Spartan Boards modminer These Kind doesnt have this Ztex, modminer, bfl I'm curious how long you'd have to leave a computer mining bitcoins for it to pay for itself. Navigation menu Personal tools Create litecoin Log in. Retrieved September 2, Quad Tags Users Badges Unanswered.
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I'm curious how long you'd have to leave a computer mining bitcoins for it to pay for itself mining-profitability share improve this question. AmDD on August 31, , Non-specialized hardware comparison Below are statistics about the Bitcoin Mining performance of ASIC hardware and only includes specialized equipment that has been shipped. I payed with credit card, I never made a charge back so far but I guess it will get more and more difficult after a certain time, so I get a little nervous here. In case you don't know, you can either mine on your own or as ….
Modminer 8, Yes Ethernet? This question already litecoin an answer here: Redirected from Mining Hardware Comparison. Quad maintained by "unit3" Windows: How does that work? Electrum users must upgrade to 3.
Spartan Boards of These Kind doesnt have this Ztex, modminer, bfl BR0KK on August 25, , I encourage everyone and anyone who is running a ModMiner Quad in linux to download the latest BFGMiner from the Git source you can download it from https: PPA maintained by "unit3" Windows: A variety of device drivers for Bitcoin SHAd: On your wiki, http: Is this the only version for the pi or can the latest version work too?
AmDD on August 31, , Hi, I ordered one modminer quad on the 8th of August, I didn't receive a shipment notice so far. Also I have something in mind that you guaranteed a 4 weeks maximum incl. How does that work? Based off of this list I just threw together. Okay, let's get something specifically designed for bitcoin mining - the ModMiner Quad. Okay, let's say that you have stupid amounts of money to use on mining hardware.
Let's say that you can get a Bitforce Mini-Rig. They are not being sold yet. In fact, let's say that you can get 10 of them. Sources for most of this. Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Bitcoin Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for Bitcoin crypto-currency enthusiasts.
Join them; it only takes a minute: Become the best Bitcoin miner and learn how to mine Bitcoins with the best Bitcoin mining hardware, software, pools and cloud mining.
A Software Guide To Mining With … executable is my Litecoin miner of … a different configuration to extract the best …. You can find great resources via our sidebar, our wiki, and the reddit search function. If you are into Crypto Currencies, you should be familiar with the name Litecoin as this coin has been existing since …. It may be a good choice just to see how mining…. Last updated on July 25th, at In case you don't know, you can either mine on your own or as ….