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Now Supports screen resolution down to x I've restricted what my API key can access so I'm trader that worried about security. Qt Trader Trader is not difficult bitcoin use bitcoin it does require knowledge about currency trading in order to make the rules decisions and minimize losses. Remember remember the 5th help November Legendary Offline Activity: Help data will be stored there. I've asked around in Trading View but everyone said they never got rules rules to work.

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Update with working rules will be released during 2 days. Where can I learn how to work with the app? Also available is a complete log of past orders. Altcoin discussion should be directed to our Slack Group or the appropriate subreddit. I already have an account Login.

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Bitcoin Help February 02, Bitcoin password means stronger protection. Fixed some minor bugs. So API users suffered the same issues i. Where can I learn how to work rules the app? Real trader data monitoring. Now Supports screen resolution down to x

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Qt Bitcoin Trader [Open Source secure trading client for Mac/Windows/Linux]

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Thinking to make rules more advanced and add some price growth rate value. You will be able to do this: If anyone have suggestions, feel free to leave message here. Keep up the good work! Sent a small donation for your efforts, looking forward to more advanced rule scripting. I'll do my best Also I'm thinking to make websockets working parallel vs polling. Think it the best way to make failover app. Fixed sounds bug in Linux. Now Supports screen resolution down to x Thanks again, this is getting better every day Are you able to please clarify how the rules work when it comes to using multiple currencies?

If I set a rule whilst using USD in the currency selector, and then change back to AUD before the rule is triggered - which currency will be used? Sorry for the lame 2 line post. Fixed some minor bugs. Mac OS version released on sourceforge!

I've restricted what my API key can access so I'm not that worried about security. You could head over to bitcointalk for some more information: Bitfinex errors or market manipulation? Role of market makers in Bitfinex flash crash https: Critical issues with Bitfinex trading engine https: I thought in that interview the head of Bitfinex said that the API didn't have such problems as the regular web site, but maybe I misunderstood.

During the flash crash API users didn't encounter nearly the same amount of lag as web interface users, since QT Bitcoin Trader plugs into the API to trade they weren't as affected as web interface traders. During the flash crash API users didn't encounter nearly the same amount of lag as web interface users. After leaving I never really put much thought into okcoin and removing myself as a mod never occurred to me or anyone at OKCoin. As you can see I haven't posted in there--or done anything for that matter-- since I left in March.

I'll reach out to OKCoin and have them replace me with someone else. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy.

BitcoinMarkets comments other discussions 1. Get the SourceForge newsletter. You can contact me via: JavaScript is required for this form. Qt Bitcoin Trader This software helps you open and cancel orders very fast. Real time data monitoring. I want to develop this Trader App so that it can be configured for any rule and strategy. High CPU load fix. Nonce error fix v1. Now there is two modes, Sequential and Concurrent v0.

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