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The price will be released price YouTubeSoundCloudiTunesand other podcast platforms the following epicenter. We dove deeply into why Bitcoin-based peer-to-peer lending bitcoin such a compelling bitcoin. In this series of interviews, we talked to: Clean Karl Kreder: Chaincode Labs Epicenter Alex Morcos joined us to discuss his journey, the role of the company in Bitcoin's development and the views that drive his work.

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Power is cheap here due to abundant hydroelectric power through a series of dams on the Columbia River. Clean Adam Back: As new protocols emerge and the technology is matures, it is becoming apparent they are simply a new class of database, one which integrates business logic smart contracts and a consensus layer PoS, PoW, etc. Building the Internet of Payments with Interledger. One topic that is guaranteed to cause heated discussion among cryptocurrency enthusiasts is the idea that blockchains can be controlled by known validators and function without an underlying cryptocurrency. Few have contributed to this as much as Silicon Valley based startup accelerator Boost VC, which has been focusing on Bitcoin and cryptocurrency startups since Can I prove to you that … Continued.

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Epicenter is price open-source system which promises to enable high scalability and offer confidentiality for enterprise blockchain consortiums. Thank you for your interest in our franchise program. Bitcoin mining is known to be energy-consuming. Price you have any further queries, please contact: He is epicenter the founder of the Bitcoin Startups Bitcoin group and was previously a consultant at McKinsey. An early miner in the town, Bitcoin Salcido, owns three data centers in the area capable of generating 5 to 7 BTC per day. Coinapult — Locks and Letting the Bit Drop.

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Epicenter Bitcoin News - Cointelegraph

Still, XRP remains an interesting asset to enable cross-border payments in the future. In this new paradigm, energy is locally produced and blockchains provide the rails on which radically different local energy markets can be built. The German utility has been conducting blockchain experiments for several years and is soon releasing the Mobility Transaction Platform moveX.

The Ethereum-powered platform will serve an ecosystem of electric vehicles with transaction layer needed for charging, car sharing and mobility as a service. Clean Olaf Carlson-Wee: Polychain Founder and CEO Olaf Carlson-Wee joined us to talk about Polychain Capital, a new hedge fund focused solely on investing in cryptocurrencies and protocol tokens. Clean Peter Rizun: Peter Rizun joined us to discuss why a fee market in Bitcoin would exist even without a blocksize limit and his argument for Bitcoin Unlimited.

Clean Vitalik Buterin: Ethereum Founder Vitalik Buterin joined us once again to discuss the state of Ethereum and the efforts to innovate the protocol. We covered the takeaways from the DAO fork, switching to the proof-of-stake system Casper and how to think about blockchain interoperability.

Clean Jae Kwon: Cosmos — The Internet of Blockchains. Cosmos aims to build the internet of blockchains: A global network of blockchains, connected through hubs that allow trustless token transfer. Jae joined us to discuss the Cosmos vision, the underlying Tendermint consensus algorithm and upcoming fundraiser. Clean Silvio Micali: We're pleased to be joined by Professor Silvio Micali, a computer scientist at MIT, who is known for his work in many of the technologies blockchains rely on today.

Micali describes the concept of Algorand, an alternative approach to proof of work which offers high security guarantees while allowing the network to scale with demand. Relying only on a trivial amount of computation to validate transactions, Algorand also reduces the probability of network forks to near-zero. It uses novel mechanisms to select validators for blocks and enabling them to come to consensus on them.

Clean Rick Dudley: We're joined by Rick Dudley, an opinionated and passionate blockchain developer who is actively involved in multiple projects.

Rick gives us insider insights on Ethereum and on how the project may evolve, in particular, once Casper is implemented and when more robust, strongly typed language VMs are made available to the protocol.

Clean Peter Harris: After the successful Ethereum crowdfunding campaign, musician and web developer Peter Harris saw a path to creating a fair, decentralized music streaming platform. Out of that Resonate was born. Peter joined us to discuss why the dysfunctional structure of the music industry results in a bad deal for musicians and why a decentralized platform supported by blockchain technology and run as a cooperative represents a better way forward.

Years into the controversy around how to scale Bitcoin, there have been many challengers to Bitcoin core's dominance. After XT, Classic and others have faded, Bitcoin Unlimited has been gaining traction and emerged as plausible new way forward. Bitcoin Unlimited wants to make the block size a parameter that is set by miners and nodes, but not fixed at a network level.

They argue a natural fee market would emerge, allowing Bitcoin to rapidly scale and realizing its promise of electronic cash as well as store of value. The project is also member-driven, with democratic decisions driving its development decisions. It's been an eventful year in the blockchain space, for the Epicenter podcast, and its hosts.

Brian, Meher and Sebastien look back on and provide a few personal updates, give their thoughts and insights on how the space evolved, and make predictions on where they feel the industry will go in the next year. Clean Ari Juels: These 'Town Crier' feeds would act as bridges between smart contracts and websites, srapping data over TLS and feeding to to a smart contract. Relying on sophisticated hardware enclave technology, one who uses a Town Crier feed would not need to trust its operator as code execution would be guaranteed signed by the hardware.

Clean Roger Ver: Bitcoin, Liberty and the Scalability Roadblock. Roger Ver is one of the earliest Bitcoin investors and evangelist. We discusses his impassioned vision for how Bitcoin can help liberty and the current issues on the best way of scaling Bitcoin.

Clean Ned Scott: Ned Scott, Co-Founder and CEO of Steemit, joined us to discuss the blockchain-based social media platform that rapidly built a vibrant community of contributors since launching this year.

We covered the complex architecture of Steem with its various tokens and how it aims to reward content contributors.

We also discussed the project's much-criticized launch with an early mining phase and subsequent transition to a Proof-of-Stake system. Clean Marley Gray: Marley Gray, Principal Program Manager Blockchain at Microsoft, joins us to talk about Microsoft's approach to blockchain architecture. With enterprise in mind, Bletchley introduces the concept of "Cryptlets", the core building blocks for introducing a secure middleware tier into blockchain application infrastructure.

These computational units, running off-chain on secure trusted container enclave hardware, could provide trusted data to on-chain smart contract logic. Clean Brian Behlendorf: Hyperledger Executive Director and internet pioneer Brian Behlendorf joined us to discuss why blockchain technology needs an open-source, collaborative approach to developing its foundational technology. How Stratumn Secures Processes. We covered the philosophy behind the company and why they use cryptography and other technologies coming out of the crypto space while shunning a classical blockchain design.

Melonport, a team based out of Zurich, has taken up the challenge of deploying the Polkadot network and also building decentralized asset management software on the same network. In this episode we converse with Mona El Isa and Reto Trinkler, co-founders of Melonport, in order to discover more about the overall vision. Through leveraging technological advances, DFINITY aims to deliver an infinitely scalable decentralized cloud that will be able to power applications from decentralized search to supply chain applications.

The Blockchain Nervous System. Clean Leanne Kemp: Everledger — Detecting Diamond Fraud and Theft. As is the case with most luxury goods, the diamond industry is faced with the issues of theft, fraud, and counterfeiting. Leanne Kemp, CEO of Everledger, joins us to explain how her company is using advanced geological techniques, and blockchains, to bring more traceability to the diamond industry.

Attracting over 70 of the world's biggest financial institutions to its consortium in just over a year, R3 has accomplished a formidable task. Aiming to rethink the fabric of the financial system, they first conducted experiments testing blockchain platforms for their member and last year began developing their own distributed ledger platform: Clean Greg Meredith: As content becomes more and more abundant and immediately available at our fingertips, our limited attention is a barrier for those whose business it is to attract and harness it.

In this context, large social media companies understand that attention is a scarce commodity, and, as has been demonstrated, those who control attention wield enormous power over our society. Clean Alex Wearn: Decentralized Capital and Government Currencies on Ethereum. A topic which is often discussed is the limited use of Ethereum applications without stable cryptocurrencies.

Decentralized Capital is addressing this by issuing fiat-pegged tokens on Ethereum that are backed by bank deposits. CEO Alex Wearn joined us to explain their approach to providing a fundamental piece of Ethereum infrastructure. Clean Tuur Demester: In , a year after discovering Bitcoin in Argentina, Dutch economist Tuur Demeester became one of the first people to advocate investing in Bitcoin to a mainstream audience.

Tuur joined us to discuss his thesis for investing in Bitcoin and how it has evolved over time. Clean Ian Grigg: Ricardian Contracts and Digital Assets Prehistory. Before few people paid attention to Bitcoin and blockchain, yet even back in the s a vibrant group of prioneers pursued the vision of financial cryptography and digital cash. One of these was financial cryptographer and software developer Ian Grigg, who today works as an architecture consultant for R3.

Grigg joined us for a … Continued. Clean Devcon 2 and the State of Ethereum. Last week the biggest blockchain-focused developer conference took place in Shanghai, China: Epicenter show host Meher Roy was at the conference and brought back his impressions and insights for a comprehensive discussion of the current state of Ethereum projects and the Ethereum community.

Clean Lukas Abegg: Smart Contracts and the Law. That blockchains represents a fundamental technological revolution has become widely accepted. What is still more nebulous, but could turn out just as disruptive is how smart contracts while transform the legal system and our understanding of what contracts are and how they work.

Clean Kyle Torpey: Know for his well-written articles and in-depth reporting on the important topics affecting Bitcoin today, Kyle provides his point of view on the scalability debate and gives … Continued. Clean Sarah Meiklejohn: The UCL computer science professor has explored topics ranging from anonymity in Bitcoin to how a central bank could go about issuing a cryptocurrency.

Clean Ryan X. In the last 20 years, content publishing platforms have proliferated to an almost insane number. There are countless places where people and companies can post articles, blogs, videos, photos, live content and so on.

Despite this diverse offering, little innovation has happened in monetizing content, which still mostly remains ad-based. One of the sectors which is ripe for disruption is the real estate industry. In the US for instance, a handful of historic and very powerful players operate what is known as MLS, or Multiple Listing Services, and hold unofficial monopolies on residential and commercial real estate listings.

Brokers, who depend on these listing services … Continued. From BitShares to his central role during the inception of Ethereum Charles Hoskinson has continually influenced key projects in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space.

After departing the Ethereum project in , he has recently stepped back into the limelight by pledging support and resources to turn the fledgling Ethereum fork ETC into a viable project. Clean Joey Krug: Prediction markets are fascinating financial instruments which have proven to be accurate at making predictions on things like the outcome of elections, geopolitical events and sporting events.

But in our heavily regulated financial world, they are the subject of much controversy. In for instance, a well-known US prediction market, Intrade, was forced to shut … Continued. Blockchain smart contracts are self-executing contracts composed of computer code. These programs, which are executed by the entirety of the network, enforce the rules described within the code.

Effectively, in this realm, code is law. Clean Ralph Merkle: Legendary scientist and cryptography pioneer Ralph Merkle joined us to discuss his recent paper on DAOs. Clean Manfred Karrer: Exchanges are often criticized as a central point of failure of the cryptocurrency space. One proposed alternative are decentralized exchanges that would allow people make peer-to-peer trades … Continued. Gnosis — The Ethereum Prediction Market.

Few things arouse among free market believers and enthusiasts of decentralization as prediction markets do. By allowing people to bet on any range of outcomes they promise more efficient markets and better information. After founding … Continued. Clean Sergio Lerner: We talked about how he got into the industry, spending countless days analyzing Bitcoin for vulnerabilities and finding a few along the way. And, of course, RSK, the ambitious project … Continued. With recent news surrounding The DOA and the Brexit vote causing a stir in the blockchain world and beyond, it seems like a regulatory update is due.

Clean Arthur Breitman: The lack of an explicit governance mechanism has created deep problems for Bitcoin. Yet, already in Arthur Breitman quietly started working on cryptocurrency network Tezos that has an explicit mechanism to let coinholders vote on protocol upgrades.

Our discussion with Breitman centered around … Continued. Clean Matan Field: The idea that in the future tokens will play a crucial role in networks and organizations to incentivize decentralized collaboration and reward contribution is not new.

For Matan, the vision originally led … Continued. Clean Stephen Palley: For many the promise of decentralized applications and DAOs is to be beyond the limitations and rigidity of the existing legal system. There is no question that where DAOs can roam freely, innovation can accelerate. But can the law, courts and regulations be left behind so easily? Lawyer Stephen Palley joined us to discuss what … Continued. On a Rocky DAO.

The ambitious goal of the project is to form an decentralized organizations that efficiently makes investment decisions and generates a return for the token holders.

Applying the Mechanisms of Thermoregulation to Cryptocurrencies. One of the problems often cited when talking about cryptocurrencies is their level of volatility compared to traditional fiat currencies. This makes most cryptocurrencies a poor instrument for storing value, and introduces complexities when making purchases in fiat amounts. Stable cryptocurrencies include mechanisms which allow them to stay pegged to fiat currencies like the US … Continued. Clean Stephan Tual: It, a German startup working at the intersection of the Internet of Things and the Ethereum blockchain.

Building the Internet of Payments with Interledger. One of the foundational problems in payment networks is that they are mostly uninteroperable.

This problem exists at all levels, from consumer payment solutions like PayPal, to national and multi-national banks. This complexity is brought on by the proprietary nature of payment networks, and moving value from one to another requires a negotiation between parties … Continued. In the short history of the Bitcoin industry, there has been an impressive amount of high profile hacks, ranging from a few hundred thousand to many millions of dollars. In all of these, customers, Bitcoin users, where robbed of their funds because poor security policies, negligence, incompetence, or plain old scamming.

Recently, the cryptocurrency conversion … Continued. As the blockchain field continues evolving rapidly, Sebastien, Meher and Brian take some time to discuss the current environment and the longer term implications of blockchains.

We discussed how smart contracts could affect the pace of innovation and the competitiveness of industries. We also talked about the role DAOs will play and what we can … Continued. Clean Jed Mccaleb: Stellar and the Vision of an Open Financial System. The experienced founder who had earlier started file sharing site eDonkey, acted fast and started the first Bitcoin exchange MtGox which he later sold to now-infamous Mark Karpeles.

Jed later founded the pioneering Ripple project before leaving to … Continued. Clean Anthony di Iorio: Jaxx — Ethereum and Why Community Matters. We were joined by repeat guest Anthony di Iorio, a definite contender for having co- founded the most projects in the blockchain space including Ethereum, Kryptokit, Decentral and Jaxx. We got an update on the vibrant Toronto blockchain scene and Decentral. The main discussion revolved around the new wallet Jaxx that is simultaneously a Bitcoin and … Continued.

Clean Trent McConaghy: One of the major drawbacks of Bitcoin is its low transaction throughput. Maxing out only a handful of operations per second, there have been many proposals to scale it up so that it can compete with existing distributed database technologies. Clean Florian Glatz: The relatively new concept of a Decentralized Autonomous Organization DAO , is often praised as a new type of organizational structure that has no identifiable owner or owners, and whose actions are automated and determined solely by a pre-defined set of rules.

Views on DAOs differ widely. Clean Rune Christensen: With Ethereum applications, the problem is even more apparent as many use cases from predcition markets to insurance are impractical using the even more volatile ether. Maker DAO is an ambitious attempt to solve the … Continued.

Clean Brock Pierce: From Digital Goods to Digital Currency. Brock tells his story, from his early beginning a entrepreneur in his teens, to the massively successfull video game industry businesses he built in the early s. As Chairman of the Bitcoin Foundation, he gives us … Continued. Clean Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn: After many failed attempts, Bitcoin proved that that vision could be achievable. But Bitcoin also failed to deliver on the privacy features as blockchain … Continued.

Barbados, Bitcoin and Central Banking. For orthodox Bitcoiners central banks are often seen as the incarnation of evil. Winston Moore and Jeremy Stephen were formerly associated with the Central Bank of Barados and fascinated by the potential of cryptocurrencies, they explored the … Continued. Clean Maciej Olpinski: The problem around content monetization is one which content producers are constantly trying to solve.

At the core of this problem is a mismatch between supply and demand. Content, which is increasingly abundant, is captured by human attention, which is in limited supply. The volume of content being produced is growing at staggering rates while … Continued. Clean Adam Gibson: A pioneering feature of Bitcoin is verifiability of transactions: It is designed to enable low-power devices and high end computers alike to be able to verify occurrences on the blockchain.

Can I prove to you that … Continued. Clean Manu Sporney: When we want to pay for something online, we copy very sensitive credit card information into a form on a website and trust that … Continued. Clean Eric Lombrozo: Upgrading Bitcoin with Segregated Witness. In the midst of the heated blocksize debate one could be forgiven to think that there is very little Bitcoin developers are able to agree on.

Yet, when core developer and Blockstream co-founder Pieter Wuille introduced the concept of segregated witness at the Scaling Bitcoin conference in Hong Kong most of the Bitcoin community quickly … Continued. Clean Eli Ben-Sasson: Zero Knowledge Proofs are methods of providing cryptographic proofs to another party while keeping some information secret. The simple concept of ZKP offer tantalizing possibilities: Banks could prove solvency without revealing depositors.

Governments could prove the fairness of an election without compromising privacy. Computer science professor Eli Ben-Sasson joined us to discuss where blockchains and … Continued.

Clean Vinay Gupta: From Lawyer Capitalism to Programmer Capitalism. He also invented the Hexayurt, a cheap and resilient architectural structure for disaster-stricken communities. Recently, Vinay has become a thought leader in the cryptocurrency space. He is famed for his eloquence and … Continued. Tendermint — Private Modularized Blockchains. As blockchain technologies mature, new protocol specifications are emerging, which take unique approaches to software design and how consensus is achieved.

We have talked about Multchain and OpenChain in the past, but Tendermint promises to be a viable solution for many permissioned blockchain use cases. Clean Casey Kuhlman: Permissionable blockchains have gained much attention from enterprise this past year, and specifically, the traditional fiance and FinTech sectors.

As new protocols emerge and the technology is matures, it is becoming apparent they are simply a new class of database, one which integrates business logic smart contracts and a consensus layer PoS, PoW, etc. Clean Andrew Miller: Andrew Miller is a computer science PhD student at the University of Maryland who focuses on cryptocurrency. Having gotten involved in Bitcoin in and focused on cryptocurrencies early in his research work, he is one of the most prolific researchers in the field.

Our discussion mainly focused on security aspects of Ethereum including their … Continued. Clean James D'Angelo: SEP 05, Joseph Young. AUG 25, Matchpool. AUG 10, Matchpool. DEC 21, Sebastien Couture. DEC 13, Sebastien Couture.

DEC 06, Allen Scott. NOV 30, Allen Scott. NOV 22, Allen Scott. NOV 15, Allen Scott. NOV 08, Allen Scott. NOV 01, Allen Scott. Through the influence of these two cryptocurrency leaders, the company hopes to fuel the next iteration of barrier-free investing into stocks or virtual goods through its forthcoming proprietary token, NAGA Coin.

As arguably Bitcoin's first angel investor, having funded the seed rounds for a majority of the entire first generation of Bitcoin-related businesses, including the Bitcoin Foundation, Bitpay, Blockchain. His philosophy and ideology of libertarianism and "voluntarism" align pretty succinctly with those espoused by NAGA. Ver holds the view that every person on the planet has the right to freedom of choice, voluntary association and self-governance.

This assertion aligns well with NAGA's aim to build a supportive ecosystem which will allow underbanked individuals throughout the world to participate in financial and crypto markets. This opportunity for involvement in the world of trading and investing is seen as a critical step to fostering financial independence and free lifestyles. Ver's colleague, Tokay, is also an active and vocal proponent of Bitcoin.

Having cut his teeth as a Bitcoin miner in , Tokay continues to stay abreast of emerging crypto trends as part of his involvement with several successful blockchain-related projects. With the ultimate vision to establish a cryptocurrency that allows anyone to invest and trade easily and securely, NAGA will launch a token pre-sale on November 20, The Naga Development Association Ltd. During the pre-sale, 20 million NGC tokens will be available with a 30 percent sale bonus.

The main sale will then commence on December 1, , and last until December 15, The maximum cap in tokens for the main sale is million. The views and opinions expressed herein are the views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Nasdaq, Inc.

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