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Guardian Angels Lilly and Sasha: However, I believe, like many of my friends, that travelling to the Moon and eventually to Mars and to other planets is a venture which we should undertake now, and I even believe that this project, in the long run, will contribute more to the solution of these grave problems we are facing here on Earth than many other potential projects of help which are debated and discussed year after year, and which are so extremely slow in yielding tangible results. One of the front runners is SpaceX. Unfortunately, none of these items have turned out to be commercially viable so far. It is not technically our job to deliver mail to Inuit villages above the arctic circle. The problem is building the infrastruture in the first place.

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The bottom line is that such depots can make cis-lunar and Mars missions within the delta-V capabilities of a chemical rocket. The problem is building the infrastruture in the first place. The financial risks are high, no corporation will touch it. Some kind of harvest-able resource is tricky. Many mineral resources available from, say, the Asteroid Belt could be harvested by robot mining ships.

And even if the harvest process requires humans on the spot, if that is all that requires humans, you will wind up with a universe filled with the outer space equivalent of off-shore oil rigs. This will have a small amount of people living on the rig for a couple of years before they return to Terra in order to blow their accumulated back-pay, not the desired result of large space colonies.

Rick Robinson says resource extraction is an economic monoculture, and like other monocultures it does not support a rich ecosystem. These are hypothetical particles that have yet to be observed.

Niven postulated that [a] they existed, [b] they only exist in the space environment for some unexplained reason, [c] they could only be profitably harvested by human beings for some unexplained reason, and [d] they allowed the construction of tiny electric motors since the magnetic field of a monopole falls off linearly instead of inverse square. The latter was desirable since in space mass is always a penalty factor. This is all highly unlikely, but at least Larry Niven worried about the problem in the first place.

Regolith is the veneer of rock dust common on asteroids and moons. The stream of solar wind causes space weathering, a deposition of wind particles directly into the dust. The atoms are implanted at a shallow depth Wind-enriched particles contain traces of hydrogen, helium, carbon, nitrogen, and other low Z elements rare in space.

These volatiles can be recovered by scavenging: The concentrations of volatiles in lunar maria regolith is a few hundred parts per million ppm of each type. Other valuable materials, magnetically or electrophoretically separable from maria regolith, include iron fines, uranium ppm , and ice crystals in permanently shadowed regions.

The helium fraction includes 5 to parts per billion of the rare isotope 3 He, valued because it is rare on Earth, and can be used as a fusion fuel, using the 3 He-D "clean" aneutronic fusion reaction.

However, that same radiation belt and corresponding magnetic fields could be used for 1 power 2 transportation and 3 spallation of useful elements into needed isotopes. The last one is an interesting prospect from the mineral spewing volcanic Io.

I don't actually recommend colonizing Io, but rather maintaining essentially ion farms within the radiation belt. The other moons are suitable for exploration, but Callisto the outermost Galilean Moon is protected from the solar winds by Jupiter's magnetosphere while being far enough away to reduce the radiation exposure.

That base would hold vast subsurface tanks of water for aquacultures and a whole biosystem. Waste heat from the reactors would be used to keep the tanks temperature regulated and the whole environment could be expanded in a modular manner depending on the waste heat requirements. It takes two weeks to receive the same radiation dose on Callisto that you receive on Earth every day. Moving in to Ganymede the next closest moon you would get a week's dose of radiation in one day.

Cole was listening carefully to the Morse code signals coming through from Pluto. You can recognize that broken-down truck-horse trot of his on the key as far away as you can hear it. He's got a rich platinum property. Sells ninety percent of his output to buy his power, and the other eleven percent for his clothes and food. He's figured out that's the most economic level of production.

If he produces less, he won't be able to pay for his heating power, and if he produces more, his operation power will burn up his bank account too fast. A man after my own heart. How does he plan to restock his bank account? He does it regularly—sort of a commuter. Out here his power bills eat it up.

On Mercury he goes in for potassium, and sells the power he collects in cooling his dome, of course. He's a good miner, and the old fool can make money down there. Now he sat quiet waiting for the reply, glancing at the chronometer. He's after money," replied Cole gravely. He wouldn't be able to remake that bankroll every time if he wasn't. You'll see his Dome out there on Pluto—it's always the best on the planet. For asteroid mining, you can make the case either way — I can tell you that asteroid mining isn't about getting ore from the asteroid.

It's about using disttilate mining techniques, and it's a capital rich process. You no more find the Heinleinesque belter miners in their pesky torch ships than you find aluminum or copper mining done by anything smaller than ALCOA or Standard Copper. The economies of scale are too large for them to make much sense the other way. Volatile mining for can cities, spaceships, etc does somewhat support the concept of a family grubstake mine Sure, the economies of scale argue against belter miners, but economies of scale argue against subsistence farming too.

I'd argue that if someone wants there to be a wild-eyed miner who is trying to strike it rich, for fictional purposes, it could happen. Might be useful to know how soon before he has to come home begging, though. Just to compute the astronomical sorry odds of finding an asteroid of solid diamond, or osmium, or whatever is in demand. Actually, no they don't. A subsistence farmer can make enough to support himself — his expenses are lower than his income. An independent miner will generally have expenses exceeding his income.

More sophisticated versions of the Belter mythos recognize the long odds. I could spout all the statistics from memory. Average distance from the Sun, 2.

If you jumped as hard as you could you'd go up a couple of kilometers, and take hours for the round trip.

It wouldn't be a smart thing to do. Composition, varied, with plenty of veins of metals. Moria was once part of a much bigger rock, one big enough to have had a molten core. Then it got battered to hell and gone, exposing what had been the interior. Now you can mine: There's gold and silver. There's also water and ammonia ices under the surface, which are a hell of a lot more important than the metals.

Without the metals we wouldn't be out here. Without the ices we couldn't stay. Our supporters on Earth called us the cutting edge of technology. We were the first of a series of asteroid mine operations that would eventually liberate Earth forever from shortages of raw materials. The orbital space factories already demonstrated what space manufacturing could do; and with asteroid mines to supply raw materials, the day would come when everyone on Earth could enjoy the benefits of industry without the penalties of industrial pollution.

They fought hard in Congress: Is it not time that mankind looked twenty years and more ahead, instead of always seeing no further than the next election? Unfortunately there were more on the other side. We were, they said, a terrible waste of resources. We absorbed billions that could go to immediate improvements for everyone. Foreign aid; schoolhouses; unemployment; these were the immediate problems, and they would not go away through dumping money into outer space!

Who ever heard of Moria? Who could even find it? A rock not even visible through Earth's largest telescopes, a tiny speck hundreds of millions of miles away, where expensive people demanded more and more expensive equipment. Our friends kept us alive, but they couldn't get us many supply ships; and we were holding on with our fingernails.

There wasn't much to joke about. There will be no more support from Earth. Commander Wiley let the chatter go on for a while. Then he said, "There's a way. It's not something I can order, and it's not something I can put to a vote. But there's a way. It can be us, or most of us, if that's what's got to be done. But it could be something else. Twelve thousand tons of copper, iron, silver, and gold.

Twelve thousand tons that we can put into Earth orbit from here. If we use every engine we've got and all our fuel. It belongs to the first salvage crew that can get aboard. There's a Swiss firm willing to buy our cargo if we can get it to Earth orbit. They'll pay enough to let us buy our own ship. And they'd be getting a hell of a deal even so.

I could see international lawyers arguing this case for thirty years and more. The United States didn't want us, but they wouldn't want their billions to be lost to the Swiss. We'll be on short rations the whole time.

And there won't be any new people. Kevin Hardoy-Randall let out a wail ed note: Commander, can we really do it? Using petroleum as MacGuffinite is oh so very zeerust , but the cynic in me gloomily predicts this will probably come true in real life.

The more you try to drag the world into the future with cool stuff like fusion power, the more it will stubbornly try to keep burning coal. Hauled ironically by rocketships. Ray McVay has a brilliant variant on using mining as McGuffinite. He noted that in the Ring Raiders speculation, the presence of valuable helium-3 fusion fuel in the atmosphere of Saturn is MacGuffinite. As he puts it "Did you catch that?

On Titan it rains natural gas. Hundreds of times more natural gas and other liquid hydrocarbons than all the known oil and natural gas reserves on Terra, as a matter of fact.

What's better, unlike helium-3, we already know how to use petroleum. Also unlike helium-3, there is a huge demand for the stuff. Naturally shipping the stuff from Titan to Terra does increase the price of Titan oil. But consider Oil Shale. The expense of extracting oil from shale adds about a hundred dollars a barrel to the price.

For decades nobody bothered with it because conventional oil was so cheap. However, as conventional oil became more scarce, its price rose. At the break-even price, oil shale becomes worthwhile. Keep in mind that the break-even price might be artificially raised by external events. This is the basis for Mr. Or at least for the million years it will take for Terra to produce more petroleum.

As civilization starts again, the jump from wood fuel to nuclear power or solar energy is just a little too broad. Not to mention the difficulty producing plastics or fertilizer without petroleum feed stocks. This is what will drive the industrialization of Titan and the creation of fleets of space-going supertanker spacecraft carrying black gold "Titan Tea" to Terra.

Bring oil from Titan or it is Game Over for the next million years. In his Conjunction universe, the fun starts when the irate colonists of the Jovian moons take advantage of The Great Conjunction, when Jupiter moves into the center of the Hohmann trajectory between Titan and Terra.

Here comes the Pirates of Jupiter! Phosphorus was previously mentioned as a vital resource in short supply in the solar system. Indeed, it was suggested that Terra would use this as a weapon to keep the space colonies subservient to Terran Control. However, I received an email from a gentleman named Mr. MJW Nicholas with a brilliant suggestion. He points out that Terra itself is heading for a phosphorus shortage, " Peak Phosphorus ".

In that case, instead of Terra having a strangle hold on the space colonies, it might be the other way around. Intense MacGuffinite, because the hungry teeming masses on over-populated Terra have got to eat, and phosphorus is the sine qua non of farming.

I was interested to read in the 'Rocketpunk and MacGuffinite' topic the subject of peak oil, and how humanity could make use of Titan. I did a little bit of digging and it struck me how, even if we do come up with viable and sustainable alternatives for both transport and energy production, there are no such alternatives for the vast quantity of other petroleum products our modern society is utterly dependent on. It was suggested on a number of websites that alternatives for pharmaceuticals would be the holistic or home remedy type eg.

Other types of natural fibres come from animals, but then they need grazing land, which means even more land is used. Regardless of the land usage, there is always one thing land will need to be used for — food crops.

There is only a finite amount of arable land available, and many breeds of plant can only be grown in certain locations, based on a wide range of environmental variables, which further limits crop yields without either long-term efforts into selectively breeding, or direct manipulation of genes for desired traits. The first one can take potentially hundreds of generations to achieve, depending on the desired result, and the latter requires laboratories, who use equipment that would be difficult and costly to produce, repair or replace in a post-peak oil world, even if one takes into account the usage of oil-sands.

Even if we tapped into difficult to access reserves on a larger scale than we already do, such as deep-sea wells and oil-sands, and even if the ban on exploiting Antarctica's potentially vast mineral wealth was lifted, this is still not a viable long-term solution. Obviously, getting to Titan and extracting, and refining the mineral wealth there in sufficient quantities, and shipping it back, would be immensely costly.

I know full well that you know the amount of work and effort behind setting up propellant depots and in-orbit refineries and all the other stuff needed to set that kind of infrastructure in motion, let alone maintain it. This kind of future is one, however, that allows for colonization. But it got me thinking — what are other things that humans, and modern civilisation with it's global scale infrastructure would need, and we have a finite amount of?

Then I harked back to another part of your website , where you mention phosphorus. Much like peak oil, it is predicted, optimistically, that we'll hit Peak Phosphorus within the next years, pessimistic estimates suggest by Having done some more digging, I noticed that whilst some claim that recycling phosphorus from sewage, and having better crop management and limiting run-off, etc.

Even if we stop it altogether, we're now limited on how much of anything we can grow, which limits crop yields, which, as you can see, would have a negative impact on the proposed 'plant-based' alternatives for petroleum-based products.

Which leads me onto this — recent in-situ analyses of Martian soil suggest that water soluble phosphorus exists in higher concentrations than anywhere on Earth, with rich deposits near the surface, as well as deeper underground. Also, recent spectroscopic analyses of several near-Earth objects have suggested higher concentrations of phosphorus in C-type asteroids than previously believed. Both of these things are much easier to get to than Titan, comparatively speaking.

Also, given the greater urgency to find alternative phosphorus sources, you could probably convince more people to financially back martian or NEO colonization or exploitation efforts. This would also make it easier to suggest to people 'hey guys, oil's getting a bit pricey, how about Titan?

Transuranic elements are the chemical elements with atomic numbers greater than 92 the atomic number of uranium. All of these elements are unstable and decay radioactively into other elements.

Theoretically there exists an island of stability where certain transuranic elements are stable. But no such element has been discovered. In the real world these would be useful for creating compact nuclear weapons. But in science fiction, such elements are popular with authors as MacGuffinite, and are given whatever magical properties the authors can imagine in their wildest dreams. Of course in the real world there is no reason to expect to find such elements occurring naturally.

And if they did, it would make more sense to mine the radioactive stuff with robots, not people. So it wouldn't strictly be MacGuffinite. An interesting twist on this is that claims might require a permanent human presence to be valid. This would provide an excuse for human crews in places that normally might not have them, such as mining outposts.

This could lead to odd situations, like a major lunar colony having a web of small outposts solely for the purpose of maintaining title to the surrounding area. About this time somebody pops up with the standard talking point for MacGuffinite: Because of the low concentrations of helium-3 1.

This was the background of the movie Moon. Problems include the unfortunate fact that we still have no idea how to build a break-even helium-3 burning fusion power plant, the very low concentrations of helium-3 in lunar regolith, and the fact that we can manufacture the stuff right here for a fraction of the cost of a lunar mining operation.

James Nicoll systematically enumerates the problems here. A minor point is that the manufacture of helium-3 produces radiation; and manufactured helium-3 is not a power source, it is an energy transport mechanism. It is only a power source if you actually mine it on the moon or other solar system body. And even if you manufacture it, you might want to move the production site into orbit along with other polluting industries.

Helium-3 can also be harvested from the atmospheres of gas giant planets. Jupiter is closest, but its massive gravity means a NERVA powered harvester would need an uneconomical mass ratio of 20 to escape. Jean Remy observed that "However, in a good old Catch, I don't think we'll actually need helium-3 unless we have a strong space presence where fusion-powered ships are relatively common. Basically we will need to get helium-3 to support the infrastructure to get helium CitySide responded with "Not exactly without precedent.

Consider coal mining's catalytic role in the development of the steam engine. What CitySide means is that back in the day, deep coal mines would unfortunately fill up with water. You'd need the power of steam pumps to remove the water. Alas the steam pumps needed coal for fuel. James Nicoll is a friend of Team Phoenicia's and has been a source encouragement and commentary since the inception of our project. James has given a fair amount of thought into space exploration since it intersects with his dayjob.

James is nontrivial member of the science fiction authorial community and Hugo nominee. We approached him and others about doing some guest blogs about lunar exploration and their thoughts thereof. James has had some strong thoughts on the long standing assertion used by some space enthusiasts to go to the moon: One of the primary challenges facing space development advocates is finding some new product or service that is not being satisfied at the moment that can be satisfied using resources found in space and only in space;since the Earth is inconveniently well-stocked with a rich abundance of materials and a technologically sophisticated civilization, competition from terrestrial rivals is a serious problem for space development schemes.

Nobody wants to foot the bill for a communications satellite network only to discover they've been underbid by a cable company. Lunar Helium-three 3 He has been widely promoted [1] as a killer ap for Lunar development; supposedly offering aneutronic fusion to an energy-starved world, helium three is pitched as something that is in short supply on Earth but common on the Moon, apparently the ideal raw material around which to justify the investment needed for Lunar development.

In actual fact, lunar 3 He is a complete chimera; it is not common on the Moon, it cannot deliver true aneutronic fusion, it is subject to replacement by terrestrial materials, and in fact our civilization is incapable of using it to generate energy at all. Terrestrial 3 He is quite rare; in fact current stocks-in-hand are declining, forcing prices upward. What boosters fail to highlight in press reports is that this vast reservoir is stored within a much larger amount of regolith; recovering one tonne of lunar helium-three would require processing ten million tonnes or more of regolith warning pdf.

Unlike deuterium-tritium reactions, helium-three-deuterium reactions produce no neutrons. The catch is that deuterium can fuse with itself; while half of the D-D reactions produce no neutrons, the other half do produce neutrons.

Unfortunately from the point of view of a space proponent, the ease of acquiring boron on Earth is counterproductive; if you can order the stuff from a mundane chemical supply company, there is no need to go into space to get it. This admittedly negates one of the attractions of 3 He fusion, since the production of tritium necessarily involves the production of neutrons.

This is the giant cephalopod on the kitchen table that lunar 3 He boosters have to ignore because without fusion plants, it hardly matters if the reaction the plants would use produce an abundance of neutrons or a dearth of them.

Without fusion generators, there's no demand for 3 He, lunar or not, as a fusion fuel. Without fusion plants, there's no market for lunar 3 He as a fusion fuel. Sadly, a thorough audit of the power-generating facilities of the world reveals a complete lack of commercial fusion power plants. This is because we have currently lack the know-how needed to build commercial fusion power plants. Not only are we currently incapable of building the devices on which the lunar 3 He scheme is utterly dependent but it does not seem very likely that we will acquire the required skills any time soon; although research is ongoing commercial fusion is at best decades away, perhaps longer.

It is arguably possible that most of the people reading this will be dead before commercial fusion is developed. While it would be convenient — invaluable — for space development to have some substance that is both useful on Earth and difficult to obtain there, 3 He is not such a material. Publicizing it as such a material is misleading at best and if the people 3 He proponents hope to sway do even the least amount of research, counterproductive as well.

In a comment on always worth reading Rocketpunk Manifesto , a commenter who goes by the handle CitySide pointed out a historical colonization model that might provide some MacGuffinite: Many science fictional interplanetary colonization models start with the colonists being subsistence farmers, only later becoming industrialized. But the Sugar Islands colonies only used agriculture to produce export products. They were fed with imported food, not locally produced food.

They were "agricultural" colonies, but the agriculture was, particularly in the case of the lesser Antilles, almost entirely devoted to production of a commodity for export. The islands' worker populations which, early on, were a mix of indentured and enslaved were fed largely on imported foodstuffs the port of Baltimore, for instance, first boomed by shipping Maryland grain to Barbados.

Granted, the sugar islands didn't require more basic life support. But yellow fever and malaria didn't make them overly hospitable, either. And the death rate meant that workers, for all practical purposes, were cycled through for relatively short albeit one-way tours.

Although worker populations will doubtless be much lower. Militarily, it starts sounding somewhat familiar, too. Also, like the asteroid belt, there were enough individual chunks of real estate that even the smaller players the Dutch, Danes, Swedes and even the Brandenburgers could get in on the game. Anywhere you have plenty of volatiles and no environmental worries will do.

Run a tritium breeder reactor to brew up the helium-3 plus enough tritium to keep its own cycle going. This is starting to sound more and more like the 18th century "sugar economy" Processing was a big chunk of the operation and cane tended to exhaust the land one reason why the sugar production eventually shifted to larger islands like Jamaica, Cuba and Hispaniola.

Back in the 's, the unique virtues of free-fall manufacturing were touted. Just think, you can smelt ultra-pure compounds and not worry about contamination from the crucible! The compound will be floating in vacuum, touching nothing. One can also create materials that are almost impossible to manufacture in a gravity field: In free-fall, the bubbles have no tendency to float upwards, there is no "up". It also allows the creation of exotic alloys, where the components are reluctant to stay mixed.

Not to mention perfectly spherical ball bearings. This also has applications to Pharmaceutical manufacturing. Apparently free fall allows one to grow protein crystals of superior quality. Other applications include thin-film epitaxy of semiconductors, latex spheres for microscope calibration, manufacture of zeolites and aerogels, and microencapsulation.

A space station is also a safe place to experiment with quarantined items. Things like civilization-destroying biowarfare plagues or planet-eating nanotechnology. Unfortunately, none of these items have turned out to be commercially viable so far. And in any event, they could just as easily be made in a satellite equipped with teleoperated arms controlled from the ground. There are no unique raw materials waiting for us in space possible exception of 3 He.

There are a lot of hydrocarbons on Titan, but because of delta-v costs, it will always be cheaper to derive them from marginal locations on Earth, like oil shales or biofuels.

Even if a platinum-rich asteroid were found, platinum would be obtained cheaper by re-opening a depleted low grade mine on Earth.

If extraterrestrial raw imports will never be economical, is there any motivation for going there? Increasingly, it is processes rather than raw materials that are important for industry. Space processes can control the gravity, vacuum, radiation, temperature, and energy density to a degree impossible on Earth. These characteristics, the forgotten resources of space , can produce high-strength membranes using surface tension effects, long whiskers and gigantic laser crystals grown in microgravity, nano-engineering using ultrapure vapor deposition, strong glassy materials produced by exploiting a steep temperature gradient, and alloys mixed by diffusion alone.

Relatively small manufactured and nano-produced objects, including pharmaceuticals and bio-tech, will be the first space imports to Earth. Curse that annoying second law of thermodynamics!

Whether the machine in question is a rocket engine or industrial process, there is always going to be waste heat. Which has to be gotten rid of by throwing it into a heat sink, generally a heat radiator. The efficiency of the process tells you what percentage of the process energy is going to turn into waste heat.

The thing about percentages is that whatever the percent is, the bigger the process energy, the more waste heat. This is basic arithmetic but sometimes it isn't obvious. About the energy of metric tons of TNT exploding, per second. If your industrial process is going to use petawatts or exawatts of energy, you've got a real problem on your hands.

Perhaps the ready availability of icy gas giant moons and comets could be just the MacGuffinite you need to deal with such processes. Is Lebensraum a possible MacGuffinite? Alas, not when you look over the evidence. The sad fact of the matter is that it is about a thousand times cheaper to colonize Antarctica than it is to colonize Mars. Antarctica has plentiful water and breathable air, Mars does not. In comparison to Mars, Antarctica is a garden spot. Yet there is no Antarctican land-rush.

One would suspect that there is no Martian land-rush either, except among a few who find the concept to be romantic. I'll believe in people settling Mars at about the same time I see people setting the Gobi Desert. The Gobi Desert is about a thousand times as hospitable as Mars and five hundred times cheaper and easier to reach. Nobody ever writes "Gobi Desert Opera" because, well, it's just kind of plonkingly obvious that there's no good reason to go there and live.

It's ugly, it's inhospitable and there's no way to make it pay. Mars is just the same, really. We just romanticize it because it's so hard to reach. On the other hand, there might really be some way to make living in the Gobi Desert pay. And if that were the case, and you really had communities making a nice cheerful go of daily life on arid, freezing, barren rock and sand, then a cultural transfer to Mars might make a certain sense. If there were a society with enough technical power to terraform Mars, they would certainly do it.

On the other hand. So by the time they got there and started rebuilding the Martian atmosphere wholesale, they wouldn't look or act a whole lot like Hollywood extras. The other problem with colonization is that as nations become industrialized, their population growth tends to level off , or even decline.

This removes population pressure as a colonization motive. Back in the 's it was feared that the global population explosion would trigger a Malthusian catastrophe as the four horsemen of the Apocalypse pruned humanity's numbers. That didn't happen, but at the time a few suggested that population pressure could be dealt with by interplanetary colonization.

Noted science popularizer Isaac Asimov pointed out the flaw in that solution. Currently population growth is about million people a year, or about , a day. So you'd have to launch into space , people every day just to break even. If you wanted to reduce global population, you'd have to launch more than that. Some years ago, my country chose to fight a terrible war. It was bad, I do not defend it, but there were reasons. Somehow those reasons are never spoken of.

To the Western world at that time, Japan was a fairybook nation: The quaint houses of rice paper, sir: And the winters in Japan are as cold as they are in Boston. So it was with the little people of Japan, little as I am now, because for countless generations we have not been able to produce the food to make us bigger. Japan's yesterday will be the world's tomorrow: That is why I say, sir, there is urgent reason for us to reach Mars: That is also why I am most grateful to be found acceptable, sir.

There actually was a pretty good MacGuffinite back in the 's: Werner von Braun had it all figured out in Collier's magazine. The space stations would provide pictures from space of Terra's weather patterns. Just imagine the improvement in weather forecasts. Space stations could relay radio and TV signals, allowing messages to travel anywhere on the globe.

And of course space stations could keep an eye on military moves made by hostile nations. These are all vitally important matters, and would more than justify the cost supporting men in space. Younger readers probably have no idea why communication satellites are such a big deal.

Before there was no such thing as a live TV broadcast from another continent. On on July 23, at 3: Not to mention intercontinental phone and fax services. Nowadays all you young jaded whipper-snappers take this for granted. Ironically NASA destroyed this.

NASA's push for computing power led to the development of the transistor and integrated circuit. Suddenly you could make weather satellites, communication satellites, and spy satellites "manned" by a few cubic centimeters of electronics. Of course these space stations would start out as glorified off-shore oil rigs, but they at least had the potential to become space colonies.

It just occured to me And I had a strange answer:. One of the few killer apps for space satellites was the communications satellite. Shroud of the Avatar: Nazi Zombie Army Sniper Elite: Match 2 Cards Solstice Sometimes: VR Stairs Star Chronicles: Bridge Crew Star Wolves 3: Master of Mayhem State of Decay: Democratic People's Republic of Korea! Blaze of War Steel Division: Sticker Craft Stickmageddon Stigmat Stikbold!

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