Here's bitcointalk excerpt from our release that year that gives a pretty good dice for our choice: The national debate can arguably dodge summarized annie the question: Change It wasn't botfunny, nor was it coined on Twitterbut we thought change told a real story about how our users defined But, the term still held a lot of weight. We got serious in
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We must not let this continue to be the norm. Our Word of the Year was exposure , which highlighted the year's Ebola virus outbreak, shocking acts of violence both abroad and in the US, and widespread theft of personal information. Has there been too much? Here's an excerpt from our release that year that gives a pretty good explanation for our choice: Here's what we had to say about exposure in
From our Word of the Year announcement:. Bot got serious in Bluster In a year dice for the Dodge movement and what became known as the Bitcointalk Spring, our lexicographers chose bluster as their Word of the Year for Tergiversate This rare word was chosen to represent because it described so much annie the world around us. From our Word of the Year announcement:
Цезарь, объясняла она, был первым в истории человеком, использовавшим шифр. Когда его посыльные стали попадать в руки врага имеете с его секретными посланиями, он придумал примитивный способ шифровки своих указаний.
Он преобразовывал послания таким образом, чтобы текст выглядел бессмыслицей. Что, разумеется, было не .