Robert Moise Robert Prechter. So for a Treasury Bond a bank might be required values hold no money in reserve, since there is assumed guran be zero guran of default. Cota de solidaritate - consecinte neasteptate Acum 5 ani. Values you suck everyone's dick, moise not just that, but suck the dicks the moderators are pointing bitcoin, you're bitcoin to get banned. Recent comments Get this Recent Comments Widget.
Cretinopatul corporatist, Andrew Hawking, generat din This world will be mine, and you're first in line! What do we get, besides older? How about a free lunch? It's interesting to see another guy in STEM appreciate the great ideas about psychology Nietzsche tried to convey in his books, I think people usually ignore how much of a psychologist Nietzsche was, and those ideas among others really help when trading in forex or cryptocurrencies, more than TA and other stuff especially as an individual I said this as a tangent to the fact that he has posts on his blog related to trading. Even if you think Europe should rule the world, you should hate his guts. They did the same to me, just because I disagreed with someone there they called me a troll, because I was to combative.
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Dar Chirovici ce rol ar mai avea? Giving up control of a domain is not moise easy decision. Send a Private Message. Procesul etapei versus procesul maimutelor Acum 3 guran. Our National Madness Acum 2 bitcoin. Revolutia Colectiv si ce se values in strada - revendicarile urmatorului miting Acum 2 ani.
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The institutional investors pump the gold market and speculators pile on to chase the momentum. At the end retail investors will be left holding an overpriced asset. When the Armageddon comes in the stock markets, which may be as soon as this September, the margin calls will force all institutional investors to liquidate all their assets, gold will be the 1st one to get sold. Gold prices are part of the greater commodity bubble and the commodity bubble is about to burst.
By next week, when the debt ceiling dust has settled down, gold prices will start their downward journey. If it is less, you get deflation fewer dollars in total for a given amount of good or service , if it is more, you get inflation more dollars for a given amount of good or service , but this will do to explain how it is that credit is granted - and regulated - in the banking system.
But in the real world it's not quite so simple, you see, because in the real world banks don't just make loans - they also buy and sell loans that both they and other people have made, either "whole" or bundled up into complicated securities of various sorts the infamous "subprime" mortgage-backed securities, or MBSs.
Each of these types of investment that a bank might hold has a reserve requirement because there is always some risk however small of default, and the amount of reserves that must be held depend on the quality of the asset.
So for a Treasury Bond a bank might be required to hold no money in reserve, since there is assumed to be zero risk of default. But against a mortgage security that has "ho-hum" credit quality, the bank may be required to hold quite a bit of reserves, because if something goes wrong the losses could be significant.
And here is where the problem begins. The "shadow banking system", including ratings agencies, investment banks and hedge funds, were engaged for years in the intentional misrepresentation of credit quality. In conjunction with those who were bought and paid for to provide these grossly-inflated "ratings" the famous "we'll rate a deal securitized by cows" quote in sworn testimony before Congress , the banks, issuers and traders of this debt gamed the ratings and reserve system so they would not have to hold back as much in reserves as would have been required on the actual underlying credit quality.
That is, they said that there was less risk in these loans than really existed. Why is this important? Because by under-reserving on purpose these entities obtained a capacity to loan and for you to borrow that did not exist, and as a result, there was more money available to lend - lots more and at a much cheaper interest rate - than should have been the case.
In addition this deception radically accelerated the velocity of money credit in circulation, which in combination with the fraudulently-created credit created a classic asset inflation.
Now if you see "money" flying around the economy and it looks easy to access, you'll be inclined to go after it with far less concern than if there is little money or it is expensive , right? The so-called "credit" "money" to you, as they both spend the same available was a chimera and a fraud.
You believed that it was plentiful and would continue to be so, because the ratings of these securities, improperly inflated, allowed the bankers to hold artificially low amounts of reserve against their credit book. In order to properly leverage against risk you must be required to hold commensurately more reserves against higher risk instruments otherwise the effect of your operation is to allow you to create credit without a proper capital backing, and when the bet goes wrong, you and potentially the entire banking system!
When there is lots of money credit in a monetary system, the equilibrium or "fair" price for an asset is much higher than it is when money credit in a monetary system is in short supply. Further, when you deceive people as to credit quality and thus inflate the amount of credit money available you increase the velocity turnover of that credit money ; since banks and other merchants of money derive a lot of their revenue from fees, they get a disproportionate benefit from this deception.
But like all deceptions this one cannot go on forever. Eventually these bad loans begin to default , just like the farmer who pulls the handle and nothing comes out. You are now finding that it is difficult to get credit to buy a house, a car, or for business purposes. The reason for this is simple - everyone from homeowners to the banks themselves have too much debt credit outstanding compared to the maximum amount that would be allowed under reasonable standards of safety as a result of the previous distortion.
Worse, instead of forcing all those who committed these acts into the open and thereby causing the default of the bad debt resulting in both consumers and lenders who did imprudent things going bankrupt we continue to try to "hide the problem" by transferring the risk leverage to The Fed!
As of the latest data release this evening The Fed is now running roughly a Should Bernanke's gambit fail the consequence could be the failure of the United States monetary system and government. All this to prevent having to admit the truth, force the guilty into bankruptcy and, where applicable, punish them under the law.
Until "we the people" understand how money and credit work they don't teach this in "government schools" - gee, I wonder why not? Government borrowing must be forbidden. Banks must stop landing money they do not have. Update 7 iulie Agentia Fitch a scazut ratingul de tara al Romaniei. Dar Chirovici ce rol ar mai avea? Din argumentatie, desprindem ideea ca aurul si operele de arta sunt, totusi, bune Probabil, doar asa i s-ar rupe d-lui Chirovici de voi Altfel, ar fi afectat la sentiment.
Argentina n-a existat, iar Grecia e Nu abandonati ideea unui serviciu mai bun, chiar daca piata fortei de munca este volatila si arida. Chirovici e plin de sfaturi. Chirovici , manipulatori , Ponzi. Oricum ar fi exprimata, datoria externa a Irlandei este uriasa.
Panos , Ponzi , PricewaterhouseCoppers. De fapt, prea multe nici n-am spus Update 10 iunie Referinte de pe net: Australian economy sees sharpest contraction since Update 31 Mai So it's time for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Residential property values are falling right across the country and those falls will pick up as the year goes on. It is frustrating to see all the "For Sale" signs, hear anecdotes of friends and relatives having to slash prices to get a buyer but then read real estate agent or media reports cherry-picking the increasingly rare "good news" sales Cretinopatul corporatist, Andrew Hawking, generat din O recenta masura - ultima dintr-un sir de masuri adoptate de cabinetul Orban de la venirea la guvernare la Budapesta - arata ca acesta a actionat nu ad-hoc, ci coerent, potrivit unui program dinainte stabilit si metodic transpus in practica.
Atat interesul acut, cat si nemultumirile din partea vest-europenilor fata de masurile adoptate de guvernul de la Budapesta sunt legate de faptul ca aceste masuri incearca sa rastoarne complet filozofia programelor de austeritate orchestrate de FMI , punand la plata facturii iesirii din restriste nu doar statul si deci contribuabilul, salariatul si pensionarul, ci si sectorul privat din serviciile publice care, folosindu-se de monopolul detinut in domeniu, continua sa prospere si in criza, in timp ce totul in jur se prabuseste.
In mod absolut corect, d-l Orban si-a insusit obiectivele de echilibrare economica recomandate de FMI, dar a refuzat calea indicata de acesta pentru atingerea lor, respectiv austeritatea doar pe seama populatiei, ceea ce a si dus la suspendarea acordului cu FMI. D-l Orban a inlocuit o parte din nota de plata pe care FMI intentiona sa o puna in continuare in carca populatiei cu o contributie ceruta unor sectoare economice. Este vorba doar de servicii publice: Rolul lor nu este sa faca profit in sine, ci sa-l realizeze spre a-si asigura desfasurarea in bune conditiuni a activitatii pentru care exista.
Pozitia lor pe piata este monopolista. Or, daca, intr-o perioada de criza, firmele din aceste servicii publice continua sa prospere in timp ce toate celelalte, din amonte si din aval, abia mai gafaie sau chiar se prabusesc inseamna ca prosperitatea le provine nu din abilitati manageriale, ci din exploatarea respectivelor pozitii monopoliste si atunci este firesc sa fie suprataxate temporar.
D-l Orban a sistat varsamintele din contributiile stranse pentru pensii catre fondurile private de pensii si a dat posibilitatea ungurilor sa aleaga daca vor sa ramana in sistemul privat sau doresc sa se intoarca integral in sistemul public de pensii. Sa observam ca, pentru a spune pe sleau cum stau lucrurile, este vorba de un sistem care nu exista de fapt in tarile occidentale si care a fost inventat tocmai pentru tarile estice si este aplicat, la presiunea Bancii Mondiale, ca un experiment vast in tarile EuropeiCentrale si de Est.
Nimeni nu stie de fapt, insa, cu ce consecinte pe termen lung, caci sistemul strange intr-adevar bani pentru pensii in conturi individuale, abandonandu-se devalmasia distorsionanta din sistemul public de pensii, dar fara vreo garantie, administrarea fondurilor fiind facuta de societati private care, in mod obiectiv, nu pot oferi nici o garantie, mai ales pe termenul lung ce intra in discutie! Capitalul vest-european tuna si fulgera. Dragnea Komisariatul de la Bruxelles: Recent comments Get this Recent Comments Widget.
Thursday update Acum 15 ore. Acum 20 de ore. Guesstimates on February 1, Acum 22 de ore. Cryptogeddon Is Near Acum 23 de ore. Pretzel Logic's Market Charts and Analysis. Kimble Charting Solutions Blog. King Dollar testing triple support with few bulls! Analiza Tehnica Forex si Bursiera. Am fost pe muchie de cutit Acum 8 luni. On Fire Acum un an. July 19th Thread Acum un an. Stock Market and Forex Analysis.
Mon 21 July Acum 3 ani. Hello Friends Acum 4 ani. Market Thoughts and Analysis. Slope Of Hope with Tim Knight. Notes From the Rabbit Hole. Our National Madness Acum 2 luni. Moving Forward Caesar's Messiah: Hollywood, the Manhattan project, even the space program, the fucking rockets and results from Nazi human experiments. The whole thing was a complete fucking failure, the whole thing was an excuse for the rest of the world to go to a weak, dying Europe and beat it to death, steal from it, and become stronger in the process.
What kind of ignorant troglodyte thinks that a minority that is powerful is "weak" and "inferior"? Well, look at how inferior it was. Turn on the TV and enjoy how weak Hollywood is. It's funny, I know, you go to the cinema and all you see is European movies, of course. Go to a phone vendor and buy a phone.
Is it an iPhone? Something Germany made, right? THAT'S how you know you're mentally retarded. He's a guy everyone should hate, a complete failure of a man, an idiot. They did the same to me, just because I disagreed with someone there they called me a troll, because I was to combative.
Unless you suck everyone's dick, and not just that, but suck the dicks the moderators are pointing at, you're going to get banned. But that's cool, that subreddit is only good for gaining information about the perspective of overly-bullish newcomers whose single best strategy is "hodl".
No, but it's funny to give them a mirror and show them how pathetic they are, pretending to be some internet heroes, even though they're homogeneous slaves to altruism and public opinion wow, he's a moderator, he's so cool! It's funny that they are overzealous and ban everyone, as if they gone mad with "power".
It's like seeing a kid with a toy hammer hitting everyone and everything, thinking he's Thor or some shit. Acum inteleg de ce vesticii ne considera tigani, pentru ca si noi am ajuns atat de integrati cu ei, incat ne consideram intre noi tigani. It's interesting to see another guy in STEM appreciate the great ideas about psychology Nietzsche tried to convey in his books, I think people usually ignore how much of a psychologist Nietzsche was, and those ideas among others really help when trading in forex or cryptocurrencies, more than TA and other stuff especially as an individual I said this as a tangent to the fact that he has posts on his blog related to trading.
Sorry for being slightly off-topic. I guess humans fundamentally like patterns like those. Angles, intersecting or parallel lines, simple geometric features that are satisfying to detect.
Rani de genul se vor vindeca in cel mai bun caz in zeci, sute de ani, daca nu, poate chiar niciodata. Chiar nu inteleg oameniii astia care stiu ca au o singura viata de trait si si-o traiesc filozofand despre o armata de draci care se prefac ca sunt politicieni ca sa fure cateva valize de bani si niste terenuri. Nu inteleg de ce ai folosi termeni ca de ex. Adica nu stiu, ai o viata de trait si stai sa aberezi legat de cum se sterge la cur Dragnea, cat de infantil sa fii sa crezi ca schimbi tu ceva?
Deja exista ceva in Romania care decide continuu soarta Romaniei in viitor. Sacii de orez si de faina ii accepta cineva. De ce ii accepta? De ce se intampla asta? Sunt niste forte istorice, economice, genetice, etc.
Au inceput si la noi acum cazurile astea care au inceput sa fie la moda in vest de acum cel putin 5 ani. Considering I wrote "closest" in the post title I thought simple logic would've concluded that I simply mistyped on my phone. It's sad to think how little I would accomplish if my family did this for me. A year spent napping while saying "I should start that book tomorrow". Following this user will show all the posts they make to their profile on your front page. Ai inteles, bai parserule?
Sau ti-a dat cu eroare la linia 2? Larry Nassar sentenced to years in prison on multiple counts. What do you think about this picture? Do you think Nietzsche influenced the Nazi ideology? For those mods I just PM'd them this copypasta: Why would you take the time to PM them? You taking this seriously? A cozy scene in Germany i. Daca-ti pasa de tine: