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Lumina Media Player is one of the new additions for the upcoming Lumina 1. Throughout the campaign debates on the environment have often been side-lined, with the three leading candidates showing no sign of real climate leadership. Founded in , Canonical is not as old or as big as competitors like Red Hat. Of course, terrorists and religious fanatics are very real threats to a free and open society. A judge recently held that Donald Trump may have committed incitement when, at a campaign rally in Kentucky last year, he called on his audience to eject protesters who were subsequently manhandled by the crowd. The northern half of the reef was particularly hard hit in both and Cerebro is an amazing utility built using Electron and available for Linux, Windows, and Mac.

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News Roundup | Techrights - Part 28

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All answers are here. So here is Steam for Linux. One of the best things about making software collaboratively is the translations. Yeah, I know; it seems as though there are now more flat GTK themes for Linux than there are music players! ArkOS since had been working to make it trivial to deploy your own Linux web server, your own personal cloud ownCloud , and making it easy for other services to be deployed while being done so securely and easily.

As with Leap Obviously this is quite a dramatic change from the current version number of As always this was a week of free hacking, to learn, to innovate, to collaborate, and to have a lot of fun. I did want to summarize that, so here you go. Red Hat has just launched Red Hat Virtualization 4. The interesting fact is that this RC appears to be stable enough to be used for production work. You know, the one that ships out of the box and by default.

On the whole Flattiance keeps to the same color palette, with dark browns and orange accents, but it ditches the gradient in app headers in favour of a solid block. A new version of the Budgie desktop is available to install on Ubuntu. After testing out the submission process and getting some apps into the store and seeing rapid updates! I have to hand it to the elementary OS guys, they have a massive focus on design and it does look quite incredible. It is easily one of the best looking Linux distributions, which I do admire.

Their new AppCenter, for example, looks extremely clean and clear. Samsung has got many products that are powered by the Linux based Tizen Operating System, with a particularly strong focus on the Smart Home and wearable tech.

Their breeze-free air conditioners are popular, especially with summer fast approaching, and consists of the wall-hanging breeze-free air conditioners and also the stand-type breeze conditioners that joined the range last year. While closed-source operating systems such as Windows and Mac OS may still dominate the OS market, not everyone can afford the high costs that they entail. The fact that open-source softwares have evolved to become somewhat user-friendly and sleek also helps a good deal.

If you are reading this, you probably care about, or are at least mildly interested in, open source. Like you, I care about and am interested in open source. Perhaps unlike you, I am also a webcomic artist. You can find my work at Herpaderp. This is a story about how I came to use and, indeed, vaunt open source.

The story begins in when I got my first computer as an off-to-college gift. It was an iBook G4. I carefully booted it and set it up according to the manual.

I installed The Matrix screensaver and moved on to my next challenge. Recently, SAS issued a rather plaintive call for enterprises to limit the number of open source projects they use to a somewhat arbitrary percentage. That seems a rather obvious attempt to protest the rise of the open source R programming language for data science and analysis in a market where SAS has been dominant. But there is a good point hidden in the bluster: More than a decade ago, software engineer Ryan Melton spent his evenings, after workdays at Ball Aerospace, trying to learn to use a 3-D modeling program.

After a few weeks, for all his effort, he could make … rectangles that moved. Still, it was a good start. He could try to use the software to model a gimbal—the piece on a satellite that lets the satellite point. Melton wanted to build the program to save himself time, learn something new. Ball used it for some 50 flight projects and on-the-ground test systems. And in , Melton decided Cosmos should share its light with the world. In aiming to enhance online video streaming, the SRT video protocol has been open-sourced and an alliance forming around that for low-latency video.

But what caused these issues? Itis what happens when an open source component is integrated into a commercial software product and violates its open source license, or when it contains a vulnerability that was previously unknown. As technology evolves, open source security and compliance risk are reaching a critical apex that if not addressed, will threaten the entire software supply chain.

This update consists of two parts: The system, built on open source components, is set to become the default security system for all 16 federal states. After leaving the military, Army Captain David Molina knew he wanted to go into software development. As Molina did research on the field, he found himself overwhelmed by the vast amount of information and choices. What coding language is the right one to learn? What language is the most valuable for being competitive in the job market?

To add to the confusion, there are a myriad of for-profit code schools that are proliferating at an exponential rate, and each one advertises career outcomes for a fraction of the cost of a four-year computer science degree. Where could he turn for guidance on how to enter the tech industry? In early April, Stanford University began piloting a new version of its introductory computer science course, CS A. According to The Stanford Daily, Eric Roberts, emeritus professor of computer science, has been working on the transition for the past five years, writing a new textbook, creating assignments, and training teaching assistants.

Go is a compiled, statically typed programming language that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software. While it borrows ideas from other languages such as Algol and C, it has a very different character. Instead, Accept-Language should be used and the browser should provide appropriate methods at relevant times for specifying it. The widespread use of English in the country, both for tourism and for voice-controlled electronic devices, has slowly reduced the numbers of people speaking Icelandic to less than , They marched for science, and at first, they did so quietly.

On Saturday, as thousands of people started streaming eastward from the Washington Monument, in a river of ponchos and umbrellas, the usual raucous chants that accompany such protests were rarely heard and even more rarely continued. When do we want it? Scientists are not a group to whom activism comes easily or familiarly. Most have traditionally stayed out of the political sphere, preferring to stick to their research.

But for many, this historical detachment ended with the election of Donald Trump. Senator Bernie Sanders I-Vt. Although the exact number varies among security researchers, the DoublePulsar infection rate is climbing.

The tools, released to the open-source developer website Github, have been gratefully scooped up by malware writers of varying levels of competency and pimped via phishing emails across the internet.

And researchers at Swiss security company Binary Edge claim to have found , compromised PCs connected to the internet after conducting a scan for the DoublePulsar malware. Conducted every day over the past four days, the number of infected PCs has increased dramatically with each scan, according to Binary Edge.

More than three months after being informed about remotely exploitable vulnerabilities in 25 router models, Linksys is yet to issue patches to remedy them. PHP is an embarrassment, a blight upon my craft. It has paltry few redeeming qualities and I would prefer to forget it exists at all. According to the International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC , warring parties carried out at least attacks against medical facilities and personnel between March and March through intimidation, air strikes, and impeded access to medical supplies.

In one incident, anti-Houthi forces raided and shutdown Al Thawra hospital for reportedly treating several injured Houthi-fighers. The hospital had also previously been shelled on numerous occasions. In my report published April 19 on Truthdig, I misinterpreted the wind-direction convention, resulting in my estimates of plume directions being exactly degrees off. This article corrects that error and provides important new analytic results that follow from correction of that error.

When the error in wind direction is corrected, the conclusion is that if there was a significant sarin release at the crater as alleged by the White House Intelligence Report WHR issued April 11, the immediate result would have been significant casualties immediately adjacent to the dispersion crater.

In the old days of journalism, we were taught that there were almost always two sides to a story, if not more sides than that. Indeed, part of the professional challenge of journalism was to sort out conflicting facts on a complicated topic. Often we found that the initial impression of a story was wrong once we understood the more nuanced reality. Baby boomers like me fondly remember the Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoons of childhood and adulthood, for that matter — in their grown-up jokes and cultural references they presaged The Simpsons by a good 25 years and are still pretty hilarious.

You may particularly recall one Rocky and Bullwinkle character, Capt. Now at the helm of an investment firm, his board of directors wanted to get Capt. Peachfuzz as far away as possible and found him a job counting penguin eggs in Antarctica.

Police in Germany have charged a man suspected of being behind an attack on the Borussia Dortmund team bus. Rather than having links to radical Islamism, he was a market trader hoping to make money if the price of shares in the team fell, prosecutors say. The suspect has been charged with attempted murder, triggering explosions and causing serious physical injury. The event is being held for five years. The demonstrators collected the posters, which said: There are troops deploying now that were two years old when the conflict started.

There are fathers and sons deploying together. The CIA and FBI are conducting a joint investigation into one of the worst security breaches in CIA history, which exposed thousands of top-secret documents that described CIA tools used to penetrate smartphones, smart televisions and computer systems. Last week, news reports indicated that the Justice Department is considering whether to press charges against Julian Assange and WikiLeaks for posting classified information on the Internet.

As Steve Vladeck noted on Twitter, using the Espionage Act in this way would set a troubling precedent. The Trump administration is not the first to consider using the Espionage Act to prosecute those who disclose embarrassing national security information. Bush administration considered prosecuting journalists for publishing information about surveillance and other counter-terrorism activities.

At the time, I co-authored an article with Michael Berry for National Review Online explaining why such prosecutions would be a bad idea with a follow-up here. These included an ongoing investigation, national security, and the need to protect the identity of a confidential informant.

While the Bureau used these exemptions to withhold all of the materials on MacFadyen in their possession, they did reveal that at least four files mentioning MacFadyen had been transferred to the National Archives. He praised the organization for reporting on the darker side of the Hillary Clinton campaign.

It was information likely leaked by a whistleblower from within the Clinton campaign to Wikileaks. Back then he praised Wikileaks for promoting transparency, but candidate Trump looks less like President Trump every day. The candidate praised whistleblowers and Wikileaks often on the campaign trail.

In fact, candidate Trump loved Wikileaks so much he mentioned the organization more than times in the final month of the campaign alone! Numerous tools revealed in the WikiLeaks Vault7 cache have been spotted in the wild attacking targets in 16 countries and linked to a group operating since at least , Symantec claimed. Late Thursday, The Washington Post reported that the Department of Justice is reconsidering whether to file charges against Wikileaks and its founder, Julian Assange, for publishing classified government documents.

Potential charges against Assange and other members of Wikileaks could include conspiracy, theft of government property, and charges under the Espionage Act, according to the Post. The Intercept today is publishing articles from the newsletter, covering the second half of and the beginning of What I mean is, we have only a short window to deal with the climate crisis or else we forever lose the chance to thwart truly catastrophic heating. France, the birthplace of the Paris Agreement, is a week away from the first round of its presidential election on April Throughout the campaign debates on the environment have often been side-lined, with the three leading candidates showing no sign of real climate leadership.

It has also been mired in scandals over corruption claims and growing concerns of Russian interference. The loss of river system integrity and strength of its flow indubitably throws the world into utter chaos, likely leading to worldwide water wars, e.

Moreover, the list of water wars goes on and on, seemingly evermore. Sir Philip Green has been warned that he could still be stripped of his knighthood and faces further questions from MPs, one year after the collapse of BHS. The individuals the police presence targets are predominantly Black and Brown folks, many of whom are homeless or poor. Some are caught up in alleged drug violence or sex work, which are not acknowledged as a symptom of larger issues — of poverty, a lack of housing, of mental illness among others — in our community, but as the problem itself.

In our minds, the very people targeted are the ones who need the most assistance and protection. It was a display of longtime mutual admiration. The frontrunner in a field of 11 candidates, Le Pen shrugs off allegations of corruption and human rights abuses against Putin, calling him a tough and effective leader. Her hard-line views on immigration, Islam and the European Union win praise from Putin and enthusiastic coverage from Russian media outlets.

Last month, ProPublica revealed that the Trump administration had installed hundreds of political appointees across the federal government without formally announcing them. It is now expected that parliament will end all business in early May in the run up to the ballot of 8 June. May was appointed PM in the wake of the Brexit referendum of 23 June , after the country, albeit narrowly, voted to leave the EU.

Commentators argue that she needed an electoral mandate to strengthen her position and image as PM. These arguments do not go to the bone of British, European and global politics. Johnson, who is retired at age 98, does not live at the research center. One of the many irritating things about the dominant United States corporate media is the way it repeatedly discovers anew things that are not remotely novel.

His cabinet and top advisor circle has been chock full of ruling class swamp creatures like former Goldman Sachs President Gary Cohn top economic adviser , longtime top Goldman Sachs partner and top executive Steve Mnuchin Secretary of the Treasury , and billionaire investor Wilbur Ross Secretary of Commerce.

Trump has surrounded himself with super-opulent and planetarily invested financial gatekeepers — the very club he criticized Hillary Clinton for representing. Trump meets regularly with top corporate and financial CEOs, who have been assured that he will govern in accord with their wishes. He receives applause from business elites for his agenda of significant large scale tax cuts and deregulation for wealthy individuals and for the giant, hyper-parasitic, and largely transnational corporations they milk for obscene profits.

A few days later this robust pronouncement was obsolete, when it turned out that the mighty fleet was instead retreating 3, miles in the opposite direction, south to the coast of Australia. Call it the wrong-way Armada. Meanwhile, Trump had already fast-forwarded to furious denunciations of Iran.

Indeed, many of these public utterances are so garbled that they defy translation by even the most gifted linguists.

They are more like the petulant bleats of an overgrown adolescent testing out a rack of video games, blasting away at one zombie invasion after another until he tires of it and seizes on another scenario. It might be said that he practices the Man-Child theory of foreign relations: Having shared a platform with Jeremy Corbyn several times, I have to admit I had doubts about his leadership capacity.

I had none about his heart, his motives, or his intellectual capacity. My doubts were about his interpersonal skills and charisma. I had him marked down as not very sociable and even shy. I have just watched his interview on Marr where Corbyn performed much better than I would have imagined possible. He was calm, reasonable and even wise.

He came over as an attractive personality. He was, in short, excellent. Marr did the job his masters paid him to. Having stated he was going to kick off with foreign policy, did Marr then ask whether Corbyn would continue to support the Tory policy of selling weapons to the Saudis to kill children in Yemen? Would continue uncritical support of Israel and diplomatic protection of its illegal occupation?

The Pirate Party stands for justice and equality. Other surveys have previously put his approval rating as low as 37 percent. The Sun publishes an article comparing a black Everton player to a gorilla.

While the reporter denies that his piece could be seen as racist, The Sun issues an apology. How might the law deal with this situation? Was the original article racist, defamatory, ignorant or simply fair comment? For most people, the luxury of living in a relatively stable democracy is the luxury of not following politics with a nerve-racked constancy. Trump does not afford this.

His Presidency has become the demoralizing daily obsession of anyone concerned with global security, the vitality of the natural world, the national health, constitutionalism, civil rights, criminal justice, a free press, science, public education, and the distinction between fact and its opposite. Impulsive, egocentric, and mendacious, Trump has, in the same span, set fire to the integrity of his office. Trump has never gone out of his way to conceal the essence of his relationship to the truth and how he chooses to navigate the world.

In , when he was about to announce plans to build Trump Tower, a fifty-eight-story edifice on Fifth Avenue and Fifty-sixth Street, he coached his architect before meeting with a group of reporters.

Yes, we know that reporting on legal issues by mainstream publications is bad, but the reporting on this particular case is so bad that over and over and over again it directly states, or at least implies, things that are simply not true. Over and over and over again, the press has taken fairly mundane and expected aspects of this lawsuit and taken them out of context, misreported them and generally suggested they meant things they absolutely did not.

And, of course, every time, the reporting has made the President look bad. And, amazingly, these all refer to the same exact case. The New York Times reported last year that Facebook had developed a tool that would let third parties censor the social network as part of its attempt to gain entry into the market. And, because of that, it certainly appeared that Customs and Border Patrol decided to use illegitimate means to get the info. Specifically it sent a 19 USC summons, which is an investigative tool for determining the correct duties, fees or taxes on imported goods.

As you can see, identifying a Twitter user does not seem to fit into what that law is for. It began as routinely as any other passenger flight. But none would ever make it to their destination. About 14 hours after its departure, the plane was cruising at around 35, feet not far from the north of Japan when it was shot out of the sky.

The plane had veered off course and for a short time entered Soviet airspace. Soon, tensions would escalate to a level not seen since the Cuban missile crisis, which 20 years earlier had brought the world to the brink of nuclear war. LinkedIn has apologized for a vague new update that told some iPhone users its app would begin sharing their data with nearby users without further explanation.

After completing the standard audit, our state and federal tax filings are available. We publish all of our related tax documents because we believe in transparency. For years now, psychological and sociological studies have been casting doubt on the idea that communication dissolves differences.

The research suggests that the opposite is true: It is also, the evidence indicates, one of the truest. During her career as a Massachusetts lab chemist, Annie Dookhan has admitted to making up drug test results and tampering with samples, in the process helping send scores of people to prison. Her work may have touched some 24, cases. Convicted green card holders can also become eligible for deportation, and employers might deny someone a job due to a drug conviction on their record.

His blog, The Daily Panic, had a considerable following and was known for poking fun at politicians in the nation of some , Sunni Muslims. In this age where having more people knowledgeable about computers and programming is important for future innovation, these kinds of scaremongering reports do a hell of a lot of damage. Lots of really smart techies got their programming chops started by messing around with video games.

Leaving the matter to voluntary pledges and the Federal Trade Commission, on the other hand, would be precious close to having no safeguards at all. Ed Markey in decrying potential changes to so-called net neutrality rules at the Federal Communications Commission. Markey met with executives of 14 major companies, including General Electric Co. The anti-net neutrality crowd prefers a system in which, much like airlines, a monopolist entity can dominate a market deciding service levels and fees.

Of course one of the big issues in net neutrality is giving this oligopoly the ability to set up a multi-tiered system for delivering Internet services. Another way to look at it would be institutionalizing slow Internet. Thanks to a bunch of ill-informed idiots on YouTube posing as Kodi experts and shady vendors looking to make a quick buck off our backs and take advantage of gullible people, Kodi is generally portrayed as a piracy platform.

Meanwhile, Team Kodi takes all the heat. Add to that lazy article authors on several news and media sites and we have the perfect storm. Sadly, for many article authors, hearsay is actually a credible source and click bait their living.

Geoffrey Mock of Duke Today writes: To borrow from Cole Porter, Tchaikovsky did it. Even Robert Johnson and Ray Charles did it. Creative masters all, they each appropriated music from others in their works and were borrowed from in turn. Posted in News Roundup at 8: Linux is a free operating system that anyone can download and install on their computers. With that in mind, this post will draw your attention towards all the advantages you can expect to encounter. With a bit of luck, you will leave this page with a better understanding of Linux and why you should consider it for your computer network.

The best thing to do is try it out for yourself. Besides displaying your programs, the desktop environment includes accoutrements such as app launchers, menu panels and widgets. In Microsoft Windows, the desktop environment consists of, among other things, the Start menu, the taskbar of open applications and notification center, all the Windows programs that come bundled with the OS, and the frames enclosing open applications with a dash, square and X in the upper right corner.

The Linux Gnome desktop environment, for instance, has a slightly different design, but it shares all of the Microsoft Windows basics — from an app menu to a panel showing open applications, to a notification bar, to the windows framing programs. Code name for Ubuntu Let me start by saying that I am actively using a Linux-powered laptop as my primary laptop right now, and I have been doing so since early February.

The following sections describe my current, active environment. It sounded like Docker was trying to share its internal processes for building Docker from components donated to the community. Despite having access to ever more efficient and powerful hardware, operations that are run directly on traditional physical or bare-metal servers unavoidably face significant practical limits.

The cost and complexity of building and launching a single physical server mean that effectively adding or removing resources to quickly meet changing demand is difficult or, in some cases, impossible.

Safely testing new configurations or full applications before their release can also be complicated, expensive, and time-consuming. Now, the foundation has hired its first executive director, Mark Hinkle, who had been vice president of marketing at the Linux Foundation. Hinkle will work to expand the foundation and articulate priorities. This is the long-in-development effort by Jerome Glisse that would benefit CUDA, OpenCL, and more by allow device memory to be transparently used by any device process and for mirroring process address space on a device.

Only three days after releasing the Linux 4. Considering the fact that nearly three days had passed since the release of the Linux 4. We are happy to announce GNU Guile release 2. Cerebro is an amazing utility built using Electron and available for Linux, Windows, and Mac. It is open-source and released under MIT license. You may have favorite video editor to edit your videos but there is no harm to try something new, its initial release was not that long, with time it made some great improvements.

It can be bit hard to master this video editor but if you are not new in this field you can make it easily and will be total worth of time. There are many ways to upgrade your Linux Kernel using Synaptics, command line and so. If you want to test new fixes in the Linux Kernel then you can install Mainline Kernels released by Ubuntu team but mainline Kernels are intended to use for testing purposes only so be careful. Recently, the team behind the popular open source video editor has made its third point release available which happens to come with a couple of exciting new features and tools, so here is a quick guide on where to find them and how to use them.

Boostnote is an open-source note-taking application especially made for programmers and developers, it is build up with Electron framework and cross-platform available for Linux, Windows and Mac.

Being programmers, we take lots of notes which includes commands, code snippets, bug information and so on. It all comes in handy when you have organized them all in one place, Boostnote does this job very well.

It lets you organize your notes in folders with tags, so you can find anything you are looking for very quickly. After more than three months, the major and stable Wine 2. Call of the Tenebrae. Both will see Linux support on May 25th.

Everyone loves the desktop operating system. People customize their Linux or Unix desktop with themes, wallpapers, killer configuration and more. These customizations show you how cool your desktop can be!

Now you can also play your video directly from the notification when rendering is finished. Some crashes that happened when moving clips around on the timeline have been corrected, and the DVD Wizard has been improved.

Since we missed by a whisker getting updated PIM kontact, kmail, akregator, kgpg etc.. We were just a bunch of nice-looking guys and girls hanging wifi routers over the windows and trying not being intimidated by an unceasing rain when we had the Brazilian KDE Summit Akademy-BR in Praia do Forte BA back in Well, that excuse is about to expire. When I started arkOS back in late , I was moved by the idea of creating a new and innovative software stack and operating system that could bring self-hosted server applications to a wide audience.

The vision has always been the same: This project has spawned many different ideas and micro-projects from many different developers including myself, and has helped contribute I hope! Manual update files can be obtained from the downloads page. Debian developers continue making progress with a — currently unofficial — port of their Linux operating system to RISC-V.

Devuan, the effort to build a systemd-free version of Debian, has released Devuan Jessie 1. Our April gift to you is the long-awaited release of Devuan Jessie stable release candidate 1. If all goes as planned, this will be our first Devuan stable release and our first long term support LTS release as well. Earlier this month we heard of a new Ubuntu Server installer being worked on and it was dubbed Subiquity. Now that the We are now ready to get feedback from a wider audience.

Apparently, the recently released Ubuntu operating system So, it survived 7 years, almost. Sure the desktop may have had its flaws, but compared to the GNOME3, the foundation of which Unity was heavily relying upon, Unity was a much sensible desktop shell to use. That is at least my judgement after using it for all these years. It has nothing to do with the recent announcement. No hidden symbolism or nostalgia.

Simply put, some of the old issues seem to have been ironed out, with the focus on hardware support, speed and some rough edges and papercuts here and there. However, the live session is uber-boring, the multimedia stack is a bit weak, and some of the default applications are just useless, thank you Gnome.

Oh, you still cannot right-click to create new files. Someone needs to have their laptop confiscated for life. Well, if you like Ubuntu or feel like testing, Zesty offers an improvement experience compared to the last several releases. This is a welcome change, and could signal a fresh breath of hope that is so desperately needed.

Now, your turn to play. This Zesty Zapus release is a good start for any new user to choose Kubuntu as daily OS for personal and collective purposes. I list here one official download link and two faster mirrors from Sourceforge.

I hope this short list helps you. Asus has now made available their first release of the Android operating system on the Asus Tinker Board. At the Vault storage conference, Amir Goldstein gave a talk about using overlayfs in a novel way to create snapshots for the underlying filesystem.

Thus he turned to overlayfs as a way to add snapshots for XFS and other local filesystems. NEXT3 has a number of shortcomings that he wanted to address with overlayfs snapshots.

Though it only had a few requirements, which were reasonably well supported, NEXT3 never got upstream. It was ported to ext4, but his employer stuck with the original ext3-based system, so the ext4 version was never really pushed for upstream inclusion. It is five days left until foss-north , so it is high time to get your ticket! Please notice that tickets can be bought all the way until the night of the 25th Tuesday , but catering is only included is you get your ticket on the 24th Monday , so help a poor organizer and get your tickets as soon as possible!

Containers are basically a way of isolating tabs to their own profiles profile-per-tab, if you like. OK the first results are in from the OpenStack community naming process for the R release. The winner at this point is Radium. Today, April 21, , Collabora was proud to announce the official release of Collabora Office 5.

Today we released Collabora Office 5. That means all updates, including security updates, will be unavailable on PCs with brand new hardware running the two older operating systems. The hacking group known as Shadow Brokers claims to have released National Security Agency malware designed to break into Windows computers. The software could make millions of Microsoft users vulnerable to malicious parties.

This is the same powerful toolkit Uncle Sam used once upon a time to hack into and secretly snoop on foreign governments, telcos, banks, and other organizations. The ShadowBrokers, an entity previously confirmed by The Intercept to have leaked authentic malware used by the NSA to attack computers around the world, today released another cache of what appears to be extremely potent and previously unknown software capable of breaking into systems running Windows.

The software could give nearly anyone with sufficient technical knowledge the ability to wreak havoc on millions of Microsoft users.

Some of the released documents describe tools to take over entire phones, allowing the CIA to then bypass encrypted messenger programs such as Signal, Telegram and WhatsApp.

Other documents outline how the CIA has used the U. North Korea showed off what appeared to be at least one new long-range missile at a military parade Saturday, as tensions simmer over the possibility of a military confrontation between the U. Ivanka, our Park Avenue Electra, did it. The obscene photos made Donald squirm. His eyes even moistened.

Then he began to tremble with rage. I only worry about the business. Are your brothers really up to it on their own? But these military actions take on a new gravity considering the vast and secret powers Trump inherited. Never give robots guns. Guns are for killing. Robots make quantised decisions, not analogue ones. The quanta reflect the programming, and the programming arises from the approximation and modelling of a human view.

The northern half of the reef was particularly hard hit in both and Bleaching has spread across miles of the reef this time around.

Yext provides the software for companies to update their information on all of those sites with one click. The official, John Callinan, said on Thursday: The remarks by Mr Callinan, the second secretary-general at the Department of the Taoiseach, were delivered at a Brexit seminar organised by the trade unions Impact and Siptu. And although Stephens has been hailed as an anti-Trump conservative, he and Trump share a very significant belief that defies reality: They both deny the existence of climate change.

It must involve something ubiquitous, invisible to the naked eye, and preferably mass-produced. And the solution must require taxes, regulation, and other changes to civilization as we know it. Ayyadurai has retained the lawyer Charles Harder in this lawsuit, and Harder has been successful in getting another media property, much larger than Techdirt, to go bankrupt and be sold off in the face of a number of similar lawsuits.

Ayyadurai has opposed these motions. There were documentary filmmakers who made five films and all of them were banned. However, I think the ban for A Lonely Woman made the film popular. Even though it was available only on illegal underground VHSes and in a terrible quality, it had a bigger audience than it would without the ban.

Later, my brother-in-law was able to steal a film reel of A Lonely Woman from the corridors of the Polish television building and Huub Bals, the first director of the International Film Festival in Rotterdam took it to Netherlands with him. There he made a 16mm copy of the film which I could screen at festivals.

The legislation is not only technologically unworkable, it violates the First Amendment and significantly burdens consumers and businesses. Hackers and security experts are raising alarm over a massive cyberweapons dump that they say underscores the danger of government spy agencies developing intrusive surveillance tools.

This means that any computer-savvy individual could download the tools and hack into any of the millions of personal Microsoft computers worldwide. In recent weeks, two events have deviled the digital-privacy community and online commentariat. Later that month, Congress voted in favor of S. Maybe your parents snooped around an email account when you forgot to log out.

Maybe photos you thought were private ended up online. Maybe you got hacked. I am incredibly excited to be able to share some amazing news with you today. For the last few years, Private Internet Access has been a dedicated supporter of the freenode project and we are delighted to be able to announce that freenode is now officially part of the PIA family.

Confronted with opposition from a powerful and diverse coalition, Assemblymember Jim Cooper has pulled his legislation, A. EFF joined over 60 civil rights organizations, technology companies, and school community groups in fighting A. The unrelenting, principled opposition to this anti-privacy bill stopped it from reaching its first committee hearing.

So throughout the discussion of the survey results, we present the case studies of a parent, technology director, system administrator, and school librarian. Word that President Donald Trump as well as some of his family and associates may have appeared in National Security Agency NSA intercepts as masked and in some cases later unmasked identities has caused a great deal of sturm und drang in the United States.

Hackers released documents and files on Friday that cybersecurity experts said indicated the U. The release included computer code that could be adapted by criminals to break into SWIFT servers and monitor messaging activity, said Shane Shook, a cyber security consultant who has helped banks investigate breaches of their SWIFT systems. The documents and files were released by a group calling themselves The Shadow Brokers.

Some of the records bear NSA seals, but Reuters could not confirm their authenticity. Microsoft said it received between 1, and 1, FISA orders for user content between January and June of , compared to between 0 and during both January-June as well as the second half of O said on Thursday it had received at least a thousand surveillance requests from the U.

Sensenbrenner did not address the fact that the privacy rules would have let customers make a choice about whether their data is tracked and used. Without such rules, customers may not even be aware that they have a choice. Tor is extremely popular after a bunch of laws restricting usage of Internet and enforcing the lawful interception procedures obliging ISPs to store all metadata for 3 years, and the traffic — even though encrypted — for 6 months.

Carrie Medina sued the city of Portland in early after an officer seized her camera and ended her livestream of an arrest two years earlier. It contains some choice highlights in law enforcement overreach and the assertion of nonexistent authority. Speaking at a BJP meeting organised on the occasion of the Ambedkar Jayanthi, Naidu also hinted that Telangana s recent proposal to hike reservations for certain sections may not be constitutionally valid.

President Trump seemed visibly moved by the suffering of Syrian civilians in the wake of a brutal chemical attack in the country that killed over 89 civilians. However, there are far more effective ways for him to alleviate their plight than with military action that contravenes the Constitution. With the few that survived, he managed to stay at home in Qansahdheere, in southwestern Somalia. Six years on, as Somalia faces yet another humanitarian disaster, Hassan and his family have fled to Mogadishu hoping to find aid.

Legal, political and security restrictions and limited funding are restricting the access of international aid agencies to parts of the country, including areas controlled by the Islamist armed group Al-Shabab. Every day thousands of people like Hassan are moving into urban areas under government control, where international assistance is more likely to arrive.

According to the United Nations, just under half a million people have fled their homes since November largely because of the drought, many arriving in Mogadishu and Baidoa, a town at the epicenter of the crisis. This incident raises a multitude of practical, moral, and constitutional questions. Collecting bodily fluids from a toddler to gather evidence against an adult member of the household is simply unreasonable. Second, catheterization of anyone — adults and children alike — is an incredibly invasive procedure that should only be employed when absolutely necessary.

Additionally, the compelled production of bodily fluids is a search under the Fourth Amendment, which, absent consent, requires a warrant supported by probable cause. In this case, the DSS conducted the search without a warrant, without legal justification, and without judicial oversight.

Chattanooga, Tennessee has the fastest, most affordable internet in the United States. Many of the rural areas surrounding it have dial up, satellite, or no internet at all.

Chattanooga wants to expand its network so these rural areas can have the same Gbps and 10 Gpbs connections the city has. On April 3, Trump signed in to law Senate Joint Resolution 34, nullifying broadband privacy rules that were to take effect at the end of , and preventing the FCC from introducing similar rules in the future.

This leaves Internet users in the United States with little recourse if their Internet service providers ISPs want to collect and even sell information about their Internet activity. By , more than half of all broadband customers in the United States purchased from a single company, in part due to monopolization of broadband offerings. The right to use the Internet without fear of indisciminate bulk surveillance is an important aspect of software freedom.

That actually was yesterday. Anywho, the latest version of Denuvo is being used on several recently released games, out since January, with much made about how those games were once again taking quite a bit of time before cracks for them appeared in the wild.

This week, however, things took a familiar turn for the DRM unicorn. Posted in News Roundup at 3: Container management software vendor Rancher Labs announced the general availability of its RancherOS 1.

Over the years, there has been a lot of mixed information as to what Linux cloud servers actually mean. This article aims to clear the air once and for all with a concise explanation while providing you with a list of Linux cloud server resources from which you can investigate for yourselves. As a company grows and scales, the systems that it builds and runs grow in complexity and require more sophisticated on-call practices.

While there is no universal approach, there are industry best practices for setting up on-call and incident response at any and every size.

Gravitational, maker of a software-as-a-service support system built with Kubernetes, has released the latest open source iteration of a key part of that system. Building the Simplest Possible Linux System. Like Bird, Opdenacker bemoaned the lack of progress, but said there are plenty of ways for embedded Linux developers to reduce footprint. These range from using newer technologies such as musl, toybox, and Clang to revisiting other approaches that developers sometimes overlook.

In his talk, Opdenacker explained that the traditional motivator for shrinking the kernel was to speed boot time or copy a Linux image from low-capacity storage. Why, then, have so many networking companies been so eager to bypass the Linux kernel — or more specifically, the Linux kernel networking stack?

What could be so wrong with the networking packet arteries in the Linux kernel that motivates so many of us to bypass them? There are two main reasons. First, the kernel networking stack is too slow — and the problem is only getting worse with the adoption of higher speed networking in servers and switches 10GbE, 25GbE, and 40GbE today, and rising to 50GbE and GbE in the near future.

Second, handling networking outside the kernel allows for plugging in new technology without the need to change core Linux kernel code. In order to get Mesa With the DRM driver features settled for Linux 4. They managed to squeeze out enough voter participation and yes-votes to approve the changes to the membership agreement. As usual, Intel has heavy participation by X. One of the immediate requests that usually comes in with each new Ubuntu release is a comparison of the Linux gaming performance when trying out the different desktop options.

Wireshark, the open-source and cross-platform network protocol analyzer designed for network analysis, troubleshooting, development and education purposes, was updated today, April 13, , to version 2. I was gifted a copy some time ago thanks oldrocker99! Steam has been on Linux for a few years.

Since it landed many video games, including mainstream titles from big-name publishers, have found themselves on Linux. This is all great for the average consumer, as one of the biggest deterrents to switching to Linux is gaming support. They see the commercial-gaming platform as a detriment to their software freedom, as it brings a lot of DRM. As a result of this, many people who love video games on Linux have had to go without.

This list offers five good alternatives to Steam? Tribal Pass is essentially an endless runner split into different levels, where you control a group of people rather than a single person. This group can be split up and merged back together with a click of the mouse. So if you come across bridges over a river, you may need to split them up to cross it. I warn you, it will suck endless hours of you life away. It takes out many features from other famous distros like GUI from fedora, drivers from Ubuntu and many others.

The website of blackPanther OS states that: The First public version was 1. Since then, the development is continuous, every year a new version is released. The last stable version, v I must confess that I am not a real fan of Plasma 5. This dual application support is provided by new security enhancements as well as several innovations emerging from the Kubernetes upstream community.

It enables upstream projects to build, test and deliver latest and safest container images, everytime and effortlessly or with minimal efforts. Pairwise-generated test suites cover all combinations of two therefore are much smaller than exhaustive ones yet still very effective in finding defects.

This technique has been pioneered by Microsoft in testing their products. For an example please see their GitHub repo!

Red Hat is expanding the application workload reach of Kubernetes in the latest version of its OpenShift Container Platform. The latest version, 3. Red Hat is an open source solutions provider. Under the deal, IBM will develop private clouds for its customers with the aid of Red Hat technology.

Red Hat got access to Ceph software through its acquisition of Inktank in Until today, Ubuntu Budgie was known and distributed as budgie-remix, so this is its first official release as an Ubuntu flavor endorsed by Canonical. Because of this, the Ubuntu Budgie team had a lot of work on their hands during the past six months to remove everything related to the old budgie-remix name, as well as to made other necessary changes.

Ubuntu creator Mark Shuttleworth will once again be the CEO of Canonical as the company reduces its staff and narrows its focus to profitable projects. Not even talking about Ubuntu, but talking about open source in general. Shuttleworth will return to the post he vacated in in favour of a more hands-on role. The world works in mysterious ways, and, sometimes, things will turn out in your favor.

Canonical announced the release of Ubuntu Server Thus if you were an Ubuntu Canonical, through Marco Ceppi, was pleased to announce the general availability of Kubernetes 1. Ubuntu has the best release names in the business. Ever since , each new version of the Linux-based OS has come with an alliterative code name, comprised of one adjective and one animal.

Now, 12 years after the fun started, Canonical has finally reached the end of the alphabet, releasing Ubuntu version The first, version 4.

Along with the release of the Ubuntu The Raspberry Pi computer can be used in all kinds of settings and for a variety of purposes. It obviously has a place in education for helping students with learning programming and maker skills in the classroom and the hackspace, and it has plenty of industrial applications in the workplace and in factories.

Rampant imitation is making it easier to write up these new hacker board releases. One of my favorite manufacturers of high-quality, reasonably priced, Linux-friendly audio equipment is Schiit Audio. I recently noticed they have a new gizmo at the low end of their product line, the Fulla 2, and I decided to purchase it.

Basically, this is a DAC and headphone amplifier all in one unit, meaning it covers Step 2 and a part of Step 3 as I mentioned previously, and also adds some interesting additional features.

The example uses a Raspberry Pi connected to an evaluation board. A cheap Sigrok-based logic analyzer let him troubleshoot and debug. If you think FPGA development is expensive, think again. An iCEStick is even cheaper, and would probably work here, too. Great news for our photography lovers as the Candy Camera app has finally hit the Tizen Store. I say finally, as this is one of the most requested camera apps for the Tizen platform.

Candy Camera has many great features and below I will describe some highlighted features-. Without strong centralized governance mechanisms, different implementers can take the code in many different directions to the point where different versions of the software are no longer compatible. If governance mechanisms do not provide incentives for OSS collaborators to maintain compatibility i.

If Android, like Symbian or UNIX before it, splits into many different non-compatible versions, app developers will be disincentivized from writing Android applications because the time and expense of maintaining multiple different versions of the same app will become cost prohibitive. Remaining developers, facing a fragmented Android platform, may avoid incorporating new Android features present on only a fraction of Android devices. This risk will be magnified if developers start to see the underlying platform as unpredictable going forward and could lead to death spiral, where the platform becomes less useful over time, and begins to shed users, which further disincentives app developers from developing applications for the platform.

Given that an operating system without software is relatively useless, a world where many different versions of non-compatible Android is available is not better for competition or consumers. Sales of Android devices in urban China accounted for The research firm found that sales of Android devices had risen 9. The market share of iOS devices fell sharply to Users choose for themselves which instance they want to join and select from a host of privacy and anti-harassment settings.

Oh, and the character limit is , not In essence, Mastodon is an experiment in whether individually moderated communities can make a social network like Twitter more civil.

A worldwide enthusiastic representative FLOSS as Stormy is, have public encouraged contributors to share experiences about their communities around the world. Following the suggested structure, here are some experiences that I can make you know. Hope you do not mind to check every single link I pointed out to the words throughout this post because it has more posts of the job we do in Lima, Peru.

The open source router, currently in version 2. For one thing, there is a series of mini-conferences running in and around ApacheCon that you will not want to miss. We spoke with Mark Thomas, Apache Tomcat committer and Senior Principal Software Engineer at Pivotal, about one of these mini-conferences, TomcatCon, to get a feel for what participants can expect from this event.

TomcatCon offers a range of presentations to help users expand their Tomcat knowledge in areas such as networking, security, performance, and deployment, and it provides users and developers with the opportunity to discuss the current Tomcat roadmap and help inform future development. We asked him some questions, to not only get better knowledge about his daily activities, but find out his opinions about The Document Foundation and LibreOffice.

IT infrastructures at government administrations all over Europe are largely based on proprietary, closed software from Microsoft. With digital systems constantly growing in size as well as importance, countries are becoming increasingly dependent on this single American corporation. Investigate Europe, an international group of journalists, has investigated the current situation and the consequences of this vendor lock-in.

The results, they say, are alarming. The service is exceptional among similar trip planners worldwide in that it is based on open-source code.

Open access aims to make entire publications publicly available, and that is meeting considerable resistance from traditional publishers who derive their healthy profits from charging for subscriptions.

Rather than continue to tackle publishers head-on, an interesting new project seeks instead to liberate only a particular part of each article, albeit an important one. The new Initiative for Open Citations I4OC seeks to promote the unrestricted availability of the list of citations that form a key part of most academic articles…. When Ultimaker, a manufacturer of open-source 3D printers headquartered in Amsterdam with an office in Boston, announced recently the global availability of the next generation of its 3D-printing product line, it promised professionals unprecedented freedom of design.

Open-source 3D printing has become popular, particularly in the desktop printing market, according to John Kawola, U. This re-translate all can be used for getting better performance, quicker warmups, and more. This experimental feature will likely go on by default in HHVM 3. Though salaries overall remained flat, most tech pros 61 percent reported receiving a salary increase in and 9 percent reported a decrease, according to the survey.

Increased compensation is the most common motivator employers provided to tech pros in 18 percent , followed by flexible work location and ability to telecommute 14 percent and more interesting and challenging assignments 12 percent , according to the survey. Gathering operational data about a system is common practice, particularly metrics that indicate system load and performance such as CPU and memory usage.

This data has been used for years to help teams who support a system learn when an outage is happening or imminent. When things become slow, a code profiler might be enabled in order to determine which part of the system is causing a bottleneck, for example a slow-running database query.

While operational data is an essential part of supporting a system, it is also valuable to gather data that helps provide a picture of whether the system as a whole is behaving as expected. For many programmers, the attractions of working from home are obvious. Working from home, assuming one can maintain a certain discipline, offers a tranquility seldom found in an office.

By adding an extra, in-person step to the process of obtaining a vaccination waiver which allowed a child to forego the necessary vaccinations , Michigan quickly and significantly boosted its vaccination rate, as Kaiser Health News reports. Those friendly snowplows and your sidewalk-shoveling neighbors are spreading an astounding volume of salt, and it has to go somewhere once it melts.

Tobacco companies, and people complicit in their business, are responsible for the deaths of six million people a year, equivalent to the number of Jewish people killed in the Holocaust.

Tobacco companies have developed insidious tactics to stay relevant. Global health matters are entering into the Group of Twenty G20 agenda under the German presidency of the group, which started in December This week, a professor from the Graduate Institute of Geneva explained how health has become part of the G20 agenda.

Answering a question about the best outcome for health of the G20, Kickbusch said on a declaration level it would be a strong commitment for the SDGs and universal coverage. On a practical level, she added, it would be desirable that the action plan that might emerge actually commits to financing the establishment of IHR capacities in developing countries. There are so many issues related to legalization of marijuana in Canada, I scarcely know where to start.

Perhaps the best place to look for reason in all this is to consider why marijuana was made illegal in the first place. After all, alcohol and tobacco are almost certainly more harmful but legal. Eventually, farmers could benefit from marijuana as they used to. As a child I used a rope made of hemp in a swing in the maple trees in my yard. Hemp is a valuable fibre from the plant. I see nothing wrong with people having some pleasure from their meals rather than sucking tar into their lungs.

In a few months, publicly trusted certificate authorities will have to start honoring a special Domain Name System DNS record that allows domain owners to specify who is allowed to issue SSL certificates for their domains.

The reason for this is to limit cases of unauthorized certificate issuance, which can be accidental or intentional, if a CA is compromised or has a rogue employee. An unpatched vulnerability in the Magento e-commerce platform could allow hackers to upload and execute malicious code on web servers that host online shops. The flaw was discovered by researchers from security consultancy DefenseCode and is located in a feature that retrieves preview images for videos hosted on Vimeo.

Such videos can be added to product listings in Magento. The DefenseCode researchers determined that if the image URL points to a different file, for example a PHP script, Magento will download the file in order to validate it. Australia is sleep-walking into a confrontation with China. The United States is at a critical moment. Having exported its all-powerful manufacturing base, run down its industry and reduced millions of its once-hopeful people to poverty, principal American power today is brute force.

When Donald Trump launched his missile attack on Syria — following his bombing of a mosque and a school — he was having dinner in Florida with the President of China, Xi Jinping.

For backstory, Congress passed The Government Accountability Act of that required annual audit on government department budgets. This bill was passed to resolve the previous accounting mistakes made in Surprisingly, the DoD is still unable to implement the measures over 20 years later. With the exception of DoD, all the other departments have reported their budgets since the bill was passed.

The 21, pound weapon was developed over a decade ago, but was never used due to concerns of possible massive civilian casualties. The Pentagon said it used the weapon on an ISIS-affiliated group hiding in a tunnel complex in the Nangarhar province. The group, according to the Pentagon, is made up of former members of the Taliban.

It was decided that the civilian harm greatly outweighed the military gain. The CIA, along with Saudi Arabia, assisted and funded the mujahideen and other foreign fighters to fight the Soviets and Soviet-aligned Afghans throughout the s, resulting in a prolonged, brutal war, and spawning thousands of radical jihadists for years to come. Now that President Trump is bashing Russia, not resetting relations, the mainstream U. In February, after Donald Trump tweeted that the U.

Although these are heady days for pavement-pounding urbanists, a record 2. In a world where the airlines record-smashing profits comes from a small number of increasingly luxurious first-class seats, the entire focus of the industry is on figuring out how to convince just a few marginal customers to spend more for one of those profit-centers instead of deadheading in coach.

It is modern feudalism, happening in a slow motion crash as we watch, aware of what is coming down, but at first unwilling and likely now unable to stop it. Incredibly, the paper still has not corrected this egregious error in its online version. Hiatt and his team at the editorial page have no qualms at all about making up nonsense when pushing their positions. Okay, so yesterday we had too few workers and today we have too many because of automation. These arguments are complete opposites. The one unifying theme is that the Post is worried that we are being too generous to the poor and middle class.

In turn, this would grab the attention of digital and traditional media who would write about those issues at length and generate tens of millions of dollars of free media and bucket loads of engagement.

More than a third of teachers say their students have cited false information found online, according to a poll by the NASUWT teaching union. Others expressed frustration over students refusing to believe news they had seen on Facebook and other social sites was not true, even when the problem was explained to them.

Each day it seems they find fellow party members something Trump to direct their hate at. As I pointed out back in July of , U. That was been clear from his long Congressional record of voting with the neoliberal, dollar-drenched Democrats and accepting their seniority-based committee assignments. It was clear when he came out to Iowa City in December of to give a speech so focused on the terrible Republicans that a professor had to remind him that corporate and imperial Democrats are a problem too.

It was clear when he decided to the run for the U. The email encourages faculty members to make no distinction between words and physical violence. Technology and social media advances empower the public in China, but they also empower the censors.

Wang joined the FT Chinese team about seven years ago. At the festival, she gave insights into how the advancement of technology since then has been used by the Chinese government to control the information accessible in the country. The three people concerned are only able to voice their criticisms of the monarchy and government because they live outside the country — it would obviously be far too risky to do the same inside it.

It will doubtless be just as futile. The state considers every citizen rational enough to make serious, life-affecting decisions like who to vote for at 18 , who to marry at 21 , what career to choose, investments to make etc. The change sparked international outrage. Although the court reversed course days later and reinstated the National Assembly, public unrest has continued, forcing public officials to confront the economic and political crisis that has been ongoing since Inflation has not fallen below 50 percent since It exceeded percent in , and reached percent at the end of President Nicolas Maduro has repeatedly blamed the United States for the downturn in the oil market.

The sign is meant to present Harvard as a welcoming place: The inspiring message pulls on the heartstrings of students passing through Harvard Yard as they walk to class.

You almost believe it. You almost believe that a school which promotes such a message would never allow anything to make a student here feel otherwise. It recently formed with the intention of bringing controversial speakers to Harvard as a way to promote free speech.

By inviting these speakers, students are meant to engage in dialogue with people who have opposing viewpoints as a way to understand their opinions and bridge the partisan gaps between polarized groups in order to foster greater community.

The new organization brought controversial professor Jordan Peterson to campus Monday, despite backlash from other student groups. On Monday evening, new student organization the Harvard College Open Campus Initiative hosted its first event on campus. The group, which consists of a small number of students who have come together to promote free speech on campus by bringing controversial speakers, is itself nonpartisan but has scheduled more conservative speakers so far, as it believes that these are the perspectives which are not adequately represented on campus.

Baghaei served as vice president to former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Ethiopia, an American living in Maryland had his family computer infiltrated by the Ethiopian government. Agents sent an infected email that made its way to Mr. The spyware took control of the machine, making copies of every keystroke and Skype call, and sending them back to Ethiopia as part of its crackdown on critics.

A new set of documents purportedly lifted from the U. The company said Friday that the documents were dated and denied that any customer data had been affected. In a first for TheShadowBrokers, the data includes PowerPoint slides and purported target lists, suggesting that the group has access to a broader range of data than previously known. This will be a short review of my experience.

Instead, viewers will be forced to watch the on-demand episode and all of the ads, even though consumers thought they saved the show on their DVR. The story of Dina Ali Lasloom is the story of a struggle that feels as insurmountable as it does desperately urgent.

This is a story of religious theocracy meeting royal patriarchy. It is the story of Saudi womanhood, denied. Twenty-four-year-old Dina left Saudi Arabia full of hope. Most year-old women the world over dream of the usual things young women do at that age: But Dina just wanted to be. Have you ever felt utter, total, and overwhelming helplessness? For Saudi women, such a feeling is a matter of law.

They feel it every day. In Saudi Arabia, they are the permanent legal wards of the men in their lives. Powerlessness is a state of being for Saudi women, who lack the lawful agency to study, marry, divorce, work, or travel without formal permission from their father, brother, husband, or son.

It is enforced by the system. And the system is a total and absolute religious monarchy. Or for that matter Afghan and Indian lives—, but only care about the greenbacks. Two young Algerians, a girl and a boy, recently lived through a nightmare. Following a simple kiss and a hand on the shoulder, the couple found themselves under arrest.

In several Western European countries, some politicians want to force imams to deliver sermons only in the official language: To justify this requirement, two rationales are cited.

Some say it will function as a counterterrorism strategy. Others say it will promote the social integration of Muslims. A few appeal to both lines of reasoning. Social media has irrevocably changed the nature of friendship, in that we now split our time between virtual relationships and real ones. Now a big new study adds to the growing body of research on the fallout of our socializing online: The more we use Facebook, the less happy we feel.

Shakya, who studies public health at the University of San Diego and led the new study, told the Harvard Business Review. In , we selected xenophobia as our Word of the Year. Fear of the "other" was a huge theme in , from Brexit to President Donald Trump's campaign rhetoric.

Despite being chosen as the Word of the Year, xenophobia is not to be celebrated. It was a year of real awakening to complicity in various sectors of society, from politics to pop culture.

From our Word of the Year announcement:. Our choice for Word of the Year is as much about what is visible as it is about what is not. We must not let this continue to be the norm. If we do, then we are all complicit. Everything After Z by Dictionary. Change It wasn't trendy , funny, nor was it coined on Twitter , but we thought change told a real story about how our users defined Tergiversate This rare word was chosen to represent because it described so much of the world around us.

Bluster In a year known for the Occupy movement and what became known as the Arab Spring, our lexicographers chose bluster as their Word of the Year for Here's an excerpt from our release that year that gives a pretty good explanation for our choice: Privacy We got serious in

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