п»ї # Us Bitcoin Market #

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I directions now MorpheusDream: Builder, Go look up and bitcoin yourself a personal threat profile. Its sad they bitcoinity excited for a day or two. ElmerFUDD, and pumped from to in a week egjoshslim2: Be aware of what you trust, protect yourself! Obviously M2 is around the corner.

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Unless you live in the mountains or something, the "country side" of JP is denser than most major cities. MineTheSky, I know the increase on global hashrate has been ridiculous The handle is finished on the cup and handle, let's go FCT! MutedMind, fct is not crypto , it's a tokken backed but what we hope will be hugh company lobujit: MorpheusDream, i like it too Doge is an X 3 easy Amshesh:

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ETCisthewinner, etc showkng alot of stability in a bitcoin of high volatility coinanalyst: It has garnered much respect in the builder world this year. Anything else is a bitcoinity c. Just ride on bitcny and become rich amaru: Someone flashed bitcoinity btc sell order at k in Directionsand it's true messages did not go builder in trollboxtoo fishy MineTheSky: If you bitcoin not understand this your place is directions here I mean in Troll boix: DaveyJones, thats deep webtactechs:

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I was going to buy RX's for my new rig but RX's are cheaper and do a better job mining. Anyone else getting Strat spam on twitter? There is many risk with loaning, not just hacking. Badfish, I did a this weekend, lots of strat pump bs NameChangeBypass: I have no problem being corrected. If I say something incorrect, no fighting is required, just an explanation CJams: MutedMind, because they're the only with actually making money i guess ; emilsamsarov: FCT has 3 conferences coming as well Rorschach: MutedMind, fct is not crypto , it's a tokken backed but what we hope will be hugh company lobujit: MineTheSky, Tnx for the links!

MineTheSky, you run 30MHs eth on ? MineTheSky, do you have a source for those hash rate differences? MutedMind, Yeah I think its coming from Stratis itself trying to pump their own coin , I was a fan really into start until this spam khaledriad0: About time FCt finally starting to break out YaetaJackson: Wow FCT on fire, looking like the next big pump warmitup: Best currency combo is no currency at all btcdust: YaetaJackson, someone just stepped on it again and pushed it down khat Beware of malware installed by browser extensions or 3rd party programs, they will hijack your computer.

Be aware of what you trust, protect yourself! There is no big game left unless you can whale out on it LiskyBusiness: MAGI may take 20k with ease theBunk: MineTheSky, Are the 's any good? Amshesh, what are you rambling about. Thoth, You know also ISP can install exploits trough the websites you download, like put one.

FCT moving into it's cup and handle? LiskyBusiness, its been going sideways for days none said it was going down Thoth: Amshesh, That sounds dangerous LiskyBusiness: That NAV buy wall though One guy wants btc worth Amshesh, you can block those: So why are you even asking anything about me, mind your own business, kiddo.

This aint some Cosa Nostra, this is internet. Toylo, no I am rekt, rickity rickity rekt Toylo: LiskyBusiness, ah i missed those to me 45 was allways as low as it would go only way is up imo NotYoMomma: I'm already logged into the monero-dev channel in advance of the meeting. No idea about the 's. LiskyBusiness, You singing that wild west song? Amshesh, PNG is a pretty safe format. They are more likly just to include some js OVNage: NameChangeBypass, thats the rick and morty sng YaetaJackson: FCT rallying, about to break 0.

LiskyBusiness, Oh I see. MineTheSky, what do u think about saphhire readon r9 x 8 g tri xfor mining YaetaJackson: LTBC is moving louugos: The sell book on BCY keeps getting smaller and smaller. Looks like bids are finally above 55k. It's ready to make a big move soon kaspel: Magi dump incoming Amshesh: Its wierd spying is legal, before you got executed. FCT gonna leave alot of ppl behind this time,. YaetaJackson, yep look at the support at 50 already xodianbarr: Amshesh, isp's are to be considered a potential mim but more frightful things are out there Yazz: Nice little FCT wall at 49 Thoth: MutedMind, yup gonna catch the big boys eth, xmr, dash YaetaJackson: FCT guys, watch out over the next couple weeks.

The market cap is only 25 million. Should be over 1 billio. Yazz, what does that mean. If you do not understand this your place is not here I mean in Troll boix: He was asking about the technical risk of loaning btc on this site which i answered and you're rambling about some else. Thoth, fair comment, it was for effect: Magi down and monero up in the next hours!!!!

Utopian, its dumping all the time Aum: MineTheSky, good for mining xmr or eth? YaetaJackson, after few weeks of heavy accumulation hope for the next level Xoblort: Shaking down shorters before the dev meeting.

A wall is a large chunk of buy support at a given price. Monero just keeps dumping. Xoblort has awarded NotYoMomma 44 marks ;D golearnsomething: BCY moving a bit now!!! Try it out for yourselves. Yowch, maid dump HilltopTrader2: I cancelled my long on fact at a loss yesterday.

Nobody can write the shortening for Shadow in the chat. Best mining Mobo in my opinion is the Asrock H81 Pro btc. Its purpose built for mining. Or if on the sell side then it might be harder for the price to rise past that point.

Amshesh, Well, basically all the devices in your area are hackable. Chewpacabra, let's not start that spam please Skaraosky: RZBB, soon ofc Xoblort: FCT is going off!!! Thoth, lol chewie warmitup: Amshesh, I'll do whatever I want, deal with it. Xoblort, did u look xrp rate? MineTheSky, lobujit, sometimes because of the batch, they don't register the graphics card so you have to send it back. Yazz, THAT is what i needed to hear. Why did you guys ban Shadow from the chat?

LiskyBusiness, you really don't like factom do you! I think windows has most things like malware atleast McAfee raport said so.

Skaraosky, owh i tot this pump bout M2 LiskyBusiness: Whales no interest in XMR anymor ollbox: Amshesh, and gaining access to them is basically only as hard as gaining acess to one of the devices that pass by it. Yazz, thx again JingleO: Next leg up with unimpressive ETH rally. Unprofessional as hell Shoeless: LiskyBusiness, haha you weill get burned MineTheSky: LiskyBusiness has awarded billybigpotatoes marks your long is prob doing good Xopolys: RocketScience, nah im invincible ; c.

Amshesh, Go look up and build yourself a personal threat profile. Figure out who your protecting yourself from and why. Amshesh, good, then stop responding to from now on. HZ is going swinstonb: LiskyBusiness, then your short is weak: Xoblort, my prob is not so gud the maths Join ETH guys buy now: Amshesh, if western govs are on that list, youv already lost juliojajoleaco: Amshesh, an hero golearnsomething: MineTheSky, yeah, found out the hard way..

LiskyBusiness has awarded juliojajoleaco marks smart man MutedMind: MineTheSky, much further than that in the medium term Yazz: Amshesh, stop responding to me t0mi: Please, let's try and keep it civil in here.

So are you guys saying that a key to a blockchain being sucessful is to have real paying cliends? MutedMind, simplecoin, I've been waiting for it to bust out. Just read the goddamn chat. Even everyone in slack is saying it MAtthers: Chewpacabra, i also cant type shadowcoin walletdotdat: Chewpacabra, Nobody can write the shortening for shadow.

Someone's desperate to hold down the factom price. This will be funny to watch. Chewpacabra, I wasnt able to write for 2 minutes Scitenegtilps: Chewpacabra, after I tried SinguParity: Chewpacabra, after I tried kamidela: FCT mooving finnaly superniklaz: So I was right all along, first they wont let people talk about shadow, now they ban the word from chat.

BCY chart looks exactly like it did 2 weeks ago before it doubled You're better than that. Superdiamyo change the A to a C, wont work Amshesh: Amshesh, how are you my friend?

The H81 Pro btc has 6 powered PCI-e slots meaning that you don't have to use powered risers unless you just want to. CJams, nah Great wall of china DaveyJones: So nobody cares that you cant write the shortening for shadow in chat? Mods why cant we type the shorthand of shadow?? MineTheSky, TY i not vry smart Amshesh, just so you know, I'm currently making the chicken noise at you. NAV dumped but buying orders increasing: FCT fake wall at 0.

FCt is a good buy for the next 2 months simplecoin: Thoth, Is it true that the cussip for shadowcoin is banned in the troll box? If so, can you help me understand why? Why ban coins from chat? Punish the factom shorts. Its time they paid a heavy price. Why is shadow banned? Amshesh, i'm ok when you are TradeGuard, not biased the one starting with an X is also banned TradeGuard: To many bagholders in fct TradeGuard: Now it works again: Amshesh, if you like KFC, I don't know what to say to help.

FCT buy ordrs going up fast.. Seems to be working now davecotton How comes it was banned? Thoth, is the BCY chart dead? We believe it was bug, we had no idea SinguParity: A super convenient bug. Amshesh, help you get to KFC? Amshesh, you live good Asus and MSI make some good boards too. Its really just individual design preference imo.

I like to use core i7 CPUs so the Asrock works for me. Can you buy guns from darkwebs? FCT is going to rape trade charts again: Obviously M2 is around the corner. The buys are from those in the know. Hypercoins, Please do not discuss that here Skaraosky: Chewpacabra, oh ok superdaimyo: DASH also will boom in next 2 weeks from news Phoenix Anyone have any idea why my margin buys dont get picked up when there are loans for the exact rate available?

Skaraosky, sooner than that: Amshesh, this is the place and this is the food Chewpacabra, BCY chart dead? MineTheSky, I use the cheapest boards and cpu's possible with only 4g ram Coconut, ive been talking about magi for months.

FCT, please come down quickly so I can margin long the hell out of you pagona: Thoth, man i couldnt write it, just trying Ghostbusters: Someone flashed a btc sell order at k in SDC , and it's true messages don't go through in trollbox , too fishy norman: FCT fake wall on 52 superniklaz: SirTradeAlot, Have you tried a hard refresh? FCT shorts rekt in 3 2 btcdust: MineTheSky, back to 6 yes please: Thoth, Chewpacabra, I can only send like 1 message per minute, did some mod put a limit on me or something?

Coconut, Not as far as I am aware Coconut: This is strange golearnsomething: Thoughts on Project radium? Chewpacabra, CharimanDao is harassing me just read what he says. Coconut, You seem to be typing more than 1 per minute now. Xopolys, the core i7 is for mining cryptonote. Thoth, that is true, maybe my browser Chewpacabra: SirTradeAlot, Yes, the candles are not updating?

Coconut, I've been having similar issues today kamidela: Coconut, i saw hz yeserday. Very happy to see it has potential lobujit: Coconut, log out and log back in.

Amshesh, you said traditonal lamb i almost cry here warmitup: YaetaJackson, yea i agree by end of month golearnsomething: BTCether, do your research dont spread lies swinstonb: Chewpacabra, yeah and the price Chewpacabra: MineTheSky, I use my regular rigs on xmr right now SirTradeAlot, Try this link https: IOC is pumping hard superniklaz: YaetaJackson, it has to reach that b4 btc pumps khaledriad0: I don't think this is a FCT Judas swing either.

This is buy in stages mate. Amshesh, I told you to stop responding to me. This is the last time I will be talking to you, considering it manual ignore.

Chewpacabra, still stuck gonna try logoff logon MineTheSky: Xopolys, Dude, a server with some Xeons would be badass. Stratis should be on here soon?? ChairmanDAO, Lets keep it civil golearnsomething: Sys shifting gears Xopolys: MineTheSky, what's your hashrate on your i7? XMR coming down, eth ''rally'' is pitiful. This can only mean one thing. Yazz, people will stop playing with useless coins that have practically no future lobujit: I was curious why nobody had mentioned SDC all day, no wonder since you got automuted for several mins when tried to write it crowetic: Chewpacabra, logoff and on worked Yazz: People will place with poo if they think it will go up.

Chewpacabra, what influences whether a coin gets added or not? Someone Know the Twitter adress of coconut? FCT new floor at 50K Chewpacabra: Fill that out there and it will be reviewed.

FCT is the next big pump, mark my words stoicthought: I should have open an long yesterday damn stoicthought: YaetaJackson, lets not announce pumps please Ghostbusters: Someone flashed a btc sell order at k in SDC , and it's true messages did not go through in trollbox , too fishy MineTheSky: Xopolys, if XMR would go back up to.

HZ getting steam Chewpacabra: We have a link to suggest coins and they will be put under review Yazz: Just looking for a quick dip under 50K to open it JingleO: Letting the shorts accumulate I'm pulling a combined 6. Yazz, yeah,relative for me if lbc rally or not lobujit: Coconut, any thoughts on at what point it will start to lose steam?

Ghostbusters, if thats not marketmanip i dont know what is faisal7: IOC arise chikun Xopolys: Xopolys, lobujit, I really don't understand why the price dropped. By all rights it should be going up to. Phoenixx, why do you think so? Xopolys, the 14nm chip far lower power! It is not usually in YOUR best interest, dont trade with emotions. It's on the main site, but none of the news sites have picked it up yet and it's been 11 hours or so TheShakingHand: Phoenixx, the enormous wall has been moved around like it's nothing Ghostbusters: Remember wear condom when buying Doge.

MineTheSky, i tink it is finding a niche and hopefully will settle into it Flo, one of the coins not being pumped yet breaking out NameChangeBypass: Its a double bagger Phoenixx: TheShakingHand, check the dash graph for 6 months, and check out the sell wall at 0.

Ghostbusters, yeah, there are a lot of downright unacceptable "features" of this site, but until there is a viable alternative we're stuck getting played for ricketfosh: Xopolys, i got sapphire pricey, but gud card.

Ghostbusters, one of the many reasons why the push for decentralized exchanges is so important Xopolys: MineTheSky, I know the increase on global hashrate has been ridiculous May be the last stop for factom before it heads upward Thoth: LiskyBusiness, that'd be awesome Xopolys: Xopolys, Xopolys, ight still be a bunch of people holding some from months ago and just noticed the price.

Thoth, JingleO, interested in starting one? LiskyBusiness, Comprised of trolls? LiskyBusiness, or football players? LiskyBusiness, No thank you lobujit: Xopolys, i tink anandtech or toms hardware best info reviews Chewpacabra, of trolls nagari. Chewpacabra, there is a strong correlation between fantasy sports and ability to invest AltNoob: Thoth, The Jews banned you? TheShakingHand, better yet look at the dash graph for 9 months, 0. Does anyone anticipate unexpected SDC news during the Tuesday release?

Something more than they've hinted at? Amshesh, I'm sorry, what? That Sapphire Nitro is sweet. Dual fans and factory OC'd. LiskyBusiness, I am in simplecoin: DontBeScared, dont be scared, wait Strategos: LiskyBusiness, Make a blockchain fantasy football game: Xopolys, i might like to try an rx since imy roi is never gonna work with elec rate here, anyway!

Amshesh, Could we keep religion out of the trollbox please? Thoth, can i change my rsi setting somewhere? The handle is finished on the cup and handle, let's go FCT! LiskyBusiness, make the players assets on a blockchain Xoblort: LiskyBusiness, Adding something like that to my plate would be information overload on my mind.

Thoth, lol You dont like jews? Good call my brother. Bloodace, RSI the indicator? Xoblort, cool, espn sound good? Amshesh, I never said that. The trollbox is not a place for discussing religion however. Chewpacabra, thats a verygood idea Amshesh: Thoth, No problem understand, my point was really you have issues with banking or why you dont accept currencies here.

VenCap, lel easy, pastafarism Hotmetal: VenCap, rating agency cult ;D Yazz: VenCap, They have a religion. Chewpacabra, how long does a BTS bitshares withdraw take? With how much notice? Thoth, crypto and trolling are my religions VenCap: Amshesh, Oh I see. I do not what the reasons the management might have for keeping the exchange fiat free. VenCap, great brainstorm isn't it in here ;D Thoth: Houston Texans fans going nutz!

Prospector, It should broadcast shortly OnoSolar: LiskyBusiness, Doooo it VenCap: Xoblort, like a wall street board room for sure: BlueBills, dont share to much information about yourself. Cryptocurrency is my religion in fact Im heading to crypto church right now Thoth: Amshesh, Do not know that is cryptocasher: BlueBills, Jesus still loves you. Any news on burst? Xoblort, what news from you today Xoblort: Chewpacabra, hmm already thought so. Thanks for the info!

SavagesOnly, not worried all legal here! Thoth, Thanks for the information, appreciate. BlueBills, u lucky bastard ; lobujit: MineTheSky, what u tink of the rs Xoblort, what kind of mail? Amshesh, You are welcome Flash: IOCsell wall disappear Xoblort: You can opt out of email validation for withdrawals if you have 2FA enabled. Change your 2FA settings here: Xoblort, u don't have 2fa? BlueBills, netherland o9tr states? Bloodace, We have MACD and there is a few settings you can change on the top left of the chart using the cog degen.

That BCY chart is a thing of beauty mlegume: How can I get my clams? Do you actually speak spanish? MAID have a big press announcement tomorrow arash. Thoth, nice i type a lot of thing but no body answer me and i cant see my txt too greenmon: Trollbox is horrible today.

Eats half of my msgs Amshesh: Social media has ruined humanity even more i believed it will. God where people will walk and do to take some photos etc SavagesOnly, you need to send him more money for the money sending charge SnowFox: SinguParity, me too Thoth: SinguParity, the messages just going to the servers of nsa Yazz: SavagesOnly, Give him your bank account and send him for the processing fees incredibert: Amshesh, true true arash.

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