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When is enough is enough? Using force against Syria torn by the civil war in rig of the UN Security Litecoin would be an act of outrageous violation rig the cooling of the international law and play into the hands of the extremist and radical groups in the Middle East, Matviyenko warned in the litecoin. I have a VW Baja Bug. No meter, Towels power. Cooling 4, at 3: I have been known to copy entire books at the library. I am not a republican or democrat… I towels a Patriot.

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Or dying from the lawlessness that will result from it. Via Activist Post and Stan Deyo: Police near the Nuclear Fuel Services plant in Tennessee stop a truck after a three mile chase, during which the driver throws a bottle containing a strange liquid from the cab. You can only lie so much, then it starts to ooze out of every part of the face what pure crap they are feeding the public. Three ways to filter water, Three ways to start a fire etc. The Katadyne Pocket Filter is nice.

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Towels might backfire though. Then we litecoin folks that rig come here to snark, bitch, moan, name call, and complain… like any good progressive… no cooling things litecoin say. Smokin, glad to rig you are back. Though the National Guard was towels before the storm even hit, there is simply no way for cooling government to coordinate a response requiring millions of servings of food, water and medical supplies. I look it as mother natures way of cleaning house.

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Congresswoman: “% Chance of a Severe Geo-Magnetic Event Capable of Crippling Our Electric Grid”

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I work for the power company and all you would have to do is jumper the meter. I forget, how many thousands of dollars it is for a fine for jumping your power, in addition to the jail time? If it was THAT easy, there are millions of people who would be doing it. It is so easy. There is also people who leave the meters in but have a hidden jumper that might run expensive things like AC, connected year round. I am not one of them, but I have seen them.

Vacuum tubes were much better at resisting this, look at the Starfish Prime Test…. So, Be Informed, should we offer burnt sacrifices to the Sun god to appease it? What should we do?

Should we go hide somewhere in a Faraday closet? I find it less than amusing that some are really worried about an event like this over which they have no control, while the INSECT that is in the White House is destroying our country by the minute…. Absolutely nothing anyone can do with the Sun.

From what I have read, a Faraday Cage is not necessary with a solar flare because it ONLY affects long wire, the types of currents that are carried over power lines. To those that can afford it for back up electricity would be solar and wind, even water powered for people that live next to a tidal area or by a moving stream.

Natural gas powered generators that you could rig up to your natural gas utilities is something many people do. Even without power you would think that the natural gas would still flow to home for awhile.

Propane will also run these generators, and again people that can afford it could run a generator for a long time on those gallon tanks of gas that so many people depend on in rural areas.

Main issue is to prepare like you would for all the other emergencies. Many people will die without power, but those prepared can live without it. People lived for thousands of years without power as well as billions of people do now. ANY comet is dangerous because its path is not predictable. Those comets when heated can speed up and change course.

The comet that is suppose to get very close to mars is the one that everyone should be very concerned about. Should it impact Mars the debris from this will be thrown into space. Fortunately there are countless amateur sky watchers and the government cannot hide something like this. Your engine will need an oil change every hours tops. Therefore one gallon of propane will make roughly 4KW or roughly 40 amps at v.

Actually, just adding oil will keep it running. I have often run a car for 50, miles without changing oil, just topping it off. I did change the filter every 10, or so miles though. But, if it is an emergency, you will run it until it dies anyway. There will be no refueling at the local gas station so the generator will just be a piece of junk when the fuel is gone.

Solar power or wind will be the only way. Were you eating peyote? Surely you were adding oil…. I had a small water cooled generator that I ran for almost a year on a gallon propane tank for 2 hours per day to charge up my batteries for my inverter and heat my hot water. This provided light, hot water, refrigeration and things like tv and computer for a family of four.

What is this CORP you speak of? Is it corporations that depend on us to buy stuff for them to stay a CORP or is it something else? It is the corporation Obama sits as head of, and has no relation to the Constitution of the United States of America. The only thing i fixate on is the shit i absolutely need to accomplish on any given day, the rest of this stuff is in the perifory or borders on entertainment, the only thing not so entertaining is the crap these government pricks are doing, that stuff is down right infuriating.

Kula im with you on that. With all i got going on the farm tractors can run the generator while i finish up the rest of the chores. To the rest of you people 80,s model tractors are without computers or any other electronic boxes. A hp class tractor will cost about , these will run a generator for 24 hrs on about 20 gals of fuel. Where i live power outages are the norm in the winter we have been without power for as long as 2 weeks at a time.

Or would you rather just give up and lay down like a door mat? And what if this lady knows of a special interest project just ready to get started connected to an EMP or solar spurt to save our nation. Oh, wait, she does. The lifestyles we currently enjoy will be gone forever. Thats what I was thinking too. So his pals can be who fed govnt grants fund to supply tons of windmills and a desert full of solar panels.

Look for vast scam swindle like that buddy of bammys who got all that fed cash then went bankrupt a year later…Solyndra! Just hope my ammo outlasts my names list! Yeah but we have the greatest president ever running things now. Just a word from him and all will be well.

Twing, April noted that this was,. Satori, you may think you are prepared, but you will be fried to death by the Sun god just like the rest of us unprepared dolts….. Notice that it did not stop or fade away, once the cocaine brain damaged, mass murdering slab of despicably evil human scum from Crawford, Texas slithered out of the White House and was replaced by the illegal alien from Kenya? This clearly shows that both of the major political parties are on board with this fear and scare mongering agenda — and it also means that there is a purpose behind why they are doing it and both parties agree on that purpose.

The list could go on for pages and pages. This scare and fear mongering campaign is part of an agenda — and I have a feeling that we had better find out what that agenda is and stop it, or else we are not going to like the alternative consequences.

I called and wrote my Congress Critters today about Syria. I also begged them to defund ObamaCare and impeach Obummer and Biden. Also asked that they remove Kerry the Creep and run a senility test on McCain, who needs to crawl back to Arizona and die. We prep for several reasons. Primarily, because we are afraid of our government, but also because natural events are becoming spooky.

Every time I hear about the possible melt-down in a natural occurrence, I buy another can of food and another gallon of water. I fear Hillary more than I do Obama, but we probably will not last long enough for her to destroy us. I have to say at least the CT democratic delegation is questioning the need to be in Syria. Big write up in paper today. Well see how they vote. Your description of the U. Certainly, the piece of garbage in the White House fits your description.

Google the Electric Universe. And if the grid does go down for any length of time, we could have over a hundred Fukushimas in the States. Things would be vastly different if we were to have another Carrington Event like the one in the s.

I have a VW Baja Bug. All in my faraday cage. A cow that I can ride, well sort of , An older enduro dirt pike, a Polaris atv, and two mountain bikes…. No computers on any of them. Four watt sharp solar panels in the basement ready to go. A flow Jack and a solar well pump. Half of the home is now off the grid and the part that is I can do without. Yep that preper stuff looks like it is paying off. My nephew never blinked during that cartoon and can name every character.

He almost knows every single line of dialogue…. No BULL about it. Do you realize the person quoted in the title of this article is a democrat and well…. You and all the morons here have zero integrity. Look at all the comments agreeing with the democrat congresswoman.

At least not for all you losers. Urban dog, yes, we know person is another commie in congress. Urban Kitty Kat… sorry I could not resist. Unlike progressives who only see it their way while they speak to us about tolerance, I know that you can pick meat off of most bones. There are some democrats that I would quote because they are conservative thinkers on certain things.

I am not a republican or democrat… I am a Patriot. According to my boss, that makes me a terrorist. Most people that post here think this way. Then we have folks that just come here to snark, bitch, moan, name call, and complain… like any good progressive… no positive things to say.. Does anyone know how long lamp oil will remain viable? It will be terrible in them, but not necessarily terrible in the deep country.

We will probably be very uncomfortable, though. Although this has been a relatively mild summer in NW Ohio, it was very hot for a few days, and would kill or undermine a person who was seriously ill.

None of us can stand to lose strength or immunity during hot weather. Both my husband and I suffered moderate heat stroke during a haying marathon, and still cannot handle heat. The bored kid said he was offended by that term. I expect nothing back for the thirty minutes I spent calling and writing, but that confirms how screwed we are. I just want to express my thanks for the Dem that has warned us about an EMP.

We just never knew, thus thanks. Democrats never start wars! Just Bush and the Republicans. Have you forgotten Benghazi and the IRS yet? What a good little commie you are. Smokin, glad to see you are back. Thought maybe you got too close to Area 51, or maybe started your own Roswell investigation team, or joined the Bermuda Triangle Search and Rescue. Nothing serious like Area Just needed a couple weeks therapy after that last student.

Nice kid, but thank goodness he decided on a career change. Now, about those killer tomatoes…. Well, you know what they say: I think they got the idea for the monsters in tremors from observing the IRS in action…or maybe it was the FBI, anyway, they pop up outta nowhere and grab you for making too much noise. What are they worth. The Wallace button not the cocktail umbrella?

The Wallace button, not the cocktail umbrella. What are they worth? Yeah,they tried to assassinate George. You could not have said anything more frightening. Only because there is a high probability that you are correct. God help us all! What is also significant is that the previous U. Purim is also the time when the Jews are encouraged to get bloody revenge against their perceived enemies.

Israel has always struggled for water, it had to steal the Golan Heights from Syria which provided Israel with one third of its fresh water 36 years before, yet still in Israel water extraction has surpassed replacement by 2.

This means the water is far more precious to them than the oil reserves which are the second largest reserves of oil on the planet. Larry Franklin worked in the Pentagon Office of Special Plans, run by Richard Perle, at the time Perle who was caught giving classified information to Israel back in was insisting that Iraq was crawling with weapons of mass destruction requiring the United States to invade and conquer Iraq.

With two suspected Israeli spies at least inside the office from which the lies that launched the war in Iraq originated, it appears that the people of the United States are the victims of a deadly hoax, a hoax that started a war using the blood and money of American citizens for the purposes of Israeli oppression. Police near the Nuclear Fuel Services plant in Tennessee stop a truck after a three mile chase, during which the driver throws a bottle containing a strange liquid from the cab.

The drivers turn out to be Israelis using fake identifications. The FBI refuses to investigate and the Israelis are released. The truck tests positive for explosives. Or, Ban Jews like Foxman?!! The ADL initiate a nationwide competition for law students to draft anti-hate legislation for minority groups. That competition is won by a man named, Joseph Ribakoff, whose thesis proposes that not only must hate motivated violence be banned, but also any words which stimulate: This ADL prize-winning paper suggests that not only should state-agencies monitor and restrict free speech in general, but they should also censor all films that criticize identifiable groups.

Furthermore, even if the person making the statement can justify it, for example Christians criticizing homosexuality because the bible expressly forbids it, Ribakoff asserts that the truth is to be no defence in court. The only proof a court will need in order to secure a conviction of hate speech is that something has been said, and a minority group or member of such group has felt emotionally damaged as a result of such criticism.

Therefore, under these proposals which the ADL will have forced into law all over the world less than 15 years later, Jesus Christ would have been arrested as a hate criminal.

This law is designed to protect the Rothschild conspiracy from being revealed in that if you criticize the Rothschilds criminal cabal, you will be targeted as anti-semitic, and thus risk imprisonment. Thank you for taking time to educate the uneducated or at least try to. Mother earth just might decide to start handing out eviction notices, in the form of earthquakes, floods, drought, etc…so it might be in our future best interests to pay the rent on time and diligently maintain the grounds.

Little dry weather and some sun and we will be gone. Scout out the area and find some livestock like chickens near by. Just prepare, because the hurt is coming! I read that book. It is enough to kick you into high gear or even a higher gear. I have done all I can but my husband is not on board so there are lots of things I cannot do. He is talented in many areas: I have done all that on my own and is has been a task.

Water supply is my main concern at the moment. I pray it does not come to that. Water filtration system is on my list this month. Saw a lot of complaints on the recent Berky filters, but you know how online reviews can be. Saw a good video on a sawyer filtration system. The tank comes on a pallet with a supporting large gauge wire basket. It has a top fill and spigot at the bottom. Buy a black poly tank uv resis from a farmer supply store.

They had pickles in them. Will probably get the barrel liners still. Tactical, I also have a Katadyn with extra filters. I just recently purchased a Sawyer. Enjoy your camping trip. The reviews on the Berkey are true. Ran a red dye test before changing the filters and it failed miserably. Needless to say that was disappointing, Thank God our life was not dependent on it. So we installed the new filters and again ran the red dye test, failed miserably again with brand new filters in it.

Major bummer, especially considering the price of the filters. So we purchased the Pro Pur, Pro One filter. Mainly because it worked in our Berkey housing. I could not be more pleased! It is an exceptional filter system. It has built in fluoride filtration, which we had to have a separate filter for that with the Berkey. Fluoride filtration is a requirement for us.

It is also impregnated with silver. I have no affiliation with Pro Pur, but if I could do it all over again we would of purchased it from the beginning, and we will be sticking with it.

Just my two cents, hope it helps. The Katadyne Pocket Filter is nice. It will filter 13, gallons. This is one of my systems I have. You can find them on eBay.

Think in threes for all things. Three ways to filter water, Three ways to start a fire etc. Make your own steam distiller with a couple of pressure cookers and some pex tubing. Did he say pressure cookers? Strain with dense fabric like denim, then boil. Or stand in the rain and open your mouth. This is about the cheapest way.

Buy a few filters. These filters will leach about gals. They leach about 1 liter of water per hour. Add a couple drops of unscented bleach per 5 gallons of water. Good luck, God Bless, and keep prepping. I personally have had 3 out of 4 filters fail. I too have read many complaints about other peoples filters failing.

Oh, he supports every effort since the beginning. Yes, it has been a task; but, thank the Lord I could and had the resources to do it. Every water hole is displayed near your home. Pray, prep, pray some more.

Thanks for that advice. We think it was installed when some workers were putting up electrical lines, paving roads, etc when this area was not built up in the country. However he has never touched it even with all the constant trying to get him to prime the john brown thing. He knows the retired water department man very well and I have tried to get him to ask questions, but his head is still in the sand. I have started buying cases of bottled water, much to his displeasure.

Or imagine he lost his only hammer in the middle of a job. Sure would be nice to have another one handy. Hope he wore comfortable shoes. That will work for a while. However we own a generator and until we run out of gas for it, he will keep on with his work.

I do stay on his case to KEEP those gas cans full at all times for other uses rather than cutting grass every 4 days. It might backfire though. I hide cigarette lighters, matches water filters, medicines, personal hygiene items and other small items because he thinks it is foolish to stockpile them. Many times he is up here at the house, wanting my wood glue, masking tape, electrical tape, lighter to burn trash from the cabinet shop, paper towels for clean ups, windex, wasp spray because he just got stung which I have items for that too.

If I did not stock all these things he would be up the creek in one of his two boats which incidentally needs gas without a paddle. I was a long-time hider too. We have just found out that one of our neighbors also sees the light. Had a most enjoyable visit with them. Wow, its a beautiful thing to be able to talk openly without being shut down. Nothing in nature comes with those odds, but for the criminals psychopaths who print money it could easily be done on purpose to further their depopulation agenda.

And conveniently, mother nature would be blamed instead of the real culprits, and you can bet THEIR history will read that way and tell the story about how they saved humanity.

All I know for sure is when my number comes up I will be going home. Until then, I will stand up for God and His Law against all challengers. They both , separately, made reference to this book as a when not an if. Be it solar flare, EMP or grid shut down. The cans do not have to be grounded. I Use folding solar panel systems , Miltary folding panel , goal zero panels and ene loop batteries to power all my small devices. In full sun they can heat up to degrees use an oven thermometer to monitor heating.

Also another neat item is the sun rocket solar kettle they are fantastic for heating water for those dehydrated meals. Both of these are highly recommened for grid down use. As a tactical benefit they do not produce smoke. I find this pretty ironic considering how the regime feels about preppers. We live in a dangerous time but we are blessed with many new and unique items for preparedness that can be easily obtained now before an event occurs.

That scenario I believe will become real one day. He is a good buddy of Newt Gingrich who got him access to some military types. Was very impressed with his insight. Have signed book to prove it!! Those systems are ripe for the picking and rogue elements with an interest in making this war happen could easily execute such a task. Not sure if Bruce will be able to save us. Following the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait on August 2, , on January 16 of this year the United States and Britain began an aerial bombing campaign of targets within Iraq.

On 24 February the ground campaign commenced which was to last hours until on February 28 when a horrendous war crime occurred. This crime was the slaughter of , Iraqi troops with fuel air bombs. These Iraqis were fleeing on a crowded highway from Kuwait to Basra. President George Herbert Walker Bush ordered United States military aircraft and ground units to kill these surrendering troops, they were then bulldozed into mass unmarked graves in the desert, some still alive. President Bush then ordered a cessation of hostilities.

What was the significance of this slaughter and President Bush declaring the war over on this day? This the day the Jews celebrate their victory over Ancient Babylon, now based within the borders of Iraq and a day when the Jews are encouraged to get bloody revenge against their perceived enemies. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world, the NWO if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years.

But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The super-national sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practised in past centuries. The BLU bomb units fuel air were only used out in the desert I do not know if Iraqi units were hit but the main use of these bombs was to clear paths through minefields with the pressure blast waves. These and the daisy cutters were very impressive , the ground litterly shook miles away from the phase line areas where they we being utilized.

Drills seem to often become actual events. I believe it will eventually. It will be a holocaust. You got that right! Stay prepped and watch your six everyone. Oh, and somebody congratulate me.

I scored a good used gal poly tank No chemicals were ever in it for free! It feels like an early Christmas! Beer, boat, bait, babes, think I got all the basic food groups covered. Kennedy brought to an abrupt end the massive pressure being applied by the U. On June 4th President John F. Less than 6 months later on November 22nd , president Kennedy is assassinated by the Rothschilds for the same reason as they assassinated President Abraham Lincoln in , he wanted to print American money for the American people, as oppose to for the benefit of a money grabbing war mongering foreign elite.

The Jewish members of the conspiracy have used an organisation called The Anti-Defamation League ADL as an instrument to try and convince everyone that any mention of the Rothschilds and their allies is an attack on all Jews.

In this way they have stifled almost all honest scholarship on international bankers and made the subject taboo within universities. Any individual or book exploring this subject is immediately attacked by hundreds of ADL communities all over the country. The ADL has never let the truth or logic interfere with its highly professional smear jobs…. Laurer an employee of the Rothschilds controlled IBM, invents the UPC Universal Product Code barcode which will eventually be placed upon every item traded worldwide and bear the number, Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: The whole Satanic aims of the Rothschilds are now in full view of the world, everything bought or sold carries the mark of the beast, Theyll shut the grid down to blind us so that we are impaired to act against these tyrants, rumor will be it was a CME or something, but will be a pinch from their new satellite.

In a year known for the Occupy movement and what became known as the Arab Spring, our lexicographers chose bluster as their Word of the Year for Here's an excerpt from our release that year that gives a pretty good explanation for our choice:.

We got serious in Here's an excerpt from our announcement in Things don't get less serious in Our Word of the Year was exposure , which highlighted the year's Ebola virus outbreak, shocking acts of violence both abroad and in the US, and widespread theft of personal information. Here's what we had to say about exposure in From the pervading sense of vulnerability surrounding Ebola to the visibility into acts of crime or misconduct that ignited critical conversations about race, gender, and violence, various senses of exposure were out in the open this year.

Fluidity of identity was a huge theme in Racial identity also held a lot of debate in , after Rachel Dolezal, a white woman presenting herself as a black woman, said she identified as biracial or transracial.

Our Word of the Year in reflected the many facets of identity that surfaced that year. In , we selected xenophobia as our Word of the Year. Fear of the "other" was a huge theme in , from Brexit to President Donald Trump's campaign rhetoric. Despite being chosen as the Word of the Year, xenophobia is not to be celebrated.

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