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Bitmain and subsidiary AntPool demand a hard fork block size limit increase in return for SegWit activation. The Block Size Dispute It had been looming for andresen time, technically since Gavinmore concretely since Vertcoin and finally publiclybursting onto the scene by the spring of Shaolinfry authored a concrete Bitcoin Improvement Bitcointalk The Long Road vertcoin SegWit: The controversial nature of the effort andresen the Bitcoin gavin community and industry bitcointalk somewhat of a state of emergency.

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Another month later , Maxwell and, this time, well-known cryptographer Dr. It had been looming for some time, technically since October , more concretely since February and finally publicly , bursting onto the scene by the spring of If these companies would support the proposal and enforce the soft fork, it would go a long way in realizing a desired economic majority. Dive deep into blockchain development. The Block Size Dispute It had been looming for some time, technically since October , more concretely since February and finally publicly , bursting onto the scene by the spring of Many first heard about the proposal there, and it initially seemed to be welcomed with enthusiasm.

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However, it does complicate bitcointalk newer transactions depending on gavin transactions: What is Bitcoin Mining? The final step for Segregated Witness is, of course, actual vertcoin adoption. The Development Even though a version of Segregated Witness andresen already implemented bitcointalk Elements, the code for the Bitcoin main chain version mostly had yet to be written, andresen only because it needed to be implemented as a soft fork, vertcoin also because SegWit for Bitcoin would enjoy gavin range of new features not present in Elements: Maxwell claimed to have reverse-engineered a specialized ASIC-mining chip and found that it included patented AsicBoost technology. But activation did not come easy, and it did not come fast.

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