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If you cannot use Tor, or your submission is very large, or you shabunda specific requirements, WikiLeaks provides several bitcoins methods. Bitcoins political mining economic actors are currently dismantling Gecamines to assert control over the mining sector and reduce Gecamines' political influence in Katanga and shabunda the DRC generally. Cryptocurrency bitcoins by gold being developed by Perth Mint Streetwise: Multinational mining companies shabunda already expressing interest in bringing investment to the DRC, despite the risks. Tips for Sources After Submitting. U zoekt mining Het Laatse Mining over Goud en zilver ":

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Global Witness has also found evidence that mining officials in the provincial capital, Bukavu, deliberately falsified documentation to obscure links to Shabunda. Kirkland Lake targets ,oz a year at Fosterville. Key political and economic actors are currently dismantling Gecamines to assert control over the mining sector and reduce Gecamines' political influence in Katanga and in the DRC generally. Coltan, Niobium, and Cassiterite PJX wants to buy another gold mine in B.

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Shabunda mining bitcoins

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What computer to use If the computer you are uploading from could subsequently be audited in an investigation, consider using a computer that is not easily tied to you. Do not talk about your submission to others If you have any issues talk to WikiLeaks. Act normal If you are a high-risk source, avoid saying anything or doing anything after submitting which might promote suspicion.

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If you face legal action If a legal action is brought against you as a result of your submission, there are organisations that may help you. Submit documents to WikiLeaks. Copy this address into your Tor browser. Advanced users, if they wish, can also add a further layer of encryption to their submission using our public PGP key. Leaks News About Partners. Press release About PlusD Browse by creation date Democratic Republic of the Congo Kinshasa. Econoff Peter Newman for reasons 1. The natural resources wealth of the Democratic Republic of Congo DRC is enormous, including diamonds, copper, cobalt, nickel, zinc, uranium, gold, coltan, niobium, and cassiterite.

As the DRC turns its eyes to peacetime economic development, the mining sector will become ever more important. Regulatory Environment 2. U The Mining Code and its attendant regulations govern the mining sector. The Mining Code is written to promote private development of the mining sector and gives the Ministry of Mines operational authority. The Minister currently Ingele Ifoto, a member of the political opposition must sign all mining titles - for exploration or exploitation - as well as export certificates for precious and raw minerals and metals.

In his oversight role, the Minister also has first right of analysis of joint-ventures with any of the state-owned mining enterprises and is charged with advocating for the joint-ventures at the Economic and Financial Committee EcoFin and Council of Ministers. Mining Administration has regional and local offices in mining zones that report directly to the Ministry in Kinshasa. It is capable of collecting fees and taxes for the Ministry. CTCPM is a locus of information on the mining sector and maintains a list of projects that mining companies in the DRC have proposed and for which they are currently searching for financing.

It also acts as an advisor to the Minister when policy or technical questions are raised. Saesscam investigates all small scale mining in the DRC. It is presently most active in the Kasais, where artisanal diamond miners and small mining firms flourish. Saesscam not only reports on the activities of small scale mining, but also organizes small firms and individual miners into collectives to manage financial resources.

It charges a fee for these services and at present does not have a strong subscribership. C Cadastre Minier Cami manages the issuance of mining concessions and the receipt of taxes and payments for exploration and mining titles. The World Bank insisted on the inclusion of a modern mining register in the Mining Code and Cami was the result.

Major mining firms and industry specialists feel that Cami has the potential to be an effective organization, if it can remain independent of political wrangling, something that has not yet been possible. Many concessions are still disputed due to the former practice of re-assigning concessions based on political favors. When Cami began operations in , it tried to solve this problem by giving a grace period in which concession holders had to present themselves to Cami and pay all concession taxes and fees.

It also operated on a first come first serve basis and re-assigned some concessions that are currently disputed. For example, Cami gave exploration titles to Southern Era, a Canadian junior diamond company, that were located on Miba property ostensibly because Miba had not yet come forward to pay its concession fees.

This decision fell victim to politics and Cami has been forced to rescind the titles it granted to Southern Era. U The titles Cami issues are either for exploration or exploitation. Exploration titles are granted for four years for precious minerals and five years all other minerals but convey no mineral rights.

Titles for precious minerals can be renewed twice for 2 years and for all other minerals twice for 5 years. Exploration titles are restricted to km2, and a single company can hold up to 20, km2. Exploitation titles are valid for 30 years and are renewable several times over a duration of 15 years.

Exploitation titles for major deposits are supposed to be offered for public tender, although in practice this may not be the case. Cami approves exploitation titles after mining firms submit proof of a mineral deposit, a feasibility study, development plan and source of financing.

An environmental impact statement and environmental mining plans must also be completed before approval. Per the Mining Code, the Congolese government takes a 5 percent interest in the mining project.

Raw ores are subject to Ministry of Mines authorization, but processed ores are freely exported. The resources currently regulated by the CEEC are diamonds, gold, silver and coltan. The CEEC was once integrated within the structure of the Ministry of Mines but was removed from the Ministry and made a parastatal in April to afford it greater independence. Only the Kinshasa, Mbuji Mayi and Tshikapa offices are particularly effective.

The CEEC currently only has the expertise to evaluate rough diamonds. It is focusing on strengthening the Kimberley Process in the DRC as well as developing its capacity in gold and coltan evaluation. The CEEC collects taxes equivalent to 1. Major State-Owned Enterprises 7. In the early s Belgium began to explore the Katanga region of the Congo for mineral wealth. Union Miniere's operations were a tremendous boon to the colony and it became one of main engines of infrastructure growth.

Union Miniere remained a private venture until Mobutu's nationalization campaign in the s, when it was renamed La Generale des Carrieres et des Mines Gecamines. Gecamines continued to be the engine of growth for the Congo then Zaire through the s. Numerous other state-owned enterprises, including the electricity and railroad companies, grew as Gecamines thrived. Rampant corruption and mismanagement caused Gecamines to fall on hard times beginning in the lates, but the event that brought Gecamines to its knees was the collapse and flooding of the Kamoto underground mine near Kolwezi in Exports of copper, which reached , tons per year in the s, dropped to below 40, tons per year in the s.

Key political and economic actors are currently dismantling Gecamines to assert control over the mining sector and reduce Gecamines' political influence in Katanga and in the DRC generally. Proposed joint-ventures - with Dan Gertler International, Group Forrest and Phelps-Dodge - would take the most valuable of Gecamines assets and leave the company with few options for further development reftel. Sibeka represents the Belgian interests from SMB.

Miba's diamond reserves both proven and probable are approximately ,, carats, including both kimberlitic and alluvial deposits. Miba predominantly extracts industrial quality diamonds - i. Miba's production consistently decreased from to but began to improve in Emaxon is tied to Dan Gertler International, a major Israeli diamond trader. Belgian colonialists discovered gold in those districts in Evidence gathered by Global Witness also shows a provincial authority colluded with armed groups in illegal taxation of miners while another altered official export documents so gold looked as though it was coming from legally-operating mines.

Global Witness warns today that the Congolese government needs to hold companies and government officials involved in such abuses to account in order for these reforms to work. In addition, the armed men taxed artisanal miners operating locally-made dredgers extracting gold along the river. Local authorities also collaborated with the Raia Mutomboki, through a tax sharing deal. The taxes collected by authorities appear to have disappeared, depriving Congo of much needed revenue which could be used for health and education.

Any company breaking these laws must be held accountable for their actions. Provincial mining authorities that fail to properly govern the minerals sector must also be held liable.

Global Witness has also found evidence that mining officials in the provincial capital, Bukavu, deliberately falsified documentation to obscure links to Shabunda. This pattern has been repeated with other mines in the province. As a result, it is much more difficult for international buyers to be sure that gold has not funded armed groups. Neither firm carried out supply chain due diligence to international standards, which would have revealed that the gold had been obtained in direct contravention of Congolese law and UAE Guidelines.

Alfa Gold in Dubai and London did not respond to request for comment. In recent years there have been significant international efforts to tackle the link between violent conflict, human rights abuses and the minerals trade in Congo and elsewhere including international supply chain guidance set out by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development OECD five years ago, which has been a legal requirement in Congo since The Chinese guidelines set a precedent for Chinese companies to recognise and reduce supply chain risks and if adhered to should allow companies sourcing minerals from high-risk areas to do so responsibly.

Kun Hu Mining refused to comment in response to three requests from Global Witness. Sophia Pickles, Senior Campaigner spickles globalwitness. A IPIS survey of mines in eastern Congo found that four fifths of the , artisanal miners surveyed worked in gold mining, a portion that has grown in recent years.

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