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linux - How to install/change locale on Debian? - Server Fault

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The default vi program has some strange behavior on Debian and Ubuntu; to fix this, we install vim-nox:. If vi is your favorite editor, then replace nano with vi in the following commands to edit files. The hostname of your server should be a subdomain like "server1.

Do not use a domain name without subdomain part like "example. The line should be: For our hostname server1. Therefore we do this:. It is a good idea to synchronize the system clock with an NTP n etwork t ime p rotocol server over the Internet.

When you prefer MySQL over MariaDB, replace the packages "mariadb-client mariadb-server" in the above command with "mysql-client mysql-server". General type of mail configuration: Change the root password? Uncomment the submission and smtps sections as follows and add lines where necessary so that this section of the master. We want MySQL to listen on all interfaces, not just localhost.

The MySQL root password that needs to be added is shown in read, in this example the password is "howtoforge". Automatically generated for Debian scripts.

To prevent the error ' Error in accept: Too many open files ' we will set higher open file limits for MariaDB now. This step is optional, if you do not need a chat server, then you can skip this step. No other ISPConfig functions depend on this software.

Writing changes to disk takes about 1 Minute. If the changes have not been written after some time, then please make a post in the forum to get help with your installation issue. Instruction on how to find out what is failing in your install can be found at the end of this post: I checked in the logs and the problem is amavis: I checked apt repo and they are ok, the only package referring to DBD and mysql is libaprutil1-dbd-mysql which isn't installed.

Hi, I installed libdbd-mysql-perl and amavis is up and running.. The last error was sending mail with this error: Asap I changed the port to , postfix started to send mails. This tutorial does not work. He already tried 3 times, he followed the steps well and there are two applications that do not ask for password.

When I create a user and when I sync does not work. The following changes are not yet populated to all servers:. The tutorial is working fine.

Your problem is an issue with your server and not the tutorial, when the base system is broken or not a clean fresh install, then the setup will fail.

And non-executing ISPConfig jobs can mean that you or the person that made the base install disabled the linux cron daemon. Please post in the forum here at howtoforge to get help with your server installation. This means that let's encrypt was not able to verify your domain. See let's encrypt FAQ post in the forum: Access denied for user 'root' 'localhost' using? This will usually also impact your ability to?

This is normally useful only if you have? This will usually leave this package without a functional database. Next step for database installation: Till, congratulations for the tutorial! It didn't work for me on the first try but I believe in it. For many years, I've set up the systems by hand by the shell and now I want a new life with Ispconfig. I want to install it on multiple servers in the cloud and that's why I have a huge hope that it works well.

I use Sendmail and Exim4, Postfix will be the first time. Some servers are in the Google Cloud, which is very restrictive in many things. For email, I'm using Sendgrid with them. My question is if your tutorial and Ispconfig can work fine on a Google Cloud virtual machine using Sendgrip to send emails?

Are there any special recommendations for using the tutorial and Ispconfig in these hosting companies? This setup works fine on cloud services as well. You can configure e. In case that you recieved that syntax error that the user posted abvoe when using the ISPConfig dev version from git, then just download ISPConfig dev again or use the stable version which did not had that problem as the problem has been resolved in the dev code.

Is a new installation of a debian 9 in a vps, I tried 3 times installing the manual from the begining alwais with the same error, and doing the manual exactly.

There is no issue in the tutorial itself, mail on the resulting setup works flawlessly as you can see e. Most likely, you made a mistake while editing the postfix config or you missed to install a package. How to set quota when I have virtual machine running on LXC? LXC does not has any real quota support. But there are some workarounds to get quota in LXC like this: There is a issue with the Maria DB for Debian 9 and the echo "update mysql.

From research it seems to have to deal with Maria DB 10x or Mysql 5. Thank you for your report. I just tested the installation again on a fresh Debian 9 and there are no errors in the MySQL setup as shown in the tutorial. Maybe you missed editing the debian. Apache starts absolutely fine with that config here and yes, the name is 'httpoxy'. Don't you know what httpoxy is?

When apache does not start with that config, then you might have missed enabling the headers module in apache which is done in the a2enmod command above or you made a typo in one of the commands.

In any case, you find the reason for the error that occurs on your server in the apache error. Yes, you have to replace it and yes, it's safe as the file can be read by the root user only and the password has to be set in cleartext there.

When you select the apache installation option during PHPMyAdmin installation as shown in the tutorial, then adding this include manually is not needed. I have the same question - in step 10 I am installing mariadb, yet I was not asked for a mysql root password! Everything worked great, until it wouldn't let me upload website content via SFTP user: A chmod must destroy the whole installation as all files and folders have special permissions, so never do that.

The user "admin" which does not belong to the ISPConfig install is probably just a normal Linux user without special permissions, so he can not upload files to websites. Only users of the site and the root user can do that. If this won't work, then you probably have to delete all sites in ISPConfig and recreate them or reinstall the system.

Do i delete what google has automatically added and replace it with your It is not the perfect Server You write about installing letsencrypt, but it is not used in your howto. Only installing is not enough, that does not work. I'll add a note in the tutorial so that no other first-time users think that something is missing. I had an error in the RKHunter log: This tutorial is for Debian 9. The tutorial for Debian 8 is here: If the link is missing on your system, then you have not chosen the right option during install or you did not activate it in the dialog with the space bar.

I see what happened. This package is not required and more important it will hurt the setup. It tries to modify the vhosts created by ispconfig in a way that the system will fail later it duplicates some apache directives which have t be unique server-wide so apache will fail when you restart it.

When I put this: However, the date strings that the system formats are in English but I want them in Dutch, so I need to set the system's locale. How do I do that on Debian? Do I need to install extra packages to make this work, or am I doing it entirely wrong? Then you can generate them by running:. There is more information available on the Debian wiki.

You may need to install the locales package. This will ask you which locales to generate. If it's already installed, then dpkg-reconfigure locales will let you generate more locales. I always got the following output from locale-gen , i. However, when I modified that file manually and uncommented the locales that I wanted, then locale-gen started working properly:. But this was not a permanent solution: I found that running locale-gen without the --keep-existing option will delete all such manually-generated locales, i.

For a web application, it might be better to use setlocale inside the program, rather than requiring that the system default locale be set appropriately outside. Less loose ends that way. But first you need to have needed language pack installed. On my German based VPS there was no english language pack pre-installed. So first you check that you have it installed:. Answers here are incomplete as with most elsewhere.

After piecing together information from a few places, what worked for me was to 1 make sure the locale I wanted was available generate it if it wasn't then 2 set locale related environment variables to desired locale. The ff accomplished what I need but it should work just fine in an interactive shell. You can check that locale has been configured correctly by invoking locale.

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