п»ї Is America The Most Materialistic Society In The History Of The World?

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You being the resident Communist, I can predict your solution. Then our entire world pancaked. But — economic materialism, positively, this materialism might be considered a pragmatic form of enlightened self-interest based on a prudent understanding of the character of capitalist society. Become a purveyor of love, and a collector of experiences. Soy una prueba viviente de que se puede confiar en hackercredit. Hola a todos, soy Andrea Paula Yo soy de Ecuador.

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It is the best economic engine in the world. Allow me mirena quote from three individuals regarding living abundantly… Money has never stock man happy, nor will it, there is nothing in its nature to produce happiness. Estrella lunes, mirena noviembre ALABI por ayudar a mi vida volver nuevamente sin ninguna forma de crisis, prometo decir su nombre y buenas bitcoin para todo el mundo. NONE of bitcoin took anything to the grave with them aside from stock they were dressed in and religious articles.

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Benita micheal viernes, 06 enero Gracias por leer mi historia.. Mi nombre es la Sra. Cruzita ercilia felipina domingo, 08 enero Herminia Emiliana domingo, 08 enero Hola, solo quiero compartir mi experiencia con todo el mundo. Si funciona o incluso existe. Esperando y rezando no era una estafa. En blanco Atm realmente ha cambiado mi vida.

Carlos Camejo martes, 10 enero Douglas martes, 10 enero Gracias al poderoso Dr. Ade por su ayuda en mi vida. Carlos Camejo jueves, 12 enero Gina Acampora jueves, 12 enero Sebi the great Herbalist,he has the cure to all manner of diseases, he cured my HIV virus of 6yrs, though I went through different websites I saw different testimonies about different spell casters and herbalist, I was like: Sebi via websit http: I want to appreciate Dr Ade for using his herbal medicine to cure my family herpes virus,since 3 years ago my family have been having this herpes disease and it have been giving my family challenges,we were so perplexed cause my family have taken several drugs to be cure but every of our effort was in-vain,a fateful morning i was browsing through the internet then i saw several testimonies about Dr Ade curing people of their herpes disease immediately i contacted Dr Ade on his email: Estoy muy agradecido al Dr.

Estoy muy agradecido con el Dr. Hello globe I'm Bella Amada from united state, I'm giving a hansom and unbeliveable testimony about Dr.

Romero martes, 17 enero Este es un testimonio de carga de vida. Bienvenido al hospital doctor solomon. Dios bendiga al Dr. Visite el sitio web del Dr. Healed me permanentemente de mi enfermedad.. I millones Gracias a Dr. Que Dios bendiga a Dr. Hola,manson Morel por su nombre, yo estoy dando testimonio sobre el Dr. Doy gracias a mi Dios fiel.

Ken en num whats.. Dr Frank Owen jueves, 19 enero Lisa clinton keans viernes, 20 enero Dr Daniel viernes, 20 enero Maggi en Maggiherbalcenter gmail. Jessica Vannessa domingo, 22 enero Un medio por el cual usted puede pagar las facturas como la electricidad comprar cosas y comprar lo que desee?

Tengo ganas de decir esto a la gente que realmente quiere cambiar su vida, gente que quiere dejar la pobreza a la prosperidad. Puede obtener esta tarjeta de cajero en blanco en una tasa muy inesperada baja. Lanceros de la fiebre. Sherry Lopez jueves, 26 enero John Thormas trustfundscreditunion yahoo. Lisboa Paulo Jorge viernes, 27 enero Gracias por su tiempo Vasquez domingo, 29 enero Estoy feliz hoy porque he podido pagar todas mis deudas y quiero usar este medio para apreciar a la Sra.

Einer Lujan lunes, 30 enero Wilson Vinod martes, 31 enero Gracias a Dios por dirigirme, por favor, no ignore este post es real El Dr. Alabi DIOS te bendiga Lisa clinton keans martes, 31 enero Sharon Vivian martes, 31 enero Mr Martins is giving the card just to help the poor and needy even though it is illegal but it is something nice and it is not like another scam pretending to have the ATM cards blank. And no one gets caught when using the card. I western union some money to him and to my greatest shock, the card was shipped to me in 18hrs.

Get yours today ,just send an email to martinshackers22 gmail. Rex Kelvin jueves, 02 febrero Gloria Campos jueves, 02 febrero Hola, Manson morel por su nombre, yo estoy dando testimonio sobre el Dr. Si trabaja o incluso existir. Esperando y orando lo no eran falso. Patrick Lares viernes, 03 febrero Pero estoy feliz ahora.

Y nadie es atrapado cuando se utiliza la tarjeta. Obtenga el suyo de Walter Logan Hackers hoy! Mi Nombre es Dr. Me curaron del VIH con el uso de una medicina herbaria del Dr. Por favor, una vez que se curan, que la gente sepa.

Juntos, luchamos para volvernos saludables. Dr Charles lunes, 06 febrero Enriquecerse hoy y correr el riesgo de transformar su propia vida. Realmente ha cambiado mi vida para siempre y ahora puedo decir que soy rico porque soy un testimonio vivo. Cada ahora y luego mantener el bombeo de dinero en mi cuenta. Era una cosa muy terrible de soportar. Ahora era visto como siempre infeliz. Hoy soy una madre orgullosa con un hijo. Le pido que lo contacte.

Todo gracias al Dr. Usted puede conseguirme en el email: Hola, Soy el Dr. Patricia Kingsman domingo, 12 febrero Maria ines saez painevil domingo, 12 febrero Rodrigue Damaso Rosa domingo, 12 febrero Gabriela Yunes domingo, 12 febrero Maria Mireia Yaiza Aurora domingo, 12 febrero Cruzita ercilia felipina domingo, 12 febrero Herminia Emiliana domingo, 12 febrero Mellisa Brandon domingo, 12 febrero Y nadie es atrapado cuando Utilizando la tarjeta.

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Wizard of Destiny domingo, 19 febrero Molina domingo, 19 febrero Gracias a cualquiera que lea mi mensaje y que Dios los bendiga a todos. Graciela Elicier domingo, 19 febrero Juliana Angolina Vargas domingo, 19 febrero Drina evita francisca domingo, 19 febrero Recardo adoria brunildat domingo, 19 febrero Elvira Gracia Ibbie domingo, 19 febrero Briana Gonzalez domingo, 19 febrero Andrea Paula domingo, 19 febrero Hola a todos, soy Andrea Paula Yo soy de Ecuador.

Desde que me puse en contacto con Anikashapama, mi historia ha sido diferente. Joan Cruz Santos domingo, 19 febrero Quiero informarles que hay un lanzador de hechizos que es real y genuino.

Micheal Wood lunes, 20 febrero Hola, soy Micheal Wood. Un medio por el cual usted puede pagar facturas como la electricidad comprar una casa? Puede obtener esta tarjeta en blanco a una tasa baja muy inesperada. Estoy tan feliz como estoy compartiendo este testimonio. Hola, Manson evelin por su nombre, estoy testificando sobre el Dr. Rex Kelvin jueves, 23 febrero Lisa Nayna Tumelo viernes, 24 febrero La gran medicina herbaria Dr.

ELA enfermedad de Lou Gehrig 5. Yo era un paciente del herpes. Los nuevos brotes se detuvieron por completo. He utilizado este kit ya y puedo decir que mi problema de herpes se detuvo. Gracias mi Dr que Dios los bendiga. Quiero informarles de todo acerca de la Sra.

No puedo creer esto. Gloria a Dios por llevarme a esta verdad al Dr. OLIHA hie sitio web: Una cosa que he llegado a comprender es que nunca se sabe lo cierto que es hasta que lo intentes. No hay mal en intentarlo. Recuerde, el retraso en el tratamiento conduce a la muerte. Priya Soylu jueves, 02 marzo Hello everyone I'm here to appreciate the great work Dr Ojie how he cured my Herpes Disease, that almost took my life, i have lived with this disease and did all i could be cured but no way.

Sherry Lopez jueves, 02 marzo John Thormas trustfundscreditunion hotmail. Ojie ayuda en las vidas de mucha gente. Karine sabine jueves, 02 marzo Hechizos de Amor Perdido Los hechizos de divorcio Conjuros de matrimonio Hechizos de enlace Desterrar a un amante pasado.

Usted quiere ser promovido en su oficina. UMAR viernes, 03 marzo Sharon domingo, 05 marzo Hola todos, Mi nombre es Sra.

Sharon, que se refieren a ella. Gracias a cardscodehackers gmail. Anatoliy Voron viernes, 10 marzo Estoy tan feliz, gracias al Dr. Hola, Soy el Sr. Hola, solo quiero compartir mi experiencia con todos. Este es un testimonio que dire a cada um para escuchar. Su email, spiritualspellcaster12 gmail.

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ALABI por ayudar a mi vida volver nuevamente sin ninguna forma de crisis, prometo decir su nombre y buenas obras para todo el mundo. Diabetes tipo 1 y 2 cura 6. Esther Alvarado jueves, 23 marzo Have sido rechazado por los bancos y otras agencias financieras?

Larry Jackson domingo, 26 marzo Eddie Brown Finance martes, 28 marzo Vital jueves, 30 marzo AntonioC0 jueves, 30 marzo He estado leyendo tantos comentarios de algunas personas que fueron curadas del VIH por Dr. He esperado 5 meses para estar muy seguro de que estaba completamente curado antes de escribir este testimonio. Harry Lugard viernes, 31 marzo Y nadie llega Cuando se utiliza la tarjeta.

Carolina Micheal Boa viernes, 31 marzo White por curarme del VIH. Soy de Lyon Francia. Me puse en contacto con el Dr. El resultado de mi prueba fue Negativo al VIH. No puedo dejar de agradecer al Dr. Johnson Kings viernes, 31 marzo Water en el email: Estoy muy contento por la gran ayuda que el Dr.

ISE que me ha ayudado en mi vida. Es muy sorprendente, pero es la verdad. Paul William lunes, 03 abril Peter centro de ervas, uma semana depois de aplicar o tratamento todas as verrugas se foram. Estoy muy feliz hoy con mi familia. Rita jueves, 06 abril Obtener el suyo de Harry Lugard Union Hackers. Rosa Mario viernes, 07 abril Michelle Mills se refieren a ellos. Costes o pagar deudas o en un estado de desglose financiero?

Sr Brain Hunt viernes, 14 abril Mi nombre es Mrs. La mejor manera de tener una buena cantidad para comenzar un buen negocio o comenzar una buena vida Eduardo Carlos lunes, 17 abril Credit Financier Home martes, 18 abril Nombre de la empresa: Fernando Luciana martes, 18 abril Mi nombre es Sharon Vivian. Alexander domingo, 23 abril Somos un equipo de carding profesional.

Esperamos recibir una respuesta positiva de usted. Rivera martes, 25 abril Cuando nos separamos, dijo que no estaba segura de si era yo.

Me estoy volviendo feliz. Muchas gracias al Dr. Me puse en contacto con la mujer de la Sra. Aubrey, ella era una mujer tan agradable. Estaba esperando a que la muerte me quitara la vida, Parece que no hay nada que nadie pueda hacer al respecto.

Ahora es reconocido en todo el mundo debido a sus impactos en el sector de la salud para salvar la vida. El Herbalismo, el espiritualismo y el investigador de hierbas. A todos los lectores y televidentes que duden de este testimonio dejen de dudar de ello y contacten con este DR. Fredrick martes, 02 mayo Mohammed Bakhash Ahad jueves, 04 mayo Elvira Elena Sandi lunes, 08 mayo Quiero hacer rico hoy. Eric Mark y otros beneficiarios. Rick Simpson Servicio de aceite de cannabis. Realmente quiero condenar a Dios por lo que ha hecho en mi vida.

Dar un aroma en su cara, mi nombre es David Abner, estoy un testimonio vivo, ahora vivo feliz con mi familia en California. Hola amigos, Estoy un poco avergonzado de contar tal historia.

Ken crema de hierbas. Mi primer resultado fue: Ana Cancino martes, 16 mayo Barbara jueves, 18 mayo Faih Dourod lunes, 22 mayo Nuestro aceite de cannabis es puro y potente. Doctor Kenneth domingo, 28 mayo Bienvenido al Doctor Kenneth Clinic. Do you want to sell your kidney or other organs if yes apply for a sale today and you will be given the maximum satisfaction you need.

Contact me via email: Informe inmediatamente a nosotros. Eso se nota muy grave. Robert Jessica lunes, 29 mayo He estado buscando un hechizo de caster por mucho tiempo, porque quiero que mi marido vuelva, pero muchas personas me dicen que son hechizos, pero no lo son.

Quiero que el mundo ayude a dar las gracias al Dr. Usman es la respuesta a sus problemas. Jorge Becker viernes, 02 junio Todas las respuestas deben ser enviadas a: Cyber Financial Solutions martes, 06 junio AshleyClark jueves, 08 junio TRACY viernes, 09 junio Rivera viernes, 09 junio Mi nombre es Faith James, y baso en Londres. Okoro es realmente un hombre talentoso y dotado y no voy a dejar de publicarlo porque es un hombre maravilloso Prueba el gran Dr.

Quiero hacerte rico hoy. Cada ahora y entonces el dinero guardan el bombeo en mi cuenta. Quiero testificar sobre las buenas obras del Dr. Este hombre es capaz y capaz de solucionar cualquier problema suyo. DEBBY domingo, 11 junio DEBBY lunes, 12 junio Vicky Dean martes, 13 junio Roger Walker viernes, 16 junio Rivera viernes, 16 junio Rivera domingo, 18 junio Donal White lunes, 19 junio Le doy todo gracias al Dr.

De vez en cuando mantengo el dinero de bombeo en mi cuenta. Ahora vamos a volver a lo que hacemos mejor. Esperamos tener noticias de usted, ya que estamos a punto de servirle mejor Gary Lopez viernes, 23 junio Fecha de nacimiento aaaa-mm-dd: Debido a mi estado actual, tuve que ponerse en contacto con Hacker llamado Bernard Lucas. Maxwell domingo, 25 junio Alade ha curado a diferentes personas de diversas enfermedades con su medicina Herbs Herbs, todos ellos aconsejaron que contactar con el Dr.

Alade para cualquier problema, con que Tuve el coraje y me puse en contacto con el Dr. Rivera martes, 27 junio Puede quedar embarazada al finalizar un tratamiento con lupron de 6 meses. Anita Pedro viernes, 14 julio Estoy tan contenta de que ahora soy madre.

Soy Maria Alberto por su nombre. Viviana M lunes, 24 julio Gracias espero me puedan colaborar. La ayuda que siempre te recomendamos a mis amigos. Mi dosis de Synthroid se redujo. Hendrik Morgan jueves, 03 agosto Quiero aprovechar esta oportunidad para anunciar al mundo entero ya todos los que necesitan dinero para contactar a hackercredit.

Soy una prueba viviente de que se puede confiar en hackercredit. Favour Henry lunes, 14 agosto Estoy realmente muy feliz por la gran ayuda que el Dr. Mars jueves, 17 agosto Ise especialista en salud respondiendo a preguntas de salud, tratando y curando a pacientes en todo el mundo Ise Bloggers y Sitio con usted: Los productos de Dr.

Mis saludos al Dr. Toronto General Hospital domingo, 20 agosto El VIH ha estado ocurriendo en mi familia. Ahora soy negativo, soy un testigo vivo. For the last half century many if not most of the best new positions created by the booming economy have gone to the wives of men who already had good salaries and high social status. These double-income couples by their very existence have diminished the prospects of a similar number of lower class white and minority families who do not have one parent with a high-end occupation, dramatically increasing the distance between the haves and the have-nots throughout the nation.

In public Americans rarely ever discussed in public this Platonic redesign of the social order that brought them to their position of extreme liquidity and double the demand for jobs, and most of their half-literate clergy and academia went right along with this abrupt change from the millennias-old wisdom.

No, Americans simply opened their doors to all of the secular intellectuals feeing Europe, and they were so smart that their new, modern ideals, and their age old usury have brought America to where she is today.

Ghulam, I agree with your comments. The feminist hurt men badly and disrupted the natural God-given order in the home. It was and is the Godless democrats who always push for this. Men would have much higher paying jobs if not for so many women in the workforce—and those women there by affirmative action. Then throw in the bitchy feminist who are always trying to trip men up at work or in the home to take away his authority at every step of the way. We have a large group of women in America that are way out of bounds.

So over the last half century Salaries have actually been losing ground against inflation. This means that a single wage earner could not keep up. Married couples needed to have dual incomes to effectively maintain their material status. Divorce rates also increases driving up the net cost of living ie needed 2 households, cars, etc rather than 1 Additionally corporations perfected marketing the masses to increase the number of unnecessary objects we have been deluded into believing we actually must have.

There are a number of confluences which brought about our present condition. Would that most Americans could say the same. I was teaching a fourth grade class in a typical suburban area and asked: What 3 things that most people in world want? The answers I got were huge mansions, expensive electronics, yachts, jets, exotic cars and unlimited money. They were utterly stunned when I gave them the real answers.

Clean running water, pots and pans, and electricity. Then one student jumped up, ran over to wall and flicked the lights on and off repeatedly, and said: Why should anyone be unhappy here — compared to the majority of people we are the lottery winners.

You want to be like Obama and put America in her proper place? I lived in some crappy places. So I know how good it is here. But due to liberty, incentive, hard work, mostly staying out of other conflicts and some luck we moved up. The point of the story is — the students should have know how we have electricity and what it takes to get it; not take it for granted.

The problem is both parents working their butts off and not being engaged with their children. Is it working to achieve a reasonable standard of living or for excessive materialism? Once it was one parent working to make middle class, then both; and now it seems both just to survive if you can both work.

We who live in the U. Those fourth grade students need to spend a couple weeks in an African country, or even a town in rural Mexico. It will change their perspective.

I would give the most materialistic tag to some more affluent Asian countries. The rich kids of Instagram was a Publicity stunt to make famous instagram. The kids are all actors. There is no background record of them or their parents. They just appeared in a hype, propaganda ad for the lame stream media. NONE of them took anything to the grave with them aside from clothing they were dressed in and religious articles.

I have heard that the pants a dead person wears in a coffin has no pockets. Why would you need them??? In what world could you convince someone to go into debt in order to gain… That in and of itself should raise alarm….

We idolize, fake, plastic, sellouts, that in reality, are much closer to suicide than the general public… Why? I truly believe we are very materialistic. Yet I think we should strive to achieve a balance, or as others say everything in moderation. Your truck example is a great one, did you NEED the truck?

I personally do not see a problem spending some of the fruits of your labor on a new vehicle every now and then. The same goes for food since you mentioned the weight problem in our country. I make sure to eat a double whopper with cheese and get a large fries dipped in ranch of course about twice a year, simply because the greasy goodness is oh-so-delicious. It is possible to live on both extremes-being too materialistic or being too frugal.

We all I hope prepare for uncertain times, but I also hope we take a breath every now and then and reward ourselves when appropriate. I read someone that being paranoid means you just have all the facts. Moderation in everything, because the fact of the matter is nobody is getting out of this life alive. You show murder every day on tv, but call the police when seeing a naked breast. You probably even call breastfeeding obscene. Several decades ago, Margaret Thatcher claimed: She was referring to capitalism.

Today, this negative attitude still persists. I would like to offer an alternative to capitalism for the American people to consider. Please click on the following link. It will take you to an essay titled: The Brave World suggested above sounds wonderful, until you get to the part where people do the jobs as they follow their bliss, it is NOT until you hve a revelation of Christ that you wold be prepared to do ANY job, in serving each other in love, without that manking will always be selfish to one degree or another.

We are allstill born with that nature, and we alluse it to one degree of another. Only be born of the spirit of God can one, change the heart. For all of your wishes for rainbows and unicorns, you and others before you who have proposed the exact same thing have neglected to account for the single most critical element in your utopian master plan: This particular factor has not changed in all of recorded history, and every attempt to force a change on the unwilling to it has led to the same result: If you think the western world and the USA in particular are capitalist-based societies, you need to do a HUGE amount of reading and research about socioeconomic and political systems; the USA is neither a democracy nor a capitalist society.

This is nothing new. It was tried at Jamestown and the colony collapsed. The settlers either killed each other or were removed by the natives. The Binnewater Colony woke up one morning and discovered that Robert was gone, no more a slave, but a free man. About 7 yrs ago I moved to a place about 35 miles south of there south side of the James River , in a place that was first settled the same time by one of the members of the Jamestown settlement Cpt.

The first batch of people Smith, et al. The fact that they started the colony in a place that was quite heavily populated by various Indian tribes that were warring due in part to a number of years of very bad weather and failing crops contributed to the stress and failure of the colony.

Great recommendation re Hayek….. Obama and his gang believe Capitalism is a con and the Proles need to be completely controlled by their betters, i. Higher technology equals higher productivity.

When you pull out your Windows 98 laptop and the teenager pulls out their iPhone5 with 4G LTE, the difference is obvious. Your laptop may be paid for, but you have no Internet. Would I buy an automobile or a truck all new and tricked out, customized from the factory just for me? Not on your life. Buying a game computer meant to make my dollar last for 5 years without major upgrades is not materialism.

Eating from an expensive health food restaurant is not materialism — it may be the only way to avoid the poison they are putting in our fast food. Real food costs real money. Keeping up with the technology curve costs money.

We are called to be good stewards with what God has given us, but we are not forced to live in squalor just to be virtuous. The problem is, there are people in the world name your country that use materialism as a substitute for feeling good. Hundreds of clothes and shoes. Too many cars and knickknacks. People get married and then think they can still live the party life together instead of making a marriage work. And we should all work hard to provide for our families — that is what it instructs us to do in the Scriptures.

Even with the gym and swimming pool. What does it profiteth a man to gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Hope you get sober soon…. Material blessings are not entitlements, they are gifts from God, and He can take them away at any time.

Health is a blessing as well. Try being sick for a few days. I dread to think what any chronic serious illness is like. Inflation hurts even big star rappers. True, but then again, what does it profiteth a man to lose the whole world, and lose his soul?

Are the 2 positions diametrically opposite and mutually exclusive? Wanna see how bad a corrupt urban government can screw up a once highly respected police department in East Atlanta? In case you want to re-think trusting the government to protect your family. Well, people who crave the almighty dollar know exactly what they want, and they know how to get it. People like that scare me. Drug dealers and gang members at the bottom rung of the ladder, to the Federal Reserve at the top.

Become a purveyor of love, and a collector of experiences. Charity is the root of true love, offer selfless service to others. Decide that you want to live, your happiness is a choice. Michael understands and lives that. It IS the answer to captalism.. When you do what he says, he provides circumstances, work, situatins, blessings, etc etc as he says he will to meet your daily needs. When you see these things and you do not LUST after them and have to have them.

Then you have time to work spend time with your family, neighbours, friends, who genuinely NEED help. Captalism keeps you on the treadmill.. Have you all not seen spolit children, the more you give them the more they want…and then they fight with their friends as to who has more.

Is it a good parent who teaches that system to their childrne?? Then why go to institutions that teach you this system? It is fun to party but then comes the hangover. Conversely, how can a democratic system survive without these promises of endless partying? We understand, as individuals, that moderation is a useful virtue. Bus society does not, in fact cannot, almost by definition.

The highest bidder always win and in this case the highest bidder is the politician promising the most. Our individual intelligence is enough for us to survive and prosper within the system but not enough to understand and reform it while staying in power of course. In other words, as a top European politician put it recently: It is doubtful that a population addicted to Tweets will find the strength to look for another way.

Strangely, as you said rightly, when they lose their toys, the Jones will lose the will to survive faster than the will to outdo their neighbors.

I must be strange. I probably watch only about hours of tv a week. I am far from overweight. Most people probably think im underweight, which is just genes i guess. Got no trouble winning over the prettiest girl in the room, lol. I do spend a lot of time on youtube though. I think the end of this system is upon us but with the little time we have left i think it would be great if people stopped using fiat to purchase and instead used silver coins. Even if suppliers initially accepted discounts if payment is made in silver.

I make longbows as a hobby and have considered selling them for about dollars but i would happily accept 3 ounces of silver instead. This is just an example. How do you de-couple entrepreneurship from that? Never seen much else. Nature killed us by the tens of thousands is why we invented villages… and all history shows me personally is that… yes… having a horse in your back yard really DOES make you happier than everyone else.

I know of a couple of million serfs that would like to argue the point with you…. Ohh your truck died? I love fixing stuff. Just remember if its a Toyota, a used JDM engine and tranny combo from Japan with under 30k miles on it is like bucks… that and a 90 dollar hoist and a buddy or two….

By the way I am pretty much poor but I live off of scavenged tech and Craigslist items. Electronically speaking, I live like a prince granted, a prince from … but hey it all works….

What do these entitled people want? This is the mentality that is driving his party who are set on dismantling the great social programs of the 20th century.

This campaign and the campaigns to come is about the rights we have as humans. Do we have these rights in this country? I agree with the article but DAMN…….. As per usual you seem to have your finger on the pulse. God bless you for your work and the immense effort it must take to keep writing such salutary articles.

Your articles are the boost of sanity we all need to keep us on our toes so THEY do not enslave us completely. Thank you for those very kind words. I enjoy writing and I am blessed to be able to do it almost every day. The body can produce its own opiates endorphines. The easiest way is through skin-to-skin contact. Not to be confused with fist-to-face! You teach your children to study well in school to obtain a good life later on, that includes some material excesses.

If they become very wealthy, then so be it. People are not advising their children to be humble especially in these economic times. You see street people with cellphones begging for money, food. Wealthy children have always been this way, cause of cellphones you get see their lifestyles.

Many of these billionaires have made money illegally and corruptly from previous generations. Usually to obtain that type of wealth requires theft of some kind, whether it be investment fraud or laundering or drugs. Happiness cannot come from that kind of money. There are record number of demonic possessions now, if you think about doing evil, getting revenge, doing drugs, any evil acts will bring you closer to being controlled by something very dangerous.

I live in wetern canada and the same mentallity is out here as well. He has the most toys in the end wins. The last decade has been very good here and money and debt is everywhere. The advertising is ment to make you feel like as looser if you do not have BMW or what ever they are offering. In reallity they are selling you discontent for what you already own. But in truth we are content with our home. Consumerisim is as powerfull a drug as any other. We do not live paycheck to paycheck and it is a very liberating feeling.

One in ten people in the U. S takes an antidepressant. This means that There are also millions of people on anti-anxiety drugs and anti-psychotic medications as well.

Many of these drugs have dangerous withdrawal symptoms such as causing an irregular heartbeat, seizures, and psychosis. In extreme cases quitting these drugs cold turkey can cause death.

As our economic situation declines, more and more people who are dependent on these medications will not be able to get access to these medications. This means millions of people could be in a lot of trouble. Do you agree millions being unable to take their medications would cause a significant social unrest in an economy that is in its death throes? I think when people are in the market to buy a new vehicle, they fall in love with all of the bells and whistles. Another thing we have become so depended on.

I remember the days when you would need a key to get into your vehicle and roll down the windows manually. No longer you can copy a key for your vehicle. It hits the nail on the head. We do live too materialistic. Allow me to quote from three individuals regarding living abundantly…. Money has never made man happy, nor will it, there is nothing in its nature to produce happiness. The more of it one has the more one wants.

Having few desires, feeling satisfied with what you have is very vital: As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler; solitude will not be solitude, poverty will not be poverty, nor weakness weakness. What did they know that we seem to miss? He has an unhealthy craving for controversy and for quarrels about words, which produce envy, dissension, slander, evil suspicions, and constant friction among people who are depraved in mind and deprived of the truth, imagining that godliness is a means of gain.

But godliness with contentment is great gain, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content. But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction.

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs. But as for you, O man of God, flee these things. Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

What do we do then? Check out these videos that tie in just awesomely with this article — Cody Lundin Newsweek Interview — http: How to Catch and Eat a Rat — http: The American Indians of the past are laughing at us as our ship country, government, economy, and society sinks.

It dictates everything we do, wear, say and determines which relationships are important and which ones are not. Love, companionship, family, and true friendship. When materialism supercedes those things, what happens when our material wealth is taken away from us? This is the first article that I have read that touched this topic at a very personal level. I see Gary2 is still desperately trolling about trying to get someone to give him something for nothing. Try being less of a burdensome parasite and earning what you need or want, like a successful human being does.

The problem is ppl need to strive to be rich in character such as honesty, integrity, hard work, etc. When Americans traded character for materialism, we started down a road that ends in defeat. This is all by design. There cannot be a middle class anywhere in the world for this group of global elite.

If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.

The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs. Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up. I totally agreed with you on this whole article because Life is not all about money!!! I always value my life way more than stupid money. America is not necessarily THE most materialistic society in history. Rome comes to mind. But yes, the collapse is coming. So I settled for his predecessor in this interview:.

As the Great American Economic Collapse proceeds, some, perhaps misguided bloggers, begin to suggest the unthinkable — that Americans practiced too much materialism. I see no problem with that.

The whole idea behind my party ideology is stuff. And that include money. Let me give Dick a call — I just wanna make sure money is also stuff…. Sure we all need money and stuff. The argument is, we want too much of it. Let me educate you — the US economy is private enterprise that runs by itself to perfection. Greenspan told me so.

It is the best economic engine in the world. My job is to leave it alone. My job is to take care of other matters. My job is security and crusade. For example, I decided to invade a foreign country called Iran not because of money or power. What about the GI who perished, and the , foreigners who also perished as a result of your decision? What do they die for?

Why do you have to ask such stupid question? Dying for materialism is stupid. Dying for my glory is glorious. I must be one of the most blessed on earth. Paul Craig Roberts writes: And he concludes with: The peoples are re-enserfed. The promised land is a promised land for the one percent.

Everyone loves you if you got money. Few people look deeper than that. Man would be lazy if the oppurtunity wasnt there or if there is no finish line. Money creates motivation and hard work…The ultimate goal in soceity is to save , make money and invest. I dont belive that people are lazy and stupid, i beleive that happiness and, oppurtunity creates its own success. There are 2 types of hard work…hard work with a finish line and hard work without. Too many people in the U.

S are spoiled and born with a silver spoon in there mouth. And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory. Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

Alas, alas, that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls!

And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off, 18 And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city is like unto this great city! Alas, alas, that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all. And her smoke rose up for ever and ever. You are one of few who see. Others are blinded by this fallen world and refuse to accept the truth but instead they follow the false teachings of their shepherds and false prophets.

The Lord Jesus knew what the attitudes of the citizens of Babylon the Great would be. Pleeeeeeeeeease read that http: I am a direct descendant of the Mayflower Pilgrims.

Of almost-as-early-as-Plymouth Rock Puritans. Of French Huguenot former nobility that relinquished title and wealth for the love of their God. Of the men and women whose farm was the literal battlefield of Saratoga where father and son actually fought on opposite sides of the line, both dying from wounds suffered in that battle. God help us all in these United States. The children and parents that produce the photographs and their commentary may be legitimate United States citizens but they are no American.

Not a one of them. American is an ethnicity and a way of life. Every last one of the greedy and useless bastards. To you dear American. I am a foreigner and married to one whose heritage is of this soil. I believe it is sorrow and pain that shall bring out the true American. Those who make it will NOT be those sur-planted. It is those of whose blood and tears have been birthed into this land through the generations.

I believe I will meet and see that true American and I will bless them to my dying breath. You being the resident Communist, I can predict your solution.

You can only fix yourself. I am only middle class, but I think the uber wealthy have probably protected their money from the U. So that means more investment in China or any place else but here where the business climate is so NOT friendly. Why do you keep being a lackey for dictators and would be mass murderers. I wont recommend you wake up because you just cant fix stupid.

I can tell you how to NOT get obscenely rich, and that is by making more regulations and trying to tax the crap out of everybody, so they just say the heck with the U. Have you not noticed the pattern? Why do you think you can force the rich to give your their money? You know what they will do? They will leave and invest their money where they can make more money with it. How they help us is investing so we get jobs, but by all this villainizing them, they are going elsewhere, and who can blame them?

It is called cutting off your nose to spite your face. Rich people are not obligated to stay in the U. I greatly agree with your comment re hedonistic America. In a few days, I will be posting on my website http: It makes Socialism look like an answer, when it is actually slavery.

Weed Names K K. Weed Names L L. Weed Names N Mr. And I will raise up for them a plant of renown, and they shall be no more consumed with hunger in the land, neither bear the shame of the heathen any more. Go forth, and visit a prisoner today. The hemp plant scientific name: The Bible speaks of a special plant. On either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare 12 manner of fruits, and yielding her fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

Cannabis was used 12 ways: For afore harvest, when the bud is perfect and the sour grape is ripening in the flower, he shall cut off the sprigs with pruning hooks and take away and cut down the branches. Hemp today has thousands of uses. Hemp is ecological and its seed is among the best food crops on Earth. Selected varieties produce flowers that provide an herbal relaxant and a spiritual tool. Its herb is used globally as medicine. Alcohol is the only drug openly discussed in the Bible, so it must serve as our reference.

It remains a sacrament in modern church services. Jesus began his public life by miraculously turning water into wine at the Wedding at Cana John 2: The Bible distinguishes between use and misuse. It says, Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts.

Yet the simple joys of drinking were also sung. He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: He said not to criticize other people for their habits. Jesus said to keep church and state apart. And it was government that put Jesus to death.

He warned us about seizure and forfeiture laws. The same shall receive greater damnation. The soldiers, when they had crucified Jesus, took His garments, and made four parts, to every soldier a part.

They persecute me wrongfully; help thou me. The Lord… hath sent me to bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to them that are bound. Warn your congregation that the war on marijuana is unchristian and must be ended. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you, that you will be no priest to Me … for I desired mercy and not sacrifice.

Every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused if it be received with thanksgiving…. If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine.

What does the Bible say about marijuana? The Lord hates those who speak lies and sow discord among brethern. For theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Despite common knowledge and widespread scientific support, the federal government has for nearly 30 years kept cannabis in schedule 1 as a deliberate way to deny patients access to medical marijuana.

This includes people suffering from asthma, cancer, migraine headache, chronic pain, spasticity, glaucoma, arthritis, and provides relief for many other conditions. As a result, people at various locations across the USA have had to risk and suffer years in prison for providing medical marijuana to patients as an act of compassion and personal conscience.

What would Jesus do? He chose to break the law in order to heal the sick. Wherefore it is lawful to do well on the sabbath days. And he stretched it forth; and it was restored whole, like as the other. Then came to Jesus scribes and Pharisees, which were of Jerusalem, saying, 2 Why do thy disciple transgress the tradition of the elders? Passages from the King James Bible that are relevant to the legal and moral status of Cannabis sativa, L. And the earth brought forth grass and herb yielding seed after its kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to everything that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

Cannabis is mentioned in Ex. Moreover, the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, 23 Take thou also unto thee principal spices, of pure myrrh five hundred shekels, and of sweet cinnamon half so much, even shekels, and of qaneh-bosm [cannabis] shekels, 24 And of cassia shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary, and of oil olive an hin: The entheogenic effects of such a solution — even when applied topically -would undoubtedly have been intense.

He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle and herb for the service of man: For afore the harvest, when the bud is perfect and the sour grape is ripening in the flower, he shall cut off the sprigs with pruning hooks and take away and cut down the branches. One believeth that he may eat all things. I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean of itself: For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times, some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused if it be received with thanksgiving: For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer. If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine, whereupon thou hast attained. And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielding her fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

Peanuts and cannabis fit this bill they have many of the same uses. Peanuts however kill some people. I do not advocate smoking of any substance carbon monoxide is a killer. A pipe dream to heaven sort of speak, or just a stretch to justify an addiction?

I think I got a callus on my right index finger from scrolling through it, just to get to the end of that nonsense posted. Drugs of all sorts shows up and caters to a society that has placed a high value on materialism. But — economic materialism, positively, this materialism might be considered a pragmatic form of enlightened self-interest based on a prudent understanding of the character of capitalist society.

Negatively, it is considered a crass, if not false, value system induced by the spell of commodity fetishism and void of more noble and worthy values. Well, this article only shows us the problem but hardly discusses the real solution.

And there is only one real solution, that is Jesus Christ! God is our only hope! Because of capitalism and entrepreneurial enterprise America leads the world in practically everything that has brought benefit to the world. So you are sick of hearing how wonderful America is? Why should America Apologize for this so called materialism. Seriously, what do YOU care about it? As for racism, No other Country is like America where you have so many different racial cultures living in the same Country.

Is China not a Homogeneous Society? Do you see as many races living there as you do in America? Of course not, yet we are told America is a racist Country when that is simply absurd.

The real reason we do it,,.

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