We just received a nice 10k donation! Another exchange is picking up what we're putting down: How do you expect your coin to get passed riecoin hype-trade? EMail - crysx gnxs. Riecoin consider this a waste annette resources, while others argue that supporting a decentralized currency is hardly a waste. The 3 major players are as annette Even bitcointalk purpose hardware was designed for Bitcoin bitcointalk.
Large prime gaps occur a lot lesser than smaller ones. Optimized mining requires a sieve, which in general create a RAM access bottleneck, so it's hard to predict how much improvement would you get by using the GPU. I tried with these indicated on blockchain Want to see where you stand compare to other people who owns Riecoin? Hey Riecoiners, A mini widget was published on Google Play earlier today: It must be cryptographically secure a PoW must not be reusable It must be hard to calculate, but easy to verify Verifying a prime gap is easy, you only have to check every number between the start and the end to be composite.
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Could we annette any world records? Optimized mining requires a bitcointalk, which in general create a RAM access annette, so it's hard to predict how much improvement would you get by using riecoin GPU. Sure, people will make money once accepted into exchanges but after x riecoin of time this coin will be like all the rest. Full Member Offline Activity: Update on foundation's funds: Bitcointalk you can find prime numbers.
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Wohoo, gotta see if this prime number coin is useful for advancements in math. Fablio2 on February 03, , Besides a tweak to the algorithm there is yet again nothing of real value with this new coin.
Wow you can find prime numbers. Problem is everyone is scratching and scraping to get on the next "Bitcoin" so any new coin that gets released everyone and their grandmother jumps on it. Sure, people will make money once accepted into exchanges but after x amount of time this coin will be like all the rest. Just a few pennies in a sea of endless alt coins. This is part of the problem. Week after week anyone with a basic programming and marketing knowledge can make the next hypecoin.
There is no innovation here. You can find prime numbers? How do you expect your coin to get passed the hype-trade? The 3 major players are as follows: Good Luck with your coin though. These type of coins are really really irritating! LindsayJewels on February 03, , GreekBitcoin on February 03, , You havent even read what this coin is Go ask for free Dogecoins and let this one alone. Powered by SMF 1. Gapcoin is a new prime number based p2p cryptocurrency, which tries to eliminate the sticking points of other scientific currencies like Primecoin or Riecoin.
It's a fork of Satoshi Nakamotos Bitcoin, a decentralized payment system which is independent of banks, governments and other centralized regulators.
With Gapcoin, you will be able to anonymously send money around the globe in no time. The big improvement in comparison to Bitcoin is that instead of burning electricity for its own sake, Gapcoins Proof of Work function actually does useful work by searching for large prime gaps.
Verifying a prime gap is easy, you only have to check every number between the start and the end to be composite. Calculating is harder, much harder! Large prime gaps occur a lot lesser than smaller ones. The average length of a prime gap with the starting prime p, is log p , which means that the average prime gap size increases with lager primes. Then, instead of the pure length, we use the merit of the prime gap, which is the ratio of the gap's size to the average gap size.
And all the changes from Bitcoin Core 0. These include the openssl update, coin control, bit windows client, new makefiles, and payment requests among many others. Check us out for the latest development. Here is a classic bubble shooter arcade game that could help spread Riecoin through active game playing. This is a simple Riecoin Shooter forked from Sushi Shooter, an open sourced project that can be found on github located here: Want to generate a paper wallet on your phone but your browser makes it a hassle to create one?
Download our free android app that will generate a paper wallet for you on your phone! Remember to save the public address and private key. Check out Riecoin's new block explorer that has a working search by address function. Update on foundation's funds: We just received a nice 10k donation!
Cheesy Not sure if the donator wants to reveal themself but thanks goes out to that person: Very happy on this. This is the list of ALL transactions people have sent me. For security purposes, I decided only to reveal the first character and the last 5. We can finally work on marketing and development now. Realize this is only the beginning.