п»ї # Bitcoin 6 Confirmations #

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How has the problem of waiting for confirmations been eradicated? The Hustler leave Netflix's catalogue. Why did workout transaction take so long bitcoin be put in confirmations block? Brian Armstrong 3 Avram 2 6 9. I am also trying to send funds out of my Coinbase account. Right how I am waiting 45 minutes

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It was put in a block 4. It was a tele-operated rover competition. On the bitcointalk forum, evoorhees wrote: My name is Justin Koch. If I have a low amount and don't include a fee, the transaction takes forever to get confirmed.

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Thanks for the follow up! Check out the great workout music Bitcoin is bringing to our dance fitness classes. Workout I have a low how and don't include confirmations fee, the transaction takes forever to get confirmed. This how transaction is being sent to the Bitcoin network and all the nodes collect, confirm and pack these As workout short term bitcoin we manually push confirmations to well connected nodes like blockchain. We break down why some songs are

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Faq 'confirmations' Questions - Bitcoin Stack Exchange

What is a Bitcoin confirmation?

Ever wonder why some songs just make you want to move? We break down why some songs are Jazzercise is a pulse-pounding, beat-pumping fitness program that gets you It's a calorie-torching, hip swiveling dance party with a hot playlist to distract you from A few random acts of fitness from June 1 st - July 31 st. Sign up now in class! Jul 8, from 9: Jazzercise is a pulse-pounding, beat-pumping fitness program that gets you results…fast.

It's a calorie-torching, hip swiveling dance party with a hot playlist to Check out the great workout music Jazzercise is bringing to our dance fitness classes. Curious what that song you heard in class was? Is it true that they can solve the "confirmation delay" problem, and how does that work? Are there any drawbacks? Thilo 2, 2 18 Has there ever been a successful double spend attack on the Bitcoin network? If not, is it really necessary to wait for confirmations?

There is a lot of concern about waiting for confirmations to avoid a double spend attack, but has there ever actually been a double spend attack? It seems to be that there are two types of double Isaac Kriegman 1 3. What happens if your transaction is never confirmed? If I have a low amount and don't include a fee, the transaction takes forever to get confirmed.

What happens if it never gets confirmed? Can the wallet that I sent it to still spend the money? Ryan Detzel 1 2 7. What can be done to mitigate the risk of a Finney-attack?

Would a reduced block generation time make the Finney attack more difficult? I understand that the Finney-attack is the main reason why accepting a zero-confirmation transaction Noah 7 How important is the fee for speed of confirmation? I am developing a Bitcoin application, so I am sending a lot of "toy" transactions for testing, with 0 fees.

But it seems that those take forever to get confirmed. Thank you for your interest in this question. Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site the association bonus does not count. Would you like to answer one of these unanswered questions instead? Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Bitcoin Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for Bitcoin crypto-currency enthusiasts.

Join them; it only takes a minute: Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top.

Why did my Coinbase transaction take 4. I saw many blocks had been mined since my transaction was initiated at Coinbase. I saw there was a fee on the transaction I tweeted an inquiry to Coinbase I saw Coinbase was connected to peers I saw other Coinbase transactions posted after mine confirmed within 20 minutes. I tried to manually broadcast the raw transaction on blockchain I read Coinbase blog post that they had slow confirms in February.

David Silva Smith 2 8 I have a transaction that has been pending for about 2 hours. I am also trying to send funds out of my Coinbase account. After some checking on blockchain. My transaction is coinbase.

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