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Hardly an inviting title. The UK Company Reg means nothing. Various companies are currently developing fully self-driving cars. A fake investment programme - They don't even know what a mining controller is! We are yet to receive a reply from the host. Whatever they call it, we will call it by it's real name.

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Look, these crooks go to the extent of registering a fake UK Company, and that isn't because they are honest, it's because, quite rightly, you wouldn't trust them otherwise. This is scraping the fkn barrel. You can even get a bitcoin Debit Card. If you send real bitcoin, it isn't coming back. The payments in the system are recorded in a public ledger using its own unit of account, which is also called bitcoin. No such company, no ssl, all means no way is it legit. You will just lose your bitcoin to this scammer.

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Unimaginative hyips for the most part. Bitcoin mining consist of hundreds or thousands of humming computers stacked on shelves. Market urdu for buying, selling services, products, job what and Bitcoin accepting sites, etc. Digiconomist's analysis is not the first to compare bitcoin's electricity draw to a country — mathematicians at Maynooth University pegged this as high as Ireland's in — but it is perhaps the bitcoin. Anyway, as it's just a fraud, it doesn't matter.

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What is bitcoin mining in urdu

# Crypto Currency Guide #

It's a multiple ponzi and you'll never get your bitcoin back. Associated with the fake Skycoinlab. Bitcoin still cannot double though. Please try to understand this. This is just a pickpocket. Wake up, this is the real world! Do you still have any questions? Don't feed him please. Just don't be dim - it's a nice day. If you send it to a doubler scam, the thief will keep it. It isn't that hard to understand - Surely? Don't hold your breath. The reality though, is that this is just a slimy thief with a bent for producing scam websites.

You should do it like the rest of us, and make your bitcoin out of plasticine, or make litecoin from milk bottle tops. Your bitcoin doesn't double - If you are daft enough to send it, they keep it.

They try and run a ponzi scam, we add them to our badlist and so expose their dirty little plans. You know bitcoin can't double - It's a con. You'll probably have to find out the hard way, that it is neither. Send bitcoin and lose it.

They just want to steal bitcoin. If you exchange Bitcoin to PayPal, or any other unrefundable process, you will almost certainly lose it. Just don't bother unless you have money to burn. Don't fall for it. This halfwit scammers school report must have made fun reading. Well that goes to prove something, but I don't know what.

Never use PayPal to buy or sell Bitcoin! It might make you cry though. We wouldn't trust a half eaten Pie to these people though. All lose in harmony. None of them never pay. It is always a fraud.

You will just lose it. What was your score? This software has to be bad. You should know by now that nobody comes out smiling. You will lose your bitcoin. BitcoinGold is simply a Train wreck! Not worth any of the risk. Every one of these is a thief, who will keep what you send. Hardly an inviting title. It will do nasty things to your PC. You'll be needing it later to piss in.

Stay clear of these serial crooks. It's unlikely to be any better than last time around, lots of bad reports, lost Bitcoin, no kit delivered, and no https secure login - The cherry on the Poop. From a serial fraudster. Imaginary mining, the scale of which is limited only by your imagination! Don't be a fool and believe this thief. Don't send money here, it will disappear. Yet another BF Member - there's trust for you. Same scam, new domain.

I suppose Bitcoinscamclub doesn't have the same ring to it. Avoid this obvious scamsite. No doubt the Cowboy Outfit is in the wash. Our advice is to ask for proof.

No evidence - No investment. Hyip's are just designed to steal, by making promises they can't keep, to people who believe anything!

You send Bitcoin, they keep it. Sorry - this won't make you rich. You think you have generated bitcoin, but you need to send a fee to get it. If it was that easy, we'd all mine it that way ffs. This is just a fraud to catch newbies. More of the same old fraud format. You WILL get robbed here. This uninformed scamsite will take you back in time to , and keep all you send.

If you send bitcoin, don't hold your breath waiting for it to come back. It isn't bitcoin mining for certain. This is a double bad-edged sword. Stay clear of these serial scams. You won't receive any kit. Anybody can read your details when you order. Anyway, this is a fraudster. Be wary of this site. Don't be the one to discover it's bad.

We dislike Ripple, but we dislike thieves even more! If you want to mine, visit our safe sites list. Mmuusstt bbee tthhiiss ddoouubblleerr ssccaamm. Tell him where to go. Never download silly software.

Never believe you will get rich without working for it. Send bitcoin to an anonymous address on a half arsed promise. I despair for those who lose to this. This one is getting some special attention. Let's nail this slimeball. Only a fool sends bitcoin to a doubler scam. Don't fall for these multipliers, they are all thieves.

Believe me, we find these hyip themes as weird as you do. The intent is always the same though, to persuade you to be stupid.

So what's that coming down on you from this ponzi thief. Do you think they would need your money if they could multiply their own. There will be many more. What could possibly go wrong? This is a Moriarty Site, one of the worst scammers. Stick with the big exchanges, and if you have to launder bitcoin - tough.

This is just another fraudster. I'll tell you what, give me your iphone, and I'll give you 2 back tomorrow. That's how ridiculous it is. The thief just can't believe that all he had to do was lie to you! Don't be a sucker - everybody loses. They cannot believe your stupidity! This is an obvious Ponzi. Don't be a sucker. Hope it stays down - don't download this potential malware.

This is almost a record. Anyway, it's just a shit scam. This one is so crap, it won't even get off the start line.

Fortunately, if you know what you private key is, then you are clever enough, to never give it to anybody. If you believe that, you'll believe anything this thief tells you. That's right, they don't mix - Scams love PayPal 'gift' payments and other unrefundable processors.

A very nasty scam. Just don't send any bitcoin, and you can't lose anything. Thanks to a contributor for this update. It's a scam of course. From the scammer who brought you 'guaranteed-profit. No, it's that damn "bitatt" scam again. This code is openly sold, and many little thieves try it. It appears they keep a spare set of keys to your wallet. If you use one of these addresses, move your bitcoin somewhere safer.

These 2x scams are run by thieves, looking for the idiots amongst you. Complete absence of security, and we've received reports of losses already.

Not real - sorry. It has all the elements of the classic ponzi - tell us if you have lost btc to this please. Always look for SSL on login pages. It will direct you to micro-btc. That is as many bad things as you need really. So hopefully that is enough to warn you away from this fraud. That sounds about right. Bitcoin doesn't multiply, you send it to someone who won't send it back.

Please stop falling for these scam multipliers. Maths is clearly not this thiefs strongpoint. Dreadful - Pay for hosting cheapskate! That is some honour. We are talking caveman levels of dumb! You must be joking.

Please don't fall for this dodgier than usual scheme. Don't believe a syllable. People may think you are a thief as well. Nothing more, nothing less. It's what all hyip's do. Don't be that Idiot. Just add a dash of irony. They steal a lot of money, and fools keep thinking they can beat the scammer. You pay for level ups, then the ponzi bans you. Not best practice really. Don't be a nugget and send your bitcoin here.

You will almost certainly lose it all. Don't get sucked in - you'll inevitably lose. A fake mining fraud. Go on, face jail. You need a limitless supply of suckers to make a ponzi sustainable. Don't get suckered by this. This scam is shallow enough to paddle in. Don't get suckered folks. Unless you want to lose your funds, stay clear of this scam. Don't fall for these ridiculous but very common frauds. If you fall for this, there is no redemption.

Don't expect anything in return - after all, you did 'donate' it. If you think it can, then go ahead, find out the hard way. Hopefully that nice design work is wasted, and none of you are dumb enough to believe these lying thieves. You lose your deposit. Don't believe theives please, they lie. Most people would just call it what it is, a Ponzi Scam! These are never even proper ponzi's. This is just another ponzi, like most of these 'revshare' outfits. That scam format is easy to copy, but they must be running out of mugs by now.

Another spoof UK Company, and another load of victims. They will steal anything that they can persuade people to send. Just a thief with a webpage. Another rubbish example of fake mining. Sounds rude, but it's just a scam. Sadly, some of you would. Anybody who says you can is either a genius or a liar. Guess which this is? There are no exceptions. Doublers just steal your funds to pay for ads, so they can attract that big sucker. That doesn't sound safe, beside which, it is a basic fraud.

From the same scammer as Bit-Twin. Avoid this thief and his pathetic fraud attempt. Don't get sucked into a fraud by a photo of a shiny red car ffs! It's just a bitcoin thief. It isn't hard to understand surely? Look, these crooks go to the extent of registering a fake UK Company, and that isn't because they are honest, it's because, quite rightly, you wouldn't trust them otherwise.

This convoluted complex operation is hiding, that the engine is in fact missing! A fake investment programme - They don't even know what a mining controller is! This scammer wouldn't know a mining rig if you slapped him with it. Hopefully it won't fool you clever readers eh?

Just a poxy little shyster with a hyip website. There are no skilled traders, there is no business behind this, it is just a scripted fraud. Paxful was already bad enough. Never ever ever trust any site that sells or buys bitcoin using yours or their PayPal. You will get robbed. A complete fail of a ponzi attempt. This is a thief. Incredibly, there will probably still be a few victims. This site though, is a scam. Stay clear of these frauds. Is there a professional way to become a victim of fraud?

Send answers on the back of a bitcoin to One aimed at the SA market. Where stupid bitcoin goes to frolic. Please sharpen up people, bitcoin is a P2P store of value, not magic Beanz! Stay away from this scam.

The content though is pure unfiltered bullshit. Don't be robbed by this petty crook. You lose what you send. Use Aliexpress or similar, and check reputation! Every bitcoin ponzi involves the admin running off with a pot of your bitcoin. Why be a mug? If you are new to bitcoin, better to learn much more before you try out mining contracts. Prices that are so far removed from reality, they will only fool fools! Don't buy bitcoin from any illiterate exchange.

We hate thieves like this. Just a thief with a cheap domain. Of course it's just a scam. Don't lose your Btc trying. Why not just burn your money, at least it was your choice. Then they are gone. It didn't taste of mint at all. Anyway, why would a california company run their site from Russia? Don't kid yourselves, it's all lies. The forged company docs belong to an air-con business, it's not the only con. Bitcoin doesn't multiply - it isn't bunny shaped for starters.

There is no flaw in the blockchain - now get over it. Bitcoin ponzi's like this one may tempt you, but remember, it's just a thief with basic code skills. In your dreams you pathetic pointless wannabe fraudster. Don't send bitcoin to these frauds! Just stay clear, they just wait for the big mug to come along.

It is just a ponzi, and you will get scammed. Bitcoin doesn't double, but it does get taken off fools! Bit-completely missing is better. We certainly don't with this sketchy operation. That tells you all you need to know about this domain. He will just keep it all. Pre launching a Ponzi is not original. Just a shit fraud. Can you tell we are getting a bit sick of user stupidity? This is another one. Any site claiming that is a fraudster. Always check you are on the correct domain!

They even spelt hyip as hypi - so there's no hope. Don't send funds, you will not get a good deal, you will just get robbed. So don't register, and we'll tell you. They run a ponzi. Nah, just a fraud. Don't give your hard earned bitcoin to thieves please. If you want real mining, visit our Safe Sites list. There is no real mining to be bought here. Buy gravel with bitcoin? The usual convenience address, no real entity. There is nothing legitimate about this project.

You will get scammed. Your miner will never arrive, they don't currently make Bitcoin Miners in Bulgaria. You can always ask us. They will ask you to send funds to get your magic money out. Don't get laughed at eh.

This fraud design was around in ! Still used as fraud. Send them money if you no longer want it yourself. Just a cover story while they build a ponzi pot to run away with. Don't fall for this fake mining scam. It is just another unrefundable payments thief.

You won't even get a response. We can see why. This site is set up in conjunction with a fake trading robot.

Don't fall for this 2 part scam. Nothing to add really. Many ways to get here. Why would any of you send bitcoin to an anonymised thief? Has anybody been suckered by this?

Keep your bitcoin away from these thieves. Whatever they call it, we will call it by it's real name. Lies, to encourage you to send bitcoin, which you will lose.

Do not buy or sell Bitcoin with PayPal. At this time it is common to fraudsters. A site that goes further and boasts they are a PayPal Partner is really pulling your plonker! Waddya mean, not that sort of hash? This is a fraud dammit! You'll just lose all or most of your deposit. If you believe a word they write, then they already have your bitcoin. Bitcoin doesn't doublle, the fraudster just keeps it. What don't you understand? They don't do it, that's how. You send them bitcoin, they keep that bitcoin.

That is the entire business plan. Expect to lose your coins. Forever, is about Tea Time, on Tuesday. Pathetic scams like this are everywhere. These are ALL set up to steal. The only person getting rich, is the scammer.

You may not want to bet your bitcoin on that. Every cloud has a Silver lining. Send bitcoin, and you will lose most or all of it. Just a thief with a website. This fraud is not in the least bit popular.

They all leave a shedload of losers. Stay away from these scammers! You won't fall for it - will you? All ponzi's are scams. Good advice would be take a tab of acid, and only then read the sales pitch. Don't send bitcoin, and don't waste your time. All hyips are just scams, so now you know. Don't be the only one silly enough to try it. These people are not your friends. Why does anybody fall for these ponzi's - do the maths ffs! There is no such thing as a good hyip.

They all just fuck off with all the funds, and nobody can stop them. Please all of you stop being schmucks. Here's another fake miner to add to our list. It is so indecipherable, it makes your brain bleed. Just a ponzi calling itself an ICO. Is there a difference, I hear you all ask! What a silly attempt by these hyip crooks. Bitcoin doesn't multiply, but you know that. It's not even a little bit safe! Don't be silly - you know it's a scam. If you send a release fee, they keep it. We WILL say we told you so.

We've just sent an eviction notice lol. That is called a Ponzi and a Scam. Fortunately, it's all just lies. Everybody falls for these overblown claims, and regrets it soon after. This site just steals them though. Same rules apply - send bitcoin, and lose it.

They commit to 'Do not return your investment' You can't say you weren't warned. If you fall for this, then sorry, but you cannot be helped. If you send them bitcoin, it's lost. Stay clear of this shambles. A thief will tell you what you want to hear, but it is all hot air. Don't ever send bitcoin to get your trapped bitcoin out.

Just a basic hyip fraud, and not mining. All these hyip's are frauds, there NO exceptions. It's so hard to choose. The UK Company Reg means nothing. Just to add, when a site calls itself a Lending Platform, look for how to borrow! When Apple presented its first iPad in , Trekkies weren't particularly amazed.

After all, they had already became familiar with similar devices in their favorite series "Star Trek" 30 years before.

Captain Picard and his crew made frequent use of so-called PADDs for gathering information and writing reports. Another invention of the Star Trek universe was the Communicator, which enabled Captain Kirk's crew to contact the spaceship from a distant planet. In George Orwell's famous dystopian novel "," Big Brother watched over society with the help of "telescreens," which were basically televisions with built-in cameras.

As Wikileaks recently revealed, the CIA does use cameras and microphones built into smart TVs for surveillance purposes. The US television animation series "The Jetsons," which kicked off in , was set a hundred years in the future. It featured the very first "automatic vacuum cleaner," a cute little robot eager to clean the floor. Gadgets that are able to vacuum the entire house on their own have been available in specialized stores since the late s.

It was able to speak and drive autonomously. What was still unfathomable back then may become a reality sooner than we think. Various companies are currently developing fully self-driving cars.

Another day, another thousand dollar increase for Bitcoin. The cryptocurrency has dominated financial conversations over the past few months but its latest jump is perhaps its most striking yet.

Cryptocurrencies have grabbed a lot of attention in recent days as the value of bitcoin skyrocketed to hit record highs and Venezuela announced plans to create a digital currency called "petro. The Venezuelan president has announced plans to create a cryptocurrency backed by oil, gas, gold and diamond reserves.

He said the "petro" will help combat the US' "blockade" against the oil-rich country. Filmmakers and authors are the true inventors of modern technology, it seems. Just a few decades ago, many everyday objects that we take for granted now existed only in the imaginary realm of science fiction.

Over the years, DW has reported on creative and sustainable ways of generating renewable energy. Now we've compiled the top concepts - which represent a boost of hope toward a more sustainable world. For a currency that only exists in the virtual world, bitcoin could be surprisingly damaging to our real world. DW asked bitcoin expert David Malone to unpick claims that the cryptocurrency is consuming as much energy as a small country.

Several nations are investing in a bio-based economy to slash carbon footprints. At a recent summit, experts point out how more work is needed to realize bioeconomy's potential as a climate solution. Recycling, ditching meat and switching to a bicycle — changes we should be making to protect the environment.

And yet, it all seems so difficult. What's holding us back? And how can we make significant changes? On this week's eco africa, we see how activists in Ghana are regenerating areas destroyed by gold mining, an exercise bike that creates electricity and how Rwanda is tackling its e-waste. All this and more!

Shopping bags, nets, diapers and toothbrushes are snagging on coral reefs and making them sick, a new study has found. With plastic pollution continuing to rise, there's little relief in sight for the ailing reefs. With so many foodstuffs at our disposal, opting for toxic ones seems like a strange choice. Bitcoin is an innovative payment network and a new kind of money.

Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority or banks managing transactions and the issuing of bitcoins is carried out collectively by the network. Bitcoin is open-source; its design is public, nobody owns or controls Bitcoin and everyone can take part.

From a user perspective, Bitcoin is nothing more than a mobile app or computer program that provides a personal Bitcoin wallet and allows a user to send and receive bitcoins with them.

This is how Bitcoin works for most users. The authenticity of each transaction is protected by digital signatures corresponding to the sending addresses, allowing all users to have full control over sending bitcoins from their own Bitcoin addresses. In addition, anyone can process transactions using the computing power of specialized hardware and earn a reward in bitcoins for this service.

To learn more about Bitcoin, you can consult the dedicated page and the original paper. Payment freedom — It is possible to send and receive any amount of money instantly anywhere in the world at any time. Bitcoin allows its users to be in full control of their money.

Very low fees — Bitcoin payments are currently processed with either no fees or extremely small fees. Users may include fees with transactions to receive priority processing, which results in faster confirmation of transactions by the network. As these services are based on Bitcoin, they can be offered for much lower fees than with PayPal or credit card networks. This protects merchants from losses caused by fraud or fraudulent chargebacks, and there is no need for PCI compliance.

Merchants can easily expand to new markets where either credit cards are not available or fraud rates are unacceptably high. The net results are lower fees, larger markets, and fewer administrative costs. Security and control — Bitcoin users are in full control of their transactions; it is impossible for merchants to force unwanted or unnoticed charges as can happen with other payment methods. Bitcoin payments can be made without personal information tied to the transaction.

This offers strong protection against identity theft.

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