click update account settings. So what that will do is it will enable you to start mining, because now they have an address where they pay your yield. What I did here like that they have by default there is one worker and had a default password is X.

And yeah, basically how you do that is down here you just type like GPU 2 and add password, whatever. And then click add worker. And one of them is CPU miner which you can find in here on this thread at bitcointalk.

You can check it out from there. So you just download it from here and then you extract it to your desired location. I put it actually in my Litecoin folder. I made another folder called miners. And the way I did that as like on my desktop here for example.

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