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A great place for farming Ethereum Prison Keys is just south of Area 52, roughly 30, There are 1 bug reports posted mentioning this quest prisoner [Outland][Netherstorm] Ethereum Secrets Objectives: This jailor spawn in different etheral place. I'm going to start cataloguing the tags in hopes tag making sense of their penal system. Commander Ameer The Protectorate. Comment by Metroshica Adding this here in case anyone ethereum confused as I was.

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So, while the pros-and-cons of comparing these 2 rep farming areas are pretty much the same, It's good to note that you get at least 1 green item from every aggressive npc you free with the key, usually of level Netherstorm Netherstorm 67 67 Warn Area 52! Attack on Manaforge Coruu. A Gift for Voren'thal. There is some sort of code written on these tags.

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The Custodian of Kirin'Var. My friend who I was experimenting on hit honored at the same time, so I don't know if that has anything to ethereum with it, it might have. I'm on the verge of breaking it wide open. If you still can't find him or tag a optional way to get the keys, simply grind any kind of Ethereums. Which results in a prisoner key.

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Quest:Ethereum Secrets | WoWWiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia

hOw to-Ethereum Prison Key - Easy Burning Crusade Rep

Attack on Manaforge Coruu. Back to the Chief! Creatures of the Eco-Domes. Curse of the Violet Tower. Deal With the Saboteurs. Dealing with the Foreman. Dealing with the Overmaster. Deathblow to the Legion. Distraction at Manaforge B'naar. Drijya Needs Your Help. Escape from the Staging Grounds. Essence for the Engines. Fel Reavers, No Thanks! Flora of the Eco-Domes. Getting Down to Business. In Search of Farahlite. It's a Fel Reaver, But with Heart.

Kick Them While They're Down. Mark V is Alive! Off To Area Securing the Celestial Ridge. Securing the Shaleskin Shale. Shutting Down Manaforge Ara.

Shutting Down Manaforge B'naar. Shutting Down Manaforge Coruu. Shutting Down Manaforge Duro. That Little Extra Kick. The Annals of Kirin'Var.

The Custodian of Kirin'Var. Comment by Wildhorn The key to open the prisons can drop from any etheral mob droprate sucks btw. This jailor spawn in different etheral place. Comment by NuSkooler Once you are exaulted with the Consortium, you get absolutely nothing for turning these in -- you simply complete the quest with no money, no rep. Blizzard should add something for exaulted folk please. Comment by Metroshica Adding this here in case anyone was confused as I was.

To get an Ethereum Prisoner I. Tag you must kill one of the mobs in one of the ethereum prison bubbles. Comment by Kaydin The frustrating thing about releasing these prisoners, and hoping for a Blue drop, is that the prisoner to be released is random, and the chance for them to drop a Blue is quite low. Top it all off with the blue item being BoP, and that you're most likely doing this solo since you don't need a group to kill these and you're looking at a tiny chance of getting something you can actually use from these quests.

Comment by Sanosuke If you were to farm Consortium Rep, the Ethereum npcs are good for this since you get rep per I. So, while the pros-and-cons of comparing these 2 rep farming areas are pretty much the same, It's good to note that you get at least 1 green item from every aggressive npc you free with the key, usually of level The amount of money per mob is also greater than that of ogres, double that for rogues who pick-pocket before every kill.

So the financial advantage of this spot would win out over the other. Killing the npcs south of Area 52 for the badges is the worst of the 3 only because there aren't as many npcs there, the drop rate of the badges seems to be a bit worse than the ogre beads, and it's too close to Area 52, which just means too much opposing faction interference.

Comment by Xarlequin Turning in those gives you reputation with The Consortium. You gain them by killing the prisoners in the "bubbles" west of Manaforge: Sometimes when you open a bubble you can however sometimes spawn a friendly Etherum unit, which will give you no drop but instead raise your reputation with The Consortium with He's very easy to see as he is large and colored red. If you still can't find him or want a optional way to get the keys, simply grind any kind of Ethereums.

The droprate isn't as enjoyable though. Xarleen - EU Darksorrow. Comment by Frahg Just a note so noone else is surprised like I was. The mobs coming out of the prisons are not guaranteed to drop anything. It's very very likely they will drop an item and an i. I put in a ticket after receiving nothing and GMs confirmed there is a small chance at getting nothing from the prisoners.

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