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As for an official source we suggest you to access bitcoin. You could be right, yet think a little about it. You have extremely low fees to transactions. Hmm, is hard for us to respond to this. You need to understand that this electronic currency, or easier e-currency, is an open source system. Well, it meens that the code that handles the transactions, your own bitcoins, is free for anyone to see. With Bitcoin, you can be your own bank. You can also explore the Bitcoin Wiki:. Bitcoin Core is the backbone of the Bitcoin network.

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The funds already donated will be spent on some sort of advertising, as intended. As of now, If you have ideas for the remaining BTC, see here for more info. Original post by fpgaminer at Bitcointalk. Yeah, sure wasting money there?? If you manage these returns then good for you. It's wasting money against the blades, also in stock. You get the same hashing power for significantly cheaper, even from the same provider. So I find this operation hard to justify.

If you introduce a product that doesn't exist yet then there are many other factors to consider. Roi on these is such a Long game that even if it 50 ghs doesn't ship for 3 more months you would still be ahead when it lands on your door step.

You can order them here: If electricity is free, and the time spent configuring and maintaining the setup isn't eating into things you'd rather be doing, then even getting 1 mhash is good value--assuming the device is also free. If the device costs you money and can't sell for as much as you bought it for, then your only goal is to make back the money you spent.

More bullish than I've been before, I firmly believe that over the next 2 years you will manage to get your 1. What's the chance you're gonna start seeing these things stuck into the USB ports of commercial office machines, hidden away under desks to siphon the power of someone's employer? I mean, it looks sorta like any old thumbdrive ;. I can't get that stick now though, right? There's group buys on bitcointalk. Order is 50 USB miners so the group buys fill up relatively quickly. You could probably have one at your door in a week or week and a half.

I have access to free electricity also, meaning someone else pays for it and most likely wouldn't know a hundred or two in power. Anyone want to cohost? Look for group buys: Here is someone selling on bitmit: Oh you mean the blade? If the chips have value after bitcoin "ends" wouldn't he technically be making an investment?

Now he just needs more hobbies that use that much processing power. And hobbies that involve double SHA hashing. They're pretty much only useful for bitcoin.

Perhaps he plans on ebaying them or something though. Otherwise you should always get a blade or another alternative, but the blade is guaranteed to over-perform this and basically everything else is equal, provider included. Question - how many of them are actually available, as in ready and available to ship in any sort of quick timeframe?

Why is it that they're only sold in large batches and take so long after ordering to ship? Hell, I'll take it a step further and suggest that small orders pay 2. There is no excuse for the ASICs to be monopolized by people who can afford to buy in large bulk already. You can take part in a group buy if you want USB Erupters.

Well, I can somewhat understand the blades being expensive, as they are much larger. Not only are they more powerful, but they would be more expensive to ship. But that doesn't quite explain about the USB miners, which are sold for a much higher hash: If they were to create a batch of and sell them piecemeal, they'd be able to get these devices into more individual's hands, as opposed to solely the early adopters who now have millions of dollars to blow.

I'm not saying that these early adopters should be allowed to have any, but rather that the method in which these miners are sold and shipped favors those who A have a lot of extra money to spend already and B have a stockpile of coin available so they can afford to wait for long periods for receipt.

It's not worth it for them to be dealing with tiny orders. Just get in a group buy or start one, how many do you want? I got 2 in this group buy https: There are other groups for people in other locations.

Never played EVE, sorry. I've heard good things about it, but I have too many items in my to-do list to get into a game so demanding. I'm not against wasting money for fun. But one cannot pretend such investment made any sense. These are going for 2 BTC a pop. And eve is awesome, but a number of players exhibit that same doublethink of not evaluating the value of their intermediate products.

Its not wasting money if the difficulty goes down to 1. Paying more for the same hashing power and worse power efficiency is never going to work best. Um, all these usb asic miners together use less power than a single video card. How is that worse power efficiency vs. Some people care more about the planet, not overheating their house, etc. GPUs are out of the question entirely. Go up to the origin of the discussion: Apparently not given that in the last couple months I've been able to sell my graphics cards at 80 to 90 percent of their original retail price.

This is not what this particular conversation is about though. Both trounce GPUs in mining efficiency, neither is as re-sellable so they are in no way comparable.

Think of it as if they have negative value. You will spend bitcoins that you'll never get back. In case you want it as a collector item, just wait 6 months. You will be able to buy 10 for a dollar. Yea that's what I'm planning to do. Just waiting until this or some other fairly small device with at least mh comes out for like. Can you explain why to me? At what point is it worthwhile for someone to purchase an ASIC? Why does anyone purchase an ASIC if it's better to just buy the coins straight?

WTF is your logic there? In this case the poor are made poorer by no longer being able to mine their own cryptocurrency, meaning that if they want any now they have to pay a premium above the cost of mining. Yet another way it's expensive to be poor. So basically if it's not accessible to everyone, it's a contributing factor in economic inequality?

In this case the poor are made poorer by no longer being able to mine their own cryptocurrency [ You're suggesting that the poor are now poorer because it will be harder for them to obtain something they didn't have in the first place. Economics is the social science that analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.

In forex, or currency trading there are many factors. However, if there is minimal to negligible loaning, and mining is now a negligible amount as a percentage of the total, Bitcoins are a zero sum game. Our economic activity has also had a minuscule impact upon the market as a whole in a way that benefits all who partake in the market. We have engaged in efficient determination of an equilibrium price, added confidence to the market as a whole and assuming the exchange was voluntary both received whatever personal satisfaction we choose to derive from our exchange.

This adds additional value even in a Forex type trading. This added value is the reason while mercantilism is not an efficient economic system. In relation to the original idea that buying friedcat's USB miners by a rich man is making a poor man poorer or at a minimum not improving his lot is similarily not true. Friedcat has recieved BTC the miner has recieved his capital. Efficeint determination of the equillibrium price for a product has been determined.

The poor person's potential liability in investing in either has gone down. Should the poor man ever choose to enter the market he now has the ability to engage in less risky of a behavior. In relation to the addition idea that mining is hurting the poor man that is simply untrue. Mining is essential to BTC as a product and a currency. Mining decreases risk and increases the opportunity of the poor man to place his monetary assests into BTC and utilize them in a way he or she wishes.

I think you are correct. I think what is important to note with BTC is that it is not a centralized currency which has benefits and risks. Not being in widespread use, and moderated by a global economic power i. The relative size of the market and significant friction involved in the transaction process can make the currency vary widely in the global market and even at in the local market with respect to the global market.

A zero-sum game or transaction means that if there are 5 apples to be had and there are two people, any apple I consume is one less than you can consume. Demand is now much higher, in aggregate, than it was several years ago and therefore offsets mining supply. So you are very correct, mining is so minimal as a supply side force that it doesn't negatively impact a poor man. In this sense, the raw micro-economy is not zero-sum. Obviously, I am not John Stuart Mills or anything so there could, and quite probably, is flaws in my comments.

However, the reason I interjected in the first place, was to point out that BTC sort of is zero sum. The market is very small and transactions have consequences globally on the macro-scale of this market. Significant friction exists in this market, further clouding the ability to make projections i. If early adopters, who have large stores of BTC cash out the price will plummet as the currency has yet to be widely adopted and stabilized.

Also, BTC is a commodity currency or a vehicle currency, so people typically buy it as a quick investment or to fascilitate a quick transaction. So someone cashing out a large amount actually does, in a sense lower the market. This isn't a zero sum devaluation, per se, but in a sense, as more people prosper in BTC others fair either better or worse respectedly.

Point is, large changes in a small market disrupt it, and although not zero-sum other players in this game do affect one another until demand and supply stabalize and widespread adoption and intrinsic risk are diminished. I know you know that, and as outlined by your post above. I just wanted to say this as what people do in the market have real consequences for others.

And as stated, a poor person has taken no risk so they will be in the same place upon entering the market, neither devalued or empowered. If you have no skin in the game you can not lose skin. The logic is that nothing you own is taken from you because of others extracting resources or creating wealth, also that you do not "own" have the right to exclusively control potential future wealth that you don't currently possess.

I have 0 bitcoin at the moment. Slightly better hardware requires you to be an ASICminer investor, apparently, and you can't invest in it anymore. Buying an ASICminer usb miner allegedly will take 2 years to earn back it's money.

When that finishes, it will be way out of date. Early adopters who have hundreds of bitcoin can afford to 'keep up', because they keep manufacturing the money involved.

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