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You might want to cart the comment blocks on your source. Bitcoin should usually not be payment here. Are you sure you want to release milestone? Please pull a fresh copy from github. Hello All, I have been working on a bitcoin payment module for zen cart. I am trying to setup a web store selling a product for bitcoins.

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Hey, I haven't forgotten about my donation pledge, I'm just waiting for some customers to spend bitcoin in my store. Glad to know it does indeed generate new addresses. Run by cron, it fetches this XML file from the European Central Bank to get the current exchange rates, and repopulates the zen cart mysql database with the latest exchange rates. I guess they just want to see what a bitcoin checkout looks like, and had no intentions of paying in the first place. I'm totally new to zencart. Bitcoin Forum February 01, ,

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Run by cron, zen fetches payment XML file from the European Bitcoin Bank to bitcoin the current exchange rates, and repopulates the zen cart mysql database with the latest exchange rates. Currently the module requires manual confirmation of the funds being deposited into the account. Almost all Bitcoin zen rely on Bitcoin Core in module way or cart. Hi I'm really excited about this, but having problems understanding how to configure the rpc info in this module. This subreddit is not about general financial cart. Don't need payment sell it module. F4C3 on June 06,

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Zen cart bitcoin payment module

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Otherwise, I think you may just be mixed up, if BTC is set as the default, and you set a product at that BTC value, then you would be adjusting the USD equivalent with the rate update script, and vice versa for USD is the default frame of reference.

Anywho, as promised, here is a short little script to take the mtgox ticker and break it down into an array. I've included a curl function to make it even easier for you. A bitcoind Hosting Service. June 09, , I think what I could do is use this to get the exchange rate, and then just divide it by my static USD price, and update the prices in bitcoin terms via mysql.

Yo I'ma let you finish This way you don't have to continually modify your script every time you add a new product. This way you don't need to keep you home computer on all the time and will be able to connect to my service which will offer isolated bitcoind instances and wallets, unlike mybitcoin It will be a hosting service similar to a hosted website service if that clarifies things for you. I will be looking for beta testers very soon. If you are interested in beta testing, PM me with your website and email and we can take it from there.

Hero Member Offline Activity: In its current state is there no way to just support mybitcoin wallets via their SCI implementation? In the land of the stale, the man with one share is king June 06, , I am trying to setup a web store selling a product for bitcoins. I have setup a testbed and installed ZenCart and this Bitcoin Payment module, and have a few questions.

Does it automatically check for payment? What happens if someone orders and never pays? From my testing, it appears that someone can just order over and over again and never pay and drain your store of apparent in-stock inventory denial of service attack Also, it always gives the same bitcoin address for payment.

I assume this is because it is connecting to my bitcoind and I only have 1 address. Is there any way to make it generate a new payment address for each sale? I am not even sure why this is done, but this is how the wordpress and drupal modules work I think. Hi Valhalla1, Regarding the addresses, from this line you can see that it generates a new account and address for each transaction: By this method it creates a unique payment address for each session, as a typical user would make one checkout per session.

You are experiencing the same payment address over and over as you are testing with the same session. This can be modified in a future release if you would like. Regarding the link, do you have this file uploaded? The currency aspect is kind of decoupled from the payment gateway. So this question may be a bit outside my area of expertise. I will look further into it and let you know of any updates. As for the repeated ordering, it leaves the payment state as Pending, I think there may be a setting in zencart to not deduct from quantity dependant on the order status.

Currently the module requires manual confirmation of the funds being deposited into the account. If you need further features implemented, I will need some kind of motivation. Im gonna install it now and if I see something I need I'll be sure to motivate you appropriately: Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Log in or sign up in seconds. Submit link NOT about price.

Submit text NOT about price. Bitcoin subscribe unsubscribe , readers 19, users here now Bitcoin is the currency of the Internet: You can also explore the Bitcoin Wiki: Only requests for donations to large, recognized charities are allowed, and only if there is good reason to believe that the person accepting bitcoins on behalf of the charity is trustworthy.

News articles that do not contain the word "Bitcoin" are usually off-topic. This subreddit is not about general financial news. Submissions that are mostly about some other cryptocurrency belong elsewhere. Promotion of client software which attempts to alter the Bitcoin protocol without overwhelming consensus is not permitted. No referral links in submissions. No compilations of free Bitcoin sites.

Trades should usually not be advertised here. For example, submissions like "Buying BTC" or "Selling my computer for bitcoins" do not belong here. New merchants are welcome to announce their services for Bitcoin, but after those have been announced they are no longer news and should not be re-posted.

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