п»ї Keiser Report: Bitcoin vs Gold (E) | Conspiracy Daily Update

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New merchants are welcome to announce their services for Bitcoin, but after those have been announced they are no longer news report should not be re-posted. This is why I am taking the "systems engineering" approach. A 3D printer can't make the spools of plastic filament it uses banksters the metal parts of the printer. At D-Wave you will extend keiser algorithms to exploit quantum annealing on our hardware. I was part of the Open Source Ecology project. Bitcoin vs America E Max Keiser talks to entrepreneur and inventor, William Mook, about a near future bitcoin bitcoin means banks will not even be needed and 3D printing makes factories obsolete youtube. Suspicions would be arroused if they were too many zeros.

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April 3, at 7: No compilations of free Bitcoin sites. This Wikibook serves as the "project notebook", with both the description and all the calculations:. All the RSA Challenge Numbers can easilly be factored with an arbitrary precision calculator, like the 10, digit Windows look-alike Bcalc. These are called Hashes of your passphrase.

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They will be announcing that Bitcoin onwners of nothing are making a takeover banksters the Solar System. April 3, at 5: Aside from Marcin being a much better public speaker than I am, from an engineering standpoint it is poorly organized. Max and Stacy discuss the latest keiser on america opioid crisis in America and what they mean for the future health of the economy. Credit bitcoin seem like a natural for this but sellers have got report deal with charge backs and overhead costs.

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Keiser Report - Bitcoin vs Banksters

[KR] Keiser Report: Bitcoin vs Banksters | Max Keiser

My lag is about 3 days even then. Its still clunky though since I take deposits into a NZ bank account. Credit cards seem like a natural for this but sellers have got to deal with charge backs and overhead costs. But the system we live in will undergo a fundamental reset as you say way before then. The idea that homeland security will interpert Bitcoins as counterfiting is real.

Wishing for dollar silver is a lot like wishing for a SHTF eject reset. Tom Woods Talks to Erik Voorhees http: Gox have transaction limits. Deposits — All methods below do not have deposit limits: Bitcoin — For everyone. So if the price falls and you want out you risk being pulled down by the limits of the exchange.

Electrons may not weigh anything, but it takes some heavy lifting, both literal and figurative, to point them in the right direction. Reader terrancem writes with this excerpt:. Recupero highlights two approaches for improving efficiency: I think the best place to store bitcoins is in your head, then the only way the Govt can get at them is if Ben Bernanke has the CIA extraordinarily rendition you to Egypt and waterboard you.

Or they could just hack your PC, but hopefully, this wont do them much good. Enter a random 20 character Pasphrase so you get an idea of how this thing works, click View. These are called Hashes of your passphrase. Enter another random 20 char passprase and it will generate another. Close down the bitaddress page. Go back online, log into MtGox and transfer coins to your Brainwallet address. Those coins are transferred to that address, but that adress does not exist in any wallet, the Bitcoin network records the transaction, but the Bitcoins effectively loiter in cyberspace, forever if need be, until such time as you import the Private key which you can generate at anytime with your secret passphrase into a weallet, then those coins will fall into that wallet and you can spend them.

Until that time howerver, the coins are effectively stored in your head. Try to be more cryptic and imaginative. Generate the Hash of that to produce something like 1dhhDF43dfhhFgfdDF45fggfhhf54 and add the first 20 character to the first half of your Passphrase. Providing no one EVER finds out how you generate the second part of your Pashrase, you can generate multiple Bitcoin addresses, as many as you like.

HOWEVER, ideally, that second password must ideally be generated on a seperate machine or you must ensure you take precauations.

There are other ways to store bitcoins too, on paper, in a safe, in the Bitcoin client. To help you remember, practice it in your head, every morning after you wake up. Maybe others could critique this method or suggest enhancements.. Oh, I should add, experiment with a Small amount, say 0. Willem Middelkoop over goud, mijnaandelen en beleggen http: Pied Piper springs to mind. I see MtGox suggested as an exchange here and there.

How does that support your anonymity? Who of you assholes are ready to sell all your physical silver and gold for my hard drive. If at least the algorythm was top secret? This is even more surreal than the tulip mania or the John Law racket! Everyone is talking about Bitcoin http: TED does 3D printing https: I clicked on it. As I was perusing through it, I came across the following:.

Am I reading that wrong or?? Now granted this is for a PM product but still, it means one can put your cash there and it will be safe if you then put it in this PM vehicle. And then when you need cash, wait until the current round of theft is over, sell some and get that cash out immediately.

The Haircut from Hell. Robert Anton Wilson on Anarchism [3m20s] http: The first and only company in the world which makes this unique type of computer. They even have this job posted: D-Wave is a seeking a talented researcher with a solid theoretical background in the algorithms of financial mathematics and Monte Carlo methods. At D-Wave you will extend these algorithms to exploit quantum annealing on our hardware.

Quantum annealing offers the promise of extremely efficient sampling from complex programmably defined probability distributions defined over discrete variables. Some specific areas of interest include: In regards to Bitcoins…Like P. Can you guys talk about the Dutch property bubble that recently blew up as well as how this will affect the Euro and international markets? April 3, at 4: All the RSA Challenge Numbers can easilly be factored with an arbitrary precision calculator, like the 10, digit Windows look-alike Bcalc.

No programming skills needed, this is elementary algebra. Ant bright high school kid could do it. It morphed into Bitcoin. I have not personally read the Bitcoin mining code. A dual-prime composite number is traditionally factored by eliptic curve methodology. Think of a dual-prime as a unique rectangle, with sides equal to the composite primes. Many sample rectangles have similar, but not identical areas, the complete nest of all similar rectangles from pseudo-square to a double-square rectangle equal bit length sides, eg primes between 32 to 63, or to etc.

When we know the prime factors by a ultrafast deterministic method, we can fake proof of work credentials. Suspicions would be arroused if they were too many zeros. I hope I have expressed my concern. As long as we compare like with like!!! It is really simple! However we can scale up our sub-ratio! Robert Anton Wilson — Federal Reserve http: Great tutorial on securing your bitcoin using 2 different locations.

The First Honest Cable Company http: Sunny — In my opinion the quant computer position is aimed at market rigging. The proper math was too difficult for me when I started investing in and still is so I chose to develop a kind of short-hand for it, but I definitely recognize the signs of mathematical modelling using such techniques in the way options are priced for example.

Almost all Bitcoin wallets rely on Bitcoin Core in one way or another. If you have a fairly powerful computer that is almost always online, you can help the network by running Bitcoin Core.

You can also use Bitcoin Core as a very secure Bitcoin wallet. Check out his other work here. We previously collected donations to fund Bitcoin advertising efforts, but we no longer accept donations. The funds already donated will be spent on some sort of advertising, as intended. As of now, If you have ideas for the remaining BTC, see here for more info. Bitcoin vs Banksters E Max Keiser talks to entrepreneur and inventor, William Mook, about a near future when bitcoin means banks will not even be needed and 3D printing makes factories obsolete youtube.

Factories will not become obsolete, they will just become integrated and local, and include 3D printers as well as other devices. A 3D printer can't make the spools of plastic filament it uses or the metal parts of the printer. A Seed Factory includes enough different machines in the starter set to make most of each other's parts, plus produce useful products. Instead of a static design, the seed grows like a biological plant into a mature production capacity, by making parts for new machines and larger machines, as well as copying it's parts.

I started a project to design such a factory that could be locally owned and satisfy a community's physical needs for food, shelter, and utilities.

This Wikibook serves as the "project notebook", with both the description and all the calculations:. I'm getting it started, but one person cannot know enough to finish the design, so I'm open sourcing it and hoping other people contribute.

My goal is to get the design far enough along to start prototyping the hardware later this year. My pleasure, and like I said, I won't be doing this alone.

I will be working with the Atlanta hackerspace community when it comes to hardware and any other groups remotely that want to join in. I'm a "systems engineer" by profession, which is the specialty that focuses on how to design complex systems, which a Seed Factory definitely is. But we have to work with people who are specialists in other fields. So I am able to set up the structure of the project, and the design requirements.

Finishing the design details will need people who understand programming, chemicals, hands on welding, and lots of other stuff I don't know. I was part of the Open Source Ecology project. Aside from Marcin being a much better public speaker than I am, from an engineering standpoint it is poorly organized. There is no analysis that shows their GVCS set of 50 machines are the right machines, what size you need, what order to build them, or how they integrate into a coherent system.

If there is such an analysis, please point me to it, because I could not find it. I give them credit for enthusiasm and building several prototypes.

But enthusiastically building the wrong hardware isn't very useful. This is why I am taking the "systems engineering" approach. I start from what people actually need food, shelter, utilities , and then work backwards to what equipment you need to provide those.

Listening to this guy makes me feel like I'm slowly coming up on psilocybin mushrooms or something. Just be careful about listening to Max Keiser's recommendations.

Also, I can't be the only skeptical about the bitcoin vs banksters claim. Basically, it multiplies the quantity of bitcoin transacted by the price per bitoin, and divides the final total by the quantity of bitcoin transacted. Basically, over the course of some time period, what was the average cost of BTC. In terms of an algo playing jump rope with the line, the entire point is that a sufficiently motivated institution with large amounts of resources would short sell the shit out of the order stack, drop the price by a ton, then buy it all back slowly, buying the dip upwards then submit large orders to ramp the price up before selling the peak down again.

The VWAP in this context doesn't mean very much except as a benchmark. I'm not so sure it would be a good idea to have millions or billions of air condensers sucking out moisture in the atmosphere.

Wells aren't a very wise source of potable water.

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