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Blockchain Summit Kyiv Operation 30 If china run the real numbers, it's profitable. Buy a dual Ti. Point it at m. Methane is mining more bitcoin per-mol than carbon dioxide, but it's a matter of quantity and persistence as well.

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We know you do. Bitcoin mining is so profitable in China that the cryptocurrency could fall by half and miners would still make money, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance. If the price of electricity goes up 9x it still will make sense to mine. Vestarin starts the long-awaited Pre-ICO. It can do only one thing and that is act as an "unit of account" for the bitcoin blockchain public ledger and it is only valuable if said blockchain exists.

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China has a problem with it because they devalued their Yen on purpose which screwed over the savings operation of the Chinese. China do not consider the opportunity cost mining the alternative of just buying coins directly. Bitmain acquired it in Wish I had mod points. And while in ocean transit the ASIC bitcoin a drop in profitability. Bitcoin insanity is fucking with my gaming!

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3 Things to Know About Bitcoin Mining in China

China bitcoin mining operation

Major cities like Beijing are notorious for their high levels of smog, produced mostly by burning coal. Energy producers can freely burn coal and use the energy for Bitcoin mining.

Bitcoin enables Chinese entrepreneurs to export coal by burning it and using the energy to mine. Mining pools, as the name implies, are collaborations between individual miners and, frequently, major mining companies. Their hashrate is combined so that the pool has a better chance of finding a block. The block reward is then shared among all contributing members, according to their proportional hashrate. The result is that many miners outside of China are attracted to Chinese mining pools due to their size.

Many miners are lured by the prospect of small, steady earnings as part of a major pool, as opposed to the high- reward-but-low-odds lottery which is solo or small-pool mining. China is home to four of the five largest Bitcoin mining pools over the past year. It is in his best interest to not see things go awry thanks to Chinese regulators. It also appears McAfee is a big fan of Bitcoin Cash. Whether or not that is a smart decision, remains unknown at this point. The Bitcoin situation in China is still developing as we speak.

If mining operations are forced to shut down, things will get ugly very fast. Subscribe to our newsletter. Blockchain Summit Kyiv Jan 30 International Blockchain Summit Moscow Jan 30 Event of the month!

Vestarin starts the long-awaited Pre-ICO. In the case of bitcoin, this is addressed in a very prominent way in the whitepaper that defined the protocol - https: On the software implementation itself, however, this is mostly interesting: And the difficulty is simply an unsigned bit integer that gets closer to zero the higher the difficult is.

The information that composes a block are the picked transactions that are taking place and couple fields the miners can change in the block headers. And this difficult number is set in the protocol to be adjusted every two weeks or so.

You are confounding that with the rewards for each block, which halve every 4 years, which is were the 21 million bitoin to be ever created amount come from: From these, 16 million have already been created. There are a ton of these that people seem to participate in anyway. Diamond mining for example. I don't think cryptocurrency mining is anywhere near as resource wasteful as that all things considered, especially the blood costs.

I'm sure that's what their justification will be, but the simple truth behind the move is that China has had a problem with wealth fleeing the country under the table, and cryptocurrency has made that far easier to do. This crackdown is all about controlling money leaving their borders. Find me some mining hardware that will make enough money to make back my investment before its obsolete.

It was only profitable in China because the government paid for everything. Maybe you can pay to have heat sinks removed and have domestically manufacture heatsinks attached after the ASIC blades arrives. Either way, hurts you profitability and makes ASiC obsolescence that much closer. What are you blabbering on about? It's cheaper to have heatsinks made in China and shipped to most places in the world. Why would you think it's cheaper than shipping alone to locally manufacture them?

I was actually thinking source them locally, not necessarily manufacture them locally, thoughts and typing diverged. Fill up a container, stick it on a boat. You'll pay a flat rate for the container. And while in ocean transit the ASIC experiences a drop in profitability. As for farms, containers may be more viable but again transit time and setting up a new farming site eats in the more profitable days those ASIC would have had. Well, it sounds like there might be plenty of used Antminer S9's on the market before long at a good price.

Now if the Chinese government stops subsidizing renewable power resulting in cheap mining operations: I don't have to "try" it, i'm already doing it, and it works OK. In last 4 months of mining I made bucks, not counting the loss of 0. Back in August I owned 0. In retrospect I shouldn't have done it but whatever.

I know, it won'a make me rich but in 5 more months the card would have earned its value back, and from then on it's profit, assuming the coin v. I am using a very simple setup but mind you, it's under Windows. Create a Vertcoin wallet on Yobit. However if you use some rigs for domestic heating it's not a waste at all. A kW of electricity put into a mining rig will give you just as much heating as a kW put into an electric heater.

I don't know what it's like in your country, but I've never heard of a house in Britain heated with a heat pump. So it's not a useful comparison. What is the point of your annecdote? Wow, well unless you've only ever met a handful of people that confirms their rarity. Most people have heat pumps in their car, EV or not. It's usually referred to as air conditioning.

They're also very popular in New Zealand for homes. I have one that puts out 6kW of heat and consumes 1. It's far more common to heat houses at least partially with light bulbs than heat pumps. As far as I've seen anyway. I'm afraid you failed Thermodynamics, Anonymous Coward. I'm putting electrical energy in, and I'm getting heat out. And over the long term there's no energy retained. The fact that those excited electrons in the GPU heating element happen to give me useful information makes not a scrap of difference.

Huge mining operations are already up and running, and more planned, in Canada, Iceland, Sweden and Russia. This will not disrupt Bitcoin. Last time I checked parts of Canada had the highest electricity rates in North America. A storm damaged power lines at a cabin and it was without power for months. Even after the news picked up the story they still wouldn't budge.

Let's all welcome China to the First World! We're going to redefine the phrase to include them now. How very American of them, to use electricity pricing, land use zoning , taxes, and environmental protection regulations to crush something they don't like. We're so proud of them. Being a capitalist dictatorship sure sounds so much better than being a communist dictatorship, don't you think?

Remember kids, it's not an edict from the Powers That Be. It's just a change in zoning. Nothing to see here. I'm all for a decentralized block chain currency that is as carbon neutral as, say, pornhub It's never going to be a transaction system. It takes too long to process transactions and there are global limits to the number of transactions per day based on blocks mined and transactions per block It's limited to about 10 per second.

Do people use Bitcoin to complete transactions for material goods or has Bitcoin become an investment vehicle?? What percentage of Bitcoin transactions pay for pizza or Teslas or houses and what percentage are people saying "I'll just buy low and sell high and make a killing like everyone else".

I assume there's no way to look at the blockchain and determine this You can have smaller centralized systems like coinbase where you can do fee-less, instant transactions but it's not on the blockchain. However, the conversion from fiat to BTC is done with reference to the exchange systems. Perhaps this will decentralise mining operations further around the world.

Perhaps there will also be a flood of cheaper mining equipment too as a result of mining operations ending in China. They should have spelled it "doggycoin" or "doggiecoin" Imagine doing something like that with bitcoin mining. That sounds like a thing. The more you have, the more processing capacity they command. For a while you couldn't turn a profit with a GPU.

Which is why the price of s has gone up. But you are not mining bitcoin. If you are receiving bitcoins from GPU mining you are likely selling your hashing power to someone doing alt-coin mining and who is paying for this hashing in bitcoin.

Because who wants whatever goofy alt-coin they want to mine. I don't believe thats so. The GPU miners are working on alternate crypto currencies.

The one's that the ASICs can't mine. We know you do. We also know you're not smart enough to make the connection between authoritarian government and lack of free speech, which is why we don't allow you to prevail. Yes, we're talking about the type of authoritarian government that locks up millions of citizens, often for political crimes such as using the wrong substances that the authoritarians don't like. It's actually pretty common for a large percentage of the population to like the authoritarians, look at America where they keep actually voting them in.

The mining hardware won't be scrapped. If they managed to stop people mining in China, the machines will be exported to other countries.

Although normally I'd agree with you, I think China would be prone to seizing the equipment and destroying it to prevent it from being used, since what they would prefer is for Bitcoin to go away.

If all chinese BC mining farms went offline then after that time cost to compute for non chinese farms would drop to compensate. The Chinese will just move the farm to Mongolia or Eastern Europe. The farms will not go offline. If you want to get in on the cryptocurrency mining scene Stop yourself, don't do it. Take either of these two paths: Go ahead, buy the GPU.

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