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An AddressKeychain represents an associated collection of public and private keys alongside their respective public address. You can use this method to query for addresses that are not on your account. We are getting a lot of spamming bots that obtain bitcoins and cause our server to go offline. This creates an analytics job asynchronously, taking in appropriate JobArgs based on the engine as described above. The potential profit for your bet will appear. Optional Time at which transaction was included in a block; only present for confirmed transactions.

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This framework allows up to 5 signatures per address. Three Potential Bitcoin Price Paths - http: Claim Bitcoin For Free! Typically used as a return object from the Transaction Confidence Endpoint. Litecoin Address Java will use to send back your change, if you constructed this transaction. This site api fully funded by private investors. Litecoin You can earn by java people to the site with api own referral link:

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Bitcoin: How to Create a Raw Transaction

We will compute change and fees the same way. Fees in cryptocurrencies can be complex. We provide 2 different ways for you to control the fees included in your transactions:. To learn more about fees, bitcoinfees. These are the possible script types:. We also offer the ability to decode raw transactions without sending propagating them to the network; perhaps you want to double-check another client library or confirm that another service is sending proper transactions.

Multisignature transactions are made simple by the method described in the Creating Transactions section, but they deserve special mention. In order to use them, you first need to fund a multisignature address. The code example demonstrates how the partially filled TX request object would appear. If it returns with an HTTP Status Code , then your multisignature address via a pay-to-script-hash address is funded.

Once funded, you might want to programmatically spend the money in the address at some point. Here the process is similar, but with the inputs and outputs reversed. In your request object, simply include the data you want to embed. That said, if you want to embed plaintext messages in the blockchain, you can set encoding to string.

If successful, the return object will include your original request along with the hash of the transaction containing your data as a null-data output. To view the data output on the blockchain, simply query the transaction via the hash returned, and check the null-data output within the returned transaction.

Please keep in mind that it will always be represented by hex-encoding on the blockchain, even if you selected string as your data encoding ; to see it as your original plaintext, you have to convert it client-side. By operating a well-connected node, we collect a lot of information about how transactions propagate; for example, our Confidence Factor relies on this connectivity.

The return object is described below:. You can get a live view of unconfirmed transaction propagation analysis on Bitcoin by connecting to our Transaction Propagation WebSocket, at the following address:. As soon as an unconfirmed transaction hits 10 peers, we send the object described above through this WebSocket. In addition to our normal Transaction API , we offer a unique, on-chain microtransaction endpoint that makes it easy to propagate smaller, nearly-instantly guaranteed, more frequent transactions that are still publicly auditable and trusted through their existence on the blockchain.

How can we do what others claim require off-chain, centralized services? We leverage our own infrastructure; in particular, our Confidence Factor. We also pay for the mining fees for your first 8, microtransactions. After which, we automatically optimize fee structure to achieve a balance between guaranteeing confidence it will be in the next block and minimizing cost.

The endpoint is simple to employ, and uses a slightly pared down transaction object, appropriately called a MicroTX. We never store the private key, and remove it from server memory as soon as its used.

In either case, there are two options you can set:. The simplest way to send a Microtransaction is by using a private key. You can read more descriptions about these fields within MicroTX object description , although they should be self-explanatory.

Much like creating normal transactions the process requires two endpoint calls; the first is similar to the private key method, but with public keys. You must then sign the data in this array with your locally-stored private key; signing can be a tricky process, but you can use our signer tool as a baseline. Once that data is signed, it must be inserted to a signatures within the previously returned MicroTX object.

In general, sending any private key to an outside service is bad security practice. However, security and convenience are often in opposition. In terms of deciding whether passing private keys for microtransactions is a reasonable tradeoff, consider the following:.

Finally, we only offer the option of passing private keys because we understand that signing on the client side can be difficult, depending on the environment. So what does that confidence attribute actually mean? In simpler terms, if an unconfirmed transaction returns a confidence factor of And that pride extends to our own confidence in our confidence product.

There are a host of factors that go into our confidence calculation, but you can broadly organize them into two categories. The behavior of transactions refers to aspects of transactions that do vary with time time-variant in our model.

On the shape side of our model, we ask a number of questions about a transaction: How is it structured? What are its inputs and outputs? Broadly speaking, without knowing anything about the network, does it look like this transaction will be confirmed soon? The behavior part of our model primarily focuses on how a transaction propagates through the network. In order to model this correctly, you need both a great connection to the network and a lot of past data, which we have. The result is a robust and reliable metric for judging unconfirmed transaction confidence, especially when used in concert with webhooks and websockets.

Our work here is based on several public research results in addition to our own in-depth follow-up research, which you can read about here. We are constantly improving our confidence model, and we always publish our findings when we do.

Our confidence interval is automatically included in any unconfirmed transaction , but you can retrieve it through a specific endpoint too. The returned TXConfidence object contains the all-important confidence percentage, receive count and more. You can find an unconfirmed transaction hash from our block explorer here.

Cryptocurrency addresses, transactions, and blocks are extremely powerful, but the labels they employ can be…cryptic. The Metadata API supports both public and private key-value storage.

Public metadata is immutable ; once set, it cannot be modified or deleted. If you accidentally set public metadata and need it deleted, contact us. Consequently, private metadata is associated and only accessible with your user token. The methods for interacting with metadata are outlined below. If another key with the same name already exists under your private metadata store, supplying a new value will replace it.

New key-value pairs will be added without replacing prexisting key-value pairs. Blockchains contain a wealth of data, but much of it is inscrutable without arduous effort.

Our Analytics API makes uncovering these patterns easy, enabling you to discover insights efficiently and programmatically. The publicly accessible Analytics API is a set of preconfigured tools and pipelines built against our flexible analytics backend. It serves as both a useful tool for one-off analysis and a live demonstration for custom implementations. Each engine has its own request parameters—listed below—but all are described in detail on the JobArgs object page.

The following engines can power your analytics jobs. Returns the list of addresses along with their associated transaction hashes and amounts that have paid the target address. Returns the list of addresses along with their associated transaction hashes and amounts that have been paid by the target address.

Returns the most active limit number of addresses, optionally within a certain bounded time range denoted by start and end. Returns the outputs this address generated within a certain bounded time range denoted by start and end.

N- degree address connectivity query. Currently only examines addresses that generate outputs in the same transaction as the target address. Returns transactions relayed by a given source IP address and port within the given time range denoted by start and end.

Note that the max limit is for this engine. This creates an analytics job asynchronously, taking in appropriate JobArgs based on the engine as described above.

You can check the status of your job with this endpoint, using the ticket returned in the Job object from creating an analytics job. Returns the results of a ticket ed job.

The results themselves may be an array of JSON objects or an array of strings, depending on the engine used. Thanks to the possibility of embedding arbitrary data through null-data outputs, a blockchain can! However, the act of creating these alternate forms of value—and choosing a format that was universally readable—can be fraught with difficulty. We built our Asset API to simplify that process.

This set of endpoints currently leverages the Open Assets Protocol , a simple, robust method of embedding assets across any blockchain that supports null-data outputs. Asset addresses are just like regular bitcoin addresses, and are generated from a private-public keypair. They only differ by a prefix ex: One of the well-known benefits of cryptocurrency is the ability to allow users to partake in online commerce without necessarily requiring extensive setup barriers, like registering new accounts.

In that spirit, our Payment Forwarding API is the easiest way to accept—and consolidate—payments securely without forcing your users to create accounts and jump through unnecessary loops. While there are many possible use cases, the two we hear most about are:.

We do not take a fee on payment forwarding, other than the required 10, satoshi miner fee; payments are free. However, as part of your own services, you can include a fee either fixed or a percentage that will also be automatically transfered to your own address in the same transaction.

Fee-based business models are thus easily achieved, and moreover, easily auditable via the blockchain. First, to create an payment forwarding address, you need to POST a partially filled PaymentForward object to the payment creation endpoint. You can see more details about these options in the PaymentForward object details. This returns the full array of your currently active payment forwarding addresses, based on your token.

By default, this endpoint only returns the first payment forwards. If you have more, you can page through them using the optional start parameter. Blockchains are highly transactional systems. Many usage patterns require knowing when an event occurs: Instead of requiring you to continuously poll resources, we provide push APIs to facilitate those use cases, and support both WebSockets and WebHooks.

WebSockets are typically used in client applications when a server is not already running: WebHooks are the most reliable way to get event notifications but requires running a server to receive the callbacks. We automatically retry HTTP requests 5 times.

We support a number of different event types, and you can filter your notification requests depending on how you structure your Event request object. A regular ping i. Using the example above, we can demonstrate a client-side WebSocket event stream directly from your browser.

In that example, we will subscribe to all pooled transactions new, unconfirmed transactions by opening a new WebSocket and sending the filter unconfirmed-tx. Upon notification of new transactions, we format them and add them into the page.

We retry individual payloads to your url five times; if one fails, we wait exponentially between retries: Using a partially filled out Event , you can create a WebHook using this resource. Check the Event object description and types of events to understand the options available for your events.

If successful, it will return the Event with a newly generated id. This resource deletes an active Event based on its id. Remember to include your token, or the request will fail. The command is designed to work without user interaction. You can get the full sample version from: An overview of all the objects in the API, alongside detailed descriptions of every field.

Endpoints to query general information about a blockchain and its blocks. Query information about addresses, generate addresses, and generate multisig addresses from public keys.

Send on-chain microtransactions while BlockCypher covers your initial mining fees, and low computed fees afterwards. Get an accurate measure of the likelihood of a successful double-spend against your unconfirmed transactions. Store both public and private key-value pairs against addresses, transactions, and blocks.

Run asynchronous analytics queries on public blockchains. Create and manage your own assets—embedded on a public blockchain—via the Open Assets standard. Create one-time addresses that will automatically forward to an address of your choosing, while optionally adding processing fees.

Reliable notifications system for a wide variety of events on blockchains, available through WebHooks or WebSockets. In-Browser Code Examples We know many learn more from code examples than specific reference documentation, which is why we have code samples in our official languages.

In addition, we have a number of in-browser code examples for particular use cases, which you can see here: Coin Chain Resource Bitcoin Main api. Batching Batching blocks 5, 6, and 7 curl 'https: Block , 3 heights: GetBlock v , "" if err! New blocks get built every minute, confirming the transactions that have been created using our transaction API. In case you missed the Resources section , the BlockCypher Test Chain is accessible from this resource: Faucet pair , if err!

Not returned for bitcoin blocks earlier than height Miners rarely post accurate clock times. To get more details about specific transactions, you must concatenate this URL with the desired transaction hash es. By default, only 20 are included.

If this is an unconfirmed transaction, it will equal While reasonably unique, using hashes as identifiers may be unsafe. Can be high, medium or low. Can be interpreted in two ways: If more, refers to Unix epoch time. Unconfirmed transactions have 0 confirmations. For more information, check the section on Confidence Factor.

If not set, defaults to the address from which the coins were originally sent. Data protocols currently detected: Not present for coinbase transactions.

Currently, only returned in unconfirmed transactions. Only used when constructing transactions via the Creating Transactions process. Attribute Type Description value int Value in this transaction output, in satoshis. Only returned for outputs that have been spent. The spending transaction may be unconfirmed. Not present for unconfirmed transactions. In general, these are provided by you, and correspond to the signatures you provide.

This is only returned if there was an error in any stage of transaction generation, and is usually accompanied by a HTTP code. If your data is over 40 bytes, it cannot be embedded into the blockchain and will return an error Attribute Type Description data string The string representing the data to embed, can be either hex-encoded or plaintext. If not set, defaults to hex. While not required, we recommend that you set a change address.

The guarantee usually takes around 8 seconds. If manually set to false , the Microtransaction endpoint will return as soon as the transaction is broadcast. Inputs themsleves are heavily pared down, see cURL sample. Outputs themselves are heavily pared down, see cURL sample. BlockCypher pays these fees for the first 8, microtransactions, but like regular transactions, it is deducted from the source address thereafter.

Attribute Type Description address string Optional The requested address. Only returned if querying by wallet name instead of public address.

Only returned if querying by HD wallet name instead of public address. This is the difference between outputs and inputs on this address, but only for transactions that have been included into a block i. Can be negative if unconfirmed transactions are just spending outputs.

Usually only returned from the Address Full Endpoint. Usually only returned from the standard Address Endpoint. Useful for determining whether to poll the API for more transaction information. Attribute Type Description address string Standard address representation.

A single chain is returned if the wallet has no subchains. Very similar to array of TXInput s, but with values related to assets instead of satoshis. Very similar to array of TXOutput s, but with values related to assets instead of satoshis. Attribute Type Description id string Identifier of the event; generated when a new request is created. The hash can either be for a block or a transaction. If used, requires a user token.

A wallet name can also be used instead of an address, which will then match on any address in the wallet. The maximum allowed is 10; if not set, it will default to 6. Will accept any float between 0 and 1, exclusive; if not set, defaults to 0.

The recognized types of scripts are: Attribute Type Description id string Identifier of the payment forwarding request; generated when a new request is created. Allows you to receive a fee for your own services. Automatically sets up a WebHook. If not set, defaults to 10, Attribute Type Description value int Amount sent to the destination address, in satoshis.

Attribute Type Description token string The token that created this job. Attribute Type Description address string Address hash this job is querying. Attribute Type Description page int Current page of results. Chain Endpoint curl https: Block Hash Endpoint curl https: GetBlock 0 , "bbaabcc16fb3eb" if err! Maximum value allowed is Block Height Endpoint curl 'https: GetBlockPage , "" , 1 , 1 if err!

Feature Endpoint curl https: Public addresses are significantly more lightweight. Consequently, and unlike traditional bank accounts, you can and should! Addresses can also leverage pay-to-script-hash , which means they can represent exotic things beyond a single private-public key pair; the most prominent example being multi-signature addresses that require n-of-m signatures to spend.

Address Balance Endpoint curl https: Address Endpoint curl https: For more info about this figure, check the Confidence Factor documentation. This ensures paging by block height never misses TXRefs. Defaults to , maximum is For more detail on confidence, check the Confidence Factor documentation.

Address Full Endpoint curl https: This ensures paging by block height never misses TXs. Defaults to 10, maximum is List Wallets Endpoint curl https: Get Wallet Endpoint normal wallet curl https: GetHDWallet "bob" if err! Get Wallet Addresses Endpoint normal wallet curl https: GetAddrHDWallet "bob" , nil if err!

Only valid on HD wallets. GenAddrWallet "alice" if err! Printf "Parital HD Wallet: If not set, default is one address. If not set, address will be generated on the first chain in the HD wallet. DeleteHDWallet "bob" if err! Transaction Hash Endpoint curl https: GetTX "faebaebccddf3cfebcdf58bd" if err!

Unconfirmed Transactions Endpoint curl https: Use a third party library to create your transactions and push raw transactions Use our two-endpoint process outlined below, wherein we generate a TXSkeleton based on your input address, output address, and value to transfer.

We recommend you look at blockcypher. GenAddrKeychain addr2 , err: Faucet addr1 , 3e5 if err! SendTX skel if err! Hashing the hex-encoded string twice using SHA should give you back the corresponding tosign data. Buffer tosign , "hex". Include duplicates as many times as they may appear: Dealing with Errors Signing and creating transactions can be one of the trickiest parts of using blockchains in your applications. We provide 2 different ways for you to control the fees included in your transactions: This will calculate and include appropriate fees for your transaction to be included in the next blocks, blocks or 7 or more blocks respectively.

You can see the explicit estimates per kilobyte for these high, medium, and low ranges by calling your base resource through the Chain Endpoint. Manually set the fee to a desired amount by setting the fees property in your TX request object.

Note that a fee too low may result in an error for some transactions that would require it. These are the possible script types: PushTX "fddf3ddaaede31adcb28c73cace2fbbbb9b8c3fed6dcbafcbf9f0aafba9bb50f1efcb4cedcfbdcecb17f04f5fa1bdef33faa2ba7fa28c56a50facab96affffffffdacdcacaee1ea3f57ecedd1d09eacccadcc1af6a69bf12e90cbac" if err!

DecodeTX "fddf3ddaaede31adcb28c73cace2fbbbb9b8c3fed6dcbafcbf9f0aafba9bb50f1efcb4cedcfbdcecb17f04f5fa1bdef33faa2ba7fa28c56a50facab96affffffffdacdcacaee1ea3f57ecedd1d09eacccadcc1af6a69bf12e90cbac" if err! Transaction Propagation Endpoint curl https: The return object is described below: Attribute Type Description transaction string The hash of the transaction you queried. If no nearby city can be found, this is not returned. Transaction Propagation WebSocket You can get a live view of unconfirmed transaction propagation analysis on Bitcoin by connecting to our Transaction Propagation WebSocket, at the following address: Microtransaction API In addition to our normal Transaction API , we offer a unique, on-chain microtransaction endpoint that makes it easy to propagate smaller, nearly-instantly guaranteed, more frequent transactions that are still publicly auditable and trusted through their existence on the blockchain.

Microtransaction Endpoint The endpoint is simple to employ, and uses a slightly pared down transaction object, appropriately called a MicroTX. In either case, you use the same endpoint. What most people are a little uncertain on is what exactly Bitcoin is. Simply put, cryptocurrencies are alternatives to standard monetary systems.

They are a solely digital form of currency which rely on cryptography to secure transactions. Blockchain technology is what makes cryptocurrencies possible.

It refers to a public ledger of sorts, in which all transactions in the currency are recorded anonymously. Bitcoin is the original cryptocurrency and the most famous. However, a multitude of alternatives have sprung up on the market and are slowly gaining traction. Probably the second-biggest name in the cryptocurrency game, Ethereum is an alt-coin founded by the Ethereum Foundation, a Swiss nonprofit organization, in The mission statement of the Ethereum Foundation is to bring decentralized tools to the world, allowing for the building of decentralized apps, and consequently aid in the creation of a globally accessible, free, and trustworthy Internet.

The Ethereum unit of currency is called ether. Unlike Bitcoin , which uses blockchain only to record transactions, Ethereum is an open platform which allows anyone to create or use decentralized apps using blockchain technology.

It is best suited to applications which automate interaction between peers or which facilitate group action in a network. Examples of this include creating peer-to-peer marketplaces and keeping ledgers of debts and moving funds, all without involving a middleman. Put simply, Ethereum as a platform allows developers to build applications without having to build their own blockchain. Based on Bitcoin, Dash is a cryptocurrency with a strong focus on payments. It aims to offer a portable, affordable, and user-friendly form of money that can be spent both online or in person.

Transaction fees are kept to a minimum, and all transactions are secure. Dash offers two services which are of particular interest for those who use cryptocurrencies—InstantSend and PrivateSend. InstantSend allows users to complete transactions at, you guessed it, near-instant speed, as opposed to the potentially hour-long wait that a similar transaction in Bitcoin could take.

PrivateSend allows users to mix their coins with those of other senders into one single transaction with multiple outputs, allowing for greater, although not complete, privacy. Zcash is a privacy-based cryptocurrency which launched in October On the surface, Zcash shares a number of similarities with Bitcoin: Both currencies cap at a maximum of 21 million units, not to mention the strong resemblance between their respective supply models.

But whereas Bitcoin records all transactions in a public ledger, Zcash is a cryptocurrency which endeavors to offer true anonymity. To create an open, global economic platform from which no one can be excluded. They believe that decentralization holds the key to security and fairness.

Well, while it is true that names are not used to transfer Bitcoin, it is still possible to trace it to a specific person, using the public ledger on the blockchain in conjunction with IP addresses. Zcash, on the other hand, has the potential to be truly anonymous. The only information about the transfer that is recorded is the time at which it took place.

In reality, only approximately ten percent of Zcash transactions are hidden, due to the extra time and computational power required to process them. Monero is yet another privacy-based cryptocurrency which is completely untraceable.

All transactions and accounts are private and cannot be traced to a real-world or online identity. Unlike the previous entries, Monero is not modeled on Bitcoin. Monero claims to be the only cryptocurrency which offers complete privacy of seller, buyer, and amount in every transaction.

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