Bookmark your preferred currency e. Dogecoin facts - What is Dogecoin? Among an ocean of get rich quick schemes, scams, pumps and dumps, this is the only coin dogecoins has a dogecoins centered on the positive things that crypto-currency can do. Just paste the address, label usd cryptsy, and send your dogecoins so you can start trading. Volume and transactions usd day are other calculator measures of the market gold has a larger market cap than the US calculator, but more dollars exchange hands.
Buy Dogecoins - easy, fast and secure Looking to buy your first dogecoins? Convert in terms of smaller units e. Just as crypto coins was meant to be! Inspired by the Winter Olympics fundraiser and smaller charity fundraising successes, the Dogecoin Foundation, led by Eric Nakagawa , began collecting donations to build a well in the Tana river basin in Kenya in cooperation with Charity: You can even start tipping on twitter , Imgur and soon facebook! Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Year of the Doge!
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Year of the Doge! Welcome to Reddit, dogecoins front page of the internet. Usd in the middle tabs, click sell. Dogecoins the middle is where you enter your usd on the amount and price you want to sell or buy dogecoins. Stay tuned - big changes coming up! Among an ocean of get rich quick schemes, scams, pumps and calculator, this is the only coin which has a calculator centered on the positive things that crypto-currency can do.
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Now we need to start trading your dogecoins! The dashboard is a pretty clean, professional, and very user-friendly. We need to get the dogecoins onto your cryptsy account so you can start trading! From there you need to scroll down and find where dogecoins are listed. Click on it, and a small menu should appear. Just paste the address, label it cryptsy, and send your dogecoins so you can start trading.
In the middle is where you enter your information on the amount and price you want to sell or buy dogecoins. Simply enter the amount of doge you wish to sell, and the price you want to sell them at.
Below those trade boxes are lists of completed transactions and pending trades. Cryptsy usually sets your buy price at the lowest available on the active trades below. You got your bitcoins. This step is fairly easy but requires some information to deposit money into your bank account through an ACH wire transfer. This is free, as apposed to fedwire. You need to create a new account on coinbase, in order to get those bitcoins to USD.
Coinbase is an amazing, easy to use site as well. Its extremely safe and reputable. This along with the method in which they do it, makes it impossible for anyone to hack or steal any of the funds.
This whole process takes a few minutes, but well worth it. Click the verification link that gets sent to your email and start filling out your basic information. Basically its a code that gets changed every minute, that only you have access too. This way if anyone steals your username or password they still need the code, which changes frequently.
Just enter your number and you can choose to get a text, call or set up your two factor security with the authy app on any smartphone! You only have to go as far as verifying your bank. We just need to send the bitcoins from Cryptsy to Coinbase to sell them. Copy the address and change its label to help you identify and keep track of your transfers.
Just copy that address so we can put it into cryptsy to get those bitcoins sent! Click on your newly earned bitcoins and click withdraw, like the same way we got your doge address in step4. Paste the coinbase address in the appropriate field, choose how much money to send and BOOM! Now in the middle tabs, click sell. Doge fluctuates between first and third place in volume, and is by far the most in daily transactions.
In theory, capping the number of coins mined, for a variety of technical reasons, isnt a big deal. At the moment, people don't hoard dogecoin like other coins. We use it here, on twitter, and now imgur, as a tipping mechanism to support quality posts. Heres a fancy prewritten welcome guide to help you out! Welcome to the group! If you are new to the subject, you can get started with a wallet here http: There are more links to the right for other OSs.
Many people get their doges right here on reddit through tips and services. You can even start tipping on twitter , Imgur and soon facebook! The easiest way to get lots of doges is by mining them. If you have a GPU and have a little technical ability, you can get started making a bunch right away. If you want to trade Bicoins or other coins for Doge get bitcoins locally , via cash , or bank account. Don't forget to go shopping!
Use doge at http: All that info is super usefull! Thank you for your time! I dont have any virtual coins at the moment so have my thanks and an extra-fancy upvote.
On vault of satoshi you can check here and select dogecoin to USD and you will see all the buy and sell orders: I think what kills dogecoin is that people dont use exchangers to trade doges for dollars but other medias like ebay-amazon etc etc.
Thats the reason why its getting to the bottom. We will always depend on the fail bitcoin Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Log in or sign up in seconds. A place to discuss dogecoin, come up with new ideas with the community.
Among an ocean of get rich quick schemes, scams, pumps and dumps, this is the only coin which has a community centered on the positive things that crypto-currency can do Dogecoin price ticker: Follow reddit's content policy 2. Discrimination against other shibes will not be tolerated 3. Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. Become a Redditor and subscribe to one of thousands of communities. This is an archived post.