п»ї 5 Best USB Bitcoin Miner ASIC Devices (Comparison)

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If pci-e x1 is good enough for mining wouldn't usb 3. Most computers have multi-core CPUs nowadays which is almost the same thing as having multiple CPU's in a single physical package. Because of this VLIW vs. Their price on ebay drops to almost nothing. Mining is pretty much a losing proposition nowadays.

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Thanks for asking this question. HashNest currently has over Antminer S7s for rent. Both of them are monitored at least from the network router a switch of the provider. Please login or register. Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site the association bonus does not count.

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In the ASIC-age, is it even worth starting casual mining at home? Something I do want to gpu out is Mining don't believe we are going ot see a huge increase in Hashing power from minersville network. Their price on ebay drops to almost nothing. For people wanting to get even more mining capacity out of their rigs, they can install usb graphics cards. But what they fail to understand is how extremely bitcoin this is.

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How to install bitcoin mining software in Ubuntu for joining a mining pool? - Ask Ubuntu

If pci-e x1 is good enough for mining wouldn't usb 3. USB graphics card mining? Sure, first you'd need to Sorry to say, you'd need an actual graphics card with a GPU to even mine the lowest difficulty alt coin, let alone Bitcoin. The days of home mining on your home PC for anything greater than dust amounts is pretty much over.

You need something like this to even compete: It really isn't a level playing ground unless you have mining farm access. Cheap ASIC equipment, cheap electricity, cheap hosting facility, the whole niner. Powered by SMF 1. February 03, , HyperBeam Member Offline Activity: Gabi Legendary Offline Activity: By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service.

Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Ask Ubuntu is a question and answer site for Ubuntu users and developers. Join them; it only takes a minute: Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. How to install bitcoin mining software in Ubuntu Lorenzo Ancora 2, 12 You only need an higher number of machines and dedicated pools to obtain the same result, but it is not technically obsolete.

I strongly encourage the use of specialized machines, to reduce the costs generic hardware can be damaged easily and increase the number of mined coins.

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