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This is in the statute. But since the people who designed the plan to put a stop to it were the very ones who were doing it in the first place, you can not be surprised that their solution was not a very good one so far as the American people were concerned. Since being here the Holy Spirit has been very close to me. Hang in there brother. Are you prepared to accept the bloodguilt of those who listen to this bad theology and follow the lead to do nothing?

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Davison, a senior partner of J. Morgan Company; Benjamin Strong, Jr. Morgan and President of Bankers Trust Co. The men had been told to arrive one by one after sunset to attract as little attention as possible. Indeed, secrecy was so important to their mission that the group did not use anything but their first names throughout the journey so as to keep their true identities secret even from their own servants and wait staff. Davison told intrepid local newspaper reporters who had caught wind of the meeting that they were going duck hunting.

They decided to do what so many cartels do today: And they would be the ones calling for regulations and reform. And that basically was the strategy. It was a brilliant strategy. Of course we see it happening all the time, certainly in our own day today we see the same thing happened in other cartelized industries. And in essence what they had created was a set of rules that made it possible for themselves to regulate their industry, but they went even beyond that.

And so all of this was in The Federal Reserve Act, and the American people were joyous because they were told, and they were convinced, that this was finally a means of controlling this big creature from Jekyll Island. Amazingly enough, they were successful, not just in conspiring to write the legislation that would eventually become the Federal Reserve Act, but in keeping that conspiracy a secret from the public for decades.

It was first reported on in by Bertie Charles Forbes, the financial writer who would later go on to found Forbes magazine, but it was never fully admitted until a full quarter century later when Frank Vanderlip wrote a casual admission of the meeting in the February 9, edition of The Saturday Evening Post:. Over the course of their nine days of deliberation at the Jekyll Island club, they devised a plan so overarching, so ambitious, that even they could scarcely imagine that it would ever be passed by congress.

As Vanderlip put it,. If it were to be exposed publicly that our particular group had got together and written a banking bill, that bill would have no chance whatever of passage by Congress. So what, precisely, did this conclave of conspirators devise at their Jekyll Island meeting?

At the end of their nine day meeting, the bankers and financiers went back to their respective offices content in what they had accomplished. The details of the plan changed between its drafting and the eventual passage of the Federal Reserve Act , but the essential ideas were there.

But ultimately, this scene on Jekyll Island, too, is just one piece of a larger puzzle. And like any other puzzle piece, it has to be seen in its wider context for the bigger picture to become visible. To understand the other pieces of the puzzle and their importance in the creation of the Federal Reserve, we have to travel backward in time.

The story begins in late 17th century Europe. The name is a carefully constructed lie, designed to make the bank appear to be a government entity. But it is not. What happens here at the birth of the Bank of England in is the creation of a template that will be repeated in country after country around the world: And the jewel in the crown for the international bankers that creates this system is the future economic powerhouse of the world, the United States.

In many important respects, the history of the United States is the history of the struggle of the American people against the bankers that wish to control their money. By the s, with colonies still fighting for independence from the crown, the bankers will get their wish. In the United States is in financial turmoil. The Continental, the paper currency issued by the Continental Congress to pay for the war, has collapsed from overissue and British counterfeiting.

Desperate to find a way to finance the end stages of the war, Congress turns to Robert Morris, a wealthy shipping merchant who was investigated for war profiteering just two years earlier. In his capacity as Superintendent of Finance, Morris argues for the creation of a privately-owned central bank deliberately modeled on the Bank of England that the colonies were supposedly fighting against.

And exactly as the Bank of England came into existence loaning the British crown 1. But the bankers have not given up yet. Before the ink is even dry on the constitution, a group led by Alexander Hamilton is already working on the next privately-owned central bank for the newly formed United States of America. So brazen is Hamilton in the forwarding of this agenda that he makes no attempt to hide his aims or those of the banking interests he serves:.

It will also create a necessity for keeping up taxation to a degree which, without being oppressive, will be a spur to industry. Opposition to Hamilton and his debt-based system for establishing the finances of the US is fierce. Led by Jefferson and Madison, the bankers and their system of debt-enslavement is called out for the force of destruction that it is.

As Thomas Jefferson wrote:. Still, Hamilton proves victorious. The First Bank of the United States is chartered in and follows the pattern of the Bank of England and the Bank of North America almost exactly; a privately-owned central bank with the authority to loan money that it creates out of nothing to the government. In fact, it is the very same people behind the new bank as were behind the old Bank of North America. Meet the new banking bosses, same as the old banking bosses.

Once again, the US economy is plundered while the private banking cartel laughs all the way to the bank that they created. Hamilton is dead, shot to death in a duel with Aaron Burr. The bank-supporting Federalist party is out of power. Accordingly, the charter renewal is voted down in the Senate and the bank is closed in Less than a year later, the US is once again at war with England. With trade at a standstill, prices soaring, inflation rising and debt mounting, President Madison signs the charter for the creation of another central bank, the Second Bank of the United States, in Just like the two central banks before it, it is majority privately-owned and is granted the power to loan money that it creates out of thin air to the government.

The 20 year bank charter is due to expire in , but President Jackson has already vowed to let it die prior to renewal. In his veto message , Jackson writes in no uncertain terms about his opposition to the bank:. It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their selfish purposes.

In he announces that the government will stop using the bank and will pay off its debt. On January 8, , President Jackson succeeds in paying off the debt , and for the first and only time in its history the United States is free from the debt chain of the bankers. It is 77 years before the bankers can regain the jewel in their crown. But it is not for lack of trying. Immediately upon the death of the bank, the banking oligarchs in England react by contracting trade, removing capital from the U.

Throughout the late 19th century the United States is rocked by banking panics brought about by wild banking speculation and sharp contractions in credit. By the dawn of the 20th century, the bulk of the money in the American economy has been centralized in the hands of a small clique of industrial magnates, each with a near monopoly on a sector of the economy. There are the Astors in real estate, the Carnegies and the Schwabs in steel, the Harrimans, Stanfords and Vanderbilts in railroads, the Mellons and the Rockefellers in oil.

As all of these families start to consolidate their fortunes, they gravitate naturally to the banking sector. And it is Morgan, who, in , sets in motion the crisis that leads to the creation of the Federal Reserve. That year, Morgan begins spreading rumors about the precarious finances of the Knickerbocker Trust Company, a Morgan competitor and one of the largest financial institutions in the United States at the time. The resulting crisis, dubbed the Panic of , shakes the U.

Morgan puts himself forward as a hero, boldly offering to help underwrite some of the faltering banks and brokerage houses to keep them from going under.

The public hatred toward these institutions was unprecedented. There was an overwhelming consensus in the country for establishing a central bank, but there were many different interests in pushing this and everyone had their own purpose behind advocating for a central bank. They wanted it to be exclusively under the public control because they despised and feared the New York banks as wielding too much influence, so for them a central bank would be a way to curb the power of these private financial interests.

On the other hand, those same financial interests were advocating for a central bank to serve as a source of stability for their control of the system, and also to act as a lender of last resort to them so they would never have to face collapse.

But also, in order to exert more control through a central bank, the private New York banking community wanted a central bank under the exclusive control of them.

So you had all these various interests which converged. Of course, the most influential happened to be the New York financial houses which were more aligned with the European financial houses than they were with any other element in American society.

The main individual behind the founding of the Federal Reserve was Paul Warburg, who was a partner with Kuhn, Loeb and Company, a European banking house. His brothers were prominent bankers in Germany at that time, and he had of course close connections with every major financial and industrial firm in the United States and most of those existing in Europe. And he was discussing all of these ideas with his fellow compatriots in advocating for a central bank. Aldrich invited Warburg and a number of other bankers to a private, secret meeting on Jekyll Island just off the coast of Georgia where they met in to discuss the construction of a central bank in the United States, but one which would of course be owned by and serve the interests of the private bank.

Congress, but it was actually voted out. They simply revise and rename their plan, giving it a new public face, that of Representative Carter Glass and Senator Robert Owen. The newly-retitled Federal Reserve Act is signed into law on December 23, and the Fed begins operations the next year. So how does the Federal Reserve system work? What does it do? Who owns and controls it? These are the basic questions that would get to the heart of the fundamental question: According to the Fed:.

To achieve [its] goals, the Fed, then and now, combines centralized national authority through the Board of Governors with a healthy dose of regional independence through the reserve banks.

The simple truth, hidden behind the sleight of hand of economic jargon and magisterial titles, is that a banking cartel has monopolized the most important item in our entire economy: We are taught to think of money as the pieces of paper printed in government printing presses or coins minted by government mints.

While this is partially true, in this day and age the actual notes and coins circulating in the economy represent only a tiny fraction of the money in existence. Although this simple fact is obscured by the wizards of Wall Street and gods of money who want to make the money creation process into some special art of alchemy carefully overseen by the government, the truth is not hidden from the public.

In December , the Federal Reserve Bank of New York published another of its dumbed-down cartoon-ridden information pamphlets for the general public attempting to explain the functions of the Federal Reserve System.

There in black and white they carefully explain the money creation process:. That is, they create amounts of money against the value of those IOUs. There it is, in plain English: It is created out of thin air as debt, owed back to the bank that created it at interest. This means that bank loans are not money taken from other bank depositors, but new money simply conjured into existence and placed into your account.

And the bank is able to create much more money than it has cash to back up those deposits. The Fed claims to be the entity overseeing and backing up the banking industry. It was established, according to its own propaganda, to stabilize the system and prevent bank runs like the Panic of from happening again:. Throughout much of the s, almost any organization that wanted could print its own money. As a result, many states, banks, and even one New York druggist, did just that.

In fact at one time there were over 30, different varieties of currency in circulation. Not only were there multitudes of currencies, some were redeemable in gold and silver, others were backed by bonds issued by regional governments.

It was not unusual for people to lose faith both in the value of their currency and in the entire financial system. Then when the funds ran out the banks suspended payment temporarily and some even closed. People lost their entire savings. Sometimes regional economies suffered. Obviously something had to be done.

And in , something was. This act created the Federal Reserve system to provide a safer and more stable monetary and banking system. If that was indeed its aim, it signally failed to do so in running up one of the greatest bubbles in American history to that point in the s, just a decade after its creation.

The popping of that bubble, of course, led directly into the Great Depression and one of the greatest periods of mass poverty in American history.

Economists have long argued that the Fed itself was the cause of the depression by its complete mismanagement of the money supply. But here, too, the Fed has completely failed to live up to its own standards:. There are a lot of different causes of inflation, but one of the most important is too much money. The Fed can adjust the money supply by injecting money into the system electronically, or by withdrawing money from the economy.

Any time the supply of money is altered, the effects are felt throughout the economy. Consumer prices now are about 30 times higher than they were when the Fed was created in Paper money, too, is the responsibility of the Federal Reserve. At one time, the Federal Reserve Banks were legally required to keep large stockpiles of gold in reserve to back up these notes, but that requirement was abandoned and today the notes are backed up mostly by government securities.

But I do have one question: The Federal Reserve does not own any gold at all. We have not owned gold since so we have not engaged in any gold swaps. What appears on our balance sheet is gold certificates.

When we turned in…before , we did…the Federal Reserve did own gold. We turned that over by law to the Treasury and received in return for that gold certificates. No, we have no interest in the gold that is owned by the Treasury. House Financial Services Subcommittee Hearings.

Clearly, there is a discrepancy between what we are led to believe is motivating the Fed and what it actually does. This system codifies, institutionalizes, oversees and undergirds a form of banking called fractional reserve banking, in which banks are allowed to lend out more money than they actually have in their vaults. And what that really means is that as the banking institution developed over several centuries, starting of course in Europe, it developed a practice of legalizing a certain dishonest accounting procedure.

In other words, in the very, very beginning if you want to go all the way back , people would bring their gold or silver to the banks for safe keeping.

Then, instead of changing or exchanging the gold coins, they could exchange the receipts, and people would accept the receipts just as well as the gold, knowing that they could get gold. And so these paper receipts being circulated were in essence the very first examples of paper money. Well the banks learned early on in that game that here they were sitting on this pile of gold and all these paper receipts out there.

So we can create more receipts for gold then we have. No one ever questions the integrity of it or the ethics of it. So it all starts with this concept of fractional reserve banking. The trouble with that is that it works most of the time. But every once and a while there are a few ripples that come along that are a little bit bigger than the other ripples. Maybe one of them is a wave.

S 1st Circuit Court of Appeals that a suit filed in Boston federal court in against Backpage by three women who claimed that Backpage was responsible for them being forced into illegal sex transactions. Also on January 9, , prior to its scheduled hearings on Backpage the next day, the PSI released a report that accused Backpage of knowingly facilitating child sex trafficking. Shortly thereafter, Backpage announced that it was removing its adult section from all of its sites in the United States.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article may contain an excessive amount of intricate detail that may only interest a specific audience. Please help by spinning off or relocating any relevant information, and removing excessive detail that may be against Wikipedia's inclusion policy.

June Learn how and when to remove this template message. Retrieved January 20, Retrieved May 27, Retrieved 1 March The Ultimate Guide to Backpage Ads 1st ed. Retrieved 16 September Last September, however, the Supreme Court in Washington state ruled that a suit against Backpage. Retrieved January 21, Aider of traffickers, or way to stop them? Retrieved February 17, Retrieved November 10, Retrieved 14 September What's Wrong with the War on Sex Trafficking".

Retrieved May 30, Retrieved February 21, It's the more marginalized and poorer workers who are hit hardest by this.

Archived from the original on January 16, Retrieved January 25, Retrieved December 1, Berkeley Technology Law Journal. Retrieved January 16, Retrieved August 2, Digital Media Law Project. Retrieved May 18, Retrieved May 5, Retrieved June 22, Tennessee, Nashville Division January 3, Tennessee, Nashville Division March 27, The New York Times.

Tentative ruling on Request for Judicial Notice and Demurrer". Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations , S. Supreme Court will not examine tech industry legal shield". All the evidence clearly points out the Confederacy was peacefully following principles laid out by the founding fathers, the declaration of independence, and the 12 amendments of the U.

I am with the South in life or in death, in victory or defeat. I never owned a negro and care nothing for them, but these people have been my friends and have stood up to me on all occasions. In addition to this, I believe the North is about to wage a brutal and unholy war on a people who have done them no wrong, in violation of the Constitution and the fundamental principles of the government…We propose no invasion of the North, no attack on them, and only ask to be let alone.

Union General, terrorist, and all-round mega bastard. My aim, then, was to whip the rebels, to humble their pride, to follow them to their inmost recesses, and make them fear and dread us. Fear is the beginning of wisdom. There is no use trying to reform it. The crueler it is, the sooner it will be over. This war differs from other wars, in this particular. We are not fighting armies but a hostile people, and must make old and young, rich and poor, feel the hard hand of war.

I would make this war as severe as possible, and show no symptoms of tiring till the South begs for mercy. Sound like the talking points and actions of someone who is anything but a terrorist to you?

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