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Download new wallet from http: September 14 - 17, David Megginson is the project leader. Publications covering specific XML applications may be referenced in the dedicated sections rather than in xhash main reference mining. This International Standard is intended to provide a document architecture to facilitate the creation of various application-specific document type pool.

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Frame oriented, not page oriented. That library supports fast parsing of XML documents, including optional validation, and supports an optional in-memory object model tree for manipulating and writing XML structured data. The price paid per Watt will greatly influence profitability. To get portable behavior, you need a maintainable program standard that runs on most computer systems ExCost is for 'Expat and Cost'. On the Web and Behind the Web.

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The goals of this document include: A separate document contains pool to Pool sites or documents for which I have had xhash time to make investigation, or which are evidently tangential. Updated to version 1. Frame oriented, not page oriented. This proposal defines a mechanism for embedding this information within an email message mining a manner that degrades gracefully to downlevel mail clients. The text is copyright, of course, but for xhash it's got a very rich mix mining elements including copious CDATA sections.

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Electricity is the major on-going cost of Bitcoin mining. The price paid per Watt will greatly influence profitability. Unless you command a tremendous hashrate, your odds of solving a block by yourself i. Whenever they solve blocks, pools reward individual miners according to their contributed hashrate minus commissions and the like.

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I was curious that why only our pool was affected and I found that several other pools also stuck masternode payee within 24 hours. Miners don't need to update but we encourage you to update if you are running personal wallet on your PC. It helps Darkcoin network stronger! We don't think darkcoin fork to be resolved completely yet. It may happen time to time. But only one major blockchain seems to growing currently and we are on that blockchain.

Darkcoin network fork occured. Our server ran several darkcoin wallets for failover, and it seems like mining process is running as usual. We are doing our best, reindexing wallets, monitoring the dev's announce. Payout is disabled to prevent false transactions at this time. Will resume when things are resolved completely. Will post more info as things get clear. There's new update from darkcoin github. This has two consequences: As an example for the latter, consider the rich set of data types for meta-attributes and meta-meta-attributes required to exchange modeling information, and compare them to the significantly smaller set of data types provided by XML.

PGML is a 2D scalable graphics language designed to meet both the simple vector graphics needs of casual users and the precision needs of graphics artists. It is not meant to be a complete definition for PGML. Many sections have been left open or have been labeled Ideas for Consideration so that the working group can develop the strongest possible language specification and ensure that it is fully compatible with other W3C standards efforts. Among the 'Design Principles': Within VML the content is composed of paths described using connected lines and curves.

The markup gives semantic and presentation information for the paths. The submitters have clearly given thought to style sheet binding, to the necessary stylistic differences between editors and viewers, and to containment in HTML; they have also taken care to address the points in the W3C Requirements document.

Such exchange is facilitated by the DTDs which describe the structure of the messages method requests and method responses and which also describe the interfaces of the software components themselves.

We expect the WebBroker DTDs to be useful for enabling many organizations to implement a mature yet simple and easy to reproduce model of distributed computing on the Web. WebBroker submission , main text WebBroker submission request.

The goal is "to come up with a unified software object model for the Web. GCA is a technical management association in the publishing and printing industries that has supported XML since its creation.

According to a press release of July 27, , the objectives of the working group are to: The first draft is anticipated for an availability date of September 30, For the purposes of this discussion group, the term "EDI" shall include business-to-business, business-to-consumer, and consumer-to-business exchanges of XML formatted and structured data or information. By setting up one global repository on the Internet, CEFACT can assume responsibility for the creation of new tags based on a corresponding EDIFACT data-element number and the standard description, while other organizations can assume responsibility for a language code or the corresponding element number in different standards.

As of Fall , there was a "proliferating activity of XXML initiatives [which] reflects the essential foundation the X12 standard provides to a multitude of emerging e-commerce technologies The CommerceNet initiative is designed to close the time gap between the development of industry standards and implementation of open, interoperable applications in the electronic commerce arena.

The multifaceted program involves development of examples, demonstrations and a showcase of member applications. The goal is to accelerate the adoption of XML as a key technology for the realization of efficient Internet Commerce. The CommerceNet program is made up of three strategic projects: RosettaNet is a "global business consortium creating the electronic commerce framework to align processes in the IT supply chain.

The primary application is as a transmission format for form values being submitted to a processing agent over the Web. The main advantage over other form value encodings is that it allows field names to be associated with structured values without resorting to non-XML encodings.

In addition, it can carry a variety of descriptive information about the issuer, the resources, and the privileges specified in it. A capability card is written in XML, which is becoming a standard format rapidly for the internet data exchange. Consequently, users can handle various information in capability cards visually with an XML viewer. This is a fairly desirable feature for the existing internet services.

In this document, following the motivation and the basic concepts, the elements of XML DTD of capability cards are described. IPI was established to select standards and guidelines capable of allowing the interchange of a variety of information products for the telecommunications industry.

The ECIX architecture and standards are extensible, unambiguous, well documented and are maintained under the direction of Si2. It is a format powerful enough to express, publish, access and exchange UML models, and a natural extension from the existing Internet environment.

It serves as a communication vehicle for developers, and as a well-structured data format for development tools. Several related DTDs are now available or in draft: Presented in Session UML, however, does not have an explicit format for interchanging its models intentionally. DOM provides a platform and programming language neutral interface to manipulate the content, structure and style of documents.

ZIP collection, Contact: All of the six kinds of UML diagrams are supported. In NuDoc, a document object is made of style, content, and page layout sub-objects. A style object contains rules that govern the form or visual appearance of the document. Content elements such as words, images, movies, etc. NuDoc reads and writes XML content files during the authoring process.

NuDoc's TSL files are used to define the style sheets. For rapid saving and restoring of the entire document object's state, NuDoc can save to disk and re-read the post-composition document containing the style, content, and resulting page layouts including all user edits and mark-up to an external XML-format checkpoint file.

Finally, if the shared content feature is required, external shared content is stored in yet another XML format file. PageFlex is a NuDoc-based Application under development as of mid It is the first solution to use XML as the intermediate data format between databases and the page composition process.

The output formatter is based on Bitstream's revolutionary NuDoc page composition engine, NuDoc offers unprecedented control over the graphic design of page templates while maintaining a strict separation of form from the input XML content. Coins is a programming project undertaken by Bill la Forge.

One of the primary operations of a coins program is the binding of XML element types to specific Java classes. In some cases runtime program composition , an initial set of bindings is assumed and the XML document being processed uses that initial set to specify additional bindings in a bootstrapping process.

The bindings used to process a document are not always fixed, but are often determined by the application or server processing the document. In these cases, the XML document is simply a vehicle for moving information between applications, and the coins technology simply provides the means for processing that document. A particularly interesting feature of coins is its use of hyper-links. Java serialization has no equivalent capability, forcing the.

PIF is "an interchange format designed to help automatically exchange process descriptions among a wide variety of business process modeling and support system such as workflow software, flow charting tools, process simulation systems, and process repositories. The purpose of QAML is to provide a more specific format for documents dealing with questions and answers.

Because unconstrained HTML is too powerful and loose! Rick Jelliffe ricko gate. The new QAML 2. X created February [ local archive copy, ].

Principal investigators include Boyd Michailovsky, John B. Lowe, and Michel Jacobson. These unique recordings, mainly of spontaneous speech in unwritten languages, serve as the basis for research on the languages and the cultures concerned.

Some of the transcriptions and translations have been published, but the original sound recordings have never been published or properly archived. In many cases, older documents whose structure is implicit are marked up automatically by program. Audio portions corresponding to the encoded text are aligned using XML linking elements. The structure of the XML documents prepared by the project is defined by a DTD Document Type Definition ; all project documents are validated using public-domain tools.

The result is a representation that can easily be converted to and from GEDCOM, but can be manipulated much more easily using standard tools. Description and references are found in a separate document. Further information is provided in a separate document. The NFF DTD supports the majority of the constructs that can occur in Lotus Notes data such as structured fields, rich text, doclinks, import objects and so on.

Lee Sun Microsystems, Inc. Java Help permits a single help system to support varying "navigational views" of help content. The data structure that carries all the information needed to provide a view into a help system is bundled into a HelpSet file. Note that there are two "loose" terms at use here. First, a HelpSet file isn't necessarily a file, in the same sense as files that you store on your hard disk. A HelpSet file could be bound into an application, for example.

Second, it's probably more accurate to say that the information is rooted in the HelpSet file. The data points to the URLs from which you can find the info necessary to build the help system. In essence, CFML provides a generalized markup language for handling the richness of programming, logic and integration required to build full-scale applications on the Web platform.

It achieves this based on the same inspiration that is driving interest in XML -- simplicity and power. Syntactically, Custom Tags are XML compliant custom markup language elements that allow developers to build reusable components that can be easily dropped into a dynamic Web application.

These tags are processed by the Cold Fusion server, and can dynamically generate and execute client and server-side code. DCD also provides additional properties, such as basic datatypes. The abbreviation 'DCD' is used to describe both the general facility described in this document and individual schema instances that conform to it.

As of June 1, , discussion had resulted in the creation of a list of twelve XSchema Goals , as refined through four draft documents. This XSchema work was initiated by Simon St. General information on the XSchema project is available at http: Note that this "borderlands" effort is not part of the W3C work it parallels work already begun within the W3C, e. Its authors declare that "XSchema is not intended to compete with proposals from the World Wide Web Consortium," and they envision that the results may profitably feed into the W3C activity on XML schemas.

Of course, it also bears note that concrete proposals for enhanced 'DTD's using instance syntax have been made by many individuals over the past decade or so. It's 3, 3, 3 Languages in One. Jack Bolles created a single-document version of the XSchema specification, as of July 18, It is a set of extensions to the HTTP protocol which allows users to collaboratively edit and manage files on remote web servers. See references in a separate document.

It is particularly well suited to books and papers about computer hardware and software though it is by no means limited to these applications. The SABLE specification evolved as an initiative to combine three existing speech synthesis markup languages: The draft SABLE specification is an initiative to establish a standard system for marking up text input to speech synthesizers. The current draft is being circulated for comment by users, developers and researchers of speech synthesis.

The JSpeech Markup Language is referenced in a separate document. Together with Guillaume Belrose, W3C's Dave Raggett on assignment from HP Labs "is developing a voice browser to test out ideas for using context free grammars for more flexible voice interaction dialogs.

We plan to extend this work to look at how to deal with existing Web content developed for desktop browsers. The goal is to make it easy to create dual access Web-sites which can be accessed via visual or voice browsers. Guillaume Belrose helped to devise TalkML and develop the sofware. The objective of this NIST-sponsored project is to "explore the use of XML eXtensible Markup Language , a standard for structured document interchange on the Web, for exchanging complex data objects between tasks in a distributed workflow application.

The WebWork workflow application development tool kit, created by the University of Georgia with funding from NIST's Advanced Technology Program, supports the building of distributed, web-based workflow applications.

SWAP is "a protocol designed to allow for interoperability between workflow systems and between workflow systems and other applications. SWAP allows for the programmatic initiation of a workflow process by an application, and the exchange of process data and state information between the the workflow process and application.

The proposed SWAP protocol defines four primary interfaces, which are used to manage, monitor, initiate and control the execution of processes on external workflow systems. They are designed to be complimentary, use the same basic encoding XML , and in fact use the same commands where appropriate for the same things getting object properties.

The goals of the two specs are different. WebDAV is for document management: There is nothing in WebDAV about applications. SWAP is for starting, monitoring, controlling, and receiving notifications from a remote asynchronous service. The idea is that you have some application out there that takes a long time to complete, you want to pass it some data and invoke it. This is all about applications development, and almost nothing to do with document management.

Launched at a time when both network fax and XML are coming into the mainstream, VSI believes that their proposal, called 'XML-F', has the potential to solve a major issue facing the fax service community. The XML-F interface supports three basic features: All data is formatted as text and binary data is encoded using Base64 encoding.

XML-F does not imply or require any particular transport, however. XML-F is an open specification that anyone can implement: It is recommended that any public implementation of a server representing this interface fully implement all of the interface, while client systems might opt to implement only those portions which are relevant to the application.

Three such platforms are used as examples throughout this specification: The XML-based markup language was partitioned into DTD sets that correlated with the needs of platform developers to differentiated based on internet connectivity, memory footprint, and power management. The International Standard "presents a reference document type definition which facilitates the authoring, interchange and archiving of a variety of publications.

This document type definition is deliberately general. It is a reference document type definition which provides a set of building blocks for the structuring of books, articles, serials, and similar publications in print and electronic form. This International Standard is intended to provide a document architecture to facilitate the creation of various application-specific document type definitions.

See the source URLs for updated versions. Dianne Kennedy from GCA served as convener. This meeting was called to resolve issues for the next revision of this ISO standard. It is an XML-based language for describing the contents of windows and dialogs. XUL has language constructs for all of the typical dialog controls, as well as for widgets like toolbars, trees, progress bars, and menus. The User Interface Markup Language UIML "allows designers to describe the user interface in generic terms, and then use a style description to map the interface to various operating systems OSs and appliances.

Thus, the universality of UIML makes it possible to describe a rich set of interfaces and reduces the work in porting the user interface to another platform e. In addition to providing a DTD, the document "describes the information to be included in the standard phone book for roaming applications. The goals of this document include: A Project of the Social Science Community. Some are from experts and some are not; some are refereed and others are not; some are semi-technical and others are popular; some contain errors and others don't.

Discretion is strongly advised. The articles are listed approximately in the reverse chronological order of their appearance. Publications covering specific XML applications may be referenced in the dedicated sections rather than in the main reference lists. Books on XML are referenced only briefly in the following section. For now, only books already published are listed.

See the section on planned and rumored works for books apparently not yet available. A collection of "Introductions to XML" is provided in a separate document. Henning Behme and Stefan Mintert. XML in der Praxis: Addison Wesley Longman, [June] Addison Wesley Longman, Dan Connolly guest editor. Principles, Tools, and Techniques. Electronic Publishing Series, Number 7. Kluwer Academic Publishers, A Simple, Standard Subset.

Practical Programs for Handling Structured Text. Foreword by Steve DeRose. Goldfarb and Paul Prescod. Foreword by Jean Paoli. Prentice Hall PTR, Graham and Liam Quin. Has a supporting Web site. Structuring Complex Content for the Web. IDG Books Worldwide, Recipes for Structured Information.

Nihon Keizai Shimbunsha, Also in Korean, Japanese, and Italian translation. Laurent and Robert Biggar. Laurent and Ethan Cerami. Foreword by Dan Connolly. A more complete reference list of discussion groups, mailing lists, and hyer-mailed fora appears in the dedicated document. Discussion groups focused upon style languages are referenced in the main XSL document.

See the text of the announcement. To subscribe to the digest, mailed on Monday of each week, send email to majordomo ic. To subscribe to the list, send email to listserv listserv. For questions about the list, write to the list owners: More information on CTS is available in the News page.

The voting period closed at The vote passed, " The list is hosted by GMD and DFN, two German national research institutes; this host arrangement is meant to help ensure "neutrality in commercial questions and professional maintainance.

To subscribe to the group, send a mail to listserv. See further information in the main entry: As of September 25, , the list moved to an Allette server. To subscribe, send email to xml-litprog-l-subscribe egroups. To subscribe, send email to: Related discussion and development forum: The SIG was created "to provide a forum for discussion and implementation of tools to make Python an excellent choice for XML processing.

The goal of this SIG is to decide what software is required for this purpose, and coordinate its implementation and documentation. Send list contributions to: David Megginson has posted an announcement for the beta release of SAX2-beta.

Highlights of the release: It is now possible to request an XML reader to validate or not to validate a document, or to internalize or not to internalize all names, using the getFeature , setFeature , getProperty , and setProperty methods. There is no fixed set of features or properties available for SAX2: All XML readers are required to recognize the "http: XML readers are not required to recognize or support any other features or any properties, even the core ones. SAX2 consists of two parts: Numerous researchers have observed that the goals of information re-use and data normalization embraced by both literate programming and SGML-based markup languages provide the basis for using the two technologies together.

Support features as announced include: Description of Microsoft's XML support is provided in a collection of references accessible from a separate document. Java Project X is the codename for a set of core XML-enabling services written completely in the Java programming language. With Java Project X's extensible Java services, developers can build robust yet flexible XML-oriented network services and applications that are internet-ready.

The development tools in the Java Project X are freely available, but one must register through the Java Developer Connection. The second early access release is addressed to Java developers who want access to Sun's fast and fully conformant core XML software for their development.

The library supports an optional in-memory object model tree for manipulating and writing XML structured data. The library is 'core' in the sense that significant XML based applications can be written using only this functionality, and that it is intended that other XML software be layered on top of it. That is, it is a building block for developers. That library supports fast parsing of XML documents, including optional validation, and supports an optional in-memory object model tree for manipulating and writing XML structured data.

All classes are written exclusively in the Java[tm] language, and accordingly may be used with any JDK 1. Developers have expressed strong interest in seeing XML enabling technology emerge from Sun because of the key role Sun has played in developing the XML specification and in creating the Java platform. The Java technology's 'portable code' along with XML's 'portable data' are valuable complements in creating truly platform-independent applications.

Through the early access release, developers have an unique opportunity to participate in defining and evolving the XML Library. How fast is Sun's XML parser included in the core toolkit? Of course, Sun's non-validating parser is faster still. This past February, XML 1.

From this milestone, numerous applications of XML are popping up far and wide - and more often than not they're using Java technology. Java software is portable code XML is portable data. By themselves, neither of these technologies provides such a solution.

To get portable data, you need to pick a representation that is usable in most programming languages To get portable behavior, you need a maintainable program standard that runs on most computer systems Use Java and XML together, and you get both. This resource presents the unaltered text of the XML specification in one pane frame of the display, augmented by graphically distinct note markers of five types: The annotations some are accessible from their titles as well.

A recent posting from Dan Vint reports on a new Web site which contains all the EBNF productions, validation and well-formedness constraints for the following specifications:

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