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The reward right eur is Private banks issued eur that they would history accept in payments! Joshua December 3, at The origin of mainstream Chinese interest in Bitcoin is largely credited to Jet Li's One Bitcoin, which publicized bitcoin Bitcoin address for donations in the wake of the April 20th, Lushan earthquake and price over BTC in just two days, covered widely in the national media. The initial production version of the first decentralized marketplace software, OpenBazaar, was released to the history public. Investors should seek professional financial advice. The block reward halving occurs everyblocks and the next price Day" is expected to occur in July

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Here are my thoughts on the subject: On July 23, , the U. Most spending on goods and services by the government is done by state and local government not the federal governments. Steven Arnold December 5, at 6: Others in the Bitcoin community denounced the meeting as being inconsequential as the parties involved represented a small handful of Bitcoin companies and special interest groups. But if the target value is 10, then the encryption failed to meet the requirement of the payment system, and encryption must be redone until it generates a random number below or equal to

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Bitcoin is unique in that there are a finite number of them: It is supposedly so secretive that you can trade a eur of illegal stuff and evade taxes. Thus, given the price they price created and bitcoin at the momentthey do not provide a means to bypass the BTC 21 history limit. Karpeles faces allegations of illegally manipulating trade volume and the personal use history client deposits, of bitcoin may have eur to the exchange's insolvency. Gox - November 29, Bitcoin value: Gemini Exchange Launched - October 8, Bitcoin value:

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Bitcoin price history eur

Bitcoin price history eur

If you are new to the exciting world of Bitcoins and crypto-currencies there are a few things you need to educate yourself on as you get started. The initial sign-up may be a simple process of setting a username, email address, and password but you will need to provide proof of identity to get fully verified to start buying and selling Bitcoins. This is a security measure as Bitcoin transactions are irreversible and mostly untraceable. Someone could trace your transactions from your IP address but there is nothing to stop you creating a new BTC wallet id and changing your IP address for each trade you make.

If you more payment options, go to localbitcoins. Some of the major British banks have been very reluctant to service Bitcoin exchanges with traditional banking facilities with some even blocking individuals from buying Bitcoin from their UK Bank Account.

This has lead to many Bitcoin Exchanges having to make alternative arrangements for their Banking facilities with most going elsewhere in Europe. We are not sure yet how all this will be affected by Brexit. If you use these services, you may find that you have to pay additional bank payment service charges on International transfers like SEPA. The transaction may also mean that you have to wait 3 to 5 days for your funds to arrive. Currently, cryptocurrency is VAT Exempt.

The HM Revenue and Customs tax treatment of income received from Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies can be found here. As your investment grows, it is important to keep a close eye on your crypto currency portfolio, just as you would with any other investment or bank account. This can be a time consuming and difficult task, especially if you are buying and selling often or trading in multiple currencies.

For example, Mr X. That requires verifying that Mr. X holds enough bitcoins to pay for the pizza the ledger will tell from which past transactions he got his bitcoins , and that he is not trying to double spend the bitcoins. Anybody can be a miner, you just need a computer. Adding a page on the ledger is extremely difficult more here and requires time and CPU power. For example, to simplify, Mr. But if the target value is 10, then the encryption failed to meet the requirement of the payment system, and encryption must be redone until it generates a random number below or equal to This mathematical requirement is currently so difficult to satsify that it may take years for a miner using a standard computer to add a page.

Indeed, the probability of finding a hexadecimal value that meets that requirement is virtually zero 3. A miner has much more chance to win the Powerball 5. To speed up the process, miners can pool their CPU resources and can buy more powerful computers; however, the difficulty of adding a page to the ledger is adjusted over time to make sure that on average only one page can be added every ten minutes.

One may wonder why it is so difficult to add a page to the ledger. The main goal is to make the payment system more secure by preventing double spending of bitcoins. Another reason is to maintain the value of bitcoins by making sure that they are not put in circulation too quickly.

We will come back to this second reason later and focus on the first. He can do so by adding to the ledger a transaction that is fraudulent in the sense that he is overspending his bitcoins overdraft is prohibited. Given that all transaction requests are known, all other accountants could easily verify that this transaction is invalid by checking prior transactions of Mr.

To be able to cheat the system, Mr. X has to create an entirely new fraudulent ledger with all past valid transactions and a new page that includes his fraudulent transaction. But he has to do it without anybody else knowing, so he has to solve a proof of work alone. In the meantime, every ten minutes a new page is created, so by the time Mr.

X solves the problem many more pages will have been added to the non-fraudulent ledger. So even if Mr. Of course all this assumes that there are only a few rogue accountants that do not pool their computer resources together to game the system by creating an invalid block in about 10 minutes.

You will notice that so far we have not described bitcoins themselves. We merely presented the architecture of a payment system with some security features. This payment system could technically use an existing unit of account e. Is it secured and anonymous? Bitcoins and BTC come into the picture when one wonders how to reward the crucial work done by the miners.

Being a miner, beyond being an extremely tedious activity, involves some upfront fixed costs a computer and some variable costs electricity and computation time. But miners are crucial to the trustworthiness of the bitcoin payment system, so they should be rewarded.

While paying miners in dollars could be done, the creator of the bitcoin payment system—who goes under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto —wanted a system that runs on an independent unit of account with independent means of payment; hence the BTC and bitcoins. Each time a miner creates a new block by solving the proof of work, he currently gets 25 BTC in the form of bitcoins over time this reward declines.

The miner also receives a transaction fee paid in bitcoins. This transaction fee is provided by the persons involved in the transaction request currently it seems to be paid by the buyer, Mr. The more transaction requests are included in a block, the more transaction fees will be collected by the miner who solves the proof of work. In order to obtain bitcoins, one must first create a bitcoin wallet or here.

Addresses are public information but not the private key. When a miner is lucky enough to create a block, bitcoins are credited out of thin air to an address of his choosing. The creator of the payment system was frightened by this ex-nihilo creation of bitcoins, so he put constraints on the supply of bitcoins. The first one is the extreme difficulty to create a block, which makes sense in terms of security but also aims at creating an artificial scarcity of bitcoins.

The second is that the maximum amount of bitcoins is set at BTC 21 million at which time the reward for block creation will be BTC 0. Given the average rate of block creation one every 10 minutes , the maximum should be reached by the year The hope is that accountants will be willing to earn their reward for creating blocks via transaction fees only. Bitcoins can also take a physical form or here , or here that contains a hidden private key think of the hidden code at the back of a gift card.

These physical coins are representation of virtual coins and are funded via the income earned by the issuer of physical bitcoins. Thus, given the way they are created and used at the moment , they do not provide a means to bypass the BTC 21 million limit. They are just physical representations of virtual coins that are useful for people who are worried about leaving their private key online.

The creator of this system does not seem to see that this hard limit on bitcoin supply implies that, given transaction fees, the larger the number of transactions, the more bitcoins will go to the transaction payments and the less will be available for other purposes. One could avoid this by lowering the fee inversely with the amount of transactions, but that would reduce the incentive to be an accountant at the time when more are needed.

A third possibility is for a Bitcoin deflation so that more goods and services can be bought with less bitcoins; thereby leaving more bitcoins to pay the accountants. We are told that bitcoins are to be considered an alternative monetary instrument. Frankly, looking at the previous bitcoin creation mechanism, I see Easter egg hunting rather than mining.

Gold only exists in a relevant quantity only in specific geological soil so you are not going to mine randomly. Mining also requires digging and here you are merely looking around for the coveted item. Each hash basically gives you a random number between 0 and the maximum value of a bit number which is huge. If your hash is below the target, then you win. If not, you […] try again.

In addition, once you mine the gold nuggets they need much further processing before becoming coins whereas bitcoins are directly usable. Monetary instruments are financial instruments. Like all financial instruments, monetary instruments have an issuer who promises to do something in the future. There are one or two common promises embedded in monetary instruments. One is that they are convertible into something else, another is that the issuer will accept them as final means of payment from his debtors.

Bank accounts contain both promises conversion into cash on demand, and one can pay debts due to banks by using funds in a bank account. Federal Reserve notes currently only contain one promise, the government will take them in payment at anytime either directly or through the banking system in case tractability and security of payments are required. Some Federal Reserve notes were convertible into gold coins in the past. Gold coins are also monetary instruments that contain only one promise, that of being accepted back by the issuer to settle debts due to him usually a government.

Gold coins have an extra feature, they are collateralized by the value of the gold content. Note that the gold content of the coin is not a monetary instrument, and it is not what makes the coin a monetary instrument. Gold bullions were never financial instruments they contain no promise , they are real assets, i.

Given the nature of monetary instruments, they have also other characteristics common to all financial instruments. First, all financial instruments are accounting creatures. They are the asset of the bearer and the liability of the issuer. Gold coins were the liability of, e. Currency is their liability because they at least promise to take their currency from bearers in payments at any time; issuers owe that to the bearers.

That is partly how their scarcity is controlled. Second, all financial instruments have a fair value that is defined as the discount value of future streams of monetary payments. There is a wide variety of financial instruments using that formula. Given that bitcoins are supposed to be monetary instruments, they must follow the preceding basic rules of finance. We clearly know who the bearers are the lucky Easter egg hunters and the persons to whom they get sold but who is the issuer? In other words who put the eggs in the forest and is willing to accept them in payments due to him or her.

I can tell you the answer for Easter eggs: Therefore, they are not a liability, therefore they are not a financial asset, and therefore, they are not monetary instruments.

They are real assets, commodities. The same applies to bitcoins. There are commodities and people are basically involved in trading a commodity on a world scale; with much of the craze coming from China see here for a link to world map of current bitcoins transactions.

Think of international bilateral trade of Easter eggs for other commodities; it is barter on a grand scale remember people in the past who would sell their farm for a tulip…. We just established that bitcoins are not financial instrument, but let us, for the sake of argument, continue to assume that they are.

This means that they must have a fair value. Now what is the fair value of a bitcoin? For the sake of argument, we might assume that their maturity is infinite because we are stuck with them forever once they are created. This would have been different if there had been an issuer who took back bitcoins at face value in payments. As bitcoins would have come back to the issuer, they would have been destroyed like any pizza restaurant destroys free-pizza coupons that are returned to make sure they are not stolen and reused to get another pizza.

Unfortunately, nobody issued them and they are not edible like Easter eggs and so we are stuck with them. This was actually a mistake made throughout history. Kings would issue coins and never promise to take back them in payment!

Private banks issued notes that they would not accept in payments! Fair value fell and coins would disappear as people melted them down to extract the gold and sell it as bullion. Bitcoins have not intrinsic value so their fair value would dropped to zero.

The supply of monetary instruments needs to be elastic enough to change with the demand for them. They should be easy to create bitcoins are BUT ALSO easy to destroy if demand declines; that maintains the scarcity of the monetary instruments while making them responsive to the needs of the economy. Bitcoin supply fails on both sides, it is not demand driven; it is exogenous.

Currently, the only things that give bitcoins value as commodities is their utility and their scarcity. People love the beauty, spiritual meaning, and taste of Easter eggs and so are willing to pay for them.

Is there anything to love about bitcoins? People involved in illegal activities and money laundering, who have a phobia of Big Brother or who just hate the federal government, find utility in this means of payment because bitcoins allow to access the anonymous payment system. Other people who loves gambling also find utility in bitcoins. Both categories of people will be willing to pay top dollar for them given their scarcity.

One may note that what gives value to bitcoins is not that there are redeemable in dollars. What gives them value is that people are willing to pay a lot of dollars for them or tulips if you see where I am going with this: The structure of the payment system, not bitcoins, is actually what makes the bitcoin project so successful.

It is supposedly so secretive that you can trade a bunch of illegal stuff and evade taxes. Think Easter eggs or tulips for coke, Easter eggs for guns, Easter eggs for prostitutes, the sky is the limit and everything is priced in an Easter egg unit of account EE. A pound of coke EE Of course, there is a slippery slope. You can write contracts in a EE unit of account that promise to deliver Easter eggs, you can securitize these contracts, you can write contracts that bet on when the supply of Easter eggs will exactly run out.

You can write any contract you want because there is no regulation. Contracts can have the most stupid and hidden clauses in them as long as someone will swallow them in expectation of huge returns.

You did not know? They love Easter eggs on Mars! So there is a fixed supply of a commodity and a demand for that commodity is it downward sloping? Probably not because speculation can easily overwhelm the use of bitcoins as anonymous payment method. A perfectly inelastic supply curve with a volatile demand curve is a recipe for wide price fluctuations of bitcoins in USD.

Put simply, Bitcoins are purely speculative assets. There are websites that help calculate if mining bitcoins is expected to be profitable, but, as one website notes: By the way, just for full disclosure, those who organized the hunt collected a bunch of eggs before the forest opened to the public.

They made a killing as many people were waiting for them when they came out of the forest to buy the eggs at a steep dollar price. After all, who wants to go into this stinky wet forest…just give me the dammed eggs so I can go watch TV…or sell my drugs and guns, hopefully in total anonymity and security.

Is all this consistent with MMT? MMT does not state that all monetary instruments are government issued or that every unit of account must have its origin in a government declaration. Monetary instruments can be created by anybody but their capacity to be widely used will vary with the capacity of the issuer to make others willingly or forcefully indebted to him.

The state usually determines the major unit of account used and what the legal tender is but anyone can issue promises and use any unit of account they want Easter Egg, Buckaroo, etc.

Bitcoin is an intangible commodity asset — like fine art, wine or patents or other intangible property licences. The key point missing from the above analysis is that the amount of Bitcoins in circulation will likely decline over time — as people lose their access keys and the rate of mining slows down.

If you lose your private key, your entire bit coin wallet becomes unusable. People will probably lose them. Not an issue now because the amount of bitcoin supply grows, but losses will generate even more deflationary once the maximum of bitcoins has been created provided that people are still using this payment system at the time; doubtful with the current setup.

What seemed to be an insightful article on the hard economics of bitcoin turned out to be another thinly veiled attempt at condescension. I thought you had something useful for us. Tulips or easter eggs have to be in there because bitcoins are very similar to them. The article does explain how to make bitcoins sound monetary instruments. A fiat-money currency generally loses value once the issuing government or central bank either loses the ability to or refuses to further guarantee its value.

Nice try… but that which you profess to be safe, equitable and just is as flawed as you say Bitcoins are unsafe. Seems an even bet at least to give the old system a run for its money! Too many flaws that probably result from thinking of money as equivalent to gold.

We have been down that road before and it never ended well. I am also not for or against bitcoins per se. I am just pointing at problem with the current set up of bitcoins and Iam definitely against the system if it stays as it is. If one makes the bitcoin redeemable, if some regulations are included, if supply is made elastic, bitcoins will be a much more sound system. I thought they were counted as a form of equity? Are they liabilities in the sense that a share is a liability of the company that issues it?

Yes coins are counted as equity. Some argue that equity is a form of liability, but even if you leave that aside clearly coins are clearly a debt instrument not an equity instrument.

For example, your holding of coins do not give you voting power, and equity instruments have an infinite maturity only redeemed at the wish of the issuer.

US Coins are debt free money. Pennies, nickles, dimes, etc. Is that a fact? Bitcoin is a debt free entity object.

How can coins simply be called equity? That leftover is then a liability due to the owners. Payment of dividends is justified by that leftover. What might occur if the USA accepted payment of taxes in x bitcoins or y dollars, where x and y are set by tax code and not by current market exchange rates? MMT has interesting implications about the capacity of the federal government to do more to improve economic conditions for the poor. However, one ill that is eroding the balance of power between federal and state governments is the ability of the federal government to use its currency powers to effect policy that states cannot match.

State policies are restricted by their tax revenue and credit, and thus they come to depend on the revenues given by the federal government, but with strings attached. The result is an erosion of state power and independence.

While some good has come from increased power at the federal level i. Thus, I have been entertaining the idea of state issued currencies, where the power to issue currency and tax that currency resides at the state level. This kind of approach, if allowed, would re-balance power back towards states, refocus politics to local government, and a number of other,probably healthy development.

I am quite ignorant of the legality of such a power grab by the states, although slightly aware that there might past court decision that did not permit States this power. It would be a bit like during the gold standard when the government stood ready to buy gold at a given price. However, if the government accepts bitcoins in taxes, there is potential risk that the bitcoin supply would rapidly dwindle if market price of bitcoins falls below the price set by the government, all bitcoins would flow to the government unless the gov use bitcoins to make payments on the bitcoin system.

If it does enters the bitcoins system, it will require regulation etc. In terms of economics though the role of state and local government has increased dramatically not decreased! Most spending on goods and services by the government is done by state and local government not the federal governments. They are actually responsible for too many things now and their budget is too small to deal with that burden just check the crumbling infrastructures.

If you mean to exclude transfer payments from the discussion, I suppose that might be correct. However, my experience, without researching 50 states worth of data, is that my state and local taxes have always been far lower than my Federal taxes. Rather than 50 separate currencies, the Feds should give dollars to states on a per capita basis, in order to relieve some of the constraints of their monetary non-sovereignty, and allow them to afford the federal mandates they are forced to fund.

I suppose it is OK for California to pay employees with tax credit coupons in a crisis, but I wonder how spendable a Calidollar would be in Padukah? What confusion, with exchange rates and all? It would be like Europe before the Euro … oh … maybe not so bad after all. Once one had total expenditures i. These are value go to BEA to get more recent values. One has to go back before the great depression to find higher burden of government spending done by states and localities.

Hey, I just happened upon your blog. The results you get may be wrong due to the inapplicability of the model to this case. Let me make another comparison of bitcoins to gold. If you read the whitepaper, you will see that bitcoins were designed to be the first method of payment online without trusting intermediaries.

To pick one contrasting example, e-gold was backed by gold but had a single point of failure: If this central point went down — which it did — it killed the whole system. Now, the point does not have to be completely fail in order to jeopardize the system. Just a partial failure, or the risk that it can fail, introduces uncertainties. So the value of bitcoin is that sellers can accept payments without the uncertainty of:.

Here is another way to look at it: The transaction fees in addition were high, and I paid them for the convenience of easily making the payment online. With a bitcoin wallet, I can save those transaction fees and pay only one fee: Think of bitcoin miners as full-reserve banks, which they will become roughly equivalent in the limit as the returns from mining are eclipsed by the fees. But bitcoins have the value that comes from having in place:.

Here are my thoughts on the subject: Back in colonial times it made sense to do so too. Amazon will show the price in Calibucks, even if the seller is selling in greenbacks.

And tulips may have been extremely over valued at one point but they didnt end up being worth 0 when all was said and done; people still pay for them.

Billions of dollars leaving the US and other countries as remittances every year are subject to large fees. That type of coins as a face value and an instrinsic value value of gold as commodity. If king stops accepting gold coins in payment, their price will fall to their intrinsic value. That instrinsic value is the market price of gold, which varies in function of the supply and demand for gold.

Sometimes the intrinsic value went above the face value and coins would be melted down to extract the gold. Bitcoins are similar, as long as they have a utility they will have a non-zero price as a commodity given scarcity. They provide a service access to bitcoin payment system that people find valuable and I am not judging those people for that unless they are involved in illegal activities.

Put differently, with gold coins, if suddenly everybody hated gold intrinsic value of coins goes to zero , one could always at least pay the king with them. The current payment systems are similar to compact discs while bitcoin is a peerpeer network.

Another good comparison is the tech bubble. A bubble may be forming but the idea of peerpeer currencies can still have utility after a crash. Going back to the late 90s AOL was a tech giant but after the crash google went on to dominate. Remember here we are concern with moneyness of bitcoins. The point is that these are not monetary instruments, they are commodities. If virtual currency want to become more than just a fade they have to put their act together and restructure the system to work properly as monetary instrument.

One needs to make bitcoin creation more responsive to the needs of of the payment: Doing this would make the net creation of bitcoins move with desire net accumulation of bitcoins. We are getting somewhere with that. Block reward should vary with the difficulty. Writing too quickly here…. The best of both worlds. Kudos for actually investigating their mechanics instead of just looking at the price evolution and saying tulips. To me, their practical value is obvious. This opens up whole new dimensions.

This is not even counting that they seem to be the first actually working micro-payment network. Also, you seem to contradict your self. I think what he said was that as a financial asset, subject to the equations for financial assets, the value of bitcoins resolves to 0.

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