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Peter September 18, , Check out this quote:. I give myself a praise for holding firm on the iPhone and Mac Air although Mac has been calling my name for months now. I think I would rather surf with the white sharks than camp in Australia. Dual pane windows, insulation etc. How did finances impact each decision?

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March 17, — 2: February 23, — 1: January 26, — 8: February 25, — Generator Service, Parts and Repair February 23, — February 23, — Start-up issues with your mower? How to check your lawn mower battery and pick the right size battery for your mower.

June 1, — 9: Get Ready Now for Spring Mowing! March 4, — 9: Parts for All Brands! Click to visit our Parts Store. An alternative way to model future revenue and market cap is through the autonomous ride-hailing business. Suppose Tesla produces just 5 million cars with self-driving hardware over the seven years from to , an average production of , cars per year. Suppose that each self-driving vehicle replaces five conventional vehicles. Given billion passenger vehicles on the road globally estimates vary widely , that means there is a need for a million to million self-driving vehicles.

The main obstacle to the Model 3 achieving a high sales volume is achieving a high production volume. Product risk is low and execution risk is moderate or high. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions.

I am not receiving compensation for it other than from Seeking Alpha. I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article. Instead of a traditional IPO that makes shares available to the general public, Stockholm-based Spotify will opt to directly list on the exchange , making its shares available only to institutional investors and eliminating the need for underwriters, a.

The move could shake up Wall Street. IPOs are usually a lucrative business for investment banks, but in the last few years revenues from equity capital market ECM fees have dropped. Goldman Sachs Group Inc. Those institutions will perform some of the traditional tasks expected of them, but in a less prominent way. Why the novel strategy? Spotify, as measured by either its subscription service or its ad-supported free version, is the most popular music streaming service, according to the New York Times.

It is, however, facing a copyright suit from Wixen Music Publishing, filed in late December I researched several providers and talked to sales reps from each — this was a big-ticket purchase, so I wanted to be sure I had as much information as possible. The problems started shortly after. My support tickets took an average of days to get a response. I felt let down. The product itself may have been the right solution for our needs, but the poor onboarding support I received left me with so much post-purchase regret that I wound up cancelling the contract and moving to a different provider.

A full lifecycle program of sales needs to take two factors into consideration: This ignores the fact that, during the post-purchase period, new customers are — consciously and subconsciously — evaluating whether or not they made the right choice. Research by Seung Hwan Lee and June Cotte of the University of Western Ontario, Canada, published by the Association for Consumer Research , suggests that there are actually four distinct types of post-purchase consumer regret:.

If post-purchase regret is left unaddressed, both of these scenarios can lead to cancellations and refund requests as in the case of the SaaS purchase I described earlier. Basically, salespeople and the companies they work for benefit financially from referrals. Treating onboarding as part of the sales process and implementing a referral-driving workflow leads to happier customers and better results for your company. Does your sales process stop at the close? If so, share your ideas for extending sales throughout the full customer lifecycle by leaving me a note below: As the citizens of Hawaii came out of hiding in their bathtubs and basements Saturday morning, after learning that the emergency alert they had received, warning of an imminent nuclear missile attack, was a false alarm, their fear and panic transformed into rage.

Could it really be that the emergency alert system is so simplistic, it only takes the twitch of a finger to send Hawaii into terror and chaos? During a press conference Saturday afternoon, the governor and officials at the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency confirmed that the blunder occurred during a twice-daily test that happens when staffers switch shifts.

In this case, the staffer accidentally selected a live alert, instead of a test alert. After the alert went out, there was no way to automatically cancel or recall the message. Instead, they took to Twitter to tell the public the alert was a false alarm, but it took a full 38 minutes to manually generate and disseminate another corrective emergency alert that reached all Hawaiians.

The Integrated Public Alert and Warning System, or IPAWS, manages both the emergency alerts you get on your phone and the national emergency alert system, which broadcasts to television stations. Those pre-loaded emergency alerts, scary as they may seem, are necessary, says Thomas Karako, a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, its staffers—known as watch standers—monitor a global network of sensors that can detect a missile launch.

If it detects a missile en route to Hawaii, NORAD would send a message to Pacific Command, which would in turn alert the state emergency management center. The Emergency Alert System, which predated Wireless Emergency Alerts, was created with the specific goal of letting the president communicate with the country in the event of a nuclear attack.

The US has spent billions of dollars maintaining this system, and yet, 38 minutes went by before Hawaii sent a second message, acknowledging the false alarm. The president, or any of the federal agencies with access to the emergency alert system, could have corrected the record much sooner.

Where were they with all of this? This was purely a state exercise. Though all 50 states use it, not all local governments are part of the voluntary system, leaving some cities without a uniform way to alert their citizens of a local threat. In some cases, Simpson says, those emergency centers only staff up when a threat appears imminent. Perhaps the most critical issue this false alarm highlights is the need for a firewall between the test mode and live mode in the emergency response interface.

It appears that was not the case in Hawaii. The Hawaii emergency management officials also noted the obvious need for a better way to recall accidental messages. But the opposite should occur. UL] which was recently blocked by U.

It is also grappling with new regulations, requiring mobile payment firms to sharply increase the amount of client funds in interest-free reserve accounts, which will likely reduce profits.

Alipay has a popular end-of-year feature that allows its customers to analyze how they have spent their money over the year. At the end of , the feature began enrolling users who wanted to look at their bills into the credit scoring system, Sesame Credit. That allowed Sesame Credit to collect their data and share the analysis with its partners. Samsung is going all in on the Internet of things, betting that connected appliances and faster Internet speeds will result in happier customers.

And it plans to use its existing SmartThings app to ensure that those devices can all talk to each other—from the TV to the phone to the refrigerator to the washing machine. What that means for users will depend on which Samsung appliances they own, of course. One example is people who buy a new Samsung TV will no longer have to worry about entering user names and passwords for services like Netflix , Hulu, and Spotify when they initially set up their TVs.

That information will automatically entered into the TV by checking other systems in which the customer is logged in, making it a more seamless experience. As part of the initiative, Samsung will expand the number of smart refrigerator models it sells by introducing 14 new models that come with its integrated screen and newly expanded FamilyHub technology that lets owners stream music, leave notes to each other, and view the contents of the fridge in real time.

Samsung has previously tried and failed to make its ecosystem more connected. According to the Wall Street Journal , the bikes wind up in odd places, like schools, tavern roofs, and Burning Man. Google has been trying to control its losses, using roving teams to collect the bikes from around town, and recently installing GPS trackers.

But according to comments to the Journal from Mountain View residents, the deeper issue may be mixed feelings about the corporate giant. But others — perhaps including a man who claimed to have an entire garage full of the bikes — regard their borrowing as a kind of retributive justice against the massive company. The bike situation is subtler and more complex, as befitting lower-key Mountain View.

Reuters — Apple Inc will release a patch for the Safari web browser on its iPhones, iPads and Macs within days, it said on Thursday, after major chipmakers disclosed flaws that leave nearly every modern computing device vulnerable to hackers. But the most recent operating system updates for Mac computers, Apple TVs, iPhones and iPads protect users against the Meltdown attack and do not slow down the devices, it added, and Meltdown does not affect the Apple Watch.

Macs and iOS devices are vulnerable to Spectre attacks through code that can run in web browsers. Shortly after the researchers disclosed the chip flaws Wednesday, Google and Microsoft Corp released statements telling users which of their products were affected.

Google said its users of Android phones — more than 80 percent of the global market — were protected if they had the latest security updates. Apple remained silent for more than a day about the fate of the hundreds of millions of users of its iPhones and iPads. The volatility has alarmed some economists, who worry of a bubble. Other cryptocurrencies include Ripple , Ethereum, and Litecoin.

The free-falling Sears Holdings , parent company of Sears and Kmart, made a truly unorthodox decision this holiday season. According to the Wall Street Journal , no paid Sears commercials have run nationally since November 25th.

No national Kmart commercials have run since November 24th. The decision, according to the Journal , came from Sears Holdings chief Edward Lampert, over the objections of other executives.

In a statement to the Journal , Sears said the shift came after evaluating the effectiveness of its various marketing efforts. Even in the digital age, abandoning TV entirely would be a highly unusual move for any large consumer business. Studies have also found that ads on television are still substantially more effective than those in other media. The decision is particularly strange in the case of Sears, whose customers tend to be older.

Americans over 44 watch vastly more traditional television than younger people, with those over 65 watching nearly three times as much television as those , according to eMarketer. Sears, a venerable U. For a time, that decline could be seen as a product of the shift from brick-and-mortar to online shopping. But Sears has lagged even other legacy department stores in reacting to that transition. Focusing on digital ads might be seen as an effort to move that needle. Meanwhile, retailers from Home Depot to Target to Urban Outfitters have recently beaten analyst expectations , and rising foot traffic at outlets including WalMart is driving talk of a retail resurgence.

But before you sign up, check your local channel availability here , because not every market includes every station. The service also packs a big on-demand library, which could be good if you get bored of all that confetti and kissing and you just want to binge, instead. Depending upon which television channel you want to ring in the new year with, Sling TV might be the choice for you.

But like the others, channels vary by zip code, so check their availability before you sign up. Enterprise IT should be doing the same thing for cloud computing. Clients often leave aspects of their cloud deployments unprotected or underprotected, and things that should be encrypted are not, while things that should not be encrypted are.

Moreover, consider all the security technology in place, what needs to be updated? What should be replaced? You should have a mix of both, as well as some paths for your staff defined to get the skills of a cloud architect, cloud developer, cloud operations specialist, and cloud devops specialist, just to name a few roles.

Databases are sticky, and once enterprises have used a specific database, they are not likely to change it. Indeed, what many enterprises have done is just rehost their data on public clouds using the same database they used on premises.

Are you using the optimal solution? These are just a few suggestions; I suspect that you can name more. Whatever they are, pick a few and follow up.

Have a great new year! Each time you go back, you tell yourself it will be different… they have changed! Yet every time you go back, they break your heart again. This has now happened to me twice with GE. Then I found out they were cheating on me with someone named subprime! It nearly bankrupted the company, and Uncle Warren had to come to the rescue to save it.

I vowed to never make that mistake again…. And just like that, we were back together. The stock had been consolidating all year, and Jeff Immelt had on his shiniest used car salesmen hat, singing sweet nothings into my ear of buybacks, the disposal of the finance assets and refocusing on core industrial operations. Is this stock destined to break my heart again and again until nothing is left?

I did some soul searching… deep in the woods. And had decided again to leave, never to return. But as I was leaving the door, with my bags packed, and my prized, signed picture of the Jamaican bobsled team in toe, an event made me hit the pause button. This left me in a holding pattern for months, until Nov 13th. It now realizes it has a serious problem, it has overspent and or had disastrous timing on virtually every major deal it has done in the last years.

He also seems to be dead set on costs, which with GE in its current structure will keep him busy for a while.

The reason is pretty simple, all of the dirty laundry appears to be in the open now. Mr Flannery has all but told anyone that will listen that the rest of and all of will suck, and to not invest.

He has acknowledged the pension shortfall, which I am sure will come up in the comments section of this article. Also shrinking the board from a frat house of 18 to a GE focused 12, preaching honesty imagine that and accountability in the new GE. So far I am digging the new CEO and currently am in tacit agreement with his broad outline.

This is a core division for GE, and one that recently has helped drive them directly into a ditch, as overcapacity, technical issues and in my view an ill timed Alstrom acquisition weigh on earnings at the division. However, GE power does have many redeeming qualities.

They are a technology leader in the industry whilst having deep relationships with customers in a field that honestly does not have all that many options. Near term however, look for deep cuts in expectations at the unit until the smoke clears. This division looks set to continue to preform well in the near term and may be looked at as an example for the rest of the company.

They build locomotives with a large portion of revenue coming from the services side of the business, which is something I like to see. They are a global leader in the industry and the mix of technology and services is impressive.

However the division has been lackluster of late and the strategic fit is questionable and thus may not make sense for them to keep. They did just win a locomotive order from Canadian National Railway CNI but it may be prudent to offload this asset to focus on core business. I sort of hate to see this business go, as it truly is world class.

However GE hopefully will use proceeds here to either reduce debt or shore up the oft cited pension shortfall. Healthcare- GE has a broad and diverse set of healthcare assets, providing imaging, healthcare cloud, cardiology, orthopedics and anesthesia equipment, among multiple other products and services. This has been a strong performer for the company and what I would consider another core holding of GE, this division looks to be a good fit with its digital offerings and will likely continue to buoy the company during this current slump.

Jeff Immelts timing was so bad that it feels like it was on purpose. Immelt decided to buy a bunch of oil services companies, seemingly at the absolute top of the oil market.

Anyways, GE Baker Hughes as it is now called is the 2nd largest oil services company in the world and to be fair is actually a very good company, and is a technology leader in the industry along side Halliburton HAL. So basically it is the second prettiest girl in a leper colony. Oil services, seem in my opinion to be stuck in a pretty serious long term rut and GE, I believe will look to dispose of this asset likely through a spin off off or divestiture of its stake rather quickly.

Perhaps GE could offer Immelt a stake in this spin off in return for the GE stock he so graciously awarded himself during his charade. Renewables- The renewables division is home to a world class wind energy turbine manufacturer, along with in my opinion is the most valuable part, its services segment. The company also has an emerging offshore wind and hydro power segment that are lacking scale currently, but hold long term promise. The wind market this year has suffered from intense competitive pressures thus dragging results, however this also looks to be a core division for GE in the future.

The companies potential is just so damn pretty! GE lines up well with my vision of the mega trends of the future. In my mind, a company must both show an ability for growth, while possessing a solid balance sheet with operating discipline from which to build. After the dust settles from the recent house fire Mr Flannery has set ablaze, I am envisioning 4 major divisions of GE remaining. All 4 remaining divisions fit into my vision- with 3 qualifying in my mind as mega trends.

Healthcare I view as a great business as well but does not fit as a mega trend in my book with so many unknowns as to the future in the industry. Power- Power is obviously a key need for the future as more and more countries look to move to gas powered plants and away from coal.

GE is in great shape position wise in the industry and once the fat has been cut, along with a renewed focus on execution, this division should prove to be a key driver of profits for decades to come. Aviation- This division looks to be in the midst of a multi decade run, as the world continues to be more interconnected. Importantly the Asian travel market is in the early innings of what looks to be a spectacular expansion. GE I believe is in the drivers seat in this industry, both in technology and services.

However manufacturing jet engines is an entirely different animal from copying an iPhone and progress on a Chinese engine that is both safe and accepted is likely a few decades off. Healthcare- This industry as a whole, especially preventative medicine in my view will swell massively in the next few decades. Which would be good news for GE! Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget.

Wind energy by most measures is already roughly equal in cost per MWh to current fossil fuel plants, this will likely get better with time, and with offshore wind and hydro picking up steam in both efficiency and scale for GE, will open further avenues of growth for this division. Alternative energy is here to stay, and GE looks to be on a path that requires no subsidies, a major pitfall to solar currently. The downside to wind energy could be the commoditization of wind turbines, however I believe that GE has the technology and service capability to differentiate themselves in this rapidly growing industry for decades to come.

GE has burned me… Badly in the past, and I must say I am rather gun shy about committing to a perhaps multi decade long marriage to the stock. If I continue to like what I am seeing and the valuation seems fair, which I view it to be currently a forward PE of 17ish I may step up to the plate and double my position in the company.

This article discusses one or more securities that do not trade on a major U. Please be aware of the risks associated with these stocks. While it is gratifying to see that the number of tulip comparisons has slowed considerably, I think there are still a fair bit of clarifications and misconceptions floating around which need to be corrected — hence this note.

Thanks to the advent of financialization and hyper-loose monetary policy, the invisible foundation upon which our financial system is built is tearing at the seams.

The VIX, a gauge for volatility, is a great case in point. Take a look at implied volatility — now in its historic 0. Years of printing has thus lulled markets into a false sense of complacency and created the self-reinforcing low-vol equilibrium illustrated below. The fund manager with lots of beta outperforms, the cautious fund manager underperforms. Either the latter gets on the bandwagon or soon enough outflows from the fund will ensue. As the chart below illustrates, all this has resulted in a very interesting phenomenon where buyers are compensated disproportionately for taking on risk.

If you thought Bitcoin had the best risk-adjusted return over the last decade… think again. Markets used to function as a mechanism for price discovery. This is important because the cost of money — the single most important driver for capital allocation decisions has now been artificially depressed by central banks, breaking the price discovery mechanism as we used to know it. Enter Bitcoin — the first ever decentralized, non state-controlled currency of the modern era.

The Bitcoin phenomenon is not entirely new. Meanwhile, the same forces which have depressed the cost of capital today have also led to some mind-boggling developments in our present day financial system. This could not be further from the truth. In addition to the cryptocurrency itself, there are four key players within the ecosystem that the government can target — the developers, the users, the nodes arbiters and the miners.

To bring down Bitcoin, the path of least resistance would thus be for governments to target the perceived weakest link. In my view, the most bulletproof point in the ecosystem is the network of nodes. To ban Bitcoin entirely, governments would have to destroy copies on each and every node holding the Bitcoin ledger around the world.

If even one copy survives, so does Bitcoin. Even a coordinated attack by governments around the world would stand no chance of accomplishing this feat. The users are perhaps the weakest point here and will be a key focus of regulatory efforts. The best way governments can attempt to regulate Bitcoin users is through the fiat-Bitcoin interface, i. As exchanges are merely companies, they are subject to the same regulations as any other exchange operating in the country.

Remember when China banned local exchanges back in September? Bitcoin remains alive and well. For now, though, most exchanges are centralized and users may thus be subject to taxation.

The recent court order for Coinbase to hand over records of its biggest customers is a great example of this. As things stand, taxing Bitcoin users is very feasible at the point of convertibility. Lindsey September 18, , 5: Kelly September 18, , I also use child labor-my kids help. FMaz January 28, , 1: In 4 years I clean my vehicle maybe twice. It fulfill that function as well dirty or clean. Gerard September 19, , 6: Macs September 18, , And of course, trying to force it will break the mechanism.

Dancedancekj September 18, , 1: I think the catalyst was having kids — my focus became all about practicality. In hindsight, the first real indicator that I was not the same as my friends and colleagues was when I made the decision to NOT buy a new car, and went for a 12yo car with k km on the dial.

BadassCPA September 18, , 4: Tara September 18, , 5: Chris September 18, , 9: The more hard earned money investments or cash I accumulate, the less I want to spend it. Sometimes just knowing I can buy that fancy car for cash is just as satisfying. I just heard a very interesting story about education on the radio. It seems to me that non-cognitive skills are needed to succeed at something like mustachianism. The abilities to go against the grain, resist marketing and delay gratification are more about discipline and less about complex math.

I really appreciate this article because as you say it gets to a level above basic tactics. It changes your outlook on life and consumerism. MM, do it better. George September 18, , After reading all the articles on this blog, there is really like about really truly core fundamental articles to learning Mustachianism.

This would definitely be one of them. This article is taking wealth creation to its most basic and purest form. It seems that never has wealth and the road to being financially successful been so well explained and mapped out before in one place. I have read a lot of books on this topic of Personal Finance, and each book it seems has bits and pieces of the whole picture, yet never has the whole picture in one source.

Stanley always was able to establish correlations between habits and being rich, i. Yet in his books they were always correlations of events, he never made attempts to determine causation; he could not point to event A and say yes that is definitely what made this guy rich.

In contrast, this blog is really one of the most comprehensive and easy to understand guides to becoming financially independent FI. Note only is MMM telling you about things that FI people do but he is actually explaining how the causation that this process occurs. This blog is one of the blessings of the information age. Just imagine, a road map to wealth mapped out that any can have access to and its free;. Money Mustache September 22, , 7: Those are the ones I will adapt into the book we will eventually make out of all this fun stuff.

Devin September 18, , 6: I thought you were going to continue on that theme. Can I afford it, is it actually a convenience, is there anything more important than this that deserves my time and attention.

Then the article turned into an exercise of will. I get it, I do similar things in my thought process, but there does come a point when you have multiple saving goals. Not necessarily all at once, but everything has a life cycle and when you truly use them everyday replacement is inevitable. Or those tires that are pushing , kms need to be planned for replacement.

No I do not own an iphone, ipad, or i insert gadget here. And for this I thank you. You are making me think and now that I type this visual of me smacking my forehead with palm of my right hand that is truly the message you were trying to convey.

Just took me a minute to get there. Chaz September 18, , 7: I myself have a more strict definition of afford. Afford means your unearned income from investments, etc. That being said, the thing I desire most is freedom. That takes quite a bit of unearned income to afford it. The quote in the beginning: And, you know, at this stage we can really afford it. Things that are not adequate substitutes for financial independence: Too much house 2.

Too much car 4. Alcohol habit going out to buy drinks. MB 12 Year Career September 18, , 7: Additionally, I think having a bunch of Stuff is actually quite inconvenient. Use boats as an example, since we live near the water and so I have seen this in action.

You have to maintain them, winterize them, dock them somewhere, drive to that somewhere whenever you want to use it, etc. M September 18, , 7: I bought a used canoe. There is no engine to maintain. I never wash it, or clean it other than spraying it off with a hose.

My kid loves going down the river and stopping at the various gravel bars to fish and swim. So, I guess I love boats but only the self propelled type that are cheap and cost nothing to maintain. Hopefully the price of the sticker helps pay to clean up the river that we fish and swim in. MB 12 Year Career September 19, , 8: Now, a used canoe is something I can totally get behind.

We actually got a real cheap kayak as our way to enjoy the water. October MacBain September 18, , I drive cheap cars, live in a condo and spend less on utilities than MMM, but tech gadgets are my downfall. I am lucky that my company pays for most of my tech toys, otherwise I would be in big trouble. It is not cheap being a nerd these days. James Kiffmeyer September 18, , 7: I got a second generation ipad from work which I sold on ebay, but the third generation ipad I got last year I kept.

My wife uses it a lot, but I rarely touch it. The fact that work paid for it helps. Risky Startup September 18, , 3: My excuse is that I use iPad exclusively for work, but to be honest, I could just lug my laptop around and never use the iPad. Risky Startup, and I am a gaget-o-holic. As a side note, my original iPad was stolen from me by my 2 year old son who was then not even 1 years old. I have to say that as a education tool there is no better.

My son already speaks clearly, knows alphabet, numbers up to 20, he can spell his name etc. I know, some people are against little kids using technology, but we limit it to an hour per day at the most, and we cancelled cable so our son only watches TV maybe once per week mainly music videos.

My yoga teacher wisely reminds us to check our thoughts. That most of what rumbles around in there is repetitive, discursive and just plain not helpful. She suggests not to attach to it, but just watch. I never knew why that was so. Then just watch it transform into something else because nothing is static. Art September 18, , 7: Can someone confirm that I got this right?

The only debt is mortgage. Mortgage interest and escrow taxes and insurance are counted as spending. Frugal Toque September 18, , 7: So subtract off your taxes, which I guess includes health premiums in the U.

Clint September 18, , What am I missing? I never realized we should include mortgage as part of the savings percentage. I do not think that mortgage payment should be included in savings — only portion of the payment that is paid against loan principal.

Art September 18, , At least that is how I look at it. Frugal Toque September 18, , 2: I plan to live in my house, not sell it for a profit. So any money I put into the mortgage is a tax-free savings account at whatever my interest rate is. Risky Startup September 18, , 1: People often say how they have equity, and how their house appreciated in value, blah, blah, blah. What they fail to account for is the fact that if your house appreciated in value, so have others around you — and it is not like you can sell the house and live on the street.

And if you sell, you will still only be able to buy so much house for the money. By counting the mortgage and the RRSPs as savings. Your income, not counting taxes, is 55k. Apparently, whether or not you count mortgage payments as savings is up for debate. I count it because the mortgage stands between me and my retirement. Therefore, any money put into the mortgage counts as saving towards retirement.

Everything else in that comment was related to the fictitious example. Best way to decide if something is savings is to ask yourself — can I live off this if I had to without going back into debt for investment, test question is — would this item provide returns. You would probably end up renting some other place, or buying a new house. However, if this is the case, that means that you have too much of the house to begin with.

Still, if counting it as savings works well for you and motivates you to be frugal, that is awesome! I just feel as if many people in North America are simply brainwashed to think that getting a mortgage is an investment. Mortgage is an investment for those who lend the money that is used to provide mortgages.

Those who pay mortgages are not investing, they are purchasing housing solution. Again, if house value appreciates, great — but most likely, other houses appreciated in value too, so you are back at the square one.

People kept telling me that I am stupid for paying rent, but I kept sticking the money into investments instead — now I have enough money to buy the condo I am renting for cash, but I am still not sure that this would be smart thing to do.

And, if I need to move for a better job, or because I want to live closer to work, or if I want to take a year and travel the world — I can move on a 90 days notice actually 30, but I am nice. Frugal Toque September 19, , 6: Of course, this is dependent on my rule that I want to own my house and have the matter of shelter permanently settled in my mind before I can declare myself financially independent. MP September 19, , 1: In most cases those should be topped up first before putting money into RRSPs.

I agree N Americans have been led astray on the values of owning a home. Those values are even more skewed in Canada because the national average house price is somewhere north of k. Yes, nearly double the US around k last I heard. RRSP depends on many factors, most importantly current and future income levels.

That is because taxes are only deferred when on RRSP. Frugal Toque September 19, , 5: Second, putting money in RRSPs comes off the top of my income for tax bracketing purposes. When it comes to mortgages, I view house ownership as necessary for my peace of mind. I like to be able to configure my house to suit my needs. MP September 19, , 7: I also assume people know TFSAs can be self directed investment accounts.

I just cringe when people only mention RRSPs. Only using an RRSP or having a huge sum in there can get tricky. Also, by deferring your taxes using an RRSP you are betting your future tax rate will be lower.

Realize that taxes can change — read: Someone is going to have to bail out all these over stretched homeowners sooner or later. CMHC is backed by you and me. I am saving bundle on taxes, and when I get to take the money out later in my life, my tax bracket will surely be much lower than it is now.

For example, lets assume that TFSA was available in Those stocks would today be worth around 1. Also, as I mentioned earlier, if you can, you should max out both. Bullseye September 20, , 5: Only contribute when it makes sense. However, money used to pay off debt student loans counted as savings does not make any sense to me.

David Wendelken November 24, , 5: The Budget http: Required includes food to survive not steak and lobster , other expenses necessary to survive, and pre-existing even if stupid contractual obligations. PFgal September 20, , 6: Love the post, excellent in so many ways. I love the fundamental shift you focus on rather than the technical aspects. Stoicism really is worth looking into, A Guide to the Good Life really helped me realize much of what you said here.

When I first started focusing on finances I started adding a million different budgets for every expense hoping to micro manage my way to wealth. There are very few things I would buy after looking at them through a urine bag.

Thanks for the awesome image, it will definitely help keep me on track! RW September 18, , 4: CL September 18, , 7: I actually looked at my Mint account after reading the article. I congratulated myself on having let a few months pass since buying physical objects, even though going only a few months means that I can do better. Those objects were shirts at the FBI Academy, though, and my Behavioral Analysis Unit shirt is actually worth more to me than the money that I paid for it.

The money was equal to a half hour of my time at my internship. Georgia September 18, , 8: Where on this spectrum does education fall? For instance, something I find challenging and fun is playing guitar. I guess this might be akin to Mrs. M September 18, , 8: Costs can add up however. However, I barter a fair numbers of my classes. I raise some of my own food and I trade for that.

My husband also trades classes by doing home repairs for my teacher. It seems to work for us. Rob September 19, , 1: This is about community. As for learning the guitar, as a guitarist myself, the best way to learn is through community. Oh and most reasonably skills guitarists love showing off and teaching counts as that.

Esther October 12, , 3: SavvyFinancialLatina September 18, , 8: However, in the winter, we rarely use the heater, so it averages out. Thanks for this post. Money Mustache September 20, , 3: In the MMM household, we wait until 86 to turn ours on these days, and nobody even notices — the unit runs a couple of times a year at most.

Risky Startup September 20, , 6: I used to have a house on the seaside back in Europe — it was hot, reaching some days, but because it was dry climate, we never even owned the AC, nor did we ever want one. Now I live in Southwestern Ontario close to Great Lakes, and humidity gets so bad that even at 80 you sweat constantly.

We tried to do keep AC around 84, and it was impossible to sleep — sheets get wet in an instant. Buy a fan — open windows and circulating air helps a lot. Make sure you have good shades on the windows. Ones that let the air in, while completely blocking the sun rays. Insulate your place well so that AC work is not wasted.

Dual pane windows, insulation etc. If not already, change light bulbs to lower power and do not use incandescent ones. Even when modern equipment is off, it actually uses the power and producing heat. It has to be actually powered down. Esther October 12, , 4: I live on the southernmost point of continental Europe, so you can imagine that it really gets hot here in the summer degrees. They get used to it. Jane in London September 18, , 8: Peter September 18, , 8: I would love to hear more on how this mindset could or should be adapted though, to non-material things and necessities.

I have just finished school and will be starting work shortly. Anyone have any advice on how to get over these two mental hurdles and still be happy with my situation? Peter, you could try to find a roommate who works the opposite hours you do. Where are you living? In the end though, if you are serious about changing your mindset, I would question why you think you deserve both of those things.

Georgia September 18, , Just a warning regarding roommates with the opposite schedule: Carolina on My Mind September 18, , I felt the same way when I graduated, and I think wanting your own space is reasonable. I rented a one-bedroom apartment in my 20s when I could easily have lived in a studio. My apartment was small, but I could have gone even smaller and cheaper. So I recommend that approach.

Anyway, good luck figuring everything out! I live in Seattle and the winter here does get to me too. Could you try going somewhere cheaper than an exotic locale but still warm and sunny, like LA and Santa Barbara, Sacramento, Phoenix, etc? I live in Sacramento and our winters are typically mild. The summers are dry heat usually experiencing temperatures of 95 for months.

Peter September 18, , It is indeed the equivalent of Whitehorse. I lived for a semester once in my own apartment furnished by my co-op employer, and it was heaven living on my own. Neither the annoyances of room mates nor the enjoyment of my own place subsided, even after months, as this hedonistic adaption idea would suggest. M September 18, , 1: Perhaps you just need individual peace and quiet. Even in the relative tropics of central Ontario, February is a drag. And now no hockey….

Leigh September 18, , 4: I too found that living on my own was heaven. I ended up spending less money on many materialistic things because I was happier in my home. Good luck with your apartment hunt! I used to share a house with a bunch of other people, I had a good time and we made long-lasting friendships, and I also saved a lot of money. I also took trips to exotic places. I just saved up and went travelling. Best thing I ever did.

Whenever people ask me for advice, I always tell them: Before the kids arrive. There are ways about going on vacation that would not break the bank. See if you have relatives somewhere warm, maybe a friend. If you are single, it is much easier. Even if you are not, there are ways. My recent plan is that I am combining business with pleasure. Company likes it because I am working, so they pay for most of the expenses hotels, Internet, gas or my airplane ticket and I like it because I bring my wife and son with me.

I work for a couple of hours in a morning, then lunch with my family, work while my son is napping and by I am free to go and have fun thank God for Sheraton Club Lounge: Rob September 18, , 3: Peter you can do it the same way my wife and I did it we gave ourselves a travel budget and planned and saved accordingly.

We did this while still paying off some 70, euros in debt. Weedy Acres January 6, , 7: India is only half that. Just load a few changes of clothing and some toiletries in a backpack, get a Lonely Planet guidebook, and stay in cheap hotels and ride buses to get around. Jens Odegaard September 18, , 9: I loved what Jimmy Kimmel did in this iPhone 5 prank http: When I want something new, right now!

That should train the mind. GayleRN September 18, , 2: There are plenty of these people around and I could tell you some stories I suppose but they are uniformly either sad stories or could serve as horrible examples depending on the cause.

They are the polar opposites of a badass mustachian, asswise. Mostly they are self inflicted with a very small per cent with true medical causes. In other words it originates with how you think because actions originate with thinking. However, standard practice these days is to just use diapers.

Catheters cost too much. And yes, there are people that are that damn lazy. JaneMD September 21, , Also, catheters are UTI risks so many hospitals are motivated to keep them out.

A UTI on a young healthy person is an annoyance. A UTI in an elderly patient with their multiple comorbidities other illnesses — diabetes, arthritis, broken hip can be a death sentence. September 18, , 9: Oh my gosh MMM! Clint September 18, , 9: Though that craving has subsided—much to my daughters chagrin—ever since I cut off cable thanks to this site and am down to over-the-air channels and Hulu.

That is exactly where I started. Joe Retire By 40 September 18, , 9: You sound like a Buddist monk. The future earning will be worth much more than an iPad in just a few years. The article is fantastic but you folks commenting sure put a smile on my face. Geez, I love reading each of these comments with your thoughts and experiences.

You do wonder where truly all this convenience ends. Or perhaps we may see the catheter supplying alcohol to the patrons. Tyler Karaszewski September 18, , I was thinking of buying some fence posts.

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