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Data can also be acquired live through bitstamp's pusher API which is what I'm doing right now. High Frequency Quote Spam for example. Reuse this content About The Economist. It usually takes from 30 minutes to 1 hour to activate your subscription. Liquidity Suppliers and Liquidity Demanders Traders perform two different roles with regard to liquidity. The left hand side contains the top 10 best bids from parties interested in buying a specific amount at a specific price.

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Feb 1, at Note that special care should be taken to separate 'real' data from 'noise' and 'spam'. If order or book parties insert orders at the same bid or ask price, then the orders are ordered according to arrival time. Blue means little volume, chart to Green, Yellow, bitcoin finally, Red to indicate 10000 large quantity of volume. Log in or sign up in seconds.

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Would you like to answer one of these unanswered questions instead? Email Sign Up or sign in with Google. Get bitcoin historical data [closed] Ask Question. I want to do my own bitcoin chart. I saw also Bitcoincharts, but I think it's limited to data values. Would you suggest me any framework or system to work about it?

Cod1ngFree 3 13 Lykegenes 1, 1 10 Data can also be acquired live through bitstamp's pusher API which is what I'm doing right now. After indexing bitstamp for a day, I downloaded the bitstampUSD.

Lykegenes What is the second column? The values are in the range 0. Beware of big gaps in bitcoincharts. Where can I get data for Litecoin, Ethereum or other important coins? Max Lawnboy 1 Sean 4 4. Link only answers are not encouraged on SO. Also he is looking for a way to retrieve data, not only the data itself. You're right, I should have been more comprehensive in my answer.

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Using a time-series store such as InfluxDB would be a nice improvement. The below is a C approach to getting live data: I have written a java example for this case: Which coins saw big price gains in January?

Data shows it wasn't a great month for the more name-brand assets. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission has issued a new checklist as part of the "heightened review process" it's developing for virtual currencies.

Feb 1, at Down to a two-week low, Ripple's XRP token is taking a beating amid a broad losses across the cryptocurrency markets. Regulators want cryptocurrency exchanges to know who their customers are — but that requires these companies to collect very sensitive information. Jan 31, at Italian Economy Minister Pier Carlo Padoan warned on Wednesday that cryptocurrencies are dangerous, but that blockchain technology is not to blame. Which do you think will be live first? I would like to receive the following emails: Blockchain — What is bitcoin?

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