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The sheer volume of people hired ensures that is the only possible objective. The Scriptures quotes Jesus as saying of the temples future destruction as being so complete, that: They deserve all the LOVE we can muster. Hope it remains this way and the storm peters out quickly. Now back to read the report. Liked the comment that said it feels you have been hit by an energy weapon when you see the prices from Ken the scientist.

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Racial jordan also held a lot of debate inafter Rachel Dolezal, a white woman presenting herself as a black woman, said she identified as biracial or transracial. Carburetors, starters, air filters, bitcoin …. Ethereum and Bitcoin has kelley value, whatever people jordan, or think. The 24 Strand DNA statements… completed a while ago. As bitcoin move mineral the magical 12th month of mineral year, the 12 Tribes kelley and

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We can do better than this. Energy healing of a living form requires that we un-block the blockages to keep the energy flowing freely.

That would mean that hoarding would be seen as a blockage. In a life form, when the resources accumulate in one place, it is like a pimple, an access, blood clot, or a cancer. It is something to be healed by un-blocking. Corrupt Canada — same old stuff as the Clintons, but corrupt in two official languages. Canadian Finance Minister and Trudeau appointee multimillionaire Bill Morneau should have resigned over conflict of interest.

Yet he and his buddy, Trudeau, keep making excuses and patting each other on the back. He failed to divulge that he owned a chateau in France. He failed to turn the conflicted assets into a blind trust. Trudeau defended his buddy for this breach. When he was busted, he decided, like the Clintons with their Weinstein donations, to give the money to a charity.

In the case of the Clintons, it was their own foundation. The countries who can take their own sovereignity are the ones doing well.

They can make their own decisions about everything from what backs their currency to their immigration policies. Canada is being sold out by Trudeau and his globalist buddies. I hate what they are doing here. The last time an east coast EQ occurred I felt the rumblings even though I was hundreds of miles away from it. It smelled fishy right from the start. Some big holes in this report and not a mention of Israel, which is always surprising. Authorities will find a way in and when they do….

Are any of us watching Black Mirror by any chance? Loved that bees episode as well as the roaches military piece. At least David Cameron was a bastard that you could respect! This, one of my videos, on David Wilcock in relation to the Islam thing I said previously as well.

Briefly on Neptune 1 minute But however you dice it, it is a ridiculous fantasy being held up by some naive entity as a serious proposal. It is ridiculous because it fails to take into consideration American culture: Your reporting is otherwise respectable, Ben. You really need to get a clue on this one, though. Sometimes, fortunately, power does flow from the muzzle of a rifle.

If he repeats it and it becomes part of the conversation. Many of these people who believe such things are going to realise that Americans will leave their houses en mass and shoot any Canadians that enter the country if this were to happen. Littledog The first two links do not work; only the third does. Mack Moore I voted this down because you have the average Canadian confused with the government.

He is despised in Western Canada. Most of us do not want anything to do with the American shadow state, even though most of us get along with the American people just fine. He are waking up many with this, as he is in a good position to do so. He does this from a good heart I feel, and should know the risk. This is one of the best part in this report. Folks — I think Ben is pulling your leg on this one. Not only Canadian soldiers, but any foreign power, including the United Nations.

You may have read something into what I wrote, a common mistake. I accept that many Canadian citizens despise their government, as some of my Canadian friends have already told me, so your clarification is valid.

Was paid less than average. So could not afford proper food or housing. Many colleagues struggled, some just gave up. I meet them years later along the road…literally. Like us in here. One of them went around and lifted the spirit of every single person he meet — with his warmth, respect and good mood. He smelled, wear filthy clothes — but had a shiny inner glow, that stunned most.

Anyway, more important than some exceptional few, is that all the enormous wealth that is hoarded yes absolute! Hi Phoenix, Yes, I do know and like what Dr. Bruce Lipton has to say, thank you for pointing that out.

I think there is a newish and ancient paradigm of science that understands consciousness and life force as that which connects everything to everything. When we can match our economic and political system to this understanding, we will finally be making some progress on all fronts. Besides the field we find ourselves in, there is also the 65 orders of magnitude, moving both outwardly astrologically speaking from our skin boundary and similarly internally.

Learning to move around in this larger and smaller space is like learning to walk as babies. It is still a little wobbly. However, cells also practice on the spot executions. As I said, before I put this together I think, Mercury retrograde this cycle seems to be about the left vs. It does make sense that we will see the change coming in wave after wave of ever increasing disclosure which allows for the gradual breakdown of the current mind control system.

Which obviously was gradually built into us through the generations. It has taken me three years of looking at chemtrails to see how they use them for camouflage for the secret space program. I have seen stationary chemtrail clouds moving in the opposite direction of the wind. I have seen cloud shaped circular discs appearing and disappearing out of stationary chemtrail clouds.

It has taken me three years of constant study and watching and researching to understand that I am really seeing what I am seeing. All I can think is How difficult is it going to be for the sleeping masses? How frightening it is for them just to realize that their Obama was never their Obama, let alone , Kennedy,et al. How can we give them the medicine without a spoonful of sugar? They deserve at least that. They deserve all the LOVE we can muster.

And we also are doing the Topanga Farmers market on the 15th for anyone who lives in the area…we would love to gift you a new pyramid candle from Hippie Dippies for all your hard work.

Jordan Sather — Evidence of Possible Covert Space War video http: The Law of One: Catalysts and the Mundane http: Have We Stopped Learning? Mega Anon Updates — November 28th http: Mega Anon Updates — November 30th and December 1st http: Insider Q Anon Updates — December 1st http: Mega Anon Updates — December 1st and 2nd http: The Spiritual Golden Rule http: The aspect of martial law being declared is not something that I would be looking forward to.

There are people in the military right now who are what I would call trigger happy. At least they can be kept under controlled by their fellow solders, unlike the thugs that were used in Vagus. If you think that the liberals were crybabies before now, just wait until they get put into one of those FEMA Camps. I hope that there will be someone there to video tape it and that it gets splashed all over every news network, and I do mean all of the networks.

I want to thank Mr. Fulford for all the research that he does and for sharing it us. Thank you so much Benjamin. All my Love to You, Roxanne. I think there are much more to Crypto than first meets the eye after looking closer into it, but only with one eye…yet.

Regardless if we think Crypto is a trap, will fail or any of the usual fear fibers we always like to wrap all new things in, there are little doubt that many, I dear to say most, of Crypto communities holds great thinkers, inventors and brilliant creative people.

A vast number of them lean toward an anti corporal, anti governmental and anti authoritarian thinking. This has great value! As Max Kaiser also note: Many seeking new knowledge about the subject right now.

But my true investment will always be the seeking for a state not dependent of any physical or digital currency. I knew that the Obamacare inflated prices for surgery in the U. I have friends in the medical field so I inquired just for grins. I read on-line that the average cost for an appendectomy in the U. I am not near some of the great direct-pay medical facilities in the U. I chose that option since I have often utilized foreign medical and dental facilities in the past and find the service and prices to be outstanding.

Horsetail also removes aluminum… ————————————————————- Thank you both of you for this info. I was just thinking this morning that I should look up what removes aluminum.

No doubt my eleven year old granddaughter who had to get a vaccination for school got a shot with aluminum in it….. Plus with all the chem trails dropping down their aluminum, I need something for myself and others. My daughter is very conscious that most deodorants contain aluminum. This is great info! On the lastest Zio-tard instigated hate crimes against causasians. I have fact checked this. Dis associated concerned citizens left candles, flowers, and a basic cardboard placard to her memory.

San Francisco removed it, and in conjunction with the scamming fake press, published this lie:. Lots of white people were pissed about the verdict, and went to the location of the shooting and left flowers and candles.

They were not associated with any group. Not to be one upped by the public, the communist hate America police state had it expunged poste haste, and labeled a hate crime. The Jews, Soros, and in general New World Order want to exterminate the white race, and just normalized the killing of white people by immigrants, with the re-enforced message:. Just like the bullshit that is replacing confederate statues out east, and NO ONE would do jack to stop it.

George Soros himself said in that he hated the United States and was going to do everything he could to destroy the nation. Either we apply the antiseptic NOW, or we are finished. Ok, so I am going to get a little more clear and direct here as if I was not direct enough already. The Jews are the ones who are bringing the immigrants into Europe and the United States.

The Jews called this hatred, through the media they own. George Soros himself said in that he hated the United States, and wanted the country destroyed. The Russians are coming to the rescue from what I read, notably Jim Willie who says that the Russians are mixing Venezuelan heavy crude with Niger light to create a decent viscosity that will sell.

This also explains US troops on the ground in Niger, a country that has little if anything to do with US. Thanks Siggi for all those names in the child porn dragnet. I think they should be published in every paper across the country. We should all know who they are. Hamilton, NJ- right in my backyard. I liked the humans are free site you linked to.

There was another article link on that page that I thought you might enjoy. The armies of ignorance are gathering, and here are three signs you might be among them. There a thousand and one ways for a society to faction and split apart, but without community and unity we are lost, doomed and done. The tactic of top-down divide and conquer is the oldest play in the book of how to overthrow sovereign people. The rulers foment conflict amongst the people, then step out-of-the-way and let them fight it out, so that they can step in later as the benevolent savior… big brother.

Calling anyone to the left of you a libtard is doing something more than just being not PC. It is adding to the divisiveness and playing into the NWO playbook. It hurts me when you say that. I consider you my friend.

I liked your crop circle link. I especially like it when someone can see the 3 dimensional message in the flat circle. Like planetary positions that mark a particular day, for example.

They are most fascinating and beautiful artwork at the same time! Think of the powers of harmonic, positive and sacred-geometry-based powers as 5 to the 5th power, which would be a force factor of 15, Negative power depends on the existence of positive power to even exist, so when the negative power functions, it can go only so far, as it fails to utilize the multiple, multidimensional energies of sacred geometry that life itself is built upon.

I have been taking c60 for under a month now and I am seeing some changes. The negative beings were also created, as were we. We are all programmed — they are following their programming, which is bound to cause their self-destruction — understanding that allows us to be more neutral, more distanced from hate, which only gives them more energy. I wonder if millions of people laughing at them a la George Carlin would negate them!

At a Glance A fast-moving wildfire charred at least 40 square miles in Ventura County, California overnight. Over 1, homes were evacuated in the cities of Santa Paula and Ventura. Multiple structures were burned in the city of Ventura. Over a quarter-million customers were without power as the fire impacted transmission lines. The fire was driven by Santa Ana winds. Simon Parkes said in his latest interview that major figures are not going out in public for fear of assassination..

They have tried to assassinate Trump 3 times. Soros is laying low. Published on Dec 4, Q-Anon — Attn: Published on Nov 6, Much has been said about bitcoins. Nothing could be further from the truth. Rudolph puts us on notice. There will no longer be multiple currencies. Like we are to believe this a good thing as Peter tells us? Peter is a controlled supersoldier inducted into the ACIO not of his own will.

Seems to me he is doing their bidding. Most importantly, Rudolph tells us to buy land and gold. That seems like good advice — hard assets out of their control. I agree with Rudy. Hi Phoenix, I think any healing could be considered rehabilitation. The body is able to do it spontaneously for minor injuries, but studies show how mindfulness can facilitate healing on chronic and severely acute health issues.

Adding consciousness to any process is a practice that seems to have measurable benefits, when you can detach it from negative thought loops. Within one organism are many, many scales of cycles of life. On the economic front, to continue the analogy of a living, energetic system as our model…. But, instead of a banking system based on the Rothchild idea that starting wars, and providing the financing to countries, paid by taxpayers would serve humanity!

Without having to finance the expensive war machines and eugenics machines GMO, industrial medicine, geoengineering, destruction of the water, air and resources of the planet there would be plenty to distribute to keep the planet and inhabitants functioning as a healthy system.

We are moving from a system that is based on the survival and dominance of ONE the basic pyramid scheme , to a system that allows for interconnectedness of all living beings on order for the whole system to thrive. So, if one person is suffering, and we are all connected, we ALL suffer. It is time for a change of heart, in order for our planet to survive and be able to support life on earth.

I liked the idea tossed out by Laura Ingraham on her program last night on Fox news. She suggested that the federal government rename one of the national parks an historical maritime park next to the coast in San Francisco since I cannot remember the name.

It should be changed to the name of the girl that got killed on the pier by the illegal… Kathryn Steinle National Park or something close.

Since sanctuary cities and states may be losing funding or other penalties for not enforcing immigration laws that have been on the books for ages… Laura suggests having a constant reminder of people killed due to their negligence. Innocent people, including officers trying to enforce the law as part of their jobs, are dying every week in our country.

If everyone has one, it makes it extremely difficult for employers to figure out who actually deserves a job. College diplomas were, at one time, a way to make sure idiots did not get into important positions.

If anyone had a college diploma, it meant whoever had it was well above average, and could handle a high level position. One of the biggest problems employers face is finding college graduates that have the skills they are supposed to have after college.

In the past, college was supposed to prepare you for a profession. Surprisingly, as bad as Time Magazine is, they got it right with this quote: Instead, the top extracurricular activities are hanging out with friends, working in an unrelated job and eating out. I have lost respect for the current crop of college graduates, and in a way pity them. They did not ask to get ripped off, receive nothing useful and subsequently get stuck with a lifetime of bills in the form of student loans — they were told it was how to get ahead and were usually expected to, only to leave the system worthy of at most a rude awakening.

They are going to have to tolerate people who are useless being rated the same as or better than them also. I enjoy hearing from tRudolf the tall white from time to times…. Though I agree somewhat in the crash scenario. It goes for any other currency paper as well. Then you have to do slave work and pay interest on top.

I ask — WHO in the worrd gave them this right? Say it again — do not lay all eggs in one basket! Invest also in gold , silver, diamonds or any high physical valued rare item. Could even be art, if you can afford. But most of all do not get worried. The Satan worshipers cabal must be, and are being taken down — and that is what the issue is really all about.

Hmmm, curious and curiouser, it looks like the Mueller investigation read the article or something similar that was posted some time ago about following the money financing the Trump empire.

That article pointed out that after bankruptcies, the empire appeared to be financed by a number of Russians, including taxi cab drivers, buying multiple condos for cash. The news was first reported by Handelsblatt, the German newspaper. It is not that I covered it that caused issues, it is the way I covered it that did. But I learned a few things and have definitely figured out how to kick people off this system and keep them out.

One simple thing cut bandwidth usage by 70 percent, and I am working like normal. Yesterday was totally screwed up. And I am going to double down: That is inexcusable, and set a new benchmark for Jewish depravity. I did not think I could get a lower opinion of them until I saw what they did via their press and the Kate Steinle issue. Whether or not they succeed in destroying Trump will depend completely upon how squeaky clean he is.

Gets only better and better, but use bad language here so nothing for youngsters. When people are this brilliant — I tend to disregard that. Ken is the mind behind C60PurplePower. This is enabling governments worldwide to have accurate anti ballistic missile technology. It also enables space organizations to accurately land and maneuver craft. Ken explains his Moxy Fusion Reactor that creates energy at a fraction of the price of oil, nuclear, coal, wind, or solar.

He is clearly one of the most brilliant scientists alive and business game changers brings you another episode that educates listeners on the amazing potential of our future. The Patent link the number was wrong in the video: Also a place where you can get hydrogen silica pills to put in your water bottle is at https: The hazards are obvious, as this article points out:.

The only problem is that these gadgets are both hackable and prone to bugs. We do know that Amazon will hand over your Echo data if the gadget becomes involved in a homicide investigation. The FBI, for one, would neither confirm nor deny wiretapping Amazon Echo devices when Gizmodo asked the agency about it last year. Sacrificing what remains of my privacy for the minor convenience of asking Alexa to do those things instead seems a bad bargain.

New Town, ND — The recent disappearance of a year-old mother has shed new light on the growing problem of violence against women that live near the booming oil fields of North Dakota. In a recent interview, lawyer Mary Kathryn Nagle, who is helping the family with the investigation, pointed out that violence against women in this particular area has been steadily increasing since the oil companies came to town. As a result of that, over , men from outside the state of North Dakota have moved to the state of North Dakota to live in man camps that the oil companies have set up.

And unfortunately, as Senator Heidi Heitkamp has noted, as the former U. I follow what you and others has said about c60, Thank you all for that! Hope I did a ok choice here? For some time now, the thought roaming in my head, was that N. He recommended this company: I have confidence that it IS a powerful anti-oxident.. I am waiting til I feel really solid with the results of the Plug and 24 Strand DNA Statements… and various supplements i am back on b4 starting a n y thing new… probly not til after the New Year starts.

I am currently feeling better than I can remember btw. Cold symptoms almost all gone. The 24 Strand DNA statements… completed a while ago.. Doing more energy healing for pals n clients than I used to.. Rokita pens aggressive bill aimed at sanctuary cities GOP lawmaker unveils bill that would threaten fines and prison time for officials accused of sheltering illegal immigrant criminals from deportation.

EXCLUSIVE — A Republican congressman plans to introduce a bill Monday that would threaten huge fines and prison time for elected officials accused of sheltering illegal immigrant criminals from deportation, in the wake of the not-guilty verdict in the Kate Steinle murder trial.

Thanks so much for the link and very good advice! I know how I react to wheatgrass…… Oh my just a little on a tea spoon and than bang. Please tell us how it goes if you finally try it. Should we go for the short harder route or the long one, I wonder? The 3 things listed here is a super combination. That should tell a lot IMO. But nothing is written in stone here. Just got the feeling we perhaps ready for more faster? Maybe not so smart. More from Jim Stone. I concur with him on this one.

No matter that it appears on the surface that Trump has his nose up the Zio-tards collective tuchis, they hate him and will sabotage him at every turn. Besides, why would Trump need to assure the Zio-tards of this? King Salman of Saud already confirmed his crypto-Zio-tardness and is, if a news link I posted a few weeks back is correct, willing to let the Zio-tards rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem.

This will only piss off the majority of Muslims in the world as this means the potential destruction of the Dome of the Rock, which, according to Zio-tard historians, is right smack in the middle of the ancient temple site.

By potential I mean that the actual location of the ancient temple site has been a subject of extreme controversy in recent years. Some scholars have come up with compelling evidence that the supposed ancient Temple site is actually the location of one of the most despised buildings in ancient Jewish history-the site of the conquering Roman Empires stronghold, the Fortress of Antonia.

The Scriptures quotes Jesus as saying of the temples future destruction as being so complete, that: The heat was so intense all the gold that overlayed the Temple melted and flowed into the stone cracks. The soldiers, seeking spoils, pried the stones apart to get at the gold as plunder to take with them.

So it makes no sense to do this other than for the Khazarian Zio-Tards to feed on the loosh from the release of all this negativity and hence forward their plan. If they want they could rebuild the Temple now for crying out loud…and without all the trouble it would cause if they removed the Dome of the Rock that is.

He may want to, and no doubt Israel wants it. But it is NOT going to happen. They have no concept of thanks or much less gratitude. A worthless endeavor for Trump. Okay… this is my last little bit for now. I did not get my daily notes written here at the mental health clinic where i work Tuesdays and Fridays.

Instead gabbed with you all.. Light light light to those distressed by the loss of the Caucasian woman in San Francisco.. And of course to all us all here who read and hope and worry.

And to our loved ones. Well said there my friend! I totally agree with your sentiments and thank you for saying it. Something we should all ponder on regularly so that we keep a sound perspective on the monumental changes happening.

Ok — my last on currency for a while! Can also be cryptically.. But of course there are birth pains — that all newer systems have. According to several IT experts I talked to. There are no reason to go into fear. Now we need matching photos of Killery Clinscum doing the same thing. There is no conceivable way they could possibly need a literal army of people for any other purpose. The sheer volume of people hired ensures that is the only possible objective. There is a fake news report on this topic at the New York Post HERE, fake because it does not state the real reason or even question why Youtube is hiring so many censors.

Youtube is a dead platform. If you want to have a voice, a new platform is needed. Supposedly for doping, but they should not ban a whole country for that, they should test individual athletes. My guess is that the ban was purely political. Interesting it is that two days ago Russia expressed support for the Palestinians and basically said no to Israel. Although if other evidence comes forth that proves Logan Act violation, then Lock.

Or not, who knows? The Logan Act 1 Stat. The Act was last amended in , and violation of the Logan Act is a felony. So henceforth this has credibility. Russia banned from Olympics?

Trump threatened to make Jerusalem the capital of Israel during the election campaign. This is driving Nutty yahoo crazy because of the mixed nature of the city it would force Israel to enfranchise the Palestinians and change the game completely. Not sure Trump is serious but it makes for a good show and definitely gives the MSM something to hoot and holler about.

Everything on the Internet has a back door- everything. We have confirmed this with the bank and other sources. But Sanders said those reports are false and were another example of the news media getting something wrong in the frenzy to report on the investigation into Russian meddling in the presidential election.

Here is a link to the original story sited in the Guardian article. It is from a German publication, and at the end the authors invite contact with them. Has anyone heard of Handlesblatt? It is very hard to vet sources these days, so who knows. To contact the authors: Most of my posts have been ignored — the latest one is the comment that horsetail unprocessed removes aluminum!

Figi Water is not the only resource. Anyway, what Mad Being created the Cabal? The universe is overwhelming in mysteries. Regarding your last paragraph, in my opinion no dogmatic pronouncement, just an opinion , we live in a dualistic 3D realm. However, 3D being dualistic by nature, then it follows that we will have somewhat positive and somewhat negative types of incarnations.

All is experience even if some of it is not as nice as other types of growth. But balance is also a prime directive of what I believe the Creatorix set into being. Still, all said and done, it is time for the cabal to be restricted in their unfettered march toward totalitarian separation of the haves and the rest. One last request please? Would you be so kind as to suggest some sources for that info?

I am always interested in possible new info sources. I would say nobody knows that for certain. This is what I learned recently: Ethereum and Bitcoin has huge value, whatever people says, or think.

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This is a great replacement engine for many …. Spring is arriving in Knoxville! Our retail store and repair shop are open full blast for the season!

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Here is an example of one that we just finished servicing this week. Hydrangeas are flowering deciduous plants that can range in size from small bushes to larger tree-like varieties.

If you want to grow your own hydrangea plants, you can produce new …. Only time will tell if the latest wave of change Americans voted for in the midterm elections will result in a negative or positive outcome.

This rare word was chosen to represent because it described so much of the world around us. Tergiversate means "to change repeatedly one's attitude or opinions with respect to a cause, subject, etc.

And so, we named tergiversate the Word of the Year. In a year known for the Occupy movement and what became known as the Arab Spring, our lexicographers chose bluster as their Word of the Year for Here's an excerpt from our release that year that gives a pretty good explanation for our choice:.

We got serious in Here's an excerpt from our announcement in Things don't get less serious in Our Word of the Year was exposure , which highlighted the year's Ebola virus outbreak, shocking acts of violence both abroad and in the US, and widespread theft of personal information. Here's what we had to say about exposure in From the pervading sense of vulnerability surrounding Ebola to the visibility into acts of crime or misconduct that ignited critical conversations about race, gender, and violence, various senses of exposure were out in the open this year.

Fluidity of identity was a huge theme in Racial identity also held a lot of debate in , after Rachel Dolezal, a white woman presenting herself as a black woman, said she identified as biracial or transracial.

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