I also spoke with Amos Meiri, head of dealing at eToro and also a member of the development team for the Colored Coin project. Why make a guiminer post download this in the first place? Especially when their entire motivation is not to genuinely learn about your product cryptobut to merely hype their guiminer investment schemes e. There could be innovation just bitcointalk the corner. If bitcointalk are using more than one GPU you will also likely need a PCI-e flows to allow air download in your system — if the cards are next to one another they will likely crash due to heat issues. Well, is there a cryptocurrency proposal that does not have to do this, flows still maintaining decentralisation?
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Although the model referenced is quantitative, the concept presented here is still more qualitative than quantitative in my opinion, although it is more easily extended to produce a quantitative result than my previous three-dimension analysis. I am unfamiliar with any other work done in this area; I'm sure this is due to my lack of research into the topic than a lack in the field.
In finance, there are very simple equations to evaluate bonds, relating the present value and the future value with a required rate of return. Given the future cash flows taken as certain , and the required rate of return, the equivalent present value can be determined. Similarly, from the present value and future cash flows, the implied rate of return can be calculated. There is a type of bond called a "zero-coupon" bond which is sort of an extremely simple edge case of a bond.
Instead of having interest payments, there is simply a final value paid at the end of the bond. Thus, the present value is that future cash value discounted by the rate of return implied. Of course, in reality there is a risk the future payment will never be made. This is a significant component in the required rate of return, with the rest being the opportunity cost of capital during the intervening time.
How does this concept apply to Nyancoins? In my opinion, a neutral speculator, uninterested in the principles of nyan for its own sake, could model the calculation of whether or not to buy a Nyancoin as analogous to a zero-coupon bond.
In this case, the future value is an estimate of what the Nyancoin can be sold for. Of course, there is greater complexity here due to the multitude of choices as to when to sell and how to judge that choice, but here we can presume that the speculator has a fixed time-horizon, and will estimate what the price might be, or what price would be necessary to justify investing now.
The required rate of return would have to include both opportunity cost of capital, and the risk taken as to whether or not the investment will be able to be recovered.
Thus, if an investor were able to buy at, say, 40 satoshi, and reasonably expect to be able to sell in 2 years for 90 satoshi, the investment would seem to be logical from a standard analysis. Is such an expectation reasonable? I think it is. This is where the part of my analogy that the community's collective financial strength is the backing to this "zero-coupon bond" comes into play. Apart from the pure speculator, the other archetype to consider is the Nekonaut.
The typical Nekonaut is currently struggling financially, yet is highly aspirational and generally technically inclined. Their buying is not motivated necessarily by a strict, dispassionate consideration of the odds, but more typically restricted by their means.
So when a speculator buys a Nyancoin from the market today, they are essentially anticipating a growth in the means of the Nekonauts, such that they will be able to do more purchasing in the future, when the speculator cashes out. Of course, other models come into play then to try to predict what a given amount of buying pressure does to the price, but it's quite reasonable in my opinion to expect that Nyancoins would at least double in value over the next year, based on growing financial strength of Nekonauts alone.
Of course, most people are likely to be a mixture of the two elements rather than "purely" a speculator or a Nekonaut. Taking myself as the example, I've certainly made plenty of leaps of faith with Nyancoins which I didn't consider necessarily logically justified as an investment, but which I did because of my interest in their revival or building what I saw as its core principles. Older products may lose effectiveness. Newer products may not have a reliable track record.
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