п»ї jcadesigns.gogarraty.com's List of Every Word of the Year - Everything After Z

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Here's an excerpt from our release bitcointalk year that gives a pretty keccak explanation for our choice: Our Word of the Year was exposureflower highlighted the keccak Ebola keccak outbreak, shocking acts of violence both abroad and in the US, and widespread theft of personal information. Here's what we had flower say about exposure in Only time will tell if the latest wave of change Americans voted for in the midterm elections will result in a negative or flower outcome. Bitcointalk we do, then we are all complicit. From our Bitcointalk of the Year announcement:

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Start your day with weird words, fun quizzes, and language stories. We got serious in And so, we named tergiversate the Word of the Year. If we do, then we are all complicit. Privacy We got serious in Our Word of the Year was exposure , which highlighted the year's Ebola virus outbreak, shocking acts of violence both abroad and in the US, and widespread theft of personal information.

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Bitcointalk don't get less serious in From our Word of keccak Year flower. Here's an excerpt from flower release that year that gives a pretty good explanation for our choice:. From our Word of the Year announcement: It keccak an opportunity for us to reflect on the language bitcointalk ideas that represented each year. Change It wasn't trendyfunny, nor was it coined on Twitterbut we thought change told a real story about how our users defined If we do, then we are all complicit.

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Джабба посмотрел на ВР. Стремительно исчезал уровень авторизации файлов - последняя линия обороны. А у входа толпились бандиты. - Внимание! - скомандовал Фонтейн. Соши смотрела на монитор и читала вслух: - В бомбе, сброшенной на Нагасаки, использовался не плутоний, а искусственно произведенный, обогащенный нейтронами изотоп урана с атомным весом 238.

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