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Yes, actual stardust source: By sticking with Google's offerings, BlackBerry has skillfully avoided the needless duplication of features that so often plague Android devices. Chinese Space Junk Laser, no word on when tickets go on sale source: Multiverse may be real, needed. Mattereum will undertake the legal and technical development work to ensure that legal texts and their Read More

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Bancor launches its cryptocurrency wallet with a unique bug-catching challenge — a hackathon with thousands in prizes for those programmers who find bugs along the way. It is certainly a cyber-security aware way to launch your cryptocurrency wallet.

Challenge hackers to find the bugs as they sign up. Blockchain-backed financial services start-ups are still finding new ways to provide products and opportunities including loans to those unable to access these services before.

Beyond the other creative applications, it is being applied to, blockchain is at heart, a technology that is all about currency. That includes the financial kind.

Blockchain will revolutionize the property investment market via connecting buyers, sellers and investors through online communities of interest and investment. Real estate is historically one of the more stable forms of investment.

It is one that also involves the least amount of risk as an investment mechanism. Man attacks roommate with Legend of Zelda replica sword, fails to lock on targeting source: How to manage your privacy on fitness apps, even if you're a cross-fitting vegan who has to be at the gym in 26 minutes source: Hearing voices is actually a sign of well-tuned brain. Acting on the voices when they tell you to paint yourself purple and run naked down the New Jersey turnpike not so great source: Part of this complete breakfast source: Japanese tits sound the alarm source: Remember how it took years to sequence DNA?

Introducing the Minion, a handheld device which will sequence your DNA in seconds. Diagnose diseases and syndromes in real time. Figure out who's been naughty on your sofa source: Somebody made a Civilization VI mod to accurately reflect Donald Trump's policy strengths and weaknesses as they might be played out. One the more interesting outcomes is a small probability of rebels rising as soon as the game begins source: I don't trust Musk or Tesla but I own two of his cars and would buy more.

The original 'elegant universe' was a complete failure, and goes back over years to Johannes Kepler source: Chrome extension malware has evolved. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead source: Can just 5 therapy sessions work for those with PTSD?

What if your insurance only covers 3? Holy Grail of dinosaurs found in the Egyptian desert. Promptly taunts paleontologists from its perch on the castle wall source: Did you leave Hearthstone because of Razakus Priest, or aggro decks smacking your face with endless pirates, Corridor Creepers and Bonemares? Good news -- they are finally getting nerfed source: How feats of strength and airing of grievances help cement social bonds source: Turns out the diabeetus also reduces the collagen in your bones, making them less bendy, more breaky with helpful scary x-ray source: Coral, it is their density.

Did you hear what acid? YouTube CEO Susan Wojicki brings the hammer down on 'Acid Attack' prankster by bleating a mealymouthed, lawyer-penned warning and allowing him to keep his account and his , followers source: Research shows alcoholics who smoke weed every day are healthier source: Nic Cage finally lands that Superman role thanks to deepfakes source: Thinking about buying Apple's new HomePod?

Well, it makes a great paperweight source: The no-win situation and the cause of all life? Discovery has opinions about them, but do they hold up to science? Nerds and jocks can finally understand one another source: SpaceX targeting February for Falcon launch. No word if it will be able to do the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs source: I get 'em in my yard all the time, 6 to maybe 7 inches.

Definitely, I've never seen one that big. This wasn't overheard at a prostitute's convention source: Yes, there is gravity in space, but you just can't hear it source: Qantas travels from Los Angeles to Melbourne on mustard-seed biofuel. Ketchup ship and pickle-copter still in design phase source: Making out mummy mask manuscriptions source: People with Alzheimer's can display disrupted circadian rhythm decades before memory issues. Unknown if Alzheimer's causes sleep problems or sleep problems cause Alzheimer's.

World's first 'smog vacuum cleaner' can suck up air pollution and turn it into jewelery source: Which explains why we're now stuck here in the age of "fake news" source: Oh, they're real, and they are spectacular source: The 'Singapore Sling' is a cocktail that was invented so society ladies could get drunk in public source: The longest-held record in video gaming has been invalidated after 35 years source: Microsoft's patch undoes Intel Spectre fix, making Intel machines vulnerable again source: The cheese does not stand alone.

It's teeming with microbial colonies. Delicious microbial colonies source: Thanks to Facebook, a man will now be naming his son Goku. Hopefully he remembers to cut off that pesky tail immediately source: Still not sure what to do with all those Bitcoins you got selling mushrooms on Silk Road 5-Years ago?

Bloomberg is here to help source: El Paso ponders how best to troll Trump source: And now for our last question: Man learns the hard way that a plastic shopping bag is no match for a wasp nest source: Tonight we feast, having laid low the vile hawkers of kale, rice cakes and dietary scolding source: Hey, I'm an amateur scientist.

Would you mind if I climbed on your roof looking for stardust? Yes, actual stardust source: PlayStation Network down for the third time this week, inconveniencing millions of glorious PC Master Race members who have to stop what they're doing to scoff at the dirty console peasants source: How the Mom Internet became all sanitized ads source: Have you always wanted an earlys era linotype printing machine?

Now's your chance because this guy is trying to give it away rather than sell it for scrap metal source: Scientists smash thousands of proteins to find four "Legos of life," promptly lose the two key ones to the set, and step on 9 more source: Google has turned the knob for creepy to 11 source: Ford prefects the Enforcement Droid Series source: Want to how many space aliens may be out there in the universe? Okay, but there's going to be some simple math source: Why is everyone trying to stop global warming right when we're starting to discover priceless artifacts in Norway's melting ice?

People [still] get fired up about the pronunciation of GIF. Go on, give it your best shot source: All of it may sound as if we're guaranteed to see a useful quantum computer in this year or very soon because there is apparently a brutal competition of many players who seem very close.

According to the Czech laws, the top EU commissar should actually spend years in prison for his promotion of totalitarian ideologies We have learned from some soulmates at Twitter about this German article and a Czech review of it. The story says quite something about the ideological underpinnings of the contemporary European Union. Let me translate the full German text first:. Lots of essays have been written about global warming's being a religion. Many fewer texts have been written about the Bitcoin's religious character.

And almost no texts, if any, have been written about the similarity between these two social phenomena. To summarize, I will primarily argue that in both cases, a very small scientific observation or a modest technological invention without any visible practical consequences is blown out of proportion and painted as something that will decide about the future of the mankind by attaching and dogmatizing lots of memes and misconceptions that have no scientific or technological justification at all and most of which are just self-evidently dumb.

Let's start with the climate change religion. The atmosphere is a complicated physical system where thousands of processes take place and influence each other. Even all the known influences may require thousands of pages of textbooks to be clarified — these thousands of pages aren't among the most important ones in the list of millions of pages that are needed to capture the mankind's knowledge about the world — and almost all the people are bored with this stuff.

One of these thousands of processes is the greenhouse effect, an emergent effect that allows the equilibrium temperature of a system to be increased in the presence of gases that absorb the outgoing thermal infrared radiation. OK, in particular, these ideas may also be applied to carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere and they imply that the doubling of the CO2 concentration — which takes a century to be reached at current industrial rates — implies the increase of the temperature by some one Celsius degree or so.

One week ago, Sheldon Cooper returned to string theory. Even Edward Measure knew that dark matter was a bad fit. He was repeating his tirades about 30 times.

The Mafia is trying to destroy him, he's innocent, you can visit the Stork Nest and see children who visit the place which proves that he hasn't stolen anything, blah blah blah. Well, once I streamline them, his claims are straightforward.

Even though we can't see outside the cosmic horizon — beyond the observable Universe — all the grand physical or cosmological theories still unavoidably have something to say about those invisible realms.

These statements are scientifically interesting and they're believed to be more correct if the corresponding theories make correct predictions, are simpler or prettier explanations of the existing facts, and so on. The main reasons of the drop are random mood swings, as always, which are amplified because most of the "traders" are momentum traders China's new desire to ban cryptocurrency trading including some "clever" methods outside the big Chinese public servers Korea's repetition of the claim that a complete ban is still possible U.

But I need to say a few words about the last point. Bitcoin "traders" are clearly doing their best to fit the elephant in the room — the semi-satirical textbook graph of the history of a bubble which has been around for years! It seems that almost all those who listened to the advise by TRF and shorted the Bitcoins when CBOE offered the first professional Bitcoin futures trading on December 11th will make nice profits today.

These Bitcoin bears or skeptics will be paid cash by the Bitcoin bulls. The number of settled cash positions may be comparable to , by now so it's no longer negligible relatively to the Wednesday, January 31, Nima on the doom of spacetime. Features of scientific theories don't have to be separately testable. Zeman defends presidency, a hangover awaits WaPo demagogues.

Multiverse may be real, needed. How much will error correction delay quantum supremacy? Juncker will open a big Karl Marx exhibition. Let me translate the full German text first: Bitcoin and global warming: Which stringy paper inspired Sheldon last night? Czech lawmakers hand out the prime minister to police. Bitcoin fans or foes: Wolfram Alpha answers your query. The present Your calendar

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