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The Evolution of a Critic : Bitcoin

The Evolution of Bitcoin/Crypto Debit Cards

What the "sweet spot" between value to miners and cost to contract users has yet to be discovered. The SOILcoin network, however, is just a machine. It is an instrument. It is a tool. One with unlimited potentials.

Ethereum was described variously as Bitcoin 2. We may have changed the overall signpost to Homestead but this is still the Wild West. This isnt a development reached by changing a few lines in a parental algorithms code and releasing a clone for the simple sake of releasing a new currency.

The SOILcoin project is the blockchain itself , and all its protocols; coupled with this is the development and repurposing of dApps built on the blockchain. Expanding it in new directions, testing its limits. There have been many cryptocurrencies released over the years, some poorly thought out, some outright scams, and some wonderful visionary projects. But it has led to a glut of special-purpose blockchains built in order to incentivize distributed scientific computing, or zerocash protocols, or decentralized storage options.

Each of these projects has merit on it's own accord, but each blockchain remains unable to simply communicate with another blockchain. Each blockchain must rely on not only building its application and features, but also in maintaining the community to mine the currency and make its engine run.

Any cryptocurrency protocol can be duplicated to run as a smart contract hosting its own token on the SOILcoin network. And these sorts of protocols, along with a host of other smart contracts, can be built to ultimately serve the needs of the Pillar Communities that SOILcoin has been built to provide service to. The added advantage of this is that each token is immediately compatible with other contracts running on the SOILnet. As disruptive as blockchain technology is, I have always been a believer in the "information should be free" mantra.

I think thats what attracted me to the open source concept of cryptocurrency in the first place. It is truly the technology of the people. And in building this programmatic global slow super-computer, we have built the foundation for building a community on top of a cryptocurrency.

Beyond being a high-end financial application, which the blockchain excels as doing, it is a network upon which anything can potentially communicate. The "Internet of Things" is creating an interactive network populated not only by computers and smart phones, but also televisions, coffee pots, clothing, drones, digital cameras, tidal buoys, streetlights, weather stations, vehicles, houses, office buildings, bridges, offshore wind and tidal farms, seaports Each, a sensor that evaluates, measures, gather data.

The SOILcoin network will be intersection of this data, taking advantage of an infrastructure that can autonomously analyze it in real time, and produce results or further actions for the end-user based on those computations. The smart contract system, which improves in accessibility every day, makes it possible to simply have these devices, as represented by their addresses and the data they provide, interact with one another The scenarios of these implementations are endless.

With SOILcoin, I wanted to build a project that focused on how to deliver these same disruptive future technologies to industries and communities outside of the direct financial technology circles.

A "Massive Global Computer" linked by independent participatory nodes, upon which one can create anything, can be truly the engine of a revolution on how we interact as a species.

The SOILnet makes borders invisible, and a community arises that is not geographically based, but spiritually so. We can harness this "potentiality engine" to build services that are dedicated to making this world a better place. Cryptocurrency has often been billed as the harbinger of the end for global poverty because it eliminates the need for centralized currency against arbitrary and regulated values. It provides global access to asset management to the "under-banked" and bypasses governmental regulation and prohibitive third-party fees.

We have a long road ahead of us, and presently, have been flying under-the-radar. We have a lot of projects building in the wings, and will be developing aspects of the SOILcoin project into the distant future. While the focus of this currency is on the end-users who essentially stem from industries without a specific connection to altcoins, we must at the same time keep our vision turned inward and maintain an informed and empowered community of users.

The SOILcoin Project is envisioned as an authentic community-managed cryptocurrency, with democratically realized stakeholder input put forth towards the further evolutions of the core protocol and its applications. The core development team maintains an adherence to an implicit dedication to verifiable transparency and professional responsibility. Source code for the project, as well as for any project the core development team is releasing, will always be maintained in our github repositories, and we will maintain a commitment to an open source, free license technology with unfettered access.

The overall decision making on core protocol issues will be achieved through consultation with the community of users, utilizing a fair voting process by the people who invest in SOIL.

This process, using a vote weighted strictly by ones wallet balance, where 1 whole unit of SOIL conforms to one vote on an issue. The SOILcoin Foundation will own the contracts that will enable the voting process to be achieved through democratic balloting as well as host such services such as digital identity registrations and "domain name" registries.

Projects released by the development team; such as SOIL-ex, our distributed exchange and BTCrelay; will be treated separately from the DAO, but in the overall scheme of things, are the property of the SOILcoin Foundation, and will be hosted on the community development servers. Should a board of directors be decided upon as a means of going forward, this Organization will host the contracts responsible for the operation of the "official" developmental entity of SOILcoin.

This is a more complex but perhaps more desirable scheme, and in a sense each director would be represented by a smart contract, combined to interact with a "board of directors" smart contract.

Any community member that wants to work on the protocols and core development projects of SOILcoin, please feel free to write me a note. Automation also assists in combating the endemic labour shortage Nursery operations rely on automation for planting, pruning, grafting, etc. Poultry farms rely on heavily automated controls to work with their flocks and herds, to run incubators, candling machines and chick sorters. Dairy farms run automated milking machines, herd monitoring and biosecurity programs.

Biomass generators using farm waste and perennial energy crops to provide electricity and fuel are becoming more and more common, IOT "food computers" invented and shard by MIT's OpenAg program, to warehouse sized "vertical farming" initiatives are changing where we grow food, and using network connectivity to micromanage each plant individually.

Concerns over our genetic modification, food sources and supply-chains are changing the way we purchase our food. A new movement is gaining momentum regarding "open source agriculture", freely sharing not only participants technological innovations, but also its business model, operations manuals and marketing materials, with the goal of creating an ecosystem of similar enterprises cooperating as a sort of bottom-up, decentralized franchise. Hyper-inclusive farm management software, run on cloud services, gives modern farmers and ranchers access to soil maps, rainfall tracking, nitrogen monitoring, crop health monitoring as well as accounting and inventory control.

Many of these processes are controlled by centralized servers which are subject to real world hardware failures which cost productivity and affect the bottom line.

By placing these sorts of applications in a cryptographically secure and globally decentralized environment, the end-user can see reduced costs compared to both on-premise servers and virtual cloud servers.

SOILcoin will, within the next few years, be capable of hosting any sort of these applications, run on a "pay-as-you-use" format, utilizing SOIL to fuel those needs, with computational costs coming in at thousandths of a penny per use. Smart contracts running on the SOILnet can potentially provide end-users with ersatz cloud farm management capabilities, managing everything from driverless tractors to poultry incubators, from seed genetic registration to livestock registries and provenance, from irrigation sensor controls to robotic nursery pruning machines controls, from rainfall forecasts to soil analysis and diagnostics.

The aim of the agriculture sector is to optimize its production processes and streamline how it uses resources such as arable land and fresh water. Bitcoin subscribe unsubscribe , readers 15, users here now Bitcoin is the currency of the Internet: You can also explore the Bitcoin Wiki: Only requests for donations to large, recognized charities are allowed, and only if there is good reason to believe that the person accepting bitcoins on behalf of the charity is trustworthy.

News articles that do not contain the word "Bitcoin" are usually off-topic. This subreddit is not about general financial news.

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Aside from new merchant announcements, those interested in advertising to our audience should consider Reddit's self-serve advertising system. Do not post your Bitcoin address unless someone explicitly asks you to. Be aware that Twitter, etc. Related communities Sorted roughly by decreasing popularity.

Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. Become a Redditor and subscribe to one of thousands of communities. This is an archived post. You won't be able to vote or comment. Bitcoin is a ponzi scheme.

Well, it's a pyramid scheme then. Okay, but you have to admit that it's highly volatile. That might be true, but pretty much everyone in it is just speculating. But Bitcoin isn't safe. Where can I buy Bitcoins? Want to add to the discussion? I'm not going to deny that.

But it doesn't make his point invalid. Thank you so much for opening my eyes. Win btc just for 5 mins! I'm also still waiting for a response from Dev, we hope the project continues with the latest updates. All he need to do is change the ticker and the logo because the logo is not ever going to go mainstream. We invite you to our free exchange to conduct transactions buying and selling and to make deposits in our system of promotion.

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