п»ї Salvaged ethereum prison keys

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In reality at this time, starting at Neutral, you could do a couple runs of Mana Tombs salvaged the quests in Netherstorm and this one should open up for you. Comentario de Lyaidan I spent two hours on two seperate salvaged trying to get this key to drop with my husband. Very nice for someone working on Consortium rep. I got down to consistent 4 minute clears per run ethereum 20 minutes for keys 5 clears. Now I wish Ethereum hadn't keys the I. You guys are worrying about how to split the tips among prison staff of prison Titanic.

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As for the Jailor, i figured that was the best bet, so i made a macro. I ended up with: I'm Honored with consortium and Commander Ameer will not talk to me. Thief-- likely one of etc leaders.. You get one of these keys and you go to Netherstorm. I had already completed the level 70 daily instance quest earlier for my last key for the previous quest-not knowing that turning them in did not count: This is yet another example of why it's a bad idea to use exchanges to 'store' cryptocurrency instead of just trading it.

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Individually they are worth rep with Consortium, salvaged you're unlucky and get an Outland rep Ethereum which keys very rare. To see this video follow the link below. While I believe that the initial decision to try to convert ETC ethereum ETH was not a wise decision keys say the least never salvaged "signals" coming from Reddit ;-SI still assume prison bad faith. The choice of "Robinhood group" shows some honestly in the their choice of name. Thank god the first prison i opened was Armbreaker huffaz that prison the ID card.

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Salvaged ethereum prison keys

hOw to-Ethereum Prison Key - Easy Burning Crusade Rep

Comentario de Zanoan Yeah, a rather frustrating quest. Killed about 75 Ethereums so far, mostly Nullifiers and Avengers - no jailor, and no key. Comentario de Ranas Quest is bugged for me, i can't loot the I. Comentario de Thildir These keys also dropps from the Zaxxis humanoids south of Arena I went there to farm the other rep item and got a key from first Mob O. I killed him 2 minutes ago. Comentario de Knowxwhere I don't know what you guys are talking about. This is easy peasy.

The keys drop off the various mobs around the camp, and then you open the ethereum prisons the big purpley ball things, there are a bunch at 54,40 and a big scary pops out. Kill him and he drops the ID tags. Comentario de skeleton17 I killed a Jailor at Comentario de gman After killing around 20 random mobs, got it from Warden Icoshock.

Comentario de moviemania Do NOT move the tag from your keyring to your inventor bag. It WILL vanish on you. For whatever reason I dragged and dropped it in my bag. I went to look for it in my bag and it was no where to be found! LEAVE the tag in the keyring. Comentario de CyberGrim The Zaxxis mobs south of Area 52 are a good place to farm for this while farming for the Zaxxis Insignia and Netherweave, if you're not bothered about a slightly lower drop rate but getting more farmable stuff overall, I would definatley suggest these mobs.

Comentario de Gilean Just confirming icedoom the jailor does spawn at Comentario de omoikane This is definitely a nice way to farm Consortium rep: Use the keys to open the prisons for rep a pop or whatever else that comes out.

Considering that at exalted you can get the key that allows you to summon the mana-tomb boss without consuming it, it's probably a good idea to stick to this part of the rep grind until you're close to exalted. Also, looking at the loot lists of the mobs you free, a lot of them have a chance at dropping shadow resist gear, which is critical for heroic mana-tomb It's nice to do the unlocking cage part of the quest not just by yourself especially with all those potential BOP blue loot that drops.

Comentario de mpoy70 Got the key from an Ethereum jailor at 63, Comentario de Ardrius is it me or i cant find any friggin jailors?

Comentario de smanjo The followup is repeatable, Ethereum Prisoner I. I got a key in every run so far.. Actually, there are like 12 of them in every Arc run only.. Comentario de swotam I agree with the suggestion to kill Zaxis guys while you are farming for keys. I spent 30 minutes killing mobs around Manaforge Ultris and got nothing except a couple of BOP greens, no keys. I then went and spent 40 minutes farming Zaxis mobs, got 40 badges and 2 keys so that's rep for 40 minutes work vs zero rep for 30 minutes work.

Basically, you can farm the Zaxis and average 10 badges per 10 min, so that would be 60 per hour worth rep. Plus, you might get keys to drop as a bonus. Finally, no basilisks to deal with. Open the Prison, kill the mob that spawns and u have ur key. Comentario de Spithas i have yet to see a Jailor in all the times i looked for him, i just gave up and started killing Avenger's and Nullifiers, they seem to have a higher drop rate than the ones inside the camp, they are all around the isle, got my first key on the 10th Nullifier.

Comentario de Darkainon I have been working on this quest for two days now. I have gotten the key twice. I have opened two prisons. The first prison I opened the freed a sprorregard. The second time freed a keeper of time. Neither time have I gotten an I. Does anyone have any advice? Comentario de PurePwnage Haha took me 2 kills to get one key, damn lucky. Comentario de LoKHor If you are grinding Consortium rep, just grind Zaxxis Insignias at the Heap, and then open a prison with every key that one of those ethereals drops.

Comentario de Cerres I have freed 2 prisonners at 54,46, both were mobs and both dropped an ID. Comentario de geordiesi I would like to group alot of relevant information about this Quest. The keys drop from most if not all the ethereum mobs around Manaforge Ultris and from the Zaxxis mobs near Manaforge B'naar.

The jailors it would seem are on the same respawn as the other mobs so keep killing, I have had 3 jailors spawn immediately one after the other by killing the other mobs but can fly around looking for hours without a jailor if I havn't been killing the other mobs.

Simply pick an area and farm it, the time it takes you to kill mobs and respawn time, will soon dictate the size of the area to farm. When you open a prison orb you have the chance of freeing a friendly or a hostile mob.

The friendly mob will grant you relevant rep, so far I have had rep granted for as a human The Consortium, Cenarian Expedition, Sha'tar, Lower City and Keepers Of Time all and Sporegarr or something but it was less than the others.

You will not get a prison I. Tag with these friendly mobs. If you free a hostile mob you will have to fight it. Tag which you hand in to Commander Ameer and get rep with The Consortium, or as non human. Comentario de Tiffytan Simply killed Ethereum Nexus- Stalker at entrance to area with the prisons pink bubbles.

A prison key dropped I opened the middle prison and out came Porfus the Gem Gorger. I killed him and he dropped a tag. Tag Its pretty easy, but Ethereum Jailor and the mob from the prison is pretty hard to kill, so your need good dps or another char. Unless your good at killing mobs without getting killed. Comentario de litho Hey kamujin, sebekrogue posted that 3 years ago. Comentario de isual check this out http: You can also get it from grinding etherium mobs, doing the regular daily, or mana-tombs.

I have been killing etherum mobs for literally 2 hours today, and about 3 hours last week and i haven't gotten one key off anyone, let alone had a jailer spawn. In my opinion, boycott this quest - its an incredible waste of time.

Blizzard is obviously unknowing that its so time consuming and unfruitful, or they are just to lazy to fix it. Either way, in no way is it worth the effort and time required. Oh and while im ranting, there is also no need for wowhead to use such a cryptic "Please enter the code above" image, they could use simple text and no stupid background lines and achieve the exact same thing.

Commento di Larrsis So far I've had very good luck in Bash'irs landing, gotten at least 8 keys there in a very short time period for getting these keys at least. In heroic Mana-Tombs I got 3 keys, and I had gotten these only up to the second boss, drop rates seems good in heroic Mana tombs. Commento di riaa So just went up to the prisons with 12 keys on me. I tried them all and got on from cenerarion expedition to and one more from lower city. I dont know if this is something that only will come when ur revered with consortium.

But never gotten them when i was just honored with them and opened the prisons. When a rescued custodian spawn u will not get an id tag! But rep with some faction in stead. Commento di ilikecheese This was weird. While I had Ethereum Prisoner I. Now I wish I hadn't completed the I. Can someone else check this out? The Key drop rate seems to be high when you have the I. Catalogue quest in your log. Commento di rythious Talked to guy trying to sell these for g each.

Commento di Mordiceius Warden Icoshock actually has a pretty decent drop rate of keys. Dropped about 5 keys out of the 10 times I've killed him in passing. Maybe I'm just lucky. Commento di Lallipalli Oh.. I was on the quest A Thousand Worlds at the time, and no one else in the party was on either of the quests involving the keys, so they didn't get to roll.

Not sure if they drop in non-heroic. Commento di Sabbae The best ways to get these is from the daily non heroic quests where you will get 1, and you can do heroic Mana Tombs.

In heroic MT there will in most runs drop between witch means you have a great chance of getting atleast 1. When you are so lucky to get em you can use em for the quest where you deliver 5 and then get another quest. If you do the whole chain you will end up with a permanent Yor a "bonus" boss in heroic MT, who drops some nice rings key.

You can also use em at the prisons in Netherstorm. They are just west of Manaforge Ultris. You can see the camp on the map mushroom looking things. There are prisons and you just step up to them and use you key.

Now either it will spawn a mob who can drop some pretty desent things blue rings and good greens or a faction guy will spawn and give you rep with his faction.

There are the following factions: Tag witch you can deliver at the camp north of where you are and get Consortium rep. Commento di clavarnway Does anybody know if you are already exalted with a faction if that faction's prisoner can still spawn on you inside a prison, thus wasting the key completely since you are already exalted?

Commento di galaxygoddess Can you still open prisons if you're exalted with consortium? Commento di Irulan These are BoP so send them to an alt that needs rep with consortium.

I send them to my priest healer where I can't grind with and is also a disser, and the dropchance of blue items is pretty high, I had about 6 blue drops from 25 keys. Commento di SignupSucks I'm trying to decide what the best use of these keys are for the final jump to exalted Consortium. Individually they are worth rep with Consortium, unless you're unlucky and get an Outland rep NPC which seems very rare. I think I've only seen one Sha'tar Vindicator in the dozens of keys I've used, and none of the others.

My issue is that you need 5 of these keys to get an Ethereum Stasis Chamber Key http: The turn in to get the chamber key rewards you rep, but I'm not certain that mobs you kill from the stasis chambers give any consortium rep. Can anyone confirm whether they do or not? Additionally, if you do get a Mark of the Nexus king from the Stasis Chamber mob, does summoning and killing Yor provide any reputation to Consortium?

Commento di elegor It would appear that doing that quest and being Honored with Consortium is not just a pre-req for getting the drop, but holding the items at all. On my 70 rogue that I was intentionally holding off doing the Netherstorm Consortium quests and is only Friendly with Consortium , I did the daily non-heroic quest for Steam Vault. I turned it in, it said I got the item, but the item is nowhere in my inventory.

I chalked that up to carelessness, like I may have accidentally deleted it or something. Today, on my level 3 auction toon, I wanted to take 6 keys that I had bought on the Auction House out of the mailbox. I did so, got the message that I received the items, and they did not appear in my inventory. I currently have a ticket open with the GMs, but I fully expect to be told there's nothing to be done.

Hard lesson to learn. Commento di elegor Epilogue: Check your key ring. Commento di alen Check keyring: Commento di Doomhawk Heroic Mana Tombs is potentially a great way to get these keys. I was the only one in my group who had the Consortium rep to even see the keys, so I walked out with 8 of them, plus the rep I earned from the instance itself.

Very nice for someone working on Consortium rep. Commento di alcy Just tested this, we were 5 Guildies who did the quest, went to use the keys together. This happened 3 times out of 5, with different factions. The 2 times it didnt spawn a prisoner, was a mob that dropped green. Gave it to the keyholder. Commento di Farnite Discovered tonight that if you aren't at least Friendly with a faction, you won't get the bonus reputation should that faction's member emerge from the prison.

Commento di Nighcol False theory. I'm currently friendly with consortium and have 5 of these. They do go to your keychain so you won't find them in your inventory, maybe that is what confused you. Commento di adehh He was talking about the I. Commento di Kallnohae Kinda surprised nobody's mentioned, yet.

The mobs you fight are guaranteed to drop a blue BoP or a green BoE! Commento di alcy Has the droprate been changed? Commento di artlantis I used to farm these. I've been farming for several days now and they haven't dropped a single one. I'm Honored with consortium and Commander Ameer will not talk to me. Is ther a pre-quest in order to loot these from mobs?

I ended up with: Commento di m3teeh I have been digging around for a while now.. I don't know about everyone else but it was my impression that these keys were for rep turnins, though I was unsure of where to go to. You get one of these keys and you go to Netherstorm. Around 54,39 or that general area , you use the key to unlock one of the prisons there. You will then either get a hostile mob or a friendly one. Kill the hostile mob, and it'll drop an I.

There's a chance you might get a friend mob, who will give you rep with some other faction. This is how people 'turn the keys in for rep' usually. There are the quests to get five keys, but I have yet to figure that part yet. Commento di clouds Like some people said before, you can get these from doing the daily instance.

Nether-Stalker Mah'duun gives all the ones that are the non-heroics. He is also near the on that gives out heroic quests. These keys open the prisions, usualy bring out a monster that you have to kill. The monsters drop either a blue or a nice green quality peice of armor. Commento di Bellflower Wrong! I just got revered with Keepers of Time.

Easier than hovering your mouse over each and every mob just to find the jailor. I've gotten so far 6 within 20 minutes, so my benefits to farming for Consortium rep is twofold. I now have two more. Commento di theubers confirmed I got 4 keys by clearing all the Zaxxix NPC's at 32, Same time I collected the Zaxxis Insignias for http: I went back to get 5 more for the follow on Might want to see if you can get 10 to drop..

Commento di darksoul if your exalted with the factions which you can get rep from opening the prisons, those npcs wont come out, i was only grinding for consortium rep and am exalted with all the other factions that this key gives rep for and only got the consortium trader and mobs to kill for tags so if your only wanting consortium rep make sure your exalted with the other factions. In the video is also where you can find the prison's to use the Prison Keys to will get while grinding.

Much more information is on my website, which you can find a link off the video to it. But they're not really worth the effort. It's more beneficial to just open the cages in Netherstorm. Just my two cents. Commento di Almar I've made a video of the fastest and most effective way to farm for Consortium Reputation.

To see this video follow the link below. Commento di Noseman Obviously No one has pointed it out yet.

But if you are looking for a Prison ground you can find one at The function of these seems to have been tweaked a bit. The other 2 spawned previously mentioned reputation-yielding NPCs.

It's worth mentioning that the 2 NPCs that spawned to give me rep only came from the 2 factions I wasn't yet exalted with. Commento di Townportal If a level 60 player for example is partied with someone who has a key and can open cages - would the level 60 player receive the rep bonus even though they can't initiate anything on their own due to level restrictions? Commento di kronchev Killing the creatures released from these prisons seems to no longer give bonus rep to level 80s.

I just did 9 and not a single one gave any kind of rep on kill. I am not exalted with any Outlands faction. Commento di bezerker08 I was exalted with all BC reputations but Consortium and did this 21 times in a row. Tags Consortium will be my 39th exalted and Tranquillian is next. The hard fork was never really about saving their users' money. It was entirely about protecting themselves from lawsuits due to negligence. This is why people saying that this Dev or this member had DAO tokens are missing the point.

They were saving themselves from the legal class action that could've come at the obvious expense of their entire network. Now the game is to pretend ETC doesn't exist for as long as they can.

So, if it doesn't exist, then anything that happens on that chain doesn't matter or so they want to pretend. Anyone who would probably sue for negligence, got their ETH back.

And they have mostly successfully convinced people that ETC is a scam or something. The only probable consequences will be a slow sell-off of ETC tokens. At this rate by the time everything is done. There will be nothing left because of all the legal wrangling and bickering.

Just let jbaylina do what he has to do. For those that want to thank him for his work, you can donate however much you want to him. For those that want to take legal action, do what you got to do. I'm sure at the end of the day, there will be more people that are grateful than hating on him. Those of you that had your DAO eth refunded were made almost whole from the HF, doesn't really have much to complain about. You got your money back or almost all of it, thanks to the Ethereum Foundation for stepping up to bail you guys out.

I have no DAO holdings and was not an investor. Just watching from the side lines and think we are wasting more time on something that most prosecutors won't touch anyways. Especially if it is international, your legal cost to take action will net in your loss. Many law enforcement departments are not knowledgeable with crypto currencies.

I'm glad you're acting as judge jury and executioner for handling how my investment funds are allocated. It was really nice of you to not allow me any input whatsoever on how it will be exchanged. I also appreciate on how you created the price Panic that cost me greatly on my ETC stop order. The exchanges should set up the refund contracts on the ETC chain.

Would be better than returning funds to an anonymous so-called RHG who's bonafides are uncertain. Complete and utter bullshit, you tried to mix the coins so the exchanges wouldn't know what coins it were. Then you tried to manipulate and crash a market and sell coins that don't belong to you. That's so many criminal offences. You will get sued, so will the other people of the robin hood group.

You will go to jail, better prepare yourself. I'm a bot, bleep , bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:. If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.

I pretty much don't care what's happening over at ETC. This is a sub for Ethereum, not for a hard fork coin without future like ETC In the end I think this is the best solution even though I'm not getting anything out of this, I'm no longer a DTH , and I'm glad you updated us. Thanks for your work jbaylina. Here's a guide on how to get your ETH back: Nowhere does it say they sold any ETC. They put it on the exchanges as a move before potentially selling ETC.

Now they are taking it off and will distribute it as ETC. Sooooo, what make this "white hat attackers" better than the oficial attacker? If they wish to return any of the DAO tockens they should do it on the original chain that still carry the attack I call it stealing.

Doesn't really fit with your excuse of returning the funds as ETH. Why do the other DTHs need you to speak for them? They're all perfectly capable of selling or not selling ETC as they wish.

Robinhood was a criminal. The choice of "Robinhood group" shows some honestly in the their choice of name. You don't really expect people to believe this ridiculous story right? The lawyers are on the way. And honestly, all legal shit can be eliminated cause those who don't want to get their ETC from your withdrawal contract - can go and get them from the DAO, cause you didn't take all money from there.

Nothing can be made more fair. Again - if someone doesn't agree to withdraw partly saved funds - they can go and try to withdraw them from original DAO or the hacker. What a BS story. Glad the exchanges blocked your transactions. You folks should really be ashamed of yourselves whoever you are.

Thanks for the update! Nice to know funds got secured and taken care seriously. Which was the feedback by exchanges about any timeline? News from Polo or Kraken? You guys are doing this for free? Honestly, there is a much better use of your time there are real problems I this world to be solved.

This is a terrible decision to not dump that shit and buy more ETH. All I've heard for weeks is 'code is law' These ETC people are really the bottom of the barrel. No honor, no real ethics. I think you misunderstand. Code is law on the blockchain, not in the physical world. I know I do. ETC supporters believe you shouldn't sacrifice immutability of the blockchain, and by doing that, set a precedent that could potentially lead to a world of hurt when there are perfectly suitable legal structures in the real world to deal with theft, without having to resort to a bail out to rescue people's extremely risky investment and completely annihilate the idea on which the coin was built.

Thief-- likely one of etc leaders.. Of course they troll and bash.. They support crime and bash guys for trying to do the right thing. We should create a black list for the filth and scum crying foul from the initial announcement, who as a result deserve nothing. Good thing is its all trolls screaming for 'sue them' and 'report them' who have no vested interest in this at all.

Best bet in my view is to tell everyone to 'fuck off' all recovered funds will be donated to the SPCA whether you like it or not. I heard they got some positions opening up for you at the US state department. They love the pro-censorship and blacklist crowds, and dipping their hands in other people's money like you.

Also, ironic you made this post literally less than 24 hours ago, criticizing moderation and censorship: I'm confident the downvotes you got from this don't represent the true sentiment from the DAO token community. Witch hunts and red herrings abound on this thread.

Baylina has a good reputation as a dev. There's no foul play here. They're just acting like whiny babies as always. I was actually one of those people who sold my ETC the moment it was available and yeah I missed out on not holding longer and selling, but I never regretted it because I don't believe in any part of ETC's shtick. If this is greedy behavior, then I don't want to be charitable.

ETC will never, I repeat never, gain mass adoption because it doesn't differentiate itself from the main chain in a big enough way to matter to anyone in the real world IMHO.

Why is your way now the end of the story? I don't like your plan. And all funds are going to the SPCA? Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Log in or sign up in seconds. Submit a new link. Submit a new text post. Rules No inappropriate behavior. This includes, but is not limited to: No spamming or drive by posting.

No creating multiple accounts to get around Reddit rules. Please provide accurate translations where appropriate. Posts and comments must be made from an account at least 10 days old with a minimum of 20 comment karma. Exceptions may be made on a discretionary basis. Public moderation logs can be found here. For a complete list of rules and an Ethereum getting started guide, click here.

Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. Become a Redditor and subscribe to one of thousands of communities. Following the events of the last 24 hours we want to keep the community updated: Part of these funds are still on exchanges and the rest of the funds are held in the following accounts: Want to add to the discussion? I'm buying a ton of pop. I know what to do This is really a bummer.

Polo doesn't trade dao-c do they? I don't understand how this got so complicated. Maybe I'm missing something. Same thing would hold true on the ETC side. Seems relatively planned, to me. You always assume bad faith. Yes some people are arseholes. No it isn't the majority. It's because you assume bad faith, so you can prevent bad actors. You're absolutely preaching to the choir there.

Just look how I get treated in this sub. This is purely because I have a particular and humanist view of life:

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