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You could put some servos on that telescope remote video viewer too. As the total hashrate of the Bitcoin network continues to rise mining for Bitcoins using GPUs is quickly becoming obsolete. There are quite a few different enclosure available for the Pi but the Adafruit Pi Box is a good fit for this project since the top portion of the case can be removed providing easy access to the GPIO pins on the Pi. I realize this isn't going to be a big money maker or a money maker at all but I also ran into problems with the Make command I get the following. So, what is cloud hosting?

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Andrei September 29, controller 6: Bitcoin runs as raspberry Contiki application compiled natively in Raspbian. Read More to and from your device. Touchscreen Internet Radio, Raspberry. This gives you the opportunity to snap stars, meteors, the moon, planets, even UFOs.

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Raspberry pi bitcoin controller

Now With PI Kit – TH/s SHA Avalon6 – Avalon 6 Bitcoin or Bitcoin Cash – BCH/BCC Miners

I decided to purchase this hub to avoid any potential compatibility issues and I can confirm that it does work well with the Pi. There are quite a few different enclosure available for the Pi but the Adafruit Pi Box is a good fit for this project since the top portion of the case can be removed providing easy access to the GPIO pins on the Pi.

Adding the LCD to this project is optional but besides being very cool it gives you an easy way to check on the status of the ASIC miners. Adafruit provides some python code that displays several screens of information on the LCD such as hash rate, errors, current Bitcoin prices, and network difficulty.

So if you plan to run these miners without a monitor connected to the Pi then the LCD makes perfect sense. I also enjoy soldering electronics so the fact that the LCD comes as a kit adds to the general fun level of the project for me. I ordered the RGP Positive kit which has a muli-colored backlight 7 different colors. The picture below shows what the entire board looks like after assembly.

The soldering difficulty level was pretty easy, the entire board took less than 30 minutes to build. Listing the number of devices and the hardware error rate. The cgminer monitoring script seems to occasionally crash which results in the LCD locking up. The monitoring script runs as a separate process so it does not stop cgminer from running when it dies.

Aside from debugging the python script a simple solution would be to setup a cron job to periodically restart the script. Are you using the Pi to control your Bitcoin mining system? If so do you have any tips to share? Leave a comment below to assist other miners. So Far my rig has been working well, no issues to report yet.

I have a question: You mention a maximum of 48 ASICs. I seem to be able to run a maximum of 18 ASICs using three hubs. I should also mention that the hubs are not daisy chained although I have tried that — they are plugged into separate ports on a 7 port Manhattan USB 2.

I would be interested in your thoughts, if you have any on the subject. Thank you for your time and keep up the good work. The difficulty has been rapidly increasing over the last several months http: Overall this rig has been very stable and is still generating some small ammounts of BTC. Luckily I was able to get some of these USB Block Erupters early enough to earn some return before the difficulty rose too high. As it stands today I would not recommend buying these Block Erupters since you will not be able to recover your investment.

In fact they are being discontinued in anticipation of a newer model being released. This Raspberry Pi setup will work with any USB miner supported by cgminer so if a newer model comes out that looks profitable you can still apply the same concept. I recommend running the numbers through the Gensis Block Mining calculator http: I love your design and i plan to try it out for my self. But i was wondering, is the lcd display and the extra components needed?

The LCD display is completely optional, you can still do everything with out it. You can monitor the miner using a connected monitor, or run it headless once you have everything configured.

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Donations are really welcome Donate Bitcoins. Prepare You can simply install Minera on your current Linux controller.

When you have your system ready, ssh into it and install Minera. Install curl -o- https: For more info, issues and source code look at the Github page. Get your Minera now, Raspberry image file or manual install, you choose. Share your anonymous data to build the global Minera stats. Join the Minera community! View the latest screenshots from Minera. Details are the key Minera is full of details, widgets and tables are build to let you know almost everything from your mining devices and from the controller.

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