п»ї Quick Update – Dogecoin Wolong Spike Up from 50 Satoshi to 85+ Satoshi | Timothy Hoogland

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Reddit, but true, I used all wolong news on me as an advantage to maneuver and engage the opposing force. At this point the market's state would be something like buys atsells atand your wall atdogecoin having pushed the market downwards from where you started. Best wishes, - splendorhub. Maybe you should re-phraise. SectioAurea giants ago.

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Re-allocation and distribution usually serves the purpose for us to re-balance our portfolio. Went through it in detail. Manipulation is everywhere, undeniable and unavoidable. Panic will not help you feel the doge force graaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. I have a hard time feeling sorry for people losing money in such a scheme, because they intended to take money from others

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You can buy shares. Then dogecoin will wolong looking for good deals based on research Iota, Ripple… and then they dogecoin find reddit can buy many Doge at a great price and just take a fun gamble. In the securities market is it illegal per the securities exchange act of Really good post to refer giants to. The term pretty much explains giants. I will have a lot of people that will reddit and happily buying out whatever Wolong dumped to them.

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Dogecoin market manipulation? | Hacker News

I will be revealing some of it and explain. The most common mindset everyone had is that we either micro sell or massively dump into buy walls during a dump. Theses are just the basic. Usually by exiting via this method, gives us really a bad price to sell at. One of the exotic methods we used: This works by having sell walls in place, and buying into our own walls again and again aggressively until the crowd follows.

Once they follow, they will be biting into our walls. Hence we are able to exit portions of it, bits by bits, rinse and repeat a few times, we will be able to exit the market completely.

Another method is known as "Exit by putting a sell wall". Well, many of you who follows my trades on dogecoin-market , knows that I like having sell walls up to suppress prices and buy doges cheap.

However, I am able to imply this strategy by deceiving everyone into thinking that I am merely capping prices but the fact is, I am micro selling my way out. Exposing and unraveling the secrets behind my pumps and dumps.

By now, everyone should be very curious and if not dying to find out how I orchestrated my pumps and dumps, especially with dogecoin. I will give a very detailed account on what actually happened and how I played the Game of Deception using the art of war to my advantage.

I must admit that I got into Dogecoin few weeks late, that was when prices were trading about satoshis. Prices fell to satoshis, it appears to be normal to me at first, but something caught my attention. Things were not right. Based on years of trading experience I had, it seems to me that someone is intentionally suppressing the prices to buy in doges.

There are whales playing around with dogecoin! Well, like many others, I siezed the opportunity by contacting by ultra rich friends to be involved in this pump and dump process. Doge was dead cheap, everything was right. The increasing growth in subscribers on reddit, the tipping community, were a perfect condition to manipulate doge prices effectively. The fundamental factors and elements determine the outcome of a military engagement.

A battle is won before it is even fought. All the conditions were met. Pricing, volume, the community backing it and the growth that is gradually increasing. I heavily bought into dogecoin satoshis. I shared my trades on dogecoin at first. I am a nobody there. I have expected and predicted that no one will listen to a trade recommendation by someone new in there. It will not affect any of my position building but rather gain me some sort of fame and reputation for future use. While dogecoin hits satoshis, the truth is, I did not owned 10 billion doge, but rather a mere total of 4 billion.

The amount of holdings I had were overstated so as to aid me and mask by exit strategy in the near future. Now, came the part of Jamaican bobsled team.

It was a perfect time for other whales and myself. It was a test pump. We wanted to see if the dogecoin community were gullible enough to think that it was the Jamaican bobsled publicity that have drove dogecoin prices up.

The bobsled team brought value and publicity to dogecoin, but people are always confuse with prices and value. Having value does not mean having a price, and having a high price does not mean it has value. In the world of manipulation, we used the news, the social network as our advantage. We were right, by droving prices up, the community gave credit to the bobsled team for moving dogecoin prices up, which is what I wanted.

Over a course of a week, I begin appearing frequently on dogecoin and dogecoin-market giving trade calls and announcing pumps. To cut the story short, I turned aggressive, driving prices up to satoshis where the crowd bought into my sell walls. I was able to exit near a portion of my dogecoins. I wasn't done with it. Driving prices higher will put me into a risk of buying dogecoin high and unable to exit safely. This is the part where I gave everyone on dogecoin-market a floor, satoshis.

A precise floor that I will support, and as resistance. I moved prices up and down within this range to gain confidence and support from the community that I am backing it and able to control doge prices at will. Then came the part of which I need more faithful followers, who will ride the waves with me, gurantee a few profits, and act with me. I sold most of my doges high and I have lost a significant amount of market share.

I need to regain the market share, without physically possessing it. The most memorable event that happened during this phase was that 4chan and reddit laughed and mocked "TheMollyMachine", one of the guys in my private channel. Logs leaked on the internet showed how "TheMollyMachine" was bleeding at that time when someone big dumped doges into his btc buy walls.

I had to change a course of actions, to move doge down to satoshis , and with a target price of satoshis in mind. I forecasted that not everyone will act accordingly as they have no idea of what a short sell is To sell low and buy back lower. One example in this case which is freenode user "hinv". The purpose of me initating this without giving a clear explaination on what we are doing to followers of mine which holds no knowledge in trading, is pretty clear.

I knew and had reports from OPs in my channel that freenode channel is not secured. Anyone would be able to spoof a nick that is on the invite list to freely enter that channel when the nick is not in used. I took advantage of that again, to create chaos and leak logs that I failed in the dump, of which after the dump failed to , I drove prices back up to The purpose of this is crystal clear.

I need someone to buy into my dumps high, while slowly driving prices to Taner appeared to be more excited. He had a bet with me earlier on that prices will hit 80 satoshis, which I told him satoshis will definitely be a rock bottom. Now, remember the part that I have told everyone that I had no access to investors funds during the holidays of Chinese New Year for the traders that listens to my order to buy or sell are away.

And the part that I stated dogecoin will be trading above once Chinese New Year ends? Yep, you now you recalled. Well, I orchestrated another plan. This serves two purposes. If they are out at and bought in UNO heavily, it will be less selling pressure for me to exit my investors funds. At this point of time, investors holding of doge are not yet fully sold.

Killing two birds with one stone. Now, halving date for DOGE is now nearer and nearer. People are gullible and naive thinking that during halving their doge prices will be worth double of the 's initial tops. They forgotten that it is us the whales, that drives prices up. Again, they fell for the deception that I long for. Near halving day, what a perfect day for my dumps. I will have a lot of people that will actively and happily buying out whatever I dumped to them.

On Feb 12, I dropped the nuclear warhead. Sad, but true, I used all bad news on me as an advantage to maneuver and engage the opposing force. And to those who loses out in the end are usually my haters because they are the ones that are arrogant and acted late.

People in my private channel knows how I trade and usually holds even though prices are being suppressed or shakeouts by me. It is usually the people without patience that lost in the end game. This is a brilliant piece of education, if not at least to create awareness, needing to see the light of day in many many places!

Thanks so much for giving Steemit a fair shake on such a popular website like Wired. We definitely need more publicity like this. I used to know [-wolong-] back in the day, it was so much fun trying to predict his pumps, because of him we could make a fortune with very little invested in dozens of coins. I really miss that guy. Btw by taking a payout on this I am not sure if this is considered copyright or intellectual property infringement.

My pool was left with 80 million Panda coins after his drama and dump on Mintpal, I think he owes me a lot more than the payout on this post. Hey joseph , really appreciate that you shared your strategies here. It's a good lesson for us small players. Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.

I've learned a valuable lesson and will keep my eyes open. Looking forward to more of your insight. All Dogecoin addresses are public key hashes. Unlike bitcoin addresses, which are 27 to 33 characters long, Dogecoin addresses are a string of 34 numbers and letters both upper and lower case , starting with the letter D. A public key is the Dogecoin address to which other users can send Dogecoins. A private key, however, allows full access to the Dogecoin wallet; it must be kept secret and secure.

Thanks for the great post joseph! Doge seems to be turning in to tomorrows gold mine. Lets visualize it at least! Have a look on my latest blog hope for positive support from you.

It is way easier to do this type of thing with cryptocurrency than it is with stocks. I'm a programmer I have made myself a bot using random Forrest and it trades good on Gdax Hello joseph you vote me and follow me bilqis These schemes tactics are more obvious in penny stocks and crypto but also in bigger markets like FX. Pays to stay alert. I'm sure you don't need my little vote but I'll give it anyway. This is an interesting post and shows how everything can be manipulated.

As if I didn't know already. However, it refers to things that happen here in this community. My plea is that all those wealthier Whales should not neglect the reason we are supposedly all on Steemit. Yes we want to make money, we should be happy to be patient, learn the rules, learn how it works, manipulate only in that you do what you are allowed to do. It's a pity that what you describe here simply reflects what happens on Wall street anyway! I'll never forget the lessons he "teach" me at the price of almost all my interent money at the time.

The name still gives my nightmare. Is there a message you're trying to pass on here? I hope people are smarter now and better at knowing the market seeing that the Community around Steem earily resembles Dogecoin Shibes back in the day. People are happy all round and price of Steem being disgustingly undervalued.

One of the oldest, well established, tried and true crypto-currencies, There have been considerable ups and downs in the value of the coin in comparison to fiat and other coins however it has stood the test of time and is still widely accepted and has remained a useful tool regardless of its exchange rate. Projects that show humanity, kindness, generosity.

Among an ocean of get rich quick schemes, scams, pumps and dumps, this is the only coin which has a community centered on the positive things that crypto-currency can do. Follow reddit's content policy.

No promotion of adult content allowed. Spammy, unsolicited and sneaky referrals may be removed without notice. If you need an exception from a rule for a specific reason send a message to the mods to discuss. This has to be a giant bubble. There's going to be a big crash soon. Keep buying and dollar cost average. Don't try be smarter than market. That's basically how it works for me. In fact, me and my friend at school got into it at the same time He has more money than me in earth world, but in moon doge he does to.

Literally every time since we started about 2 months ago that I've bought or sold he has done the opposite. Basically he has been very successful. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Either way, one can't predict where this will go. Just have to go with the flow of it all. You're not being a geek, you're being wrong.

A 24 hour period can be parametrised by the points of a circle. If you pick a single fixed configuration of hands on a clock, this corresponds to exactly two points on the above mentioned circle which leaves an infinite number cardinality of the continuum many of points still remaining. Wouldn't there be a finite amount because the second hand has exactly 60 points that it stops on? For the purposes of the above, I was assuming a smooth movement of only the minute and hour hands on the clock face, without any discretisation of time.

If you think time is discretised then there would be an entire new comment thread on quantum mechanics that would need to be started. This allows a smooth covering space of the time parameter of spacetime onto the boundary of the clock face - which is essentially what a clock's function is. That's why the phrase is usually a stopped clock and not a broken clock, but valid point with the given phrasing. Nobody has ever said peepoobarfdickshitbitchasspeepoopeebarfshitpissfuck before.

Honestly, I have no idea with the current value. If Dogecoin takes off as much as it looks like it could, I'm aiming for 0. On the other hand, the Dogecoin price takes into account a huge amount of risk that the currency will collapse, be made illegal, hit technical issues, something else , which is what's been keeping it lower That means there is more money in doge then exists in the world.

I'm sorry but that is impossible. Bitcoin did it for a while, that's all I desire, hell I would even go for financial solvency.

There's going to be a lot of hurdles to overcome before we hit 1 cent, let alone 10 cents Bitcoin went up 3 orders of magnitude since launch; if Dogecoin actually becomes the standard for small Internet transactions, I don't think two orders of magnitude is that much of a stretch. However, this is my analysis, and if you're confident in your own analysis, you should ignore me. Even if I'm right here, there will always be more opportunities, and being able to confidently assess them will make you far more money than anything else in the end.

Thousands of millionaires is unrealistic? Do you know how many millionaires there are in the US alone? Around 13 million in Thousands and thousands of people fall in and out of the millionaire ranks through the stock, commodity, and foreign exchange markets every single day. Maybe you should re-phraise. If doge takes off My friend keeps saying,"if this makes me rich, I will buy you the biggest fanciest steak dinner money will buy". It wouldn't make that many usd millionares because if it hit a spike to right now, many shibes would sell and never see Roumours says it is a hardcore pump buy nic: Apparently he has 5 doge Some big-shot from Shang hai, No one knows what his plan is with it except some how earn a lot of money.

I can confirm that he bought all the sell orders between 70 and 90 and pushed it up in an hour. Then took a walk irl and he has been gone now for a while and it has gone from 90 to 79 since he left I don't know where the price will adjust or if he jumps in again.

I need to sleep! Just posted about it too yesterday. And just posted this as some kind of something: That's it he is in dogecoin-market you have to be registered and I have some troubles with that now Ohh get over it, he's a ego maniac.

If the volume is as high as it is, he can't do that much manipulating. The guy just likes talking about how much he can do but it itsn't at k volume anymore. I thought it was a bubble too until we absolutely SHREDDED through the huge 50, 60, 65, 70 buy walls on Cryptsy within a little more than 24 hours some resistance at After this much increase though, you are likely right.

This type of growth is pretty unsustainable The price will go down within a few days. But don't be surprised if we never see below a Satoshi price again. Pump and dump happens a lot. Even if there may be some artificial pumping going on, the fundamentals of the doge market outweigh that. Doge hitting China and the increase in difficulty are also both huge factors, you're totally right.

The more people that hold, the less supply there is, the higher the value goes. I'm not talking about tipping, and buying product. I'm talking about new buyers going to the exchanges to try and buy into dogecoin but there being a shortage, or less supply than usual.

These are what drives the price up on the exchange, when the exchange owners realise how much they can sell doge for. Shibes forgot wallet at home. Turned back for a few Satoshis and now we are heading back to moon! Yes it's a bubble. Get ready for a big big crash. Panic will not help you feel the doge force graaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

But it makes sense there is buying demand before the reward halve in 25 days, because they will be more expensive to mine then. I sold a total of Doge over the last few days at 49, 51, and 68 - I've been wondering if I should hold out or buy back in at a loss.

I also lost 32, when my OS decided it needed to be reinstalled, so I'm back at Keep in mind, you can't make decisions when being upset or angry. You must clear your mind and stay calm. I was really mad when I saw the increase in value.

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