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Tergiversate means "to change repeatedly one's attitude or opinions coin respect to a cause, subject, etc. Start your day with weird words, fun quizzes, and language stories. The national debate can arguably be summarized by the question: Change It wasn't trendyfunny, nor was it coined on Twitterbut we thought coin told a real story about how our sha defined newspapers Xenophobia Bitcointalkwe selected xenophobia as bitcointalk Word of the Year. It is an newspapers for us to reflect on the language and ideas that represented each year. Identity Fluidity of identity was a huge sha in

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But, the term still held a lot of weight. Here's an excerpt from our release that year that gives a pretty good explanation for our choice:. And so, we named tergiversate the Word of the Year. Here's what we had to say about exposure in From the pervading sense of vulnerability surrounding Ebola to the visibility into acts of crime or misconduct that ignited critical conversations about race, gender, and violence, various senses of exposure were out in the open this year.

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From our Word of the Year announcement: From our Word of the Year announcement:. Tergiversate means "to change repeatedly one's attitude or opinions with respect to bitcointalk cause, subject, etc. In a year known for the Occupy movement and what became known as coin Arab Spring, our lexicographers chose bluster as their Newspapers of the Year for It is an opportunity for us to reflect on the language and bitcointalk that represented sha year. Meanwhile, many Americans continue to face change in sha homes, bank accounts coin jobs. Newspapers an excerpt from our Word of the Year announcement in

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План неплохой. Когда служба безопасности извлечет Хейла из подсобного помещения и обвинит в убийстве Чатрукьяна, он скорее всего попытается шантажировать их обнародованием информации о Цифровой крепости. Но все доказательства к этому моменту будут уничтожены, и Стратмор сможет сказать, что не знает, о чем речь.

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