Miningpoolhub increased miner came out. Api 04, I've been tinkering around over the api few days with this api, not got anything worthy to share yet but miningpoolhub end goal is a dashboard which mimics this Miningpoolhub robin This strategy only moves from one pool to the next when the current one falls idle and makes no attempt to move otherwise. Every client wallets should be updated to latest version. Masternode payout is reverted due to fork issue on latest hard fork.
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Multialgo, Auto Exchange to any coin. Carve out the unused portions of sha2 implementation. Quotas are forward looking, so if the quota is changed on the fly, it only affects future work. We know this blind like auto exchange would make you really stuffy. This means that if you input a number of pools, it will try to use them as a priority list, moving away from the 1st to the 2nd, 2nd to 3rd and so on. Other than that, welcome to this sub.
Api was curious miningpoolhub why only our pool was affected and I found that several other pools also stuck masternode payee within 24 hours. But only one major blockchain seems to growing currently and we are on that blockchain. Quotas miningpoolhub forward looking, so if the quota is changed on the fly, it miningpoolhub affects future work. NiceHash has higher fees and payout requirements, and only api in BTC. Jul 14, man added sgminer. This api is dedicated to MiningPoolHub's service and nothing else. Download new wallet from http:
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Startcoin redirection is ended. Dash blockchain stuck at There's nothing we can do until dash dev solve this bug. We redirected all Dash mining connection to Startcoin.
So mining from http: We will make things back when dash fixes its bug. Mining server host name has changed from. Learn more Dash from.
As many darkcoin official forum members replied, it was related to masternode payee stuck bug around 0. I was curious that why only our pool was affected and I found that several other pools also stuck masternode payee within 24 hours.
Miners don't need to update but we encourage you to update if you are running personal wallet on your PC. It helps Darkcoin network stronger! We don't think darkcoin fork to be resolved completely yet. It may happen time to time. But only one major blockchain seems to growing currently and we are on that blockchain.
Darkcoin network fork occured. Our server ran several darkcoin wallets for failover, and it seems like mining process is running as usual. We are doing our best, reindexing wallets, monitoring the dev's announce. Payout is disabled to prevent false transactions at this time. Will resume when things are resolved completely.
Will post more info as things get clear. There's new update from darkcoin github. Try out if you can compile it. Maybe it's a fix for fork. MiningPoolHub allows you to mine the most profitable coins, assuming you use own of the auto-switching software or algorithm ports, and you can get paid in whatever coins they offer using an auto-exchanger. They have lower fees and payout requirements. I've reviewed all of the API reference commands however, of the ones that work, none return the payout threshold.
Is this supported or am I looking for something that does not exist yet? Ok I got it to parse, but the value it returns seems to be inaccurate.
Is it accurate for you? No that is the minimum value. There is no way to see what you have set for yourself yet that I can see. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy.
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MiningPoolHub submitted 1 month ago by SmokyTyrz.