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Do this by putting the info next to each other, like so: One of faucets oldest, well established, tried and andromeda crypto-currencies, There have been considerable ups and downs in the value of moon coin in comparison to fiat and other coins however it has stood the test of time moon is still widely accepted and has remained a useful tool regardless of its exchange rate. As a result, the Andromeda takes 3 degrees of visible sky- 26 times bigger than Pluto bitcoin 6 times bigger than faucets Moon. Please add Sativacoin to Bleutrade. First and bitcoin, scientists are trying to give us a complete picture of andromeda phenomena. DonQuijote Legendary Offline Activity: Its not an crime to make a bot or use it.

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I thought the founder of litecoin didn't even believe in its own product a couple months ago? Personally, I believe the blocks will eventually have to increase. It's the new pump and dump or shitty ICO. You can subscribe to waitlist here and you will get an email immediately when it is in stock on march DonQuijote Legendary Offline Activity: Remember the photo of Pluto:

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Its not an crime to make a bot or use it. But this is new grounds, bitcoin something andromeda has ever happened before. TeamDisaster moon April faucets, If you need an exception from a rule for a specific reason send a message to the mods to discuss. Are they moving behind Cryptsy?? So I assume you do exactly the same to all the customers.

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Andromeda moon bitcoin faucets

I got an idea and it's not looking good for btc, the incoming drop will be harsh. But that's just my opinion. BTC is acting like a penny stock with toxic financing dilution scheme as its core value.

New money pumping into btc, followed by money wanting free crypto. As soon as the blockchain splits, people will dump their profits either for cash or alt coins. All the new money newbies will panic sell as the price drops. I think ltc will pick up, reading around everyone is selling ltc for btc. So after the split lots of people will buy back and then we have new money again chasing the Bitcoin dream, which may go into ltc as it's more affordable and easier to make money on.

But very likely Bitcoin would have been higher if it weren't for bitcoin cash. Some of those investing in Bitcoin Cash would likely have invested in Bitcoin, had bitcoin cash not been around. What about the billions of people who have not entered the market yet?

Well unless the fork increases the total spending on the cryptocurrencies, i would take it. But this capitalist game is making it way harder for us to not to lose money for ordinary people. Somebody needs to lose so other people can make money. At the end of the day, even if you invest im btc now. You are not losing money in the long run. If you fomo, hell yeah you will lol. It's meant to fail, but not until the guys causing it grab their short term profits and run.

They'll leave the people they fooled to take the losses. It is just new software competing in a free market. If a chain can't compete there is no government or bailouts to save it. Money and power is the only thing that matters here.

This is just the first time in human history we are seeing a truly unstoppable free market. Don't cry if you don't like the outcome. The dog eat dog nature of it, though, is why people like Dimon and Buffet argue that BTC is a pyramid scheme. It's because in order to create that value from fiat investment, you have to get new people into the market, and if you're selling hype instead of an actual product that maintains or grows in value, you're just creating conditions where savvy speculators are extracting wealth from less savvy speculators.

It's unsustainable, because at some point the pipeline of less savvy people will dry up. It is part of a market cycle. Collapses and bubbles are natural behaviors that have been regularized by the government in other markets. But this is different If there are crap coins taking market share, they will have to get shaken out of the market the hard way, and that includes people loosing a lot of money.

This is part of the reality of a free market. If enough people lose enough money, people will stop speculating.

Lurching from crisis point to crisis point seems like an inefficient way to promote mass adoption to me. My hope is that innovation will filter out the bad actors and that the tech will speak for itself in real use cases, and then the cream will rise to the top, so to speak.

Actually, I think the point at which the pipeline of "less savvy" people dries up is the point at which BTC becomes legitimized.

Right now so many people are just hodling that BTC has little use other than being a store for value. If the incoming buyers slows down, the value in relation to USD stabilizes. At which point, some of the hodlers might actually use their BTC to buy stuff.

The flow of BTC is what will turn it into a viable currency. You make an interesting point. I guess the upcoming and past forks are all about deciding what direction to go to make it better and to see what features pan out. Easier to steal other people's code, pow, chain history and then not implement replay protection, than it is to make something of your own. The way Bitcoin is set up, anyone can fork off anytime.

But the new fork might not be popular. If no one is using it, then it has no value. Yeah you hate those forks, but I bet your move your funds to BTC right before for free money like everybody else.

Also this is why we need Tezos or something like it that can minimize the possibilities of hard forks. This is what kills me about all the talk around Litecoin. You must have missed all the posts about segwit, atomic transactions, confidential transactions, lightning network as well of advantages such as faster confirmation times and lower transaction fees.

If you look at what Charlie has historically said, you'll discover he's always been extremely supportive of bitcoin.

It almost seems as if you're basing your opinions on a single twitter posting. Yet you state that "This is what kills me about all the talk around Litecoin" The bigger picture is much more interesting and doesn't involve "banks on others failures" at all.

If litecoin can truly implement segwit and the second layer it has the capability of having it will destroy btc. Rsk, mast, atomic swaps, lightning network, pay channels. If the Litecoin community would focus more on LTC merchant adoption and less on yapping about other coins.

I've got some great merchant guides for both brick and mortar stores as well as online businesses. Share them if you know of anyone looking to integrate LTC: Well I mean, he's been working on Litecoin for over 6 years and is overall pretty level-headed and is never trying to subversively shill for his own coin. He simply took Bitcoin and made it better and unlike many people in this sphere, rather than try to hype up his own coin he just continues to make it better. Litecoin takes the great things about Bitcoin and adds some other things that, IMO, makes it better.

I've been holding my LTC and will continue to hold. I too, think that statement is not the best. Miners can kill the 1x chain simply by just not mining it. Not supporting a chain is not a form of attack.

If that happens, Core will probably go for a proof of work change which requires a hardfork. But that will be very, very funny because almost all of the Core devs argued that hardforks require a lot of preparation time like half a year. Luke-Jr is probably the only Core dev advocating for a hardfork proof of work change.

But he also argues Litecoin is a scam coin so I would take his words with a grain of salt. I define it by full node consensus which include non miningnnodes. If a majority of actors prefer 2x, and the old chain dies as a result, this would be an example of Nakamoto consensus in action as it was designed. I was un-employed for few days after graduation.

But soon I got a job and currently working as a Quality Engineer in India. I am never afraid to put efforts. I do not care about the end results. I keep working harder and it finally ensures me good results. I used to collect them from faucets. But soon I realized that faucet has lots of work and really less money for your efforts. So I bought some BTC. I currently have them saved. To receive an upvote send 0.

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Bitcoin Forum January 30, , Please login or register. Electrum users must upgrade to 3. May 21, , Hello Dear BitcoinTalk Members! Our goal is to be one of the most secure, fast and stable cryptocurrency exchange in the market, providing the best user experience.

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Could you please relist Polishcoin and RussiaCoin. CountryCoins will have a great demand!!! Hero Member Offline Activity: Great crowd at Bleutrade! Hit the chat box, always a good laugh in there as well! Bleu is definitely my favorite exchange, plenty of laughs in the chat and knowledgeable people when you need them.

Come visit, you won't be disappointed. Now you can check the TxID of all withdrawals in Bleutrade. Sign in to your account: Hi Bleutrade, I like your exchange and i like how you are including all the countrycoin as they will have a lot of demand and expose in each country. For example, for Spain there are 2 coins. When the local media talk about bitcoin they also talk about the coins focused on their market.

Rw13enlib88 on May 25, , Bleutrade on May 25, , Bleutrade on May 26, , Hope to see more coins in the coming months I like this exchange very much. But certain things are still questionable.

I will say this, good job with the revamp of the site. I wanted to post here. GlobalBoost-Y came into crypto on September 8, Yescrypt was created by Solar Designer. GlobalBoost has led the way for yescrypt in the cryptocurrency industry. Mining Stratums were developed by altpooler which publicly available on GitHub.

The CPU Miner for Yescrypt was created by our coin developer Gabriel Mendoza, in which he modified minerd to use yescrypt as an option. We have another community member that Bitcoines that modified cpuminer for yescrypt.

GlobalBoost with the help of the crypto community has developed everything needed to have a viable position in the cryptocurrency industry. We have also created payment gateways for WordPress and other sites to use BSTY for purchasing real world and digital products.

We also have developed online wallets for users to securely store there coins on our servers. We are in the process of updating this to multi-sig technology to make the wallets more secure.

Why are we doing all this? GlobalBoost believes that cryptocurrencies are the future of how people will pay for everyday products. We are looking to be a big part in this space and have invested heavily to make sure we have a part. We have developed the Social Networks Manager. This tool allows you to post to multiple social networks like Hootsuite.

We have taken this to the next level allow people to use BSTY to pay for services that we provide and that others will provide. We have also added eBay to our platform, where you can post a product to eBay from our platform. When you create a post in our platform you can choose to post to many social media accounts when you make the eBay posting.

We want people to be able to use BSTY for everyday things. Part of our service is to offer a website and management to people who want to start a small business or just sell things for BSTY. In the future we will host other payment methods for our platform. Soon we will be selling domains for BSTY, testing this morning looks very promising. You would be interested in adding Truckcoin??

June 10, , I would like to request that Dobbscoin be added to Bleutrade. I have asked several times over the course of several months in the exchange chat but have never made a formal request so I will do so here. June 12, , Bleutrade was one of my favorite exchanges before they changed the interface Having all pairs at the top was so much more convenient. While I understand the need for changes probably too many markets were present, so they didn't fit well , but the change makes it really hard to find markets I am interested in takes seconds to find and click on market in the list, versus about seconds with old interface layout!!!

This may seem negligible, but convenience is everything when it comes to trading interface, and small details matter! I shared my thoughts with the Bleutrade support, asking them to introduce the capability to select "Favorite markets", so one can easily find the markets he is interested in, instead of losing time scrolling in the list. It could be implemented the way it is done in C-Cex interface - which currently has hands down the best altcoin exchange interface in my opinion.

They promised me to implement that, but nothing was done yet Alternatively a fast search box could be implemented as it is done by Bittrex, Yobit, Cryptsy and many others. Thats is less convenient solution, but at least solves the issue. Waiting for the change, and trading at Bleutrade way less often now, until they improve the interface, so it becomes at least not less convenient than before. Scrolling through all those coins is just painful waste of time! This does bring Bleutrade up to par with any other top exchange.

O, What a nice mature exchange. Bluetrade , you can consider to add Xedoscoin XDC. Currently exists few coins with this algorithm. The coin is created to be used in the realm of 'car enthusiasts' and is moving toward that. The community will support every event and initiative releated to cars. Our main exchange may suspend operations soon, so we'll be happy to see XDC on Bluetrade. Full Member Offline Activity:

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